Circle of Desire

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Circle of Desire Page 10

by Carla Swafford

  She wanted to kill both of them. Men!

  Instead she’d found out more. Yes, Mason loved screwing married women, but not while the husband was in the other room or stood by and watched. Turned out their psycho was bisexual and loved for the other half of a relationship to join in. Talk about an interesting turn she looked forward to telling Collin. Would he go through with a three-way? He always acted like he had a stick up his ass, maybe there was a reason. Then again, Collin might kill Mason if he tried. So here she sat, trying to find ways to keep his hands off her goods and still keep him happy. And figure out a way to get back at Collin.

  “Where’s that good-looking husband of yours?”

  “Why, sweet pea, don’t you worry a bit. My little ol’ husband will be back any moment now.” She was laying on the southern accent thick, but from the way Mason, a city boy from Chicago, was drooling from the corner of his mouth, he loved every minute of it.

  “You’re sure he would like to play with us?” he asked as he placed an arm around her shoulders and leered at her breasts. She grabbed his dangling hand and threaded her fingers between his, more to keep him from grabbing than anything to do with closeness. He licked her ear—yuck! Collin owed her big time—and whispered, “Wouldn’t you like me to have one of the drivers join us?”

  She really wanted to teach the creep a thing or two about manners, but Collin needed time to find an empty suite at The Phoenician. Many of the fans had left after the race and the rumor ran through the crowd a big dog who had reserved one had left an hour ago. The suite played a part in the plan of setting the stage for the creep’s expected seduction of Olivia. Only Collin didn’t know Mason expected a ménage à trois.

  “Oh, no. True, I love a man in a jumpsuit, but I’m not a helmet licker by any means. It’s the man out of the uniform who counts.” She patted his bony knee. “My hubby likes men as aggressive as he’s shy.” She had to bite the inside of her mouth to keep from laughing. Wait until Mason and Collin were alone together. He deserved everything Mason dealt out for leaving her to be ogled and pawed.

  “Is that right?” he asked as he leered down her blouse. She caught his other hand before he slipped it between her legs. His head jerked up. “There’s your handsome husband now.” Mason nodded toward the entrance.

  Dressed in black jeans and a white shirt unbuttoned far enough to see a little chest hair and plenty of tanned skin, Collin craned his neck looking for them in the crushing crowd.

  She waved her hand. “Yoo-hoo!”

  Collin strode across the room as the partygoers moved out of the way. His eyes appeared to be on her and Mason, but she could tell he was aware of all the people surrounding them. Did they sense the danger walking near them?

  “Who’s your new friend, sweetheart?” Collin asked as he leaned down and kissed her.

  She grabbed the back of his neck and took advantage of his mouth. He’d probably planned for the kiss to be perfunctory, but no way could she pass up the opportunity to aggravate him. Instead she found heat racing through her body with his answering thrust of tongue.

  “Hey, you two, get a room.” Mason cackled.

  Collin pulled away and used his thumb to wipe off her Luscious Pink lipstick from his bottom lip. The man had a gorgeous mouth even if he was wearing a smirk. His eyes met hers. Did she see a flare of anger? Or had he gotten carried away with the moment too?

  “Speaking of rooms, darling, I just got us the Presidential Suite. Let’s check it out.” Collin’s smirk changed to the breathtaking smile she’d seen him give Doctor Blondie her first day in the OS.

  She had to keep reminding herself he was acting, playing a part for Mason’s benefit. Her confusion confirmed she was not good at working with a partner. His eyebrows rose, waiting for her to continue the act.

  “Then let’s go and check it out.” Pretending she’d forgotten the man soaking in Collin’s presence, eyes wide she looked over at Mason. “Oh, honey, would you like to see the suite too? I’ve heard it’s gorgeous though not as big as the one in the main building.” A part of her wished he would say no. Sure, it would hamper their plan, but she might wangle a couple interesting minutes with Collin.

  Mason grinned big. “I’d be honored.”

  Disappointed but hiding it, she moved toward the door with the men close behind as two mammoth-sized shadows came out of nowhere and followed them into the hallway. She could think of several ways to get rid of the bodyguards but every method was loud and messy. So she tried a different tactic.

