Block Party

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Block Party Page 18

by Stylo Fantome

“Knowing all of me. Thank you for that.”


  The surprises didn't stop at the camper in the clouds, it turned out.

  They'd taken their time exploring the area. Went on a small, impromptu hike, during which he'd explained how he'd found the place. Turned out it had been used in a couple advertising campaigns, even in a movie once. A long time ago, he'd tracked down the site, but he'd never actually gone there. After their fight the other night, he'd figured it would be the perfect place to spend a couple days. It normally wasn't rented out for private use, and certainly never on such short notice, but money was the great game changer. Once he'd offered a big enough amount, they'd told him they'd have it ready for his arrival.

  It was funny, but most of the time, Ayumi forgot he was actually a very wealthy man.

  They decided to test out the shower. Very risque for Ayumi, but after a couple minutes, the view of the man in the shower beat the view outside of the shower, and she forgot they were in the open.

  Afterwards, though, when she'd been rifling through her suitcase, he'd shut it on her and handed her back the clothing she'd already been wearing all day.

  “We're going shopping.”

  Of course, Ayumi loved to shop, and they actually went all the way back into L.A. to find some great boutiques. It surprised her a little, that he'd want to shop down there, but then he'd left her. Whispered he'd be back for her in a couple hours, then left after smacking her on the ass.

  What is he up to?

  Not knowing what he had planned or what they'd be doing for the next couple days, she felt at a loss.

  “May I help you?” a woman asked in one store.

  “I ... well, I don't know,” Ayumi said, her hands on her hips as she stared at a rack of clothing.

  “What are you shopping for?” the woman tried again. “Maybe a job? Or presentation? Or a date?”

  “I guess it's a date.” Ayumi picked up the sleeve of a dress. It was covered in sequins – too over the top if they were going to some crab shack.

  “Alright, I think I can help. My name's Karen. Let's get you into a dressing room, okay?”

  After getting her a glass of champagne, Karen led Ayumi towards the back of the store and seated her on a posh velvet couch. While she sipped at the sparkling wine, the other woman hung her purse up in a large fitting room before coming to stand in front of her.

  “So you're going on a date,” Karen started. “First date? Husband? Affair? Let's figure out the look you're going for.”

  “Not a first date, we've been ...” Ayumi paused for a moment. “You know what? I think it technically is our first date. But we've known each other for a while, we've been together.”

  “Okay, okay. So kind of casual, but potential for more, I think I get it,” Karen said, tapping one manicured nail against her chin while her eyes bounced around the store. “And this is someone you like a lot, obviously. You're looking to impress? To seduce? To make him fall in love?”

  “Uh, all of the above?” Ayumi laughed. “Honestly, I think this is a test. He's always trying to push me out of my comfort zone. He wouldn't even tell me what we're doing. We could be going to the movies, or rollerblading, or fishing, for all I know. He's crazy like that.”

  “Crazy, hmmm, I really get it now,” Karen laughed. “You just sit right here and I'll bring you some options to try on.”

  Ayumi was growing to like Liam's simpler way of life, but she would always, always, love a personal shopper.

  After about fifteen minutes, Karen reappeared with a rolling clothing rack. Several outfits were dangling from the rod and she stood in front of them when she finally came to a stop.

  “Here's my first pull – if you don't like anything, don't worry, I'll keep trying until you look absolutely perfect,” she assured Ayumi. “But I think I nailed it. Let's go through these outfits and see what you think.”

  Karen was really good at her job, Ayumi was sure she'd be buying most, if not all, the clothing she was being shown. The first look was a pair of shorts and a blouse, coupled with a slim blazer and some stilettos. It was great, but reminded Ayumi too much of her work outfits. Next was a romper, also a great choice, and then came a body-con dress which covered her from neck to calves, yet still managed to leave little to the imagination.

  All good looks, but she fell in love with the simple outfit. A fit and flare dress, with panels of mesh on the sides of the waist. A high neckline with straps crisscrossing in the back. The skirt on it was rather short and structured enough to stick out away from the body quite a bit. The best part, though, was the color. It was a vibrant hot pink. A color she never wore. A color she didn't even own. She couldn't imagine herself wearing something so silly, so bright.

