Everything's Better with Three (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Everything's Better with Three (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 12

by Marla Monroe

  Billy smirked. “Baby girl, you don’t have a say in the matter. We claimed you as ours.”

  Craig seemed to have a little better grasp of her temperament. He rubbed his hands up and down her arms. “What Billy means is that we care about you and want to take care of you. We want to make you happy. That’s all.”

  She looked up at Billy and lifted an eyebrow, inviting him to add to Craig’s explanation.

  “Craig’s right. We aren’t trying to take you over. You still run your business and all. As long as you’re happy, we’re happy,” Billy said with what appeared to her to be a forced smile.

  “So no commands or dictates. I’m my own person.” Kayley was sure that wasn’t it at all. Billy tended to be controlling and opinionated in most everything.

  “Well, yeah. Mostly,” he hedged.

  She huffed out a breath and shook her head. “Billy, you couldn’t let someone do what they wanted when you wanted something else if your life depended on it. At one time I thought being with the two of you would be wonderful, perfect really, but now that I know you better, I realize it would never work long-term. I like my independence. You like to call all the shots.”

  Billy’s eyes jerked toward Craig. She could see the question in his eyes. He didn’t like losing, and her refusal to comply with his dictates was seriously screwing with him. It made her smile inside to know she could rile him like that, but then she’d always been able to get him going. But another part of her wanted to comply, it wanted what he offered, every dirty little detail. If she gave in to him on anything, he’d soon take her over entirely. Kayley didn’t want to lose everything she’d worked toward for the last eight years.

  Yes, she wanted them, but like she’d told Billy, they sparked off of each other to the point that she wasn’t sure she could live with it, always struggling for control. She had already worked out where she stood in the world. She didn’t want to have to go through that process again to figure out where she fit in their world. Trying to keep her independence while bending to become what they wanted at the same time just seemed like too much work.

  But aren’t they worth it? I’ve wanted them forever, maybe all my life. How can I walk away from them then stand back and watch them move on—with someone else?

  Kayley struggled to remain calm and steadfast in her decision. Only the two men didn’t appear to plan to play fair. Craig stood up, pulling her to her feet. She wondered what he had in mind as he drew her toward the bathroom.

  “I think what we all need is a shower then a good night’s sleep,” he said.

  Billy remained where he stood as Craig pulled her from the room. The last thing she saw as she looked over her shoulder was the expression on his face, almost like pain, then it was gone.

  * * * *

  Craig eased Kayley into the shower after making sure the water wasn’t too hot. He needed to relax her, giving her and Billy time to calm down. He smiled to himself. He could foresee lots of sessions like this where he interceded and kept the peace. He didn’t mind one bit, because it meant he would get to spend quality time with his kitten.

  “You know how Billy is, Kay. He likes to call the shots. Give in to him in the bedroom and when your safety is in question, and he’ll stay out of your business otherwise.” Craig soaped up the cloth before turning her around and washing her back.

  “He’s as stubborn as the day is long, Craig. He’s not going to give an inch.”

  He couldn’t stop the chuckle that welled up inside of him from escaping. “Honey, that’s the pot calling the kettle black. You’re just as stubborn as he is. Go on. Admit it. You know it’s true.”

  “That’s different. I don’t make unreasonable demands and then look wronged when someone challenges me. Billy gets his shorts in a twist over every little thing that doesn’t go his way,” Kayley complained.

  “Yeah, he does, but you’re strong enough to stand your ground on the things that aren’t all that important,” Craig said.

  “They may be important to me!” she said with outrage.

  “I didn’t mean it that way, kitten.” Craig started running the soapy cloth up and down her arms. “I meant that they aren’t serious to him, involving your health and safety. Anything else, he’ll give on once you call his bluff. Like you said, he likes being in control. Give some of it to him, and he’ll be fine.”

  Kayley sighed, turning around to look up at him. “Craig, I don’t know if I can handle the two of you. One man is a lot of work, two is bound to be exhausting.”

