A Journey to Submission

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A Journey to Submission Page 14

by Laney Rogers

  I decided on a medium sized paddle with a black handle, and then returned to the sitting room to receive my punishment.

  The patio doors were open and I caught a glimpse of Helen stepping into the pool. It was all right for some, I thought, but then again, Helen hadn’t been stupid enough to argue with her Dom.

  I handed the paddle to Seb, not able to meet his eyes. Steve sat on the armchair that Seb had vacated, and watched in silence.

  “Bend over the back of the sofa, Liza,” he commanded.

  I did as I was told, my ass up in the air. His warm fingers ran up my thighs and over my cheeks, and I shuddered, but not with dislike. It wasn’t Steve’s hand, but it was okay. He leaned over me and caressed one breast, then the other. My nipples hardened at his touch and I felt relief as well as arousal. Maybe I could handle this after all.

  “Part your legs,” he said in a firm voice.

  It was too much to ask. He wasn’t my Dom and I had only been expecting the paddle. Seb smacked my ass when I didn’t comply, and all my relief disappeared instantly.

  “I don’t appreciate having to repeat myself, Liza. Do it now or I’ll carry you outside, tie them open and spank you there.”

  The thought of him carrying out his threat made me spread them reluctantly, and I jumped when his hand ran down the crease between my ass cheeks and settled between my legs. He parted my labia and slid a finger into my pussy.

  Dismayed, I felt a dampness form between my legs. What was wrong with me? Surely I shouldn’t be enjoying this.

  “I can feel your arousal Liza. Do you like my finger inside you?”

  “Yes, Sir,” I admitted, deciding honesty was the best policy.

  “Good girl for telling the truth. I’m going to give you five swats of the paddle for arguing with your Dom. Then you may ask your Dom for his forgiveness.”

  He withdrew his finger, and immediately brought the paddle down on my bottom, hard.

  I drew in my breath sharply at the sting, but I was determined to see it through without crying out. The paddle came down again, just as hard, this time on the other cheek and I grimaced, as this time, it burned as well as stung.

  The next two were lower, on sensitive skin near the top of my thighs and I bit my lip to stop from making any noise. I could handle one more. It arrived, right in the middle, between my cheeks, and it was considerably lighter than the others. I wondered if he was rewarding me for not crying and making a big deal of the punishment.

  It was over and Seb’s hand slid across my cheeks, gently rubbing where the paddle had been. It helped with the sting, but also created an erotic sensation inside me, the pain of the spanking and the pleasure of his soft touch sending arousal rippling through me.

  He took his hand away and helped me to a standing position. “Go back to your Dom now,” he instructed.

  I walked over to Steve and stood before him. “I’m sorry I argued with you, Sir,” I said quietly.

  He stood up and put a finger under my chin, tilting my face up to meet his. “You are forgiven, Liza. Go outside and join Helen in the pool. It should help to cool down certain parts of your anatomy, if you’re lucky.” He let go of my chin, and I went out of the sitting room on to the patio.

  I saw Helen at the far end of the pool and she smiled, gesturing for me to join her. I walked to the steps and descended into the cool water. I swam over to her, amazed at how different and sensual it was, swimming naked. The water caressed my skin as I moved through it, and my nipples had turned to hard, sensitive buds by the time I reached her.

  “From the look on your face, this is the first time you’ve been in a pool without a swimsuit, right?”

  “Oh my God, it feels incredible,” I replied, taking in the beautiful late-afternoon sun. I leaned against the wall and took a deep breath.

  Helen studied my face closely. “Are you okay? Seb didn’t go too hard on you, did he?” she asked.

  “No, it wasn’t too bad. The water certainly helps though,” I added in a relieved voice.

  “Yeah, I think they really love it when we screw up. But if I’m honest, I kind of enjoy it, too.”

  “Does that make us kinky freaks?” I asked with a frown.

  “No, that makes us honest and open about our sexuality,” she responded.

