Stricken Unveiled (Stricken Rock #2)

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Stricken Unveiled (Stricken Rock #2) Page 22

by S. K. Logsdon

  I hold onto her and I rub her back. The pink cock is folded between our stomachs. “It’s okay Claire. It’s okay.” I gently soothe taking care of my woman like she would for me. Holy shit I can’t believe I’m calling her my woman. But she is more of a partner to me sexually and emotional than anyone else right now. Including fuck bag.

  “Sabrina won’t do that for me. I won’t let her. If anything she uses a toy. I can’t believe you…..” she chokes back again swallowing hard. “You did that for me. Oh baby thank you so much… oh… god… you’re so wonderful.” She kisses my neck. “You’re so wonderful.” She repeats and kisses my neck again.

  I caress her soft back. “It’s okay babe. I wanted to make you feel good. Thank you for letting me take over. I know it’s hard for you.” I say softly and she kisses my neck once more.

  “Can I touch Anna?” she croaks in almost a whimper.

  “Yes, you’re sure you want to do that right now? You can see Anna later if you want to sweetie. You’re pretty shook up.” I hold her and touch her warm skin. She’s so beautiful.

  “I need to see her. I miss her.” She whines. Wow, this is so not the Claire I remember. She’s open and exposed right now. So sweet and soft and not like herself.

  I pull away from her and she hops down off the bed her legs wobbly. I grab her to steady her. She waves me off. “I’m okay babe.” She smiles.

  She kneels behind me and I lean over a little and rest my hands on the table to ready myself opening Anna up for better access.

  She plunges her tongue into me ferociously. “Oh Anna I love you.” She says warming my belly. My pussy pooling juices once again for the kinkiness woman ever.

  “Does Anna love me?” she whispers her hot steamy breath against her favorite part of me. I push out again tightening my belly and she moans watching it. “Oh yes.” She licks it. “She’s so beautiful.” She licks it again. She sounds like a crazy person talking to a stuffed animal. But she’s still high from an orgasm so everything is going to be surreal to her. “Oh Anna.” She moans sucking her lips to it tonguing it hard and hastily. Her mouth needs it and it needs her mouth. I close my eyes and feel her, shutting down all my other senses except my ears and touch.

  Oh yes…. She wants me so bad. I can feel it. My ass needs to come oh yes. Lick me baby! Yes! Oh Claire!

  “Yes Anna. I want you to come for me. Do you want me inside of you Anna?” she moans lapping it hard and circling it with her hot wet velvet tongue. I can hear her pussy going, she’s fucking herself.

  “I’m fucking my pussy for you Anna. I’m fucking it for you all for you.” She moans and licks it again.

  “Anna wants you to play with her.” I whisper seductively. Not wanting to interrupt her little fantasy surreal post orgasm world.

  She removes her mouth and I can feel her finger rolling around the outside slowly. Taunting me, teasing me. She pushes it in slightly and I loosen up.

  “Oh yes Anna let me in. Let me make you feel so good. I want to fuck you baby.” She moans watching me take her finger inside as she slaps her fingers in her pussy. I can hear her breathing heavy groaning as she pushes herself closer to another orgasm.

  The burning is so hot. I love when she does this. She pushes in and in. Oh yes! More! She gets all the way inside and freezes. I squeeze my hole around her finger to tell her how much I love her in my ass. She moans and laps her tongue around her finger that’s inside me.

  “Mmmmmm yes Anna I love you so much.” She kisses it. This is not like the Claire I’m used to. She always talks dirty but this is a strange little world of Claire and her anal fetish. It’s fucking hot. She can talk to my asshole all she wants as long as she makes me come.

  She moves in and out of me slowly her tongue licking me. She’s moaning deep in her throat loving my ass. She bites my butt cheek. Fuck it hurts! She licks the bite and soothes in into the kind of dull ache that makes my core burn more for her. Damn this woman is so hot!

  “Does the pussy who sleeps by my beautiful Anna want some attention too? Does she feel left out?” she talks to it and then laps it hard with her mouth sucking my nectar out of me. Drinking it down, she moans against my skin as she does her finger still inside of me. Oh yes! More! She stands up.

  Holy Shit! I forgot about the pink cock. She stands behind me I’m already ready. I’ve never done doggy style. This is different and her finger is still buried deep inside.

