The Goldsworth Series Box Set

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The Goldsworth Series Box Set Page 16

by Davie J Toothill

“I don’t know, I was just stupid.”

  “Damn right you’re stupid,” Brandy spat. “You’re a stupid fucking bitch. You wanted to grass us all up, didn’t you?”

  “No, I swear.”

  Tears were streaming down Zoe’s face now, her make-up running, as Brandy took a step closer to her.

  “Just tell me the truth, bitch,” Brandy shouted, “I know you were going to tell her. You’re just a fucking grass.”

  “I never rang her,” Zoe cried. “I just liked knowing that I had options, I’m sorry. I’ll bin the card right now, and I’ll never tell anyone anything again.”

  Brandy pulled her lighter out of her pocket and lit the flame. She held Serena Patterson’s business card over the flame and they both watched as it folded, blackened, and then fell to the floor as a pile of ash.

  “If you ever breathe a word to anyone,” Brandy hissed, pinning Zoe against the wall, “You’re fucking dead. You and your fucking baby.”

  * * *

  Aurora felt her pulse quicken as her lips met Clint’s. She ran her hands over Clint’s chest as their tongues met and she leant closer into him. She felt his hands exploring her body, his fingers delicately tracing her bra-line and caressing her face, skittering over her stomach, sending fire through her body. He pressed his body closer against hers, and she felt his erection through his jeans. Clint was on his side, hovering over her now, still kissing her. Aurora felt his hands on her legs, just above her knees, slowly edging up between her legs. He parted her legs and positioned himself so he was on top of her, his body between her legs, his breathing hot and heavy. Aurora opened her eyes and looked up at the stars, and pulled away from Clint.

  “Did I do something wrong?” he asked, looking at her with wide eyes, his lips wet.

  “No, it’s just, I don’t want to rush it,” Aurora said quietly, worried that Clint would turn and run in the opposite direction. Clint considered her words for a moment and climbed off her, resuming his seated position beside her. Aurora lay down beside him for a moment, and then sat up too, pulling her skirt back down.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “It’s just, I like you, and I want it to be more special than this.”

  Clint nodded.

  “I know, I want that too,” he sighed. “I really like you too. I’ve liked you for ages, but I was always just scared to tell you, I guess.”

  “Same here,” Aurora said, smiling. “I thought you’d think I was crazy.”

  “I thought you must have some secret boyfriend, because you were never like the other girls at school,” Clint admitted. “You’re better than them.”

  “You’re better than you give yourself credit for too,” Aurora said.

  Clint looked uncomfortable.

  “So we like each other?” Clint said after a while. “What do we do?”

  “What do you mean?” Aurora laughed.

  “Should we tell people?” Clint asked. “I mean, are you my girlfriend now then?”

  “I don’t know,” Aurora said, “I guess it depends if you ask me out or not.”

  “Will you be my girlfriend?”


  “Great,” Clint smiled widely.

  “We should probably head back to the party,” Aurora said. “Before Sasha sends out a search party for us.”

  “Can we wait for a few more minutes?” Clint asked.

  Aurora looked bemused, until Clint leaned forward and kissed her again. Their tongues met and Aurora leant in closer to him, hand on his chest. She could feel his heart beating fast and she felt her own heart bursting with happiness.

  * * *

  A knock on the bathroom door surprised Brandy and Zoe.

  “Open this door,” Sasha called in, “People need to piss, and I don’t want them doing it anywhere but in here.”

  Brandy threw a warning look to Zoe and crossed the room, flicking the lock. Sasha nearly fell through the door as it opened, and was surprised to see Brandy and Zoe there.

  “What are you two doing in here?” she asked.

  “None of your business,” Brandy said, pushing past her into the corridor.

  Sasha looked affronted, “What’s your problem Brandy?”

  Brandy turned around, eyes narrowed.


  “You heard me,” Sasha said. “You’ve been acting weird for weeks now. What’s going on?”

  “Leave it Sasha,” Zoe said softly, and Sasha saw that she had been crying, “She’s just going through a rough time lately.”

  “I told you to be fucking quiet,” Brandy hissed, glaring at Zoe. “Now, get out the fucking bathroom. It’s time for you to go home.”