  She grinned at me and after a few seconds, I smiled as well. I thought about her answer as my sore ass became soothed in the water, and I acknowledged to myself how turned on I’d been when Seb had served me my punishment.

  “You’re right. I guess I’ve been stuck in a big rut for a long time,” I said to her.

  We swam around for a while and then when we reached the shallow end, both of us settled on the steps, enjoying the last of the afternoon warmth.

  “So how is it all going with the two of you?” Helen asked. “Steve looks really relaxed for once. This is the first time, since I’ve known him anyway, that he’s invited people over for a get together.”

  “It’s going pretty well. I mean, the whole dominant/submissive thing is very new to me, but I’m learning all the time. We’ve got to know each other better over the last few days, that’s for sure,” I said.

  “Did he tell you about the bitch fiancée?” she asked, a scowl on her face. “God, she really screwed him up.”

  “Yeah, he told me what she did. I guess I can understand why he keeps away from any serious commitment,” I replied, trying not to appear too concerned.

  “Well, from what I’ve seen, ever since he first laid eyes on you in the club, if there’s anyone who can change the way he feels about relationships, it’s you, hon.”

  I felt warmed at her words. I knew it was a risk, getting involved with someone like Steve, especially with his past, but it was a chance I was going to have to take.

  I turned as Steve called from the top of the patio. “Come on, you two, the food is ready. Come out and get dried off.”

  We got out of the water and found two big, fluffy towels on the lounge chairs by the side of the pool.

  I caught Steve watching me and I smiled. ”Thanks for the towel,” I said when I reached him.

  “You’re welcome. You didn’t get that cut wet did you?” he asked, coming over and examining my cheek.

  “No, it’s fine,” I replied.

  He pulled me to him and kissed me possessively, rubbing my bottom with one large hand. “The water helped here, right?” he asked with a wicked grin.

  “Yes, Sir, it did. Thank you for asking,” I said in a polite, formal tone, smiling all the while.

  He laughed deeply. “You’re welcome. Now, be a good girl and help me fetch the food from the kitchen.”

  I followed him, puzzled, knowing that no-one had prepared any food at all. When we reached the kitchen, my eyes widened in surprise. Trays of steaks and salad, crisp French bread and coleslaw covered the breakfast bar.

  “It was delivered while you were swimming,” he said, taking in my confused expression.

  “Oh my God, what if they saw us!” I exclaimed, mortified that some complete strangers could have seen me naked.

  “Liza, you are going to have to credit me with more sense. It would be nice if you could show a little more trust as well. It’s completely secluded back there. The delivery guy only got as far as the front door. I’m very particular about who can see my woman naked,” he added, stroking my nipple as he spoke. The bud immediately hardened and he smiled. “Hmm, nice and responsive. Let’s hurry up and eat. Then I get to play some more with my little sub.”

  My pulse sped up, and I helped Steve carry the trays outside, wondering what was in store for me after we finished eating.

  Helen and I were allowed to sit with our Doms, and we ate, wrapped in our towels, all four of us around the big, wooden patio table next to the pool.

  It was a fun meal, with Helen, Steve and I laughing at the huge amounts of food Seb managed to put away.

  The two men arranged that Seb would drive me home after breakfast in the morning, seeing as Steve w
ould have to leave so early.

  We chatted about the two clubs and both men listened as Helen and I gave our opinions on décor and seating.

  “You ladies have some good ideas. I’m impressed,” Seb commented. “But, you know, it’s been over half an hour since we finished eating. I think I’d like to take my sub and go and play for a while, if that’s okay,” he said, taking Helen’s hand.

  “Please go ahead, and feel free to use any of the toys you want. You’ll find them in the office. Helen can show you the way,” Steve replied.

  The two of them left, going back inside the house, Seb with a protective hand on Helen’s ass.

  “Let’s take a walk, Liza. I haven’t shown you the whole property.”

  Chapter Ten

  Steve stood up and pulled off my towel, taking my breasts in his hands to kiss them. He licked my nipples, flicking them with his tongue and I sighed with pleasure. I pushed my hips toward him, tilting my pelvis forward, wanting him to touch me there, too.

