Tragic Deception (Deception Series Book 1)

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Tragic Deception (Deception Series Book 1) Page 9

by Linda S. Prather

  A nice pineapple upside-down cake sounded good. She headed toward the kitchen. It was Ted’s favorite, and if she served it in the buff, he would come around to her way of thinking.

  ~ ~ ~

  Tamara checked her ankle holster as Nobby drove slowly by the house. “We think this Newcomb character is the weaker link. Figure if we just hang out for a while, she’ll get nervous and do something we can act on.”

  “How do you plan on doing that?” Nobby asked. “And what about the FBI? Ain’t they still here, monitoring the phones?”

  “They were, but they’re not now. Seems the kidnappers didn’t wait for the ransom to go up; they called and asked for two million dollars. They wanted it handled by wire transfer, so our guys cleared out and set up at the bank. They’re hoping to follow the money, which we figure will be routed through several phony accounts before it reaches its final destination.”

  “You told Alex this?” Nobby asked.

  “Just found out myself.” She pointed at her right ear. “Besides, if she’s listening, she knows now.”

  “So how exactly are we gonna hang out and make this Newcomb woman nervous?” Nobby asked.

  “You’re a detective. I’m FBI. We heard through the grapevine there might be a threat on Mrs. DuPont’s life. We’re here to guard her.”

  Nobby chuckled. “You’re all right, kid.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Alex listened to the conversation between Nobby and Tamara. “Can they still hear us?”

  Reefer held up a small box with several buttons. “As long as we want them to. This turns each earbud on and off. I figured they didn’t need to be part of our conversation, so I turned them off. We can still hear them, though.”

  “That’s pretty smart telling them there was a rumor on Mrs. DuPont’s life. Should have both Anders and Newcomb wondering who might have overheard their plans, or if there’s someone else involved, maybe they leaked some information,” Alex said.

  “And it should send Newcomb to the phone as soon as they get in there and refuse to leave,” Gavin said.

  It all sounded easy. Too easy, Alex thought. “I wish now we had those juvenile records. I know we think Newcomb is the weaker link, but if we’re wrong, she could hurt one of them, or even kill both of them if she felt in danger. Neither of them struck me as women to be tampered with. We’re pretty sure they’ve already killed, and they’re willing to kill a woman and a baby.”

  “And you,” Gabriella reminded her.

  Reefer clicked a button. “You can talk to them now.”


  “Damn it, Alex, we’re getting ready to go in. We got a plan.”

  “I know you do—I heard it. And it’s a fine plan, but we haven’t gotten into those juvenile records yet, so you two need to be on alert at all times. Sabrina Newcomb could be very dangerous if she feels cornered.”

  “She’s right, you know,” Tamara said. “We may need to change our plan. Instead of Mrs. DuPont, it’s both DuPonts. We’re here to guard her, and Alex will be going to his office soon to guard him.”

  Alex breathed a sigh of relief. Newcomb wouldn’t connect a threat to both DuPonts to their scheme. “That sounds lovely.”

  “Good,” Nobby growled. “Now get off here and let us do our job.”


  Frost and Crimshaw arrived right on time, and Alex made the introductions then gave them a brief rundown on the evidence as well as what Nobby and Tamara were up to.

  “We really have three scenarios,” Alex said. “One, we don’t believe the DuPont baby is connected to the other two. We’re concentrating there because that’s the one we feel is in the most danger at the moment, plus the plot against Mrs. DuPont’s life. And we don’t know for sure, but we believe Nicholas DuPont is part of all of this.”

  “What about the other two babies?” Frost asked.

  “Morgan believes the Martins know exactly where their baby is, and I’m inclined to agree with him. Unfortunately, since I’m technically suspended, I can’t rough him up or push too hard without him complaining to someone. The Wilsons are a tragedy, but I believe Mr. Wilson is a good man, and his wife is barmy at the moment. We have no clues and no idea why their baby was taken.”

  “That’s only two. You said there were three scenarios,” Frost said.