  “No,” Sasha said, “Zoe doesn’t have to leave until she wants to.”

  “It’s alright,” Zoe insisted.

  “No it isn’t. You can’t keep on being a rug forever.”

  “Fuck off Sasha,” Brandy groaned, “We’re not in the mood for your shit tonight. Zoe wants to go home, right Zoe?”


  “Get a move on then,” Brandy hissed, and Zoe began collecting her things off the floor.

  Sasha eyed them both suspiciously.

  “You know, whatever’s going on, I’m going to find out,” Sasha said.

  “I doubt it,” Zoe said softly, “Not if Brandy and Troy have anything to do with it.”

  “Troy?” Sasha asked, and turned to Brandy, “Are you and Troy having problems?”

  “No we’re fucking not,” Brandy said. “Get the fuck up Zoe.”

  Zoe finished throwing the rest of her things into her handbag and rose to her feet, following Brandy down the corridor to the front door. Sasha watched them go with a mixture of bemusement and concern. Then a pair of hands clasped her around the stomach and lips were on her neck.

  “I thought we were going to your room,” Tamar said, “I’ve found some condoms.”

  “Yeah, great,” Sasha said, and followed him back to the bedroom.

  Brandy followed Zoe out of the flat and across the courtyard, until they were out of earshot of the party.

  “Stop being smart,” Brandy said, “I know you were trying to piss me off in there and congratulations, it worked. But don’t pull that shit with me again, right?”

  “Fine,” Zoe said, and turned away and walked off without looking back at Brandy.

  * * *

  Aurora and Clint walked back to the estate from the playing fields, hand in hand. Aurora couldn’t stop smiling and she knew that Clint couldn’t either. His palms felt reassuringly warm holding hers and she felt secure with him.

  “It’s probably best if I talk to Troy before we tell anyone else,” Clint said, as they reached the back of the estate. “Just so he doesn’t think I’ve been lying to him or anything.”

  Aurora considered it for a moment and nodded, “I guess you’re right. I don’t think Brandy likes me though, so I don’t think they’ll be that happy.”

  “Who cares what they think?” Clint said, and laughed. Aurora joined in. She gave Clint a peck on the lips and straightened out her clothes, ready to re-join the party.

  A figure suddenly stepped out in front of them. Zoe. Her face was dripping with sweat and she was panting heavily, clutching her stomach.

  “Zoe, are you alright?” Aurora asked, concerned.

  “No,” Zoe gasped, blinking back tears, “My waters broke. I think I’m having the baby.”


  “What do you mean you’re having the baby?” Clint said, sounding horrified.

  Zoe was panting and moaning, clutching her stomach, almost doubled over in pain. Aurora rushed to her side.

  “She’s having contractions,” Aurora said, looking at Clint. “Go and get Sasha, bring some towels or something.”

  Clint remained frozen for a moment and then nodded, and ran off into the dark. Aurora clutched Zoe’s arm, leaning her against a wall. She fumbled for her purse, then realised she had left it in the flat when she had gone for the walk with Clint.
  “Shit, my phone’s at the flat,” Aurora cried.

  “Use mine,” Zoe groaned, “It’s somewhere in my bag.”

  Aurora riffled through the bag that lay discarded a few feet away on the floor and found the phone. She dialled 999 with shaking fingers and asked for an ambulance. The operator said that they were sending somebody straight away. She asked Aurora to stay on the line, but then the phone cut out.

  “It’s died,” Aurora gasped, “Your phone just died.”

  “I forgot to charge it this morning,” Zoe panted. “Fuck, I’m so stupid.”

  “No, you’re not,” Aurora said. “Just don’t worry, the ambulance is on its way. Everything’s going to be okay.”

  “What if something happens to the baby?” Zoe asked, eyes wide with fear.

  “Nothing’s going to happen,” Aurora reassured her.

  “It hurts so much.”

  “I bet,” Aurora said. “Squeeze my hand if it hurts.”

  Zoe’s sweaty hands grabbed Aurora’s and squeezed. Aurora gasped in pain but kept quiet, whispering reassurances at Zoe, who seemed oblivious to them, moaning and crying.