  “All in good time, my eager little sub. I have a present for you first.” He reached into his pocket and took out a small item, wrapped in tissue paper. He smiled and gave it to me, gesturing for me to open it.

  I removed the tissue and two small metal clamps, with bright blue feathers attached, lay in my hands.

  “I think you’ll enjoy these,” he commented. “Let me attach them for you.”

  He took one of the clamps and carefully attached it to my taut nipple. I gasped at the feeling. Every nerve in my sensitive bud became alert, and when he tightened the tiny screws at the side, I drew in a sharp breath.

  “Too tight?” he asked, watching my face closely.

  “No, it feels okay,” I replied.

  “Good girl.”

  He did the same with the other clamp and tightened it just the same as the first. The blue feathers blew slightly in the breeze, and when he took my hand and led me down a path toward the bottom of the yard, each step I took caused my breasts to jiggle. The nipple clamps pulled at my overly stimulated buds and the action sent pulses of erotic sensation sweeping through me.

  My pussy became damper with every step I took. Steve stopped and turned me to him, pulling gently on the clamps as he did so.

  “Ohhh,” I moaned, my pussy throbbing instantly with arousal. It was like my breasts were directly linked to my core, everything I felt with them was being repeated down below.

  We continued to walk until we reached the woods at the very back of the property. Steve took us to a particularly dense area and stopped right between two thick trees with low limbs stretched out above our heads.

  He reached for me, turning me around and pulling my body against his. Hands slid over to my breasts, tugging on the feathers, sending more jolts of desire through me.

  “Hold out your wrists,” he commanded.

  I did so at once, my pulse beginning to race, as he took out soft, nylon cuffs from his jeans pocket, turned me back to him and expertly restrained me. While he walked to a nearby tree, I tested the strength of the thin but sturdy chain connecting the two cuffs. It held strong, as did the Velcro keeping the lightly padded shackles around my wrists. At least the material was comfortable.

  Steve released a chain that was hanging from one particularly thick limb. Taking my arms, he stood me under the limb and attached my cuffs to the long chain, pulling on it until it picked up the slack and my hands were raised up over my head. He wound the excess around a metal hook sticking out of the trunk and stood back to admire his handiwork.

  “Open your legs for me, Liza.”

  When I didn’t, he walked right up to me and took my chin in his hand.

  “Are you in any pain,” he asked.

  I shook my head.

  “Do you remember your safeword?”

  “Rose,” I whispered.

  “Good. Now, open your legs.”

  I slowly parted them, my heart hammering in my chest. He was so close to me, I felt each breath on my face as he whispered in my ear. “Does being punished turn you on, sub?”

  I raised my eyes to his and my body shivered in the rapidly cooling air. “Yes, Sir,” I murmured.

  Steve released me and stepped back, his eyes never leaving mine. He reached behind him and pulled a black object from his waistband. My breath hitched as the object unfurled into a cascade of leather strands and I realized what he held. Oh shit!

  Following my gaze, he chuckled. “That’s right sweetheart, that’s what I’m going to use.” He approached and held it right near my face before gliding the handle between my breasts. “It’s called a flogger. These leather strands are going to make your bottom nice and pink for me.”

  “Please, Sir, couldn’t you just use your hand?” I pleaded, unable to take my eyes from the instrument.

  “I want to see how you react to something a bit more interesting than my hand.”

  “Seriously, I’m good with your hand. I find it very interesting.”

  “I have some more toys that we could use if you want to discuss it further.” He pulled an anal plug from his pocket, just like the one he’d used before, only this one was larger.

  My eyes widened as I stared at it in horror. “No, no, please not that. I won’t say another word about the flogger.”

  He laughed and rubbed a hand over my ass. “I want to have you there as well.”

  I tried to move away from his hand as it slid down between my legs. He explored my slick folds for a moment then removed his fingers and held them up so I could see my arousal glistening on his fingertips.

