The Goldsworth Series Box Set

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The Goldsworth Series Box Set Page 64

by Davie J Toothill

  The bedroom door flew open, and Torey strutted in, ready to head to the party. She looked between them. Asher cradled his head in his hands, rocking backwards and forwards.

  “What the hell is going on in here?” Torey asked, looking at Charley. “God, you’re here for five minutes and look what you’ve done.”

  “Piss off, Torey,” Charley snapped.

  The last thing she needed right now was a slanging match with her sister.

  “You can’t boss me about, you don’t even live here anymore.”

  “Please, I’m serious,” Charley said, lowering her voice. “Just give us a few minutes.”

  She glanced at Asher and saw tears rolling down his cheeks. Torey followed her gaze and noticed them too.

  “No way,” she said, standing her ground. “You’ve made him cry, and I want to know what’s going on.”

  “This isn’t helping anyone,” Charley groaned.

  “Fine, I’ll call mum and have her come round and deal with you,” Torey said. “How’d you like that?”

  “For fuck’s sake,” Charley said, throwing up her hands in resignation. “If you want to know that bad then fine. Asher’s just told me he’s a faggot.”

  “Don’t be a twat,” Torey said, rolling her eyes.

  “It’s true,” Asher said from the bed. He looked up at them, wiping at his eyes. Charley saw the realisation dawn on her sister’s face. Torey knelt down beside him, putting a hand on his knee and stroking his arm.

  “Is that why you left?” she asked.

  “He moved into a flat with his bum chum,” Charley said, resuming her pacing. “Come on, Asher, you’ve got some explaining to do. You can’t tell us something like that and then stop talking.”

  “I’m sorry. I can’t help it,” he said, his eyes watering again. “I tried not to be like this. I tried really hard.”

  “You obviously didn’t try hard enough,” Charley said.

  “Shut up and let him speak,” Torey said, shooting her an angry look.

  “I guess I figured it out when I was about fourteen. The other guys were all talking about pussy and getting laid. I tried to be interested, too, but it just didn’t happen.”

  “You can’t be gay, Asher,” Charley said, “You had that girlfriend, back in college.”

  “I was just kidding myself. I wanted to be straight, you can’t imagine how much,” Asher said, shaking his head. “I couldn’t even have sex with her.”

  Charley felt her last hope slipping away, and her temper flared.

  “For God’s sake, it ain’t that hard. I can draw a diagram for you if you’d like.”

  “I just wanted to be normal,” Asher cried, trying not to cry. He avoided Charley’s fearsome gaze, and turned to Torey. “I knew I was gay after that. I’d thought I might be before that, but I knew for certain after that.”

  “That explains why she seemed so pissed off with you,” Charley said, kicking at the cardboard box. “If you couldn’t even get it up to shag her.”

  “It ain’t his fault,” Torey said, still comforting Asher. Charley looked at her questioningly, and Torey shrugged. “We talked about it in sex ed.”

  “Thanks,” Asher said, looking at Torey. Charley wanted to punch her. “After that, I tried real hard to pretend I was still straight. I thought people might get suspicious, when I didn’t have a girlfriend –”

  “I did kind of wonder,” Torey said, nodding.

  “Then I met Carl.”

  “Your boyfriend?” Torey asked, “The one you live with?”

  “Yeah. He was married but I liked him so much,” Asher said, as Torey pulled a tissue out of her bag and wiped his face. “We became best mates, and then one thing lead to another.”

  “So how long has this been going on for?” Charley asked.

  “About a month. He left his wife for me,” Asher said. “We love each other.”

  Charley stopped and threw her hands up.

  “Am I the only one who thinks this is wrong?”

  “No, you’re not,” Asher said, his voice wavering. “I know that it’s wrong. But I can’t help how I feel.”

  “You can try,” Charley snapped.

  “I already have.”

  “Look,” Torey said. “I ain’t saying it’s not a shock for me, but there’s no need to cry.”