  * * *

  Clint flew into the party, knocking two people over in his haste to get through the front door.

  “Oi, watch it mate,” one of the guys said.

  “Fuck off,” Clint roared, and the guy stepped back and went quiet. “Where’s Sasha?”

  “Bedroom,” Amal laughed, appearing from nowhere. “Getting it on with Tamar.”

  Clint pushed past him and knocked on the bedroom door, before flinging it open. Sasha shrieked and pulled the duvet over herself. Tamar looked pissed off and hastily pulled his boxers back up, shouting obscenities.

  “Clint, what the fuck is wrong with you?” Tamar shouted.

  “Sasha,” Clint said, ignoring Tamar, “It’s Zoe. She’s having the baby.”

  “Oh shit,” Sasha gasped, “Where is she?”

  “Down an alley,” Clint said, “Aurora’s with her.”

  “Fuck sake,” Tamar said, as Sasha pulled her bra and knickers back on and quickly stuffed herself back into the red dress.

  “Come on, we might need your help,” Sasha said, slapping Tamar’s arm.

  Tamar reluctantly pulled on his jeans and shirt and Clint led the way back out of the flat. Troy appeared in his line of vision, his arm draped around Brandy, and his eyes wide and menacing.

  “What’s up Clint?” Troy said, laughing, “Ain’t seen you in ages.”

  “I can’t stop now,” Clint replied, “Zoe’s having her baby.”

  “Shit,” Troy laughed, “How ugly will that baby be?”

  Clint shrugged him off and went out the front door. Brandy clambered after them, and clutched Sasha by the arm.

  “Are you sure?” Brandy asked, “That she’s having the baby?”

  “Yeah she is,” Sasha said, “No thanks to you.”

  Clint watched the scene, suspicious, but said nothing. Sasha looked at him expectantly, and he left the flat and retraced his footsteps to where he had left Aurora and Zoe. Sasha and Tamar followed, hot on his heels, Tamar still muttering swear words.

  Before they turned the corner, they could already hear Zoe crying and grunting. Aurora was saying soothing things, and Clint felt proud of her for staying so calm.

  Aurora looked relieved to see them, and Zoe looked up briefly.

  “Oh my God,” Sasha gasped, looking at Zoe. “You look like shit.”

  “I’m having a baby,” Zoe gasped, “What the hell do you expect?”

  “On TV they always look so calm,” Sasha mumbled.

  “I phoned an ambulance,” Aurora said. “They said they’ll be a few minutes.”

  Sirens wailed in the distance and gradually grew louder.

  “I wish they’d hurry up,” Zoe cried.

  “Me too,” Aurora gasped, “My hand’s gone numb.”

  “Let me take over,” Clint said. He managed to slide Aurora’s hand out of Zoe’s grip and he winced when Zoe clamped down on his own hand. Aurora stifled a laugh at the expression on his face.

  “It’s not funny,” Clint said, a smile forming on his lips.

  “How long until the baby comes out?” Tamar asked.

  “I hope not too long,” Zoe said.

  “It can’t hurt that much,” Tamar said, looking at her with doubt.

  Sasha turned and kicked him in the shin as hard as she could. Tamar howled in pain and hopped on the spot, swearing loudly and his eyes watering.

  “What was that for?” he managed.

  “Times that pain by a hundred,” Sasha said, “Then you’ll know what Zoe’s going through.”

  Blue flashing lights appeared at the end of the road and the sirens grew even louder. An ambulance came into view and two paramedics appeared.

  They looked at Zoe, and exchanged looks. Zoe swore and doubled over in pain, shrieking.

  “We’ll take it from here,” one of the medics said, “She’ll need to go to hospital.”

  “Sasha, don’t leave me,” Zoe cried, and Sasha followed the medics and Zoe into the back of the ambulance. Aurora, Clint and Tamar watched as the ambulance reversed and disappeared back out of the estate.

  “Fuck, talk about overreacting,” Tamar said.

  “Yeah,” Clint laughed. “Bet you could do it no problem.”

  Tamar rolled his eyes. Clint flexed his fingers, trying to get the feeling back into them.

  “She crushed your hand too?” Aurora asked.

  “Yep,” Clint grinned.