  Challenge accepted.

  Karen helped her into the dress and zipped it up, but then thoughtfully left her alone to look herself over. Ayumi smoothed her hands over the soft material and looked over her shoulder at her reflection, trying to take in the back of the dress. Then she turned around and faced the mirror full on, looking everything over.

  It fit perfectly, the shop girl had an amazing eye for sizes. It deemphasized her somewhat large breasts and highlighted her trim waist. The color looked great against her pale skin, which had a rosy undertone. The skirt made her legs look shapely and long. She went up onto her toes, trying to picture what kind of heels she would need, and she grabbed her long hair, piling it onto her head.

  The picture was very pretty, until she looked back at her legs again. Then she went back to flat feet, still looking. The skirt was so short, she could actually see the bottom inch or two of her scar. She pulled at the hem of the dress, trying to see if it went lower, but it didn't.

  Of course she'd worn her shorts all day without anything else – a huge feat for her – but she hadn't been around anyone else. They'd been in the car the whole time. Of course now, the only person who would see the ugly scar would be Liam, and he didn't care. He liked her scar.

  He likes my scar. He likes bright, shiny things. He likes rash decisions and impulsive tendencies. He would love this dress.

  Ayumi stepped out of the dressing room and walked down to a huge mirror. Karen hurried up behind her and fussed at the back of the dress.

  “I'm so glad I got the right size. This one was actually my personal favorite, it looks perfect on your body type, with your skin,” she was saying as she dropped to her knees and tried to straighten out a wrinkle on the side.

  “It is perfect,” Ayumi agreed, glancing down at the other woman. If Karen saw the scar, she wasn't saying anything about it.

  “Technically, it's almost perfect. Perfection will come when we add the shoes.”

  Again, Karen proved her talents by picking out a pair of gunmetal strappy stilettos, which somehow looked perfect with the vibrant pink. A clutch, a bracelet, and a pair of earrings later, and Ayumi handed over her platinum card, not even looking at the total.

  She wore the dress and accessories, shoving her day time clothing into a shopping bag. Two other workers boxed up the rest of her purchases – all the other clothing Karen had picked out – and it was agreed she could leave her items there until the following morning.

  “I'm glad you came in, Miss Nakada. You look absolutely stunning, he will definitely be impressed, seduced, and most likely more than a little in love by the end of the night,” Karen teased as she walked Ayumi to the front door.

  “You're sure? I don't look like I'm trying to be young? And my hair, maybe I should go to a salon,” she fretted, combing her fingers through the black mass. Karen playfully slapped her hand away.

  “You are eternally young and your body is amazing, so you get to wear whatever you want. Your hair goes perfect with this look, I swear. Have I steered you wrong yet?”


  “Good. Have a wonderful time tonight, and we'll see you tomorrow. I want to hear all about how your date went!”

  Once outside on the sidewalk, Ayumi glanced at her phone and s
aw it was just barely six o'clock. She also saw several missed message from Liam, asking when she'd be done shopping. She quickly texted back and told him she was ready to go. He surprised her by responding immediately.

  Still where I left you?

  Pretty much.

  Okay, I'm parked nearby. I'll come get you.

  I can walk to you.

  I love it when you argue via text. So much easier to ignore.

  Ayumi laughed and dropped her phone into her purse.

  It was pretty quiet outside. Traffic seemed good, and there was nobody else walking along the sidewalks, which surprised her. She watched a four-way intersection for a while, then finally turned to look the other way down the street. Still no sign of Liam. There was just some man in a well tailored suit coming around the corner.

  Ayumi sighed and went to dig out her phone, but then paused. Let go of her purse. Looked back at the man walking towards her.

  No way.

  “I can clean up, too, you know,” Liam said when he finally reached her. “You just have to ask nicely. And give free blow jobs in outdoor showers.”