  “Are you ready baby? Anna is ready, are you?” she asks me this time.

  I nod.

  She rubs the rubber cock up and down my slit. Oh yes. Then she positions it at my pussy hole and pushes it all the way is. “Oh fuck!” I moan taking it deep. Johnathan is a lot larger than this but damn it’s big too.

  “Oh yes take my cock.” She humps into me and pulls back out. I can feel her finger swirling. Shit!

  She gets into a rhythm and pleasures me and fucks me hard and softly then hard again. Pumping her finger in and out of Anna. It doesn’t take long and I come and she doesn’t stop she fucks me harder and harder until I come three more times.

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  It’s Sunday morning now and I’m sitting in the living room at James’s condo and I’m chilling on the couch watching Free Willy. Yep, it’s a kids movie but it’s the only this on TV at four in the afternoon. Following my date on Friday with Claire she brought me home after our fun sex session and dinner and I was so worn out because of it. She kissed me good-bye and I haven’t seen her since though we did text a few times. She is so kinky and I love the sex we have it’s amazing. She’s still reeling on the fucking I gave her and this morning I received a giant bouquet of white daisies and a huge box of imported Swiss chocolate from her as a thank you. Which I am now indulging in while I wear a normal fitted T-shirt and black boy short panties with my feet up on James’s rustic coffee table.

  Saturday I spent inside figuring out my Sunday plans. The plane for Stricken is back in LA tonight and I haven’t spoken to asshole but I have filled my entire text quota twice with him trying to get a hold of me. At least he’s trying, I guess. I seriously thought about blocking his number for the weekend but then I wouldn’t have the joy of reading all his very long and a few short texts. I know some people might think it’s mean to do this to your boyfriend. But if you’re boyfriend has done the shit mine has done you wouldn’t be so nice. Most would break up with them and never look back. But I love the asshole and therefore I am stuck mucking through his shit. James has set his phone to silent for only Johnathan’s calls and he’s let his texts get full so no more can be sent. I would do that too but then I couldn’t hear from Claire. So I’m kind of stuck. I called my mom finally yesterday too and told her I moved in with James. I didn’t tell her why but she trusts me. She’s sad I’m not living with Stacy, her favorite person anymore. I seriously believe Stacy might be my mom’s favorite person ever. Even more than me.

  Last night I slept with James again. Not sex of course but we had a nice night cuddling together in bed. I love sleeping with him. Again, it’s not sex. Just sleep. His mattress is divine and his room smells fantastic and I love having someone next to me when I get up in the morning. And there is no one better for that than James. He doesn’t try to cop a feel. He cuddles with me sometimes. We talk a lot. He’s overall really wonderful.

  Then last night we ate at Taco Hell which is my name for Taco Bell just like I call Walmart, Wally World a lot of times when I speak. It’s a part of my Midwestern upbringing I suppose. It goes along with pop, worshing your clothes instead of washing, and I don’t measure distance with miles I do it by minutes. Then after we ate at Taco Hell we went to Albertsons to pick up groceries for the week. I’m going to start cooking for this poor man. He doesn’t cook much, not that many men do. But his meals consist of sandwiches, peanut butter, frozen dinners and those roaster chickens or he eats out.

  Even though I am hanging on James’s couch he’s gone setting up the pickup for the flight into LAX that should be landing in
about twenty minutes. I guess he figures I’m safe here. And I’m safe anywhere. I don’t have a vehicle to drive and the closet place to walk here is down to the AM/PM which is a dive. So I’m going to hang in my panties, watching a movie that makes me bawl like baby at the end. I could use a good cry, and crying and chocolates go so well together.

  -Thirty five minutes later-

  My phone’s singing to me - ‘Crazy underwear creepin up my butt, crazy underwear always in a rut, crazy underwear’

  It’s James’s ringtone. It’s Phoebe from Friends singing. The songs remind me of him because of his panty issues with me and how much he loves Friends. I kind of have a ringtone fetish. Everyone I talk to regularly has their own ringtone and sometimes separate text alert tone.

  I answer. “Hey James what’s up?”

  “We’ve got a problem.” He sounds angry and very serious.

  “Okay? How can I help?” I ask nervously.

