Dark Hunger (A Sable Hart Vampire Slayer Novel Book 2)

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Dark Hunger (A Sable Hart Vampire Slayer Novel Book 2) Page 12

by Megan Hawke

  Could I tell them? It was them, since Gabe was listening in. No one said I couldn't tell anyone else, or try to get others to help me. So the question was should I tell them? Since I wasn't doing all that well on my own, I decided it couldn't hurt.

  "This werewolf called Fritz probably has a magical talisman," I said. "Called the Coeur de Sade."

  "Like Marquis de Sade?" Gabe said.

  "Is that Gabe?" Dane said.

  "Yes," I said to both of them. I glared at Gabe over my shoulder, and he had the decency to be embarrassed. Then to Dane, "He asked me to bring him home from the hospital when they kicked him out today."

  "Why did they kick him out?"

  "Insurance ran out," I said.

  I suspected a lot had to do with the way he treated the nurses. He really was a pig.

  "Let me guess, the Coeur de Sade makes vampires want to be spanked?" Gabe said, and roared with laughter.

  I didn't think it was funny. Must've been the meds he was taking. But the truth of the matter, I hadn't made the connection between the Coeur de Sade and the Marquis de Sade. Just didn't occur to me, and I'm not sure why.

  I should call Jeff or Tara and question them on it.

  "Shut up," I told Gabe, but Dane answered without thought.

  "You're stupid."

  I froze. I think he did too. That was our little private joke. "Shut up. You're stupid." Mostly, we used it to break the tension of staking vampires. One of us couldn't say "shut up" without the other piping in with "you're stupid." Or vise-versa.

  "That rumor is going around," I said. "They might be right."

  "Ha. You are a lot of things, Sable, but you aren't stupid," Dane said. "Now, what does this talisman do? Gabe's S&M jokes aside."

  "I'm not sure what all the Coeur de Sade does," I said, glancing at Gabe to make sure he was paying close attention. "But I encountered it once already. The second I saw it I was frozen in place. My mind was completely overwhelmed and subjugated by its power. Since I had just killed a pair of vampires Fritz was after, he let me off with a warning. Otherwise, I'd be dead now." I remembered I was undead. "The rest of the way dead."

  "So, it makes a vampire freeze in place, giving a slayer time to go in and kill them?" Dane said.

  "No, it gives the holder of the talisman the ability to command the vampire," I said. "He could've commanded me to do anything, and I would've done it without hesitation. Up to and including committing suicide."

  "All the vampire suicides?" Gabe said.

  "You know about those?" I said.

  "Sure, I watch VEN, too," he said. "Keeping track of the other side, you know?"

  "Why do you want to keep this werewolf from killing vampires?" Dane asked. "I have no problem with it."

  "I'm afraid if I don't stop him soon, he will push the local vampire leadership too far," I said. "It could lead to war."

  In truth, nothing the council said indicated they would go to war, but I knew they wouldn't just sit around waiting to die. If they couldn't find a specific werewolf, then the next best solution would be to start killing all werewolves, and eventually you might kill the correct one.

  As far as I knew there hadn't been a major, wide-scale war between vampires and werewolves since the dark ages. It was a historical fact that Imperial Rome had more than their fair share of vampires, including a few vampire emperors and senators. The Germanic tribes that invaded brought the first werewolves to Western Europe. They fought for three centuries, before agreeing to peace in the seventh century.

  "Okay, vampires and werewolves killing each other off," Dane said. "Sounds like a reason to call for a national holiday, not something we need to stop."

  "Really? You think so?" I said, rather more hotly than intended. "Remember when those two werewolf packs both claimed the same hunting ground east of Mesquite? Five years ago. Remember?"

  "Yeah, forty-seven innocent bystanders were killed," he said quietly. "I see your point. Add vampires to the mix, and it could easily become explosive."

  "Thank you."

  I could hear the smile in his voice when Dane answered, "You haven't changed in some ways, Sable."

  "True," I said, grinning. "But I'm saving a fortune now that I don't have to buy wrinkle cream."

  "I suppose," he said. He sounded distracted. "I'm in. That talisman is a threat to humanity."