  She couldn't speak. Could barely breathe. He was in a dark blue suit, it almost had a sheen to it. Obviously, he couldn't have gotten it tailored in such a short amount of time, but it still fit him incredibly well. Not easy to do when a person was as tall and lanky as Liam. A slim black tie hung over a crisp white shirt, and he'd even gotten a new pair of shoes. Perfectly distressed black leather, with just the right amount of brogueing around the toe. An interesting touch that just added to the over all effect of the suit.

  Holy shit, Liam has good taste.

  “You look incredible,” she breathed as her eyes swept back up his body. He gave her a cheeky grin and adjusted the knot in his tie.

  “I actually do own my own suit, just so you're aware. I'm not a complete slob. I just didn't bring it,” he told her. She shook her head.

  “I don't care. I'm glad. This is so ... perfect,” she said, and she finally looked him in his face. “You are so perfect.”

  “Me? Have you looked at you? Ayumi, if someone asked me to close my eyes and describe the perfect woman, she still wouldn't look half as good as you. That dress ... I can't look directly at it.”


  “Because I want to rip it off you. You look fucking amazing.”

  She felt herself blush, but she wasn't embarrassed.

  “I wouldn't exactly be opposed to that idea.”

  “Stop,” he laughed, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her close. “This is my date, I'm supposed to be doing the swooning.”

  “Too late.”

  “You keep flirting like this, and I might get the vapors. Let's go to the car, we have dinner reservations,” he said, urging her to walk down the street. She glanced back at the boutique and saw Karen standing in the display window. She gave two thumbs up and Ayumi laughed, then gave a thumbs up of her own.

  The night was amazing. He took her to an upscale restaurant, then shocked her by ordering the perfect bottle of wine to pair with their appetizers. He got steak au poivre for dinner, and even pronounced it correctly. It was like seeing a side to him she hadn't even known existed. It was almost like he was auditioning to be her boyfriend, and he was passing with flying colors.

  Of course, he couldn't let her forget who he really was, and once they were done with dinner, he drove them down to the Santa Monica pier. He let her wear his jacket and he rolled up his shirt sleeves, looking as at home in his suit as he ever did in his surfer t-shirts.

  They rode rides and ate junk food and he got into a break dance battle with an eleven year old. It was hilarious until the kid noticed Ayumi's scar and asked her what happened. She'd blushed and stammered for a moment, then Liam had waved the boy away.

  “Knife fight. You should see the other guy. Never piss off a woman, kid.”

  Just like that, no big deal. Something she'd been embarrassed about for almost ten years, just gone. She was walking around, it was visible, and nobody cared. The kid laughed at the excuse, then asked if she knew how to do the running man.

  “Mission accomplished, Mr. Edenhoff,” she sighed as they walked back to the car. She was wearing a pair of cheap flip flops she'd purchased from a street vendor and Liam was carrying her fancy shoes.

  “What do you mean?” he asked, while at the same time attempting to shove an oversized taco into his mouth. The food cart had claimed no one could ever finish their tacos. Liam ate one there, then got one for the road.

  “You were trying to impress me,” she called him out, and he smiled around the beans and tortillas and lettuce. “And it worked.”

  “Jesus, finally. Only took a shit ton of money and a really uncomfortable pair of shoes,” he groaned.


  “Don't worry, you're totally worth it,” he assured her, running up and opening her car door for her.

  She thought about what he said, though, while they drove back to the camper. It wasn't till they were on the winding, hilly road that she spoke again.

  “I know I've become a certain kind of way,” she said slowly. “I never meant to. Or maybe I did. I don't know anymore. But really, you don't have to buy me fancy dinners or wear nice suits for me, Liam. I'm not looking to change anybody.”

  “I know,” he replied. “But you like fancy dinners and nice clothing, and I like you. I like seeing you smile. So I figured we could start the night off with your thing, and end with my thing. A beautiful compromise.”

  When they got back to the Air Stream, she helped him walk around the deck and light all the torches. There was a slightly terrifying moment when a rustling sound in the dark made Ayumi scream. Liam heroically stood in front of her, tilting the torch down so they could see what kind of intruder was watching them. Visions of mountain lions were dancing through her head, so she actually laughed when a little bandit-masked face peered back at them from the bushes.