  “Your drunk boyfriend and his drunken band mates including Stacy are here at LAX but Johnathan called a meeting with three different magazines or newspapers to do a piece on him. So I have three journalists here who are expecting to talk with him.” He explains.

  “Okay. Did he call them to talk when he was drunk or when he was sober?”

  He’d do it either way so I can’t be sure. One can be bad and the other would be very very bad.

  “According to…What’s your name dear?” he asks someone else. “Melody from People magazine he called this morning inebriated and they’ve wanted to do a piece on him for a long time. Stacy is drunk and says go for it. My question is do you want me to let him do it or do you want to come down here and coral this animal house? Warning you now … there are five naked women on this plane, along with a half-naked stewardess and a topless Jasmine. The pilot is waiting to park the plane in a hangar. But he said he can leave it here overnight and come back tomorrow. But you’re their other manager and I can’t order anything because I’m not authorized to.” He informs.

  “I’m not either. I quit remember?”

  “Yes, you are, you have to file paperwork to quit silly woman. Or they have to file it and Johnathan wouldn’t do that right away. I’m only calling because I have no authority and the only men who do are both drunk as skunks still sucking back liquor like they’re twenty one and at a frat party. I had to turn down the damn music to call you. Which they booed me like a bunch of five-year-olds. You tell me what to do.”

  I know James well enough that he wouldn’t be calling me if it wasn’t dire need. He’s not that type of person. Especially, since I’m pregnant. I’m not excited about dealing with this. But it’s not surprising considering how stupid some of those texts were from Johnathan.

  “Ok I’ll come what do you need me to do? I know you can’t leave so how am I to get there? I don’t have a car to drive.”

  A bunch of yelling. “Is that her on the phone?” I hear a male voice ask. “Is it? Will she talk?”

  “Go sit back in that plane and shut the fuck up guys. I’m trying to deal with all of this shit. Go now!” James yells at them. “Ok, sorry. Yes there’s a car that’s mine. Ok it’s not a car it’s an old Chevy pickup. It’s on the road in my spot. I don’t drive it much but the keys are in the first drawer in the kitchen they have an eagle key chain attached to them. The trucks white. I’m sure you’ve noticed it before. Can you drive a truck?”

  I laugh into the phone. “James I’m coming and of course I can. I’ve driven a suburban most of my life.”

  “Oh damn a Chevy girl and a truck girl. Who’s coming bail me out of a mess? A woman after my own heart.” he laughs. Which is good.I can tell he’s super pissed and stressed.

  “Always am, you know it James.” I tease.

  “Well get that backwoods Indiana ass of yours over here and help me wrangle some gators.” he says trying to be funny. It sounds silly coming from him but it makes me smile and laugh a little.

  “Ok Tex I’m on my way.” I solute even though he can’t see me and hang up.

  I grab the keys, run into the bedroom, and throw on a pair of my yoga pants. Then I tug them off and instead throw on my black cargo pants like dog the bounty hunter wears and James. They ride super low, so my baby belly doesn’t get squished which now has two lemons inside. My belly’s grown in just the past week. I tug on my black Mad Hatter tight t-shirt. Wrap my hair up in a high sexy pony, lace up my black steel toed boots. Yep, I have some. What girl doesn’t? Ok, maybe most don’t, but I do. I used them to move furniture in my apartment so I didn’t drop something on my toe and break it. I’m overly cautious sometimes.

  I grab my purse and out the door I go. I run around the corner and find the white Chevy. I’ve seen this sitting here; it’s a big truck with an extended cab and long bed. I fire it up and Stricken’s Cd is in the player and I leave it.

  This drunken thing is some bullshit. But I’ll have my backup there to help and Davis I’m sure has had his hands full. If the band keeps it up like this we’re going to make sure they hire some more bodyguards to keep these boys in check. I’d hate to know what they’ve been up to since I stopped talking to Johnathan early Friday morning. They’ve had two and a half days to create and uproar. Mental note- When I get home check internet for new Stricken and Johnathan news. I am sure there is going to be some and it’ll probably be juicy.

  I’m pulling into the gate I roll my window down.

  “Hello ma’am may I ask what you are here for?” the guard asks at his station.

  I pull out my manager’s badge and hand it to him. “I’m here to take care of some drunken imbeciles.”

