Stricken Unveiled (Stricken Rock #2)

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Stricken Unveiled (Stricken Rock #2) Page 9

by S. K. Logsdon

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! I know we’re having this out in front of two bodyguards and Stacy. I don’t give a shit. It has to be said.

  “Yes, I did for you. But I don’t do it all the time. And I was drugged when I screwed her.”

  “Yeah don’t remind me. But how do you know that you didn’t break the condom? Or forgot to use one? Or didn’t come? You were drunk and high.” I brush my hair out of my face and tuck it behind my ears. I know I have to look hideous, with a blotchy red face, swollen eyes, and makeup running. Not beautiful at all.

  “Listen baby. I could have been on ten other things and I would still remember if I used a condom or if I came. She wants my money and she’s not going to get it. I’ve heard of this happening a thousand times before with rock stars. I’m not the first and I’m not going to be the last. I’m sorry I slept with her. Not because of this money thing but because it washed you off of me. I told you that the day I confessed. I’ve fucked a lot of women. We’ve been over that. But I’ve only ever not wrapped once, and that was with you.” He says, his tone is gentle and loving.

  “Four times.” I correct.

  He laughs. “Okay four times in one night.”

  James whistles impressed. I giggle.

  “Yeah I can hang. You know it.” Johnathan teases James and they both chuckle.

  “You boys I swear are always competing.” I kid and gaze around the room at all the men. The tension cloud has been lifted and we are all in fairly good spirits.

  “Yes, I can go all night. But only one of us fucks both sexes. So he’s one up on the game. I suppose I’ll take second place.” Johnathan laughs and stares at Stacy.

  “That’s not true. I’m not the only.” Stacy cuts in and barks a laugh staring at me.

  Johnathan peers down at me raising a brow. A naughty little smirk peeks through the corner of his beautiful mouth.

  “Fine… Okay… I do too… Sort of.” I shrug.

  Johnathan laughs. “It’s Claire isn’t it?”

  I nod eerily.

  Johnathan only knows about Claire now because I’ve talked to him over the past six weeks about her setting up San Diego and the ideas for the men to do ads for companies. He likes the thought of representing products. But during that time I had to admit she was the woman at the club. He’s yet to meet her. So I have no idea how that might actually play out. Fingers crossed it’s not a pissing contest.

  “Baby, if you like Claire and you want to have fun with her go ahead. As long as you are MINE and you keep no secrets from me. No men though. I don’t share. But if you like the idea of licking her pussy then you go right ahead.” He wiggles his brows and smiles like the dirty little boy he is.

  I roll my eyes. “I have you know I haven’t licked anything like that.” I playfully push his chest. He wraps his arms around me. My head tucked into his rock hard chest. He nuzzles my hair and kisses it.

  “I love you so much baby. As long as you’ll be mine. Please be mine.”

  “Okay Johnathan I’ll be yours, but no more drugs and no more women.”

  He nods into my hair and kisses it again. “Only a woman for you. So if I want to start doing dudes would that bother you?” he teases evenly.

  “As long as the man is Stacy I don’t care.” I break into a full on body rumbling laugh. He doesn’t know I know about Stacy and his past at rehab.

  “Okay, deal. If I ever decide to fuck men Stacy will be the first man I’ll call.”

  I laugh even louder into his chest and he starts in too and soon the rest of the room is laughing and I am so happy. I have the man I love in my arms, my two best friends standing behind me, two healthy babies growing in my tummy. The only person that’s missing is Claire. I’ll have to call her tonight and give her the good news. Well I hope she finds it to be good news.

  Chapter Eleven

  Yesterday was a busy day and emotional as hell. After leaving the rehab I sat in the back of the suburban with Johnathan cuddled into his chest. I wanted to spend the rest of the day with him. But unfortunately it wasn’t possible. Between him having to deal with the Cassandra stuff personally, his own job at the record company that is backed up six weeks, plus half a dozen other things. I rode with him and Davis to Magic records studio where we dropped them off and came home to Stacy’s. I got a quick peck on the lips and he was off. His motor running a hundred miles an hour trying to play catch up for the rest of the day until today when we leave to go up to San Fran for the first of four concerts at the end of the tour.