  “So where did you two go off to then?” Tamar asked, as they headed back to the flat.

  “Just went to the playing fields,” Clint replied. “Fancied some fresh air.”

  Aurora and Clint exchanged looks and both smiled. Tamar caught the exchange but said nothing.

  * * *

  At the flat, Brandy sat on the sofa staring at the wall across the room. Troy was beside her, talking shit to some guys he had sold cocaine too. Not that he had made much of a profit, Brandy thought, as Troy had spent most of the night snorting it himself.

  She thought about Zoe, having the baby. She must be in pain. Agony. She would be all alone, unless her mother suddenly decided to patch things up after months of separation. Brandy doubted it. That was something that they had first bonded over, Brandy and Zoe. Their mothers, or lack of, as the case seemed to be. Brandy thought briefly of her own mother, who was probably crawling the ceiling on dope by now, alone at the flat on a Saturday night. Still, Brandy thought, at least her mum lived with her. Zoe had nobody. Then again, Brandy wondered whether she would care much if her mother moved out and decided she wouldn’t. She basically lived at Troy’s flat anyway, so she wouldn’t notice if her mother had disappeared.

  The door to the flat opened and Clint and Aurora appeared, tailed by Tamar. Brandy sighed with frustration. It seemed Clint and Aurora had spent most of the night together so far, even though she’d tried to keep them apart. Troy didn’t even notice he was so up to the eyeballs on coke. Brandy poured herself another drink and downed it in one.

  “How’s Zoe?” she asked as Clint and Aurora sat down on the adjacent sofa.

  “She’s gone to hospital,” Aurora replied. “Sasha went with her.”

  “So she’s really having the baby?”

  “Seems that way,” Aurora said.

  “Great. Maybe I should go and see her, make sure she’s okay.”

  She was worried that Zoe, in her state, would reveal something about Shaniqua and the stabbing. Aurora, however, looked uncomfortable.

  “I think she’ll be okay for now with just Sasha,” she said.

  Brandy opened her mouth to reply but kept quiet. She wanted to punch Aurora in the face, but she knew that she had to be on her best behaviour.

  Aurora leaned into Clint and whispered something that Brandy couldn’t make out, and they both left the room. Probably off for a quick fuck, Brandy thought. She hoped that was all it was. The last thing
she needed was Clint getting edgy.

  “Wonder where they’re off to,” somebody said, sitting beside her on the sofa, and Brandy eyed Tamar suspiciously.

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “You saw them just now, sneaking off together,” he said.

  “That doesn’t mean they’re up to anything.”

  “Open your eyes, Brandy, they’re screwing. I saw them together, all lovey-dovey eyes and everything.”

  “Lucky Clint,” Amal said, squeezing himself between them. “Aurora is well hot.”

  “She’s a slag,” Brandy snapped.

  Amal and Tamar exchanged looks and moved away to chat-up some girls. Brandy turned to Troy and found him still showing off to his new friends. Brandy sighed. She was worried about Clint and Aurora’s newfound romance. It could cost them all everything, and she was determined that nothing would cause problems for her and Troy.


  Troy opened his eyes and immediately wished he hadn’t. His head pounded and his throat felt dry and hoarse. He groaned and drew the covers up over his face. Brandy murmured something beside him and then the covers were pulled off him.

  “What the fuck?” Troy moaned, “I’m trying to sleep.”

  “I don’t care,” Brandy said, sitting up in the bed, “We need to talk.”

  “It can wait until later,” Troy said, pulling the covers back over himself.

  “No it can’t,” Brandy insisted. “You need to get up.”

  “Fuck off.”

  “At least open your eyes and listen then.”

  “No, just go back to sleep,” Troy said.

  “It’s about Clint and Aurora.”

  “What about them?”

  “They got together last night,” Brandy said.

  This made Troy open his eyes. He rubbed them, and looked at Brandy, who was sitting beside him in the bed, looking frustrated.

  “They can’t have,” Troy said, searching his hazy memories of the party for information. “I thought you told her that Clint already had a girlfriend?”

  “I did, but that didn’t stop them. They went for a walk and were out most of the night, then came back and Clint walked her home. He didn’t come back to the party after that.”


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