  She turned to Mason. “Sugar, don’t you think your boys are really unnecessary. They would cramp our style, you could say. You know two’s company, three’s a ménage à trois, but four or more is a messy orgy, and we don’t want that. This time.” She raised her eyebrows in promise for the future.

  Mason stopped and narrowed his eyes at her. Had she gone too far and was he on to her? When those pale eyes centered on Collin, she knew they had him.

  “Boys, you can go back to the party and have the night off,” Mason ordered.

  The one with the shaved head raised a hand to plead. “But, Boss, you don’t—”

  Mason interrupted. “Did I ask your opinion?”

  They shook their heads and turned back to the party.

  “Fuck. They have a room full of horny pit lizards and they want to argue.” Mason leered at her breasts. “How much further?”

  “We’re on the floor above this one.” Collin held the elevator door open as they entered. In seconds after they stepped off, he unlocked one of the double doors. The suite was immaculately decorated and opened onto a large terrace, giving the main room an airy feeling.

  “Oh, honey, it’s beautiful.” Her hand glided over the back of a puffy sectional couch. “Would you gentlemen like a drink?” She headed for the bar.

  “Wait!” She stopped in her tracks with Mason’s bark. “Let’s skip the unnecessary pleasantries. I want to see you kiss her again and make it hot.” His demand was directed toward Collin.

  Oh, ho, her boss man didn’t like that but what reason could he make up to say no? To save the situation, she stepped between Mason and Collin.

  “Show Mason how good of a kisser you are, sweetheart.” She skimmed her hands over his chest and then around his neck. At first, his lips were unyielding as she savored the opportunity to kiss him again without fear of rejection.

  “If that’s the way you kiss your wife, no wonder she’s looking at other men like they’re all-day suckers. And I have a man-sized sucker here for her,” Mason said as he rubbed his quite noticeable erection.

  Crude as it was, Mason’s derision was the kick Collin needed. He turned her head back to him and his mouth sunk onto hers as he thrust his tongue, taking her breath away by the forcefulness.

  “Yeah, man, fuck her mouth good with your tongue. Give it to her.” Mason moved in closer and Olivia really wished he would disappear. She needed more from the man kissing her and without an audience. Who knew how long Collin would play along with Mason?

  Hands came up and cupped her breasts, but she knew Collin’s hands were on her waist. Mason was getting impatient and Olivia wanted to throw up.

  Collin released her and pushed her away. She stumbled back and laughed, wiping her mouth, pleased that the move caused Mason to drop his hands. Collin turned from her as if the kiss meant nothing. Maybe it hadn’t. So much emotion, anger was behind the kiss and she liked it. A lot.

  It was time for the boss man to be brought down a peg or two. “Which way to the ladies’ room?” she asked with as much casualness she could muster.

  Collin gave her a questioning look but pointed down a dark small hallway on the right.

  “I’ll be back,” she said and then added, “You and Mason have a good time and I’ll be back before you know it.” She blew him a kiss and quickly stepped into the shadows. Not wanting to miss a thing, she peeked around the corner into the living room she’d just left.

  Mason didn’t waste any time. He grabbed C
ollin’s crotch, massaging the shaft she loved feeling against her body and said something Olivia bet was even cruder than before. Instead of cussing and jerking away from Mason, Collin grinned in a way that sent cold chills down her spine and then his hand chopped the side of the man’s neck. Mason dropped like a piano from a high-rise.

  “Olivia, you can come out now.” His voice sounded calm, even like he was unperturbed by her trick.

  Not until she stood in front of him did she see his cold, furious look. Oh, damn, had she pushed him a tad too far? Then Mason groaned and a flash of embarrassment crossed Collin’s face. Priceless. She burst out laughing.

  Collin did what he’d become good at, he ignored her and bent over the man, rolling him onto his stomach. With a knee on Mason’s back, he grasped his wrists. “Get the satchel behind the bar and hand me the handcuffs and rope.”