  “Sweetheart. Billy will be work, true, but I’m easy. Just give a little with Billy, and I can promise that we’ll do the rest. We’ll take good care of you, give you everything your heart desires, and sex you up on a regular basis.” Craig wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

  Kayley laughed as if she couldn’t help herself. He smiled, feeling as if he’d made progress with her. Bringing the two of them together, each making concessions for the other, took a great deal of finesse and a lot of luck. The thing about it was that if he succeeded, he got the woman he cared about more than anyone he’d ever known, living under their roof, sleeping in their bed every night for the rest of their lives.

  As he washed Kayley’s squeezable ass and thighs, it hit him square between the eyes. He didn’t just care about her, he loved her. The realization burned into his heart, scorching his gut in the process. The cognizance scared him a little bit, but it settled him, too. This is what he had wanted for a long time, to love someone enough to settle down and just be. With Kayley, they could have it all, a wife, a lover, a friend, and eventually, a family. Loving her just plain fit.

  “Okay, kitten. Turn around for me and rinse off your back. Time to take care of your front,” he said with a wide grin.

  She complied, oblivious of the realization that had changed him inside in those few seconds. She smiled at him but couldn’t know that he was deliriously happy. Craig kissed her soundly on the lips before dragging the cloth over her neck and shoulders. He paid special attention to her breasts, careful of the one with bruises marring it. He fought down the anger that the sight of those bruises caused. He wasn’t letting anything darken his excitement at discovering that he was in love.

  Once again, emotion nearly overwhelmed him. Craig leaned in and kissed her once again, thrilled when she wrapped her arms around his neck and held him while she responded with a kiss of her own. He moaned into her mouth and pressed her back against the wall, covering her exposed body with his very aroused one. The only thought in his head at the moment was more. More of her sweet kiss and more of her luscious body.

  “Oh, hell, kitten. You go to my head faster than moonshine on a hot summer’s night. I want you surrounding me with that hot, wet pussy.”

  “Please, Craig. I need you so bad.”

  He molded her scrumptious ass with his big hands then lifted her up. With a squeal, she wrapped her legs around him with a laugh. The sound carried over the noise of the shower. She was perfect for him, perfect for them.

  “I can’t wait to get inside of you, Kayley. Nothing in the world feels better than being with you,” he said, resting his forehead against hers.

  Craig reached around with one hand and ran one finger up and down her drenched slit. Fuck! She was already wet and ready for him. Still, he wasn’t about to do anything that might be uncomfortable. She deserved nothing but pleasure. Though it took every ounce of willpower he had to hold back, Craig took his time teasing and stimulating her sweet pussy to be sure she was truly ready. Her hot cunt squeezed his fingers when he gently slipped them deep inside of her. The feel of her milking his fingers knowing it would be his cock soon had him fighting to remain upright.

  “Craig!” Kayley’s strained voice let him know she was more than ready for him.

  That was all it took. Craig held her against the shower wall with one hand while positioning his swollen cock at her slick entrance with the other one. Her sultry heat teased the tip of his engorged crown, taunting him with ju
st how good it was going to feel to be balls deep inside of her. Pressing forward, he allowed a bare inch to penetrate her pouting pussy.

  “Ah, hell.”

  “More,” she moaned.

  Craig couldn’t hold back another second. He pushed forward with one quick thrust and buried his dick in her welcoming cunt. Time seemed to stop as she took him in, bathing him in the pleasure of her tight, wet sheath. Home. He was finally home.

  Their mutual sighs hissed out with the sounds of the shower, adding depth to the tone. It thrilled him to hear how their joining affected her as much as it had him.

  “You’re so damn sexy, kitten. I love the little noises you make when you’re excited. I want to hear more of them, right now.”

  Without giving her time to answer, Craig pulled almost all the way out and slammed home once again. Her strangled cry vibrated along his spine. He did it again and again, riding the swell of pleasure that was building between them. He’d die before he allowed himself to come before her. She came first, always.