  Dane had agreed to work with me! I wanted to shout my joy to the heavens. Maybe he was starting to accept me for what I am now.

  "Thanks! Together we'll take care of this problem fast," I said.

  The three of us discussed tactics for another half hour. Mostly we tossed around ideas on how best to approach the paranoid and secretive werewolf community. Then Dane had to go and teach his next Krav Maga class.

  "We should have Dane call his police sergeant friend, and have him run a check on the werewolves," Gabe said about five seconds after I hung up.

  "Thanks for reminding me," I said. I punched in Longhouse's number. He answered promptly. "Sergeant Longhouse, Sable here. How are you doing tonight?"

  "Fine," he said. I heard him get up and close his door. "I have three names for you."

  "Great," I said. I made a writing motion at Gabe to get a pen and paper. "I'm ready."

  "Now this is strictly off the record. Understand? I could lose my badge for helping a vampire," he said, almost whispering.

  "Understood. I do appreciate it," I said.

  "No problem. Okay, we have three werewolves on file with Fritz within their names. They are: Fritz Rotmensen, Fritz Simmons, and Alfred Fritz-Haeg."

  "Got them," I said. "You're the best. I don't care what Dane says about you."

  "Thanks. That makes me feel tons better," he said, chuckling. "Now, are you going to tell me what this is all about?"

  "Not yet. Hopefully nothing," I said. "I'll let you know. Thanks again, bye-bye."

  "Sable, wait – !" but I hung up.

  If the police got wind of this, and panicked, it could become very bad very quickly. I trusted Longhouse. I did not trust the police. Besides, I knew the vampires had moles within the police department. I had to assume the werewolves did as well. I didn't want the council going out and killing anyone named Fritz. It would look bad, and you know it would all come back on me eventually.

  "So, before you run off," Gabe said, setting aside the pad he wrote the three names upon.

  I raised my left brow quizzically, and then smiled.

  "Duh," I said, rolling my eyes dramatically. I reached over and ripped off the page with the names. "You really don't understand the word no, do you?"

  Chapter 10

  I didn't get away from Gabe until after midnight. I tried to be social, engage him in conversation. With Gabe, it all came back to sex eventually. Maybe werewolves were hornier than vampires. Gabe made Boney look prudish.

  I left my favorite perv in bed, with his laptop. He promised to search the web for any information on those three names. I suspected he'd spend more time downloading porn, but that was Gabe.

  I was heading back to Deep Ellum and the last place I knew the werewolf had been. Black Rose. If Valerie hassled me again, I resolved to bite her. Not a fun bite, either.

  Just as I entered Deep Ellum I spotted Sabrina. I did a double take. She looked like a minion, wearing a black leather corset, matching mini skirt, fishnet stockings, and lace up knee boots. Spike-heeled, platform whip me, bite me, fuck me all night long knee boots. Wide leather cuffs encircled both wrists and a matching slave collar was buckled around her throat. Her bangs were combed down into her eyes.

  Roger Rippner was leading her down the street on a leash.

  "Son of a bitch!" I cried, cut off by traffic from whipping right over there. "I'm going to stake that bastard! Tonight!"

  By the time I got back around they were gone.

  I sat in my car and shook for a few minutes. I couldn't think. My little sister a minion? Sabrina offering her neck up to a vampire was a mental vision I couldn't allow myself to bel
ieve. She could be killed. Worse, she could be Changed.

  I knew where Roger lived. The Mustang burned rubber when I stomped on the gas, heading for Central. Heading for Carrolton, I hadn't gone two miles up Central before I spotted a silver Mustang up ahead. As I grew nearer, I reached out with my vampiric sense. And found Sabrina.

  Hitting the brakes, I fell back a bit. I would follow them. Roger knew I was watching, so wouldn't take her home. I'm sure of it. But he was an odd sort.

  I hoped they'd make the turn to go to Sabrina's apartment. They drove past it. Sabrina's mental state didn't change as they passed by it. She knew where they were headed. She was eager to go, too. Very eager.