  Less than five minutes later, Mason was tied up. After a quick call by Collin, Rex and several other operatives entered from the terrace, wearing uniforms that proclaimed the best rug cleaners in Scottsdale. They rolled the man in one of the rugs and simply walked out of the hotel.

  “Kind of like Cleopatra. Hey, why didn’t you do that to me instead of that crappy drug and stupid stretcher?” Olivia poured herself a snifter of fine brandy from the bar and raised it to her lips as her gaze followed his movement across the room. Watching him had become her latest hobby.

  “You were unplanned and there wasn’t a rug in the hotel room.” He stopped in front of her and glowered. “Your little fun and games could’ve ruined the operation.”

  She tossed back the drink. The smooth liquor burned in a good way down her throat. “I knew you could handle it.” Then she realized what she said and giggled. “Handle it! I guess Mason handled it too.”

  His impassive look bothered her more than she liked. She’d rather he stayed mad at her.

  “Olivia.” He lifted the glass out of her hand and sat it on the bar. “Your life depends on your following my direction.”

  Heat from his body drew her one step closer. “You’re fond of threatening me.” Her breasts flattened against his chest. “I think I intrigue you, make you want to find out what makes me tick.” The last few words she said in a whisper near his ear. Her tongue gilded across the pulse at his neck and along his jaw line.

  He smelled and tasted so good. Her heartbeat felt like it had stopped.

  Then his fingers clutched her shoulders and held her away as he glared at her. He was always glaring at her. She tried her best to hold back the grin but one corner tilted up. The flare she loved seeing in his sinfully dark eyes burned with emotions he kept tightly in control. Then his mouth covered hers, tongue dipping and exploring. Her belly flipped and a tremor shot between her thighs, moistening their depths.

  He released her so fast, she stumbled.

  “Fuck you,” he spit out. His chest heaved as he backed away.

  Using one hand on the bar beside her, she regained her balance. “That’s what I’ve been trying for days to get you to do.” She couldn’t manage a grin this time. She was dead serious. Never had she wanted a man so bad.

  He didn’t say a word, his gaze said it all. Though he’d teased her for months, for some crazy reason, she was unfuckable in his eyes. A ball of hurt congealed in her stomach. Motionless, she watched as he turned his back to her and strode out of the suite.

  Chapter Twelve

  Olivia stared at the stars as she floated in the water. The twinkling above was like white Christmas lights decorating the sky. A constant celebration of life. She wished she could fly up and touch them and escape this stupid world. She grinned at the whimsical thought so unlike her. Taking a deep breath, the heaviness in her chest lightened. All her cares disappeared as she drifted in the cool liquid. She loved the smell of chlorine and how it reminded her of the time before her foster mother had died and their days at the community pool.

  At the edge of her memories, she fought back the dark ones and dunked her head in the water and quickly resurfaced. Floating at the outermost boundary she concentrated again on the sky above her.

  She liked how the hotel’s larger pool was far enough from the brightest lights, letting her enjoy the sky’s natural light show. Several shooting stars burned short paths to earth. Music and people’s conversations echoed across the large expanse. She leaned further back, letting the water fill her ears for a moment, muting all sound. That wasn’t very smart considering she possibly had people hunting for her, wanting her dead. She didn’t fool herself in believing The Circle wouldn’t find out she was still alive. True, she needed to be alert at all times, but everyone needed a break from the world.

  After she realized Collin didn’t want her help in searching Mason’s suite, she decided to put on the swimsuit OS had supplied her for the trip. The turquoise one piece clung to her body in ways that made it almost more indecent to wear than any of the itty-bitty two pieces she owned.

  Looking down at her nipples thrusting against the clingy material as water poured out of her ears, she wondered what Collin would think of the suit? Would he like to run his hands over the silky cloth and thumb the hard nubs begging for his touch? He probably would and then get mad when she wanted more from him.

  Releasing a sigh, she shook her head. His hot-cold routine was wearing thin. She had no idea what his problem was, but she did know she would have to find a way to quench her hunger. So far, self-gratification wasn’t getting it. She really wanted Collin and no one else. Anyway, if she’d been inclined to go elsewhere, none of his people were brave enough to fuck her.