  The pull of her tight cunt on his throbbing cock let him know she was close. He buried his face in her neck and inhaled her scent even as he nipped at her with his teeth. His balls had drawn up tight against his body in preparation of his climax.

  “Yes! Oh, God, Craig. I’m going to…”

  He grimaced as her climax washed over her, tearing a scream from her throat even as she strangled his dick with her convulsing pussy. It triggered his own orgasm, as streams of thick cum pulsed from his cock over and over again, starting at the base of his spine and rolling into his balls before continuing up his dick where it emptied inside of Kayley’s waiting womb. The amazing sensation was so close to pain, he knew his face reflected that. Didn’t matter though. Craig knew how fucking wonderful it felt to have her cradling him inside her body.

  When she slowly relaxed around him, he let himself relax as well and let her body slide down his until her feet touched the tiled floor of the shower. She shivered and stumbled slightly, but Craig kept her steady.

  “Looks like we both need to clean up again, kitten. Someone got us all sweaty,” he said with a smile.

  She glanced up at him with shy eyes before quickly lowering her gaze once again. He wasn’t having any of that. She had nothing to feel embarrassed over much less be shy about. With two fingers he tilted her chin up so that he could look down into her eyes.

  “What are you thinking, Kayley?” he asked.

  “I can’t believe I screamed like that,” she finally said.

  “I loved it. Made me feel ten feet tall. Next time it will be louder.”

  She chuckled and rolled her eyes. The issue taken care of, he busied himself cleaning them both up once again, the temptation to take her again, riding him hard. They needed to placate Billy first and settle things better between the three of them.

  When he’d finished bathing her again, Craig quickly rinsed them both off and dried her body with gentle strokes of the towel. By the time they had emerged from the bathroom, Kayley wrapped in a towel and him naked as the day he was born, two suitcases and a small bag sat in front of the bed. Billy was nowhere in sight.

  Craig didn’t allow it to worry him. They would work things out with time. Right now, all he needed to do was focus on Kayley and making sure she was comfortable. He spread open one of the suitcases on the foot of the bed for her to dig through. When she pulled on a T-shirt and pair of lacy baby blue panties, his heart skipped a beat. Hell, anything she wore was sexy on her. The fact that they hadn’t really packed anything but lacy panties and only a couple of bras didn’t figure into the equation.

  “You can put your things in the dresser, kitten. The drawers are all empty.” He hefted the other bag onto the bed and opened it for her.

  “Whose room is this, anyway?” she asked, looking around. “It’s really nice.”

  “It’s yours,” Billy said from the doorway.

  The other man leaned forward with both hands gripping the door facing as he watched them. Desire conflicted with frustration, leaving his expression one of tortured resignation. Billy had figured out that Kayley was a force to be reckoned with, but she was worth every storm, every argument they would have.

  “Mine? I don’t understand.” She frowned.

  “Craig and I have our own rooms down the hall. This is the master suite. We saved it for the woman we would eventually keep between us. You’re that woman, Kay-Kay. You’re the woman we want in our bed and in our home.”

  If he’d said it himself, Craig couldn’t have put it better. They both waited to see how she would respond to that. Watching the wave of emotions clash across her face as she processed Billy’s words and allowed them to settle inside of her, hopefully in her heart, Craig knew what if felt like to stand on the edge of a cliff. He could plunge over the edge to his death, or set his foot on the bridge and cross over to a new place. They held their breath in anticipation. The wait felt as if it went on forever.

  “Mine? Like living here forever mine?” She asked with wide eyes.

  “Like for always,” Craig finally said.

  “You’re asking me to move in with you?”

  Billy huffed out a laugh. “I think we already moved you in with us after carrying in all that computer crap, baby girl.”

  She rolled her eyes at him. Then she sobered up and something drifted across her face that he couldn’t put his finger on.