  “Everyone’s going to hate me,” Asher said.

  “I don’t hate you.”

  Torey’s voice was calming and both she and Asher looked at Charley. She took a deep breath and shook her head, dropping onto Huw’s bed.

  “Neither do I,” she relented, “I’m sorry for the way I reacted, but it’s a lot to take in.”

  Asher looked relieved. Charley forced a smile and Torey gave her an approving nod.

  “What about everyone else?” Asher asked.

  “I don’t think you should shout it from the rooftops,” Torey said, “You know what people round here are like.”

  “People are going to find out at some point,” Asher said.

  “Who cares what they think?”

  “They’re going to hate me.”

  “Listen, if they start anything you just ring me,” Torey said. “I’ve got your back.”

  “What do we do about mum?” Charley asked.

  “I can’t tell her,” Asher said, looking alarmed.

  “I think you should,” Charley said.

  “She won’t understand,” Asher said, shaking his head. “She’ll disown me.”

  “I can’t promise she won’t be angry, but you owe it to her to be honest”

  “He doesn’t have to tell her,” Torey argued.

  “If I found out, someone else will and they’re probably not going to be so understanding,” Charley persisted. “It’s the truth, and I just think it’s better if mum hears it from you, rather than from someone else.”

  Torey looked about to protest, but Asher stopped her.

  “You’re right,” he said.

  “I hate to tell you, but mum’s going to be on her way back anytime now,” Torey said, looking at her watch. “And you might want to think things over with Carl before you tell her.”

  Asher looked around.

  “I should get going then,” he said. He rose to his feet. “Thanks, both of you.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Torey said. “Being gay ain’t such a big deal anyway.”

  She pulled him into a hug.

  “It is around here.”

  “Not to me it’s not,” Torey said, smiling. “I think it’s kind of cool.”


  Charley stepped forward and hugged Asher close to her. She felt bad for the way she had spoken to him, but she couldn’t take back her words.

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t very understanding,” she said, patting him on the back. “I guess it was just the shock, if that counts as an excuse.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Asher said, releasing her from the embrace.

  “No, I was wrong,” Charley said, desperate to clear the air. “I mean, you supported me when I found out I was pregnant. I should have done the same for you, and not gone off on one like I did.”

  Asher kissed her on the cheek. Charley helped him put things back into the cardboard box and Asher picked it up.

  At the door, Torey stopped him.

  “Let me know when you’re going to tell mum,” she said, reapplying her lipstick. “I want to see the expression on her face.”

  They all laughed. Charley followed them out of the flat. Torey set off for her party, and Asher waved her goodbye at the tube station. She watched him walk away and felt an immense sadness. She had reacted so badly. Instead of being supportive, she’d practically slapped him down at every opportunity.

  Asher turned and waved and she waved back. She felt tired and knew she would sleep well tonight. Still, she thought, she had it easy compared to her brother. He had been on an emotional rollercoaster ride and she was sure that it was far from smooth sailing for him in the future. S
he would be there to protect him from harm, but she felt worried all the same.

  * * *

  Uncle Jasper looked down at the desk and fought the urge to smash something. He waved to be left alone and rose to his feet when the door had closed, leaving him by himself.

  The doubts and uncertainty he had faced recently were at the forefront of his mind. He had hoped that he had been mistaken about the missing money, but he had always known that he would find out that somebody had betrayed him.

  Now he knew who was responsible.

  At first, he had found it difficult to believe. They had worked together for years. He had trusted him like he had trusted no one else.

  A betrayal of this enormity would have to be dealt with in a delicate manner and it would have to be swift. Most importantly, it would have to send a message to everyone else. He didn’t want to lower morale amongst his troops, but he knew that a healthy reminder of how dangerous he could be was necessary, especially at a time like this. Anyone who was having ideas about ripping him off or getting too big for his boots would be forced back into line when he made this statement.