  “There is a third Morgan threw out, which would connect all the babies, or maybe two of them. Someone lost a child and wants to replace it. A blue-eyed, Caucasian girl. The thieves were taking children that matched the description of that child.”

  “All right. Then we’ll concentrate on what we know, and since we know who is responsible for the DuPont baby, we’ll hit there first,” Frost said.

  Crimshaw listened to the phone messages again. “Hope you’re not planning on drinking any tea this afternoon, Fox.”

  Alex shrugged. “I’m rather a klutz. Figured I’d somehow manage to spill it or just refuse it.”

  Frost reached for the readouts on the Wilsons and Martins. “Any phone calls coming into or going out on these two?”

  Gavin nodded. “We couldn’t get the cell phones covered on the Martins, but on the home phone there have just been a few family friends expressing their condolences and seeking information. The Wilsons didn’t have cell phones, and their home phone was disconnected this morning.”

  Frost stood. “I’ll go with Fox. Crimshaw, if the kids find anything you can follow up on, let us know.” He tapped the Martins’ paperwork. “I got a bad feeling on this one. When we get back we might just pay them a visit and shake a few teeth loose.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Alex had intended to keep her temporary detective status under wraps, but because Frost was going with her, she felt she had to fill him in. “There’s something I need to tell you.” She pulled the wallet from her pocket and passed it to him. “That’s temporary, sanctioned by Chief Brown for this investigation. If Patterson finds out about it, he’ll probably go ballistic.”

  “I wouldn’t worry too much about Patterson if I were you.”

  Alex took her eyes from the road and searched his face. “Do you know something I don’t?”

  “Know a lot of things. Not everybody at the precinct is against you, Fox. Get your nose out of the air and you might find you’ve got some of us on your side. You’re a good cop.”

  “You think I’m putting on airs?” Alex asked incredulously.

  “I think you let Patterson dictate what you thought everyone else was thinking. You had to prove you were a hard ass and didn’t need anyone. How many times have you asked another officer for help?”

  Alex didn’t answer, circling the block as she looked for a parking spot.

  “I’d be willing to bet this is the first time.” Frost tossed her wallet back in her lap. “Detective or officer, you better let somebody in because it’s not only lonely out there by yourself, it’s pretty damn deadly.”

  Alex parked the car and opened her door. “Like Crimshaw said, don’t drink the tea.”

  An awkward silence developed between the two as they rode the elevator to the second floor. Alex knew she should have responded, but the truth was, getting close to them meant caring about them and their family. The Escape Artist would go after the people she was close to first. No matter what Frost thought of her, he was better off if she kept her distance.

  Carissa Anders was waiting for them when the elevator doors opened. “Detective Fox, how nice to see you again. Follow me, please.”

  They followed her back to the same conference room where she’d taken Alex and Nobby on the first time. “Nicholas told me you’d asked for a meeting. I hope that means you have some good news for him. This whole thing has been such a tragedy. He’s on a conference call at the moment, but should be with you very soon. Tea, Detective Fox?”

  Alex shook her head. “No, thank you.”

  Carissa’s hazel eyes darkened for only a moment before she turned her smile on Derek Frost. “And how about you, sir? Would you l
ike tea or coffee? We also have ice water or soft drinks.”

  “Coffee would be fine,” Derek said.

  She walked toward the door. “Are you sure you won’t change your mind, Detective Fox?”

  “I’m sure.”

  Frost chuckled when the door behind Carissa closed, then he leaned over and whispered, “I’ll give you a drink of mine if you get thirsty.”

  Alex glared at him. “Nicholas DuPont had made a big deal out of the fact that Nobby and I were ten minutes late for the last meeting. The son of a bitch could have been on time.”

  “Relax, Alex. It’s just part of the game men like DuPont play. If he can get you irritated before he gets here, then half his battle is already won.”

  Alex started to speak but thought better of it. They probably had the conference room wired for video and sound.