  “I think you want to experience more, Liza. Your body tells you yes,” he said, licking his fingers, “but that brain of yours keeps disagreeing.”

  Steve went behind me and I braced myself for the pain and discomfort I was sure would come. I heard a small flick, like the closing cap on a small bottle. Moments later, I was squirming to get away from the cool, lubricated fingers delving between my ass cheeks.

  “Be still, sub.”

  “No, please,” I squealed, feeling panicked and trapped as I pulled on the chain holding me in place. “No, no, no.”

  Steve stopped and came back around, gently capturing my chin with his other hand. I stopped squirming as he stared deeply into my eyes, as if willing my breathing to match his own. When I had calmed, he finally spoke.

  “Do you trust me?”

  I nodded.

  “Have I ever given you anything you couldn’t handle?”

  I shook my head—well, as much as his hand would allow.

  “Do you think I would start now?”

  I opened my mouth, but no sound came out. Because if I truly trusted him, I would have to answer “no” to that question. If I answered “yes”, then I didn’t trust him as much as I liked to think.

  He seemed to sense my dilemma.

  Steve released his hold and took a step back. “The three most important components of any proper, consensual D/s relationship are trust, communication and safety. And in my opinion, the third one cannot truly be achieved unless the first two elements are well established. Do you understand?”

  I nodded, welling with tears.

  “So I ask you again, little Liza. Do you trust me?”

  My life as a sub flashed before my eyes. True, it was a short review since our relationship was still so new, but I could not find one reason not to trust Steve. I consented to the relationship, and while he pushed my boundaries at times, he always did as he promised… He took care of me. He kept me safe. And he made me feel like I could accomplish anything.

  “Yes, I trust you,” I whispered.

  Steve gave a curt nod and moved to return to his position behind me when he froze in midstride. He came back and cupped my head. He kissed my lips ever so softly before leaning his forehead on mine and closing his eyes.

  “Safeword?” he murmured.

  I smiled sadly as the tears spilled over. For one, deep in my heart, I knew that—despite his pained past, and despite our brief time tog
ether as Dom and sub—he really cared about me. Second, I finally understood how much power I had in this relationship. Not only because I could stop a scene with a single word, but it was so obvious to me now how my lack of confidence affected the usually confident man. I realized he was worried about me, and worried about pushing me too much, too far.

  “It’s rose,” I replied quietly, “and I really trust you, Steve. I swear it.”

  He lifted his head and looked into my eyes.

  “Sir,” I corrected, smiling. “I trust you, Sir. Will you please have your wicked way with me?”

  He smiled, shaking his head. “You are amazing, as brave as you are beautiful. Do you know that?”

  It was on the tip of my tongue to disagree and reject the compliment, but I could see from his smoldering gaze that he was already back in scene mode and practically daring me to contradict him.

  Ha! I wasn’t falling for that trap.

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Smart sub.” He grinned, releasing his hold and returning to his position behind me.

  I tensed, waiting for in inevitable, but feeling good about it. I could do this. I knew Steve would not give me anything I couldn’t handle, and in the slim chance it did become too much, I had a safeword I could fall back on.

  Though my face crinkled in distaste, I kept relatively still as Steve’s fingers parted my ass cheeks and glided lubrication on my sensitive nether hole. “Relax,” he instructed.

  I inhaled deeply and exhaled the whole breath, and he inserted the anal plug with relative ease. It was fairly painless, considering that I wasn’t as relaxed as I probably should have been.

  “Good girl,” he said. “I’m proud of you.”

  Strangely enough, I felt proud of myself, too.

  The flogger swept against my ass, and I went rigid, expecting the worse. But a few more strokes later and there was no stinging. It actually felt kind of nice.

  I relaxed a bit, knowing I could cope with this, if that’s all there was to it.

  As time went on, he used the flogger a little harder, and my breath began to come in little gasps. He stopped and pushed two fingers into my pussy, sliding them up and over my clit as my hips bucked at the intrusion.


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