  He paced the room and wondered if he was getting too old and trusting for the business. Unwavering trust bred complacency, and that was never a good thing. Eventually things got too comfortable and then skimming money off the top of the profits seemed like an easy money maker.

  Uncle Jasper shook his head. He had been mistaken but he was no fool. He would deal with the traitor.

  The fact that it was an old friend was embarrassing for him. Ritchie had been with him for years. It would be sad to have to kill him, but Uncle Jasper knew that sacrifices had to be made in this game. He couldn’t let him get away with stealing from him.

  A soft rap on the door tore him from his thoughts. The door creaked open and Ritchie looked in. Uncle Jasper resisted the urge to pull out his gun and shoot him in the head. Instead, he beckoned him inside. Ritchie seemed on edge, and Uncle Jasper knew why. He must be worried that his actions would be discovered, and he’d been making noises about Bolton’s promotion. Uncle Jasper thought it was ironic that Ritchie had been worried that Bolton would replace him, when his job would have been perfectly safe if not for the fact that he had stolen from him.

  A brilliant thought struck him. Ritchie had disapproved of Bolton from the start, so wouldn’t it be ironic if it was Bolton who finished him off? Uncle Jasper smiled inwardly. It would be poetic justice at its finest, he thought, if Bolton made his career by ending Ritchie’s.

  Ritchie looked at him, and Uncle Jasper noticed the lines around his eyes. The stress was evidently catching up with him. The thought made Uncle Jasper pleased. He needed to cut out the rot in his army before it spread.

  “Bring me Bolton,” he said.

  * * *

  Torey sauntered into the kitchen and poured herself another vodka and coke. The party at Devon Masters’ house was in full swing and everybody was either drunk or well on the way to getting there.

  Two girls gave her the once over and smirked between themselves. Torey ignored them and drained her glass in one. She poured herself another one, fumbling with the lid to the coke bottle. She was feeling drunk and frustrated.

  Devon had spent little time with her and she was beginning to wonder why she had bothered coming. It always happened like this. She got excited over the invitation and yet she never got to spend any time with Devon, let alone spend time alone with him.

  The girls retreated to the lounge, where the music was loudest, and the door swung shut behind them. Torey debated slipping out through the back door and going home, but she quickly dismissed the idea. As bored as she might be here, at least she could drink and nobody would boss her around. If she went home, especially in this state, her mum would go out of her mind.

  The door opened again and Devon walked in with a friend. Torey looked up and steadied her shaking hands by taking another drink. Whenever she was around him she felt unable to control herself. She would have to work on that, she told herself.

  Devon whispered something to his friend, who promptly left. Alone in the kitchen, Torey was aware of Devon’s eyes on her. She returned the gaze, but quickly looked away, worried that she would do something stupid like throw herself at him or pass out.

  He smiled and crossed the room, brushing against her as he passed. Torey wiped a bead of sweat off her forehead and watched as he unfolded some cocaine and cut a few lines on the counter.

  “You want some?” Devon asked. “It’s some good shit.”

  Torey hesitated. She didn’t do drugs, but if she told him that he might go elsewhere and she might not get another chance as good as this with him.

  “Sure,” she said.

  Devon smiled and passed her a rolled up note. Torey put it to her nose, her heart beating faster. She hoped she was doing it right. Devon was watching her, and Torey snorted the line he had cut for her. The powder burnt her nose but she was relieved that she had managed to snort it all without making a fool out of herself.

  Devon snorted two lines for himself and wrapped the coke back up in its wrapper. Torey leant against the counter, feeling more confident after the line. Devon put the coke back in his jeans pocket and eyed her closely.

  He was tall and slim, but the cut of his T-shirt at his chest and arms hinted at a toned body. Torey reached out and stroked his upper arm, feeling the strength of muscle beneath the fabric of his top. Devon didn’t move but his lips twitched in a smile.

  Torey felt her heart soar. He hadn’t rejected her, so it was a good start. She stepped forward, closing the distance between them. She ran a finger down his chest. Devon’s eyes were locked on hers and they seemed to darken.