  ~ ~ ~

  Carissa returned in less than five minutes with a tray bearing a steaming cup of black coffee, a cup of hot water, cream, sugar, and a box of Earl Grey tea. She placed it on the table and smiled at Alex. “In case you change your mind. Nicholas is just finishing up. He’ll be right with you. If you need anything else, please don’t hesitate to call me.”

  Alex jumped as Gabriella’s voice sounded in her ear. “Any way you can get a sample of that water or coffee?”

  Frost pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to Alex. She reached to dip it in the water just as Nicholas DuPont opened the door and strolled in. Her hand moved quickly, bumping the cups together and turning them over. “Oh, dear, I’m so sorry,” Alex said as she dabbed at the water and coffee with the handkerchief.

  DuPont stuck his head back out the door. “Carissa, we need someone to clean up in here.”

  She came in immediately, a stony look crossing her face when she saw the liquid racing across the table and running onto the floor. She grabbed several napkins and soaked up the remainder on the table.

  Alex used the opportunity of their attention focused on the table to slip the handkerchief inside her purse. “I really am sorry, Ms. Anders. Some days, I’m such a klutz.”

  “I’ll bring in fresh cups.”

  Nicholas waved her off. “Never mind, they won’t be staying that long, and you can stay.” His gaze washed over Officer Frost. “What’s this all about?”

  “Partly about the ransom, sir. But more about the fact that we’ve had a tip that you and your wife may be in danger. We’re here to follow you home, where we have two officers with your wife. They’ll stay tonight just to ensure your safety.”

  Carissa started to speak, but DuPont held up a hand, cutting her off. “What kind of threat?”

  “I’m sorry, sir, we’re not at liberty to say. However, we do believe it should be taken seriously,” Alex said.

  “We’ve also received a tip about the whereabouts of your child, Mr. DuPont. At this time, we’d ask that you delay on transferring the money in the morning. Give us some time to check it out,” Frost said.

  DuPont paced between the windows and the table. “All right. I’ll delay on the transfer for twenty-four hours.” He stopped pacing and turned to glare at them. “But you’d better be right about this. My assistant is a witness to this, and if something happens to my child, I’ll hold both of you personally responsible.”

  Alex stood. “If you’re ready to leave, sir, we’ll follow you home, check in with the officers there, and get back to work.”

  “I’ll meet you in the parking lot.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Carissa led them out then quickly walked back to the conference room, where Nicholas was just pouring a drink. “Stop that. She’s lying, and you need to make that transfer in the morning, just like we planned.”

  “It won’t hurt to go along with them for one more day.” He eyed her over the glass. “We both know nothing is going to happen to the baby. That detective is smart, and I think she already suspects me. If I don’t go along with her, she might just start to wonder why.” He downed the glass and poured another. “Besides, it will be easier to explain Emma’s death if we wait and it occurs before the ransom money is paid.”

  “If you’d let me fix them another drink, you wouldn’t have to worry about the detective.” Carissa’s gaze locked on the stain beneath the conference table. “And what about the FBI? Do you think they’re just going to continue sitting at the bank for days? Given enough time, they could discover the glitch Ted put on their system. We both know how unstable Ted is. It’s all Wanda can do to keep him in line.”

  Nicholas placed his glass on the bar and walked toward the door. “If I remember correctly, it’s your job to take care of problems. As to Wanda and Ted,” he smirked, “just tell her to do to him what she does to you.” He nodded toward the stain. “I’ll expect that gone when I come in tomorrow.”

  Carissa followed him with her eyes, her hands clenching and unclenching by her side. He was definitely becoming a problem, and she needed to fix that.

  She paced the room, pulled out her phone, and ordered a carpet cleaner for the conference room. An image of Wanda going down on Ted filled her with a jealous rage, which slowly subsided as desire burned its way through her loins. She was tense. What she really needed was a fix. She dialed the number, drumming her fingers against the conference table impatiently.


  “What time is Ted expected home?”