  “You’re Stricken’s manager?” he asks surprised.

  “Yes, one of two and the other one is drunk on the plane waiting for me to come beat the shit out of him. So if the cops get called just let them through. I’m sure they’ll be happy to arrest some drunken assholes.” I shoot him a fake sarcastic smile.

  “Oh yep no problem. You have a nice day now.” He says and hands me back my pass. I take off and head for the plane.

  I park close but not too close. I don’t need them using the truck as a play toy. Drunk people do stupid things with vehicles. James sees me pull up and sprints my way.

  “Hey.” He says his face is red. He’s not happy.

  “Hey, so what do you want me to do first?” I see a lineup of the journalists outside of the plane. They don’t look pleased. We walk together talking as we near the plane; I can hear the loud music baring.

  “Get rid of the journalists and then we can wrangle the crew. We’ve got them locked inside for now. It’s not pretty and you’re going to have do use that sexy bad ass mojo to wrangle them into submission, I’m afraid.”

  I giggle. “My sexy bad ass mojo? What?” I’m confused. He’s lost me here.

  “You know there’s the sweet loving Emily that I see most of the time. Then there’s the other Emily. The one who could put a man on his knees in a second and make him obey. “

  I shake my head. “If I was that good Johnathan wouldn’t have done the shit he has.” I comment.

  “Yeah, well he’s a tougher nut to crack but I’m telling you it will work and remember there are females inside too.”

  I nod and slap my pants and stomp my foot on the ground. “I know that’s why I wore this outfit because I have some steel toes in these here boots. You ready to wrangle us up some gators Hauss?” I ask in my best hilly-billy twang.

  He laughs. “You sure are something Emily. Now I’ll go back inside I’ll meet ya in a few.”

  I go up to the journalists.

  “Okay I’m sorry about this everybody. I know you were asked to come out and get a quote or a story here today. But it’s unfortunately not going to happen. But what I am going to do is take each of your business cards and call you all by Friday to tell you what exclusive I will let you have with the band. Each will be different and it will be juicy. I promise.” I say before any of them can speak.

  “I can’t believe
you’re going to be the one going into that crazy plane. The sounds and noises coming from there are ridiculous.” One female says and slides me her card.

  “Yep, I deal with them all the time. It’s like wrangling cattle. You got to rope em’ and hog-tie em’ sometimes and then they finally break.” I kid. But I’m kind of serious.

  They all laugh and one by one I take their cards and bid them adieu. They leave and I hit the stairs into the plane. I take a deep breath and pound on the door. James opens it and HOLY SHIT!

  It smells like cigarettes, pussy and beer in this motherfucker. We’ve got Price getting his dick sucked on the sofa, D’s dancing naked with two girls drinking a beer and one’s running her sweaty palms all over him. You’ve got Stacy having his cock sucked by dumb bitch Jasmine on one of the Captain’s chairs. He’s holding her head and shoving his cock into her mouth hard. Then you’ve got Keith sucking back a beer with a topless stewardess on his lap. Her tits are fake and he’s playing with them. Son of a bitch this is gross. And you’ve got my motherfucking boyfriend with two naked woman one of which is kissing him the other is bouncing up and down on him. I can’t see his face because his chairs turned the opposite direction but I can only assume he’s fucking her and she’s of course moaning.

  I think I might just go fucking bat shit crazy! This is bullshit!

  I grab James’s and Davis’s arms and push them into the cockpit. The captain must have left because he’s not in here. It’s hard to hear because Stricken the band is listening to their Stricken CD as they fuck around with these bitches and the only one not fucking around is D. Maybe he just finished. But my own stupid boyfriend is back to his shit! Is this ever going to stop?

  “Okay this is how this is going to go down. Johnathan is going to stop fucking that chick and kissing the other and it’s going to be violent and not pretty. I’m not worried about me kicking ass. But I’m worried about women kicking me in the belly because drunk and horny equals violence. So if either of you have a bulletproof vest or anything that would be great if not I’m going in without one. When I remove the women you are to coral them, make sure they put their clothes back on, and send them out of the fucking door. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT let any of them men make a break for it. I am shutting this bitch down now! And I am going to fuck some shit up in the process. Do you understand?” I order like a drill sergeant.


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