  Now it’s eleven in the morning. I’m lying on my back in bed staring at the flat white ceiling of my bedroom. I don’t want to get up. And what I really don’t want to do is take care of business that I need to do with my new friend B.O.B. Who is resting in his little blue cotton bag tucked into my bedside drawer. I went the whole day yesterday without touching myself. It was too emotional of a day for me to even think about it for once. The first time that’s happened in over a month.

  When we got back last night Stacy and I checked over the bags of goodies Claire sent me home with. Some cool items in them like tennis shoes, a men’s brand of eyeliner, nail polish, clothes, two guitar straps, sports drinks and energy drinks and a bunch of others including condom’s from a company that I’ve never heard of. They specialize in flavored and colored condoms. Weird.

  Afterward we all ate BLT’s that I made, including James who stayed until well after I came to bed last night. It was a relaxing day following the Johnathan fiasco in the morning. I still can’t believe he’s on board with the whole baby thing. It’s beyond my comprehension right now. Maybe it was the initial shock and he’ll change his mind later? I can’t be sure. Although I’m just happy to say I’m happy if he’s happy. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about him since I dropped him off and I haven’t spoken with him since. Which is kind of odd.

  So now I get to have my morning date with B.O.B and get on with my day. Maybe I should call Claire instead? Maybe she’s available for me this morning? That would be better than screwing myself with a ribbed vibrator. Naw, she’s probably working and so is Johnathan. I’ll have to go at this alone.

  I roll to my side reach over and slide open my bedside drawer that stores my nook, my iPod, ear buds a few books and my B.O.B. with his cleaning spray and Kleenex. I pull him out and untie the little knot at the top. I reach in and there he is. My beautiful pink toy, the one that gets the job done.

  A knock sounds at the door. I throw bob down on the bed and cover him with a sheet.

  “Yes?” I croak out.

  Jesus, could I sound any hornier? I can’t help it. I’d like to. But I can’t. My core is needy all the time and my pussy is already sopping wet and I just woke up. I’m like a man with a morning wood.

  “Em, it’s me can I come in?”

  “Yeah, Stace.”

  He opens the door and pops in, standing at the end of the bed. I look over and shit! My bedside drawer is open and B.O.B case is laying on the nightstand. How obvious can that be?

  He peers over and notices. “Am I interrupting?”

  I sit up in bed tucking the blanket around my nether regions, and shake my head. “No. I’m fine. What’s up?” I ask sweetly in my normal voice.

  That’s much better.

  “We are leaving on the jet at two out of LAX and I wanted to take you to lunch beforehand. It’s been a long few days, so I thought we could have some best friend time before we get back to the rock and roll lifestyle.” He says with a sexy smile only Stacy could have. He’s so damn adorable! How could I stay in bed another minute and say no to a face like that?

  “Okay, I’ll get up and shower and pack. But what do I wear on the tour? I know I have to ‘look the image’” I air quote. “But my tummy is too big to wear jeans comfortably.”

  “Just pack some dresses. Who cares if people see your body? You’re hot and pregnant.”

  “Yeah but I look like I’m fat. I don’t exactly look like I’m pregnant yet. I have a pooch that sticks out a little. That
doesn’t count.”

  “Then pack the A lines or something like that. Not the skintight ones. Just leave the jeans here and maybe when we’re gone if we have time we can drop by a couple maternity clothing stores to get you mommy clothes.”

  “Fine.” I sigh. “Now get, so I can get up, shower and pack.” I wave him away.

  He leaves and I spend the next twenty minutes picking through my closet selecting a weeks’ worth of clothes and tossing them into my red suitcase. I make sure to pack extra underwear, B.O.B; who’s going to be lonely for a few more hours and flats along with a couple pairs of heels. I take a shower ans get prettied up. Not that it matters because I’m going to spend most of the day in a plane and then in a hotel. Tomorrows the gig. I throw on a pair of black slacks and a white, bright tattoo print tank, red dangle earrings and bracelet. I put my hair up into a messy pony and wear actual makeup today. To rock myself out. I finish off my ensemble with a pair of red peep toe kitten heels. I give myself a once over in the mirror. I look pretty damn good for being twelve and a half weeks prego with twins. My skin does have that natural glow. But my little nub in my pants is still screaming it hates me. Too fucking bad, the greedy bitch will have to wait until later.