  A burst of laughter drew her attention to the other end of the pool. The party had spilled out onto the patio. From the corner of her eye, she caught movement near a palm tree. She swam silently to the shadows and watched a couple stroll toward a cabana a good distance from the party, mere feet from her. She heard the woman giggle as the man reassured her they were alone. Before Olivia knew it, she was front and center to the couple stripping. The man pressed the woman face first over a chair and then he mounted her. Their grunts and moans, groin slapping buttocks, had her breasts aching and her hand covering the clenching need between her thighs.

  Damn, she really didn’t need this. Diving into the warm water, she remained close to the bottom until she reached the ladder on the other side. She grabbed the white towel she’d left on a nearby lounge chair and wrapped it around her. Chill bumps covered every inch of her body. Arizona temperatures at night dipped quick and low. She slung her hair over one shoulder and twisted as she walked toward the suite. Mason’s bodyguards wouldn’t look for their boss until daylight and they would be long gone by then.

  She skirted around several couples, admiring one man’s muscular frame. He was as tall as Jason Kastler and had sun-kissed blond hair like his too.

  “Christ,” she bit off as she stepped behind a pillar, her gaze darting around the patio, looking to see who was working with him. Surely everyone could see her heart knocking against her chest. She peeked at Jason again. Who was he decoying for?

  He laughed and leaned over a brunette, his back to Olivia. Without risking a moment more, she darted into the nearest doorway. Taking long strides, she worked at looking like a person set on a certain path but not truly running. And goodness she wanted to run. Though she’d teased Jason while reporting to him, he could be deadly when provoked and he would be none too happy with her defection.

  The cool air in the suite brought out more chill bumps as she stepped into the foyer and leaned against the wall. Strips of light shining through the vertical blinds broke up the floor and gave the room a closed in feeling. One step forward moved her from the cold slate floor to the carpet. Her bare feet sank into the thickness and she curled her toes.

  Her attention caught the darker shadow in the chair. “I saw Jason Kastler,” she said, proud her voice stayed even and low.

  Collin stood. “Where were you?” His deep voice was steady with a thread of menace twined in.

he dropped the towel. “Enjoying the pool.”

  Though she couldn’t see his eyes, her body sensed them drift down to her breasts and hard nipples.

  “You were taking a chance on Mason’s people seeing you.” He stopped so close she felt the heat blasting from his body.

  She pressed her chest to his. “They never looked at my face and their eyes never stray from what’s cold and warming against your delicious body as I speak.” A little shimmy of her shoulders emphasized what she meant.

  His big hands clasped both sides of her head, holding her still as his lips came to hers. “You keep pushing and you’ll regret what you start.” He slammed his mouth over hers, thrusting his tongue deep and she answered with her own. His earlier refusal forgotten in the heat of their kiss.

  Moaning when his hot hands cupped her cool breasts, she bowed her back, hoping he wouldn’t push her away as he had so many times. His fingers bunched up the material and jerked, the top section fell to her waist. Hard hands covered her naked swollen breasts and massaged them. Between her thighs a heavy throbbing sensation warned her she was about to come. How did he arouse her merely by touching her breasts? His head dipped. Using lips and teeth he tugged at the sensitive tips, then sucked hard, pushing the nubs with his tongue against the roof of his mouth. One hand clasped her mons and pressed. That was all it took. She whimpered, trying to hold it back but unable to resist. The man’s hands were deadly and gifted.

  With one hand she pushed her swimsuit to her ankles and kicked it off. She shifted one leg between his and rubbed her groin on his thigh. He inhaled and stood straight.

  Collin struggled to regain control of the situation. Damn! The naked woman rubbed against him like a cat in heat and he liked the hell out of it—wanted to throw her on the floor and fuck her like the animal she brought out of him.

  Steeling himself, he took a deep breath and shoved her shoulders to the wall, keeping his pulsating cock away from her.

  “I’ve been waiting for you. Don’t leave like that again. It’ll be daylight in less than an hour. His guards will be looking for him not long after sunrise. If we don’t move now, we’ll be fighting our way out,” he warned. Remembering what she’d told him, he added, “Jason Kastler and The Circle are the last of my worries.”


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