  Roger got off Central at Royal and headed west. I followed them all the way to Harry Hines and Royal. I watched as Roger walked around the car, opened the door and reached in to receive the end of Sabrina's leash. She handed it to him. I swear, she was fidgeting in the seat and giggled when he started to lead her into a nondescript door between a lingerie boutique and a modeling studio.

  The modeling studio was something other than a place young women went to get their pictures taken. That was obvious to my vampiric senses. I sensed men and women inside, and the men were all terribly aroused. The women weren't so excited. In fact, some of the women had wretched emotional states. I didn't know if it was a strip club or brothel, but was very glad Sabrina didn't go inside there.

  I followed Sabrina with my senses. The door must open onto a stairwell, for she went straight up. I felt about a dozen people up above the lingerie shop. They were all in a good place. Most seemed contented, with a few quite aroused. Sexually aroused. I frowned, because the arousal level was actually a bit lower than the average dance club.

  Sitting in the parking lot for the next three hours, I felt Sabrina's emotions take a roller coaster ride. There were times she was quiet anxious, stressed, but savoring every second of it. At no time did she feel endangered. I would've known. When she left, Sabrina was feeling quite pleased and contented. She left with her roommate, not Roger.

  Fifteen minutes later Roger left with a big smile. I narrowed my eyes at him. Maybe he wasn't mesmerizing Sabrina, or using her as a minion. Not that I could prove, at any rate. But I didn't like the "feel" of that club. There was something odd about it, and I intended on finding out what.

  Roger headed for his car. I didn't wait for him. I knew where he lived. Nothing said I had to take a chance of being spotted by following him. I beat him to his house by a good fifteen minutes. How slow did he drive?

  Roger was a skittish vamp. I parked halfway back down the block and waited for him in the bushes. The garage door started opening a good minute before he arrived. That was a powerful remote. So the door was completely open when he arrived.

  I was inside the garage before the car completely came to a stop. Roger wasn't even paying attention. Smiling wickedly, I opened his door for him.

  "Hi, Roger," I said, startling him. I reached in and snatched his keys. Didn't want him hightailing it out of there on me. "I'm here so you can help me grow wings. You recall promising to help me, right?"

  "Don't do that to me!"

  "Did you pee all over yourself?" I asked with an evil giggle. I don't think he appreciated my humor. He just narrowed his eyes at me. "Sorry, I won't do that again. Shall we begin?"

  I turned on a heel and entered his house. The door was unlocked. I heard the garage door closing by the time I reached the kitchen, and waited for him there.

  "You think we should have dinner first?" I said.

  "I guess," he said, and frowned at me.

  Some people didn't like sharing their blood. He opened the refrigerator, and pulled out two California Reds. California Red was a brand of blood, packaged to look like a fruit drink. It even had a picture of a sliced grapefruit on it. But it was blood.

  There were small straws taped to the side of the bags. Roger handed me a thick, dark red straw with one end clipped to a point. Roger stabbed his drink, and started sucking happily.

  "Do you have a glass I can use?"

  "No," he snapped, looking horrified. "I hate the sight of blood."

  I graced him with an incredulous look. "You're kidding, right?"

  "No. I'm not kidding," he said. "Just use the straw."

  I just stared at him. A vampire that couldn't stand the sight of blood? It had to be a joke.

  "Please," he said, looking just a tad worried.

  "Sure. No problem," I said, and stabbed my straw into the bag. A single drop of blood escaped. His eyes widened, and he turned away quickly. So I licked up that drop, and started sucking on the straw. "Sorry."

  "I'm fine."

  "You're not hemophobic, are you?"

  For a second he looked utterly pathetic and ashamed.

  "Yes. Very," he said. He averted his eyes, looking anywhere but at me. "I don't faint, but the sight of it can make me vomit."

  "You're one strange vampire."

  "I know."

  We were silent until we finished our meal. I could've used another bag. I missed my midnight meal, and had lots of very physical sex that night. But I didn't want to stress Roger out further.

  "It's awful late," Roger said. I cut a sultry look at him. I knew where this was going. "Do you live close?"

  "No, I live across town," I said. "I figured I'd just stay here today. You don't mind, do you?"

  He just gawked at me. For a moment I thought he would refuse, and make me leave. If he asked me to leave it would be humiliating. Would he reject me? I realized I hadn't caught him staring at my chest a single time.