  “Umm, I can have dinner ready in an hour.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Wanda hit the end button and glanced at Sabrina happily stationed between her long legs. Fortunately, she’d become an expert over the years in faking pleasure and orgasm. She gripped the pillows and moaned loudly, arching her back and emitting a small scream as she clutched her legs around Sabrina’s head. She relaxed, and Sabrina moved up her body to lie beside her. Wanda breathed in and out several times and relaxed her face in what she knew was a loving look of total satisfaction. After all, Ted had fallen for it for two years. “We’ll have to cut this short, darling. Ted is on his way home.”

  “Damn it,” Sabrina grumbled, rolling off the bed to grab her clothes. “When can I see you again?”

  Wanda placed her hands beneath her head and smiled. “Don’t be frustrated, darling. Remember, in a few days, we’ll be together forever.”

  Sabrina chuckled then turned serious. “You know we’ll have to kill Carissa, or we’ll never be free.”

  She sat up and stretched, watching as Sabrina’s eyes once again filled with desire. “Of course we will, darling. Ted will take care of that for us, right before we kill him.”

  “What about Ethan and Sophia? They could turn out to be a problem eventually. Especially when they find out we’re gone with the ransom money.”

  “Ethan doesn’t really know anyone except Carissa, and poor Sophia has lost her mind.” Wanda lifted a shoulder and let it fall. “But since we’re getting rid of our past, you should probably kill them, too.”


  “Who do you think he’s talking to?” Frost asked as Alex weaved in and out of traffic, following DuPont.

  Alex pointed to the earbud. “Reefer, do we know who DuPont is calling?”

  “The FBI. He’s checking out the threat story. Don’t sweat; Tamara took care of that earlier.”

  Alex followed the car through the gates, parked in front of DuPont’s townhouse, and turned to Frost. “I really need someone to take Nobby’s place here. He’s not as well as he pretends to be, and Tamara is going to need someone to replace her tomorrow.”

  “You’re not asking the chief for help?” Frost asked.

  Alex shook her head. “He’s already gone over Patterson’s head in giving me the badge. If word got out, it would destroy all the commanders’ trust in him.”

  “You trust me?”

  Alex stared into the light-blue eyes. There was a challenge there she truly didn’t want to face, but Frost had come with her. He was risking his job to help her, because when everything went down, he could be fired, suspended, or worse. “Yes

  Opening the car door, he stepped out then leaned back in. “I’ll send Sergeant Adams out, call in some reinforcements, and be back at the house by ten.”



  “Don’t drink the tea or eat the food if Sabrina Newcomb is cooking.”

  He laughed softly and slammed the door.

  Within minutes, Nobby slipped into the seat beside her and buckled his seat belt. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

  Alex raised an eyebrow. “That bad?”

  “If that’s how the other half lives, I don’t want no part of it. Nothing but whining and screaming and crying all day. That Newcomb woman left once, but had the cook sit and watch us the whole time. She came back madder than a red hornet, and just as hateful. Never let us out of her sight or left Mrs. DuPont alone with us. Complained the whole time about the police being inept and the FBI not doing its job while she tried to pour liquor down the woman’s throat.” He chuckled.

  “What?” Alex asked.

  “That Tamara is something else. Every time Newcomb went to pour a glass for Mrs. DuPont, Tamara gave her the evil eye and she wound up drinking it herself. Got a real buzz going right now. Kept glancing at her cell phone but didn’t answer it.”

  “So that’s why they aren’t talking.”

  Nobby nodded. “She stumbled upstairs just a minute ago after DuPont came in.”

  “Things should start happening soon. Reefer, any phone calls?” Alex asked.

  “Anders has dialed Newcomb’s number eight times so far. Wait a minute—call going out now,” Reefer said.

  Alex heard the sound of a phone ringing through the earbud. “This is amazing. I think all police officers should have them.”

  “Gives me a headache,” Nobby said.

  “Shh,” Alex cautioned as the phone was answered.

  “Where the hell have you been?”

  A woman giggled. “Coops are here. What you want me to do? Talk to you in front of them?”

  “Are you drunk?” Anders screamed into the phone.


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