  I meet up with Stace in the living room, he’s waiting for me and James is right next to him.

  “You two ready to hit it?” I say rounding the corner.

  “Hot damn!” Stace whistles. “You look sexy as hell.”

  James eyes me and nods.

  “Well thank ya.” I curtsy and chuckle, blushing. I flash them a big toothy smile. I love to feel good and I really do today.

  I follow James out and Stacy locks up. We’re driving the suburban again.

  “How long until we stop to eat? I’m starving and I need to make a quick call.” I ask once we’re on the road.

  “We’re not going to stop until we get close to LAX and with it being Tuesday and lunch hour it’ll be a while.” Stacy calls from the front. James is driving but for some reason Stacy took the passenger seat.

  I snatch out my iPhone slide through the display and find the woman’s number I’ve been dying to talk to since yesterday. I decide to call her office.

  It rings twice.

  “Hello Ms. Kennedy’s, office how may I help you?” a woman answers.

  “Yes, I’m calling to speak to Ms. Kennedy. This is a business matter.” I say in my most professional speaking voice. Truth be told it’s not. I just want to hear her sweetness.

  “Ms. Kennedy’s in a meeting right now. Can I please have your name so I can leave her a message?”

  Damnit! I guess I won’t be speaking with her after all. I slump in the seat, bummed.

  “Yes, could you please tell her Emily Bronwyn called? It’s not urgent so she doesn’t need to call back if she doesn’t want to. I can speak with her later.”

  “Oh dear, I’m sorry I didn’t know it was you Ms. Bronwyn I will patch you right over to her. It’ll just be a moment.”

  She clicks me over before I can tell her not to worry about it. And classical music fills my ear.

  Ok? That was weird.

  “Hello beautiful.” Claire answers. That angelic voice of hers is amazing.

  “Um…Hi… I told your receptionist not to bug you. I’m sorry.” I tug the hem of my shirt. I feel kind of bad to interrupt her meeting. But she sounds so sexy on the phone.

  “Nonsense, Eva knows to patch you through no matter what. So what’s up babe? Everything okay?”

  I clear my throat. “Yeah, I just wanted to hear your voice. We haven’t talked since…well you know. I just wanted to touch base make sure everything’s alright. I’m heading out of town on the tour after lunch….Shit. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have called, really. I don’t have any update on the guys wanting to ads yet. I will talk to them when we’re gone.” I sound all fidgety on the phone. She makes me nervous especially if I am being a dumbass, like I am right now.

  “Is my sweetheart missing me?” I can hear a smile in her tone. “I didn’t call babe because I didn’t want to sound clingy. Where are you having lunch?”

  I’m her sweetheart? Since when? I know we have sex and it’s amazing but I didn’t think she wanted me that much to call me ‘her’ sweetheart. I think I might have a boyfriend and a girlfriend now. Well if that’s what you’d call both Johnathan and Claire. It’s weird from both sides. But I like Claire in a more than a friend’s way and I love Johnathan. My life is so damn complicated and I do it to myself.

  “I don’t know? Why?”

  “I’ll come meet you. If I can’t see my girl for a few days I’ll skip out of here for a while so I can.”

  God she’s really sweet! Seeing her and then seeing Johnathan is going to kill my core. I am going to be screaming for more of a release than I am now. Maybe I should tell her no because if we’re in public it’s not like I can do anything about my horniness and seeing her will defiantly make it ten times worse. She always looks so soft and beautiful when I see her.

  “Hold on.”

  I cover my hand over the receiver. “Hey Stace.”


  “Can Claire meet us for lunch? If so where are we going?”

  “Yeah, that’s fine. Um….tell her to meet us at Brewster’s on Airport.”

  I uncover the receiver.

  “Stacy says to meet us at Brewster’s on Airport.”

  “Okay, I’ll head out now.”

  “Wait, aren’t you in a meeting?” I ask quickly before she hangs up.