  Thankfully, I caught the heady scent of vampire pheromones. Roger was vampire enough to know what a sleep-over meant. He was going to get some nookie. Apparently, he was a little excited about the prospect.

  "Are you sure? I have to go to work tomorrow night, early," he said.

  "How early?"

  "Nine," he said. "I work nights, nine to five, Wednesday through Sunday."

  I vaguely recalled Boney discussing night shift jobs many vampires took. Most were in retail, working in gas stations and convenience stores. Some vamps worked as skilled labor, or in jobs that required advanced degrees. I had a Bachelor of Business Administration from SMU, but my only experience was working as a church secretary.

  "Wow, those are perfect hours for a vampire," I said. Okay, I was trying to build him up and dispel any lingering fears about me. I planned to wait until after my lesson, after the sun was up before grilling him on his relationship with my sister. Roger couldn't run away with the sun up. "What do you do?"

  "I work at a helpdesk," he said.

  "You mean like computer support?"

  "Yes, a retail helpdesk," he said. "I help store managers with problems."

  "Cool. You must be a genius," I said. "Computers give me a headache. They are so complicated."

  I grew up with computers as a part of my everyday life. They did not intimidate or frustrate me. I understood they would stop working the moment you needed them the most. I dealt with it. I could set my DVR to record programs, too.

  Roger went all shy on me as I continued to shower him with praise and worship. God, I loved it when he did that. I just wanted to eat him up. But to escape my embarrassing, but loved, compliments, he did exactly what I wanted.

  "Let's start work on your wings," Roger said. He pulled off his shirt, and his wings started erupting from his back. It was my turn to gawk. He reveled in my adoration. He waved me behind him. "Here, get a good look at them. You need to memorize them."

  I ran my hands all over his wings. They were beautiful and terrifying at the same time. Wings like that would strike terror in the hearts of my enemies. So I studied them in minute detail.

  After that, I removed my jacket and blouse. Roger had me kneel on the floor, and he knelt behind me.

  "This is where the wings sprout," Roger said, pressing his thumbs hard into the muscle along my spine, between my shoulder blades. "Concentrate on these places as you
visualize wings. Concentrate."

  That went on for the next hour, until the promise of a new day started pressing down upon us. I was disappointed. I felt nothing happening. Roger was still optimistic.

  Truth be known I was surprised it lasted an hour. Any other vamp would've moved in for the seduction fifty-five minutes ago. They would've at least gotten me out of my bra and skirt. Roger didn't even try, though I was pretty sure he was thinking about it.

  "Tell me, Roger," I said. I stood up and removed my skirt. Roger's jaw dropped when he saw I was wearing a lacy black garter belt, and no panties. His hands started shaking. "How does a man as profoundly shy as you somehow manage to lead a woman as beautiful as my sister around on a leash and collar?"

  "You know?" he said.

  "I know," I said. "I spotted y'all strutting your kinky selves in Deep Ellum, and followed y'all to that club at Royal and Harry Hines." I gave him a withering look. "What is going on up in that club?"

  "Nothing. Nothing nefarious," he said. "I promise. No sex."

  Though I couldn't read vampires like I could a mortal, he didn't seem entirely honest with that no sex comment. Call it a hunch, or female intuition.

  "Really? No sex," I said. I graced him with my best doubtful gaze. "You aren't using your vampire pheromones on her?"

  That accusation shocked him.

  "No. She doesn't like me that way," he said. "I just tie her up. They kinda frown on actual intercourse at The Crimson Knot."

  I didn't think I heard him correctly. Surely he misspoke. Sabrina liked to be tied up?

  "You tie her up? With rope?"



  "I'm not into chains," he said. "I like rope. And knots." When I just stared at him a long moment, he continued with a bit more enthusiasm. "It's all about the positioning of the body, the way the rope wraps around her wrists, ankles, body, binding her tightly. It's about being creative in how I wrap her up tightly into the prettiest package I can imagine."

  "And Sabrina lets you?"

  "Let's me? She insists. She loves being tied up in creative ways," he said.

  "Is she naked?"

  "Sometimes. Why?"


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