  “Just a raccoon,” she sighed, pressing a hand over her heart.

  “Jesus, the way you screamed, I thought there was a horde of zombies or some shit.”

  “You were scared, too.”

  “Pffft, no, I wasn't.”

  Despite his claim of not being afraid, Liam took a stroll around the deck, looking for more uninvited guests. Then he lit up a ridiculously huge fire in the fire pit, which she was actually glad for – in the darkness, the view was completely gone and they were just surrounded by inky black on all sides. It was a little unnerving. She scampered back into the trailer to change into pajamas.

  “This dress,” he commented, coming up behind her just as she pulled down the zipper. “Bold choice for you.”

  “I know. You weren't the only one looking to impress,” she laughed. He pushed the material away from her shoulders and it pooled at her feet.

  “Mission accomplished,” he teased her. “But you know what my favorite part is?”


  “This,” he whispered, and she felt his fingertips on the backs of her thighs.

  “My legs?”

  “Your bare legs.”

  “I thought you'd like that, too.”

  He yanked a sheet off the bed and she wasn't sure what he was doing until he started pushing her towards the deck.

  “What are you doing?” she hissed, wrapping her arms around herself.

  “Scared someone will see you?” he laughed loudly, bringing them near the fire.

  “Well ... I mean ...” she stammered, glancing around. “No, but it's creepy out.”

  “Ooohhh, little Miss Tough As Nails is scared of the dark. Don't worry, I'll protect you,” he promised while he yanked apart his tie and let it drop to the deck.

  “And it's cold out,” she said, shivering as a chilly breeze washed over her.

  “You're spoiled, you know that?”

  “Yes. Yes, I do.”

  After he'd gotten rid of his dress shirt, he pulled her down onto the cushions with him, then draped the she
et over their bodies. The firelight shown through the fabric, made it look like he was glowing.

  “You make me feel comfortable,” she breathed, wrapping her arms around his neck when he laid down on top of her.

  “You make me feel like I'm finally good enough,” he replied, and she smiled while her eyes filled with tears.

  “I didn't ...” she struggled to talk. “I didn't mean for this to happen, Liam. I didn't want it. I don't know what's going on. I've never been with anybody.”

  “That's okay. We're figuring it out together, Ayumi.”

  She was silent for a while, chewing on her lips and trying not to cry.

  “Will I sound stupid if I say I'm scared?” she asked. A tear finally escaped, sliding over the side of her temple and into her hair.

  “No,” he moaned, raising his head and kissing the center of her chest. “You don't sound stupid. And please, don't be scared with me.”

  “I've never done this, and I don't know you that well, and I'm scared ... what it ... I don't want to ruin anything.” She was so ridiculous, she was crying in earnest now. Why?

  Because love is very, very scary.

  “You won't, and really, it's okay to be scared, Ayumi. It's not like I'm used to this, either,” he insisted, moving to lay at her side and propping himself up.

  “But everyone loves you,” she sniffled, staring straight up at the blanket over them. “And you love everyone.”

  “That's not the same as what this is,” he breathed, reaching out and wiping at her tears.

  “How? How is it not the same?” she asked, finally glancing at him. He stared down at her for a second, his eyes wandering over her face.

  “Because with you ... it's real,” he finally answered. Her eyes fell shut and she took a shuddering breath.

  She thought back over the years. First meeting him through Wulf, helping with the purchase of the night club. Seeing him occasionally, running accounting information between the two men. He'd been nothing to her then, just some guy.

  Then later, when Wulf convinced her to do the accounting for The Garden. Long hours in Liam's back office. She hadn't even realized it, but it had started then. Pretending to be annoyed at his silly jokes, but always enjoying them. Talking about his issues with Katya. His issues with women in general. His brother. Brie. All of it. All this time, all those women, and really, Ayumi had been there through it all. Had seen it all. Had seen the real him.


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