  “I can’t believe it. One day we’re not talking to each other, and the next you’re moving me in with you. Forgive me if I’m a little confused.”

  “Unpack, Kayley. We’ll talk about it tomorrow. We all need to get some rest,” Billy finally said.

  As far as orders went, even Craig had to admit it was a subtle one, but Kayley’s narrowed eyes said she recognized it for what it was. He prayed she would let it go. When she did, turning to pull out a handful of panties, he let out a breath. Maybe they would make it through the night without another clash of wills.

  No such luck. Twenty minutes later, she stood in the room they’d used as an office-cum-storage room before cleaning it out for her and screamed.

  “No! I know you didn’t unpack my computers without me in here to tell you what to do.” She stomped over to the desk and poured over each one as if it were a baby who’d been mistreated.

  “I just took them out of the cases. What’s the big deal?” Billy asked, sticking his hands on his hips.

  “These are expensive pieces of equipment, not car parts. You can’t just put them anywhere. And you never, never sit them on top of each other like this,” she fussed as she moved them around on the desk.

  “Sorry, babe. I’ll be careful next time.” Billy looked over at Craig and rolled his eyes.

  “There won’t be a next time. Don’t. Touch. My. Computers. I’ll take care of them from now on.”

  Craig smothered a smile, wiping his mouth to be sure it wasn’t showing as she looked at him with narrowed eyes. Seeing her all worked up had his cock making the heroic effort to rise again. He needed to grab something to put on before she decided to grab it as she made her point. Cocks and balls had no place in an argument.

  “You guys hang loose. I’ll be right back.” Craig rushed down the hall to his room and pulled on a pair of jeans. Tucking his wayward dick inside took finesse, but he managed with minimal discomfort.

  When he returned to the office, Billy and Kayley were nose to nose, with Billy bending over to accommodate the height difference. He groaned. What now? Couldn’t they make it through the night without a confrontation?

  “Guys? What’s up?” he asked feigning innocence.

  “You tell this Neanderthal that my computers are not a bunch of junk ready for the scrap heap.” Kayley’s eyes flashed, and the sight of her breasts moving with her rapid breathing set fire to his balls.

  “Um, Billy? Maybe you should show some respect for her computers. I mean, she makes a good living using them, and they probably cost about the same as a really good motor.” Cra
ig tried reasoning with him first.

  If that didn’t work, he’d just step between them and wind himself around Kayley until she calmed down. He sure as hell wasn’t doing that to Billy. He’d punch him for sure.

  “What do you say?” he asked, ready to step in if need be.

  The other man visibly fought to step back. He sighed, rubbing his face with one hand. Craig relaxed.

  “Do they really cost that much?” Billy asked as he looked over at the inappropriately labeled scraps of metal with a new outlook.

  “These babies are top of the line with the latest technology. I bet they cost more than one of your greasy old motors.”

  Craig cleared his throat in hopes that she would get the hint and not trash Billy’s engine fetish. She glanced in his direction and seemed to catch on.

  “Just go easy on them, okay, Billy? I make my living with these,” she finally said.

  “Well, you don’t have to do that anymore, baby girl. Craig and I can more than provide for you.”

  She looked as if she was going to erupt over that, but instead, she drew in a deep breath and smiled. Craig was scared of that smile.

  “I know you can, Billy, but I enjoy programming. It makes me happy. You want me to be happy, don’t you?” She had the pout thing down.

  Billy ate it up. “Of course we do, Kay-Kay. I just don’t want you to think you have to do it. As long as you enjoy it, and don’t let it consume you, it’s fine.”

  Craig knew it was just a matter of time before they paid for that little concession she gave Billy. He wouldn’t know until then if it was worth it or not.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Kayley sat between the two men in the truck as they headed to their shop at the ungodly hour of seven in the morning. Who actually did anything this early, anyway? Why would people bring their cars for repairs before ten a.m.? It wasn’t rational to her.


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