  “Yes, but it’s just the three of us. They can come back later. I’m going to see you. I’ll be there shortly. Don’t wait up if I’m late just get a table. Okay beautiful? I’ll see you soon. Can’t wait.” She’s excited her voice is airy with sweet static.

  She doesn’t wait for me to reply, she ends the call.

  Chapter Twelve

  Twenty minutes later and we are now just pulling into Brewster’s, it’s like a bar and grill kind of place. We’re close to the airport. James gets out and opens the door for me. I slide out and Claire’s standing by the front entrance looking sexy as ever in a black well-tailored business suit, crisp white shirt unbuttoned at the top, silver dangle earrings and her beautiful brown hair straight and flowing down her back. She’s on her cell phone.

  I make my way over towards her across the parking lot.

  “I gotta go, my dates here.” She says and hangs up. “Well hello my beautiful.” She greets me with a big sexy smile, walking my way. She wraps her arms around my waist and grabs my ass with her hand, pulling me closer to her our pelvises meeting. My belly does a big flip-flop. What an invitation. Holy shit she’s hot! My clit just jerked in my panties. I knew this was going to be bad but damn it’s really bad. I wiggle a little to adjust myself, the line of my pants is riding too high in my clef and making it impossible to stop the thumping between my legs. My core is screaming her name.

  “Hi Claire.” I smile and wrap my arms around her neck for a hug. I press my swollen breasts against hers, laying my head tenderly on her delicate shoulder. Nuzzling my nose in the crook of her neck, I inhale her scent. She smells wonderful like oranges and honey. I kiss her neck softly with my lips. Her skin is like heaven, warm, soft and silky smooth. She kneads my ass with her hands and I hold onto her. I don’t want to let go. She’s my safe place. The warmth I want in my bed without any problems or worries.

  I kiss her neck again and gently lick her skin. It tastes so good. A groan bellows in her throat. “Babe I missed you.” She says holding me close.

  “Ah hem.” Stacy clears his throat. Oh shit I forgot I came with him.

  I pull away and stand so I can introduce them again.

  “Sorry. Stace. You remember Claire?” he nods and extends his hand. She takes it and they shake.

  “Hello, Stacy. Thank you for letting me tag along. I’m sad I won’t be seeing this beauty for a few days.” She reaches my behind and squeezes. The burning in my belly gets worse. I swallow hard. My nippl
es are begging to be played with. Jesus, how does she do it?

  Taking in a deep breath I say, “And this fine man is James.” I introduce.

  “Hello, James.”

  He nods politely his hands clasped in front of himself. “Ms. Kennedy.”

  We all enter the bar and are seated quickly even though the place is packed. I read through the menu. I am starving. I sit in a booth next to Claire and Stacy and James sit opposite of us. We’ve ordered our drinks and our waitress is pretty and well-spoken although I can’t help but notice her trying to look down Claire’s top. Jeeze, I know she’s fucking hot but seriously stop gawking at her! Oh please don’t tell me I am getting attached. This isn’t good. I don’t do jealous with her. That’s the rules. I like her, we have sex and that’s it.

  “Looks like our waitress is gay.” Stacy chimes in after she leaves.

  Holy shit! Stace really? We need to make it that obvious?

  “Why’s that?” Claire asks with a sweet smile, her pouty lips are perfect. God, I love that voice. I want that voice. I need to have it cloned and implanted.

  “I was checking her out and she was checking you out. So she obviously likes pussy.” He states bluntly.

  “Sorry Claire, ignore Stacy. He has no manners.” I shoot him a hard stare. “He’s also not used to having to complete with someone else. He’s usually the hottest one of the group.”

  He chuckles. “That’s not true Em, and you know it. Men stare at you all the time.”

  I roll my eyes. “Whatever.”

  Our waitress returns to take our orders. Son of a bitch she’s trying to look down Claire’s top again. Seriously lady, are you that fucking desperate that you have to blatantly stare at her tits? I know their beautiful I’ve had them in my hands a time or two. I’m about to grow some balls and show this woman that Claire is mine. But I don’t want Claire to think I’m possessive. That’s a Jonathan thing not an Emily thing. I so don’t want to be like him in that department. He takes it to another level. Fuck what is wrong with me? Maybe it’s the hormones? Shit.


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