  She wasn’t sure whether she should kiss him or wait for him to make the first move, when he clasped her hand in his and pressed her against the counter. His hands ran over her body and he pressed hard against her. Their lips met and Torey closed her eyes, savouring his touch. His hands fondled her breasts and the kiss deepened. Torey felt her legs shaking.

  Devon broke their kiss off, and Torey opened her eyes questioningly.

  “Let’s go to my bedroom,” he said, his voice low and cracked. Torey nodded.


  Bolton kicked the duvet aside and went into the bathroom, closing the door quietly behind him so as not to wake Charley. He knew that she was going through trouble with Asher and he didn’t want to disturb her rest. She had enough on her mind with her brother and the pregnancy, and he didn’t want to add to her troubles.

  He had been surprised to learn from Charley about Asher’s secret, but it was no skin off his nose. Growing up with Toni as a mother, it was no wonder Asher had been put off women. Bolton thought he’d probably have turned out the same if the only woman in his life from a young age had been Toni.

  He ran the shower and closed his eyes against the hot water. He felt tired, but that was how he always seemed to feel these days. Since becoming Uncle Jasper’s protégé, he had worked long hours and spent whatever free time he was given catching up on sleep. He was getting an inside look at how Uncle Jasper ran his vast empire and though he often felt groggy with lack of sleep, he had to admit that he was impressed.

  The businesses ran smoothly and Uncle Jasper oversaw everything as an emperor might have watched over Rome. He always knew what was happening but he kept himself at a safe enough distance so as not to get caught out by unexpected raids or police interference. If one of his safe houses got raided and shut down, a new one was up and running within hours. It had taken years to build up, and Bolton felt the pressure of being trained to take over the running of it all.

  He shut the shower off and towelled himself dry. Pulling on his clothes, he checked his phone. He was running late.

  He had received a call from Uncle Jasper late last night, asking him to come in early to discuss some important business. Bolton had agreed, as he always did. There was no saying ‘no’ to Uncle Jasper. Not if you wanted to keep both of y
our legs, anyway.

  Charley stirred in her sleep as he crossed the bedroom. He paused at the bedroom door, looking at her face, smooth from lack of worries as she slept. Her bump was huge now and Bolton felt anxious about what would happen when the baby arrived in a month’s time. So far Charley had been reasonably understanding about his late hours, but when the baby arrived he doubted she would be so accommodating. He would be torn between Charley and Uncle Jasper, and he knew who he would have to obey. As much as he loved Charley, he could never refuse Uncle Jasper. It was too dangerous, especially now he was so entrusted.

  Charley rolled over in her sleep and her hand stretched out, clasping at the sheets where Bolton’s body had been laying a few minutes ago. He tore his eyes away from her and left the flat. He rang Dante on the way down the stairs.

  * * *

  Torey staggered up the stairs and groaned as her stomach growled loudly. She wouldn’t be making it into school this morning, she knew that much. This hangover was killing her but she didn’t regret it.

  She had finally got Devon’s attention. The memory of his hands over her body brought a smile to her face. Fumbling with her keys, she let herself into the flat and tiptoed down the corridor.

  As she clasped her bedroom door handle, Toni appeared in the doorway to the kitchen.

  “Where have you been?” she demanded.

  “I was at a party,” Torey said, leaning against the wall to steady herself. “I told you about it the other day.”

  “You didn’t tell me you’d be out all night,” Toni said, coming down the hallway. “And if you had, I wouldn’t have let you go. You could’ve been getting up to all sorts of mischief at that party.”

  “It won’t happen again,” Torey said, trying to keep her voice level. Her eyes were stinging with the effort of keeping them open and her head was banging. “I promise.”

  “Promises mean nothing when you keep breaking them,” Toni said, stopping in front of her. She observed her closely and sniffed at the air. “You stink of alcohol. And look at the state of you. Your eyes are red and your tights are all torn. I didn’t raise you to act like this.”


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