A soft voice said, “Hello, little one. We have been expecting you.”
“Me?” Flopsy asked.
“Yes,” the voice replied.
“Where am I, and why is my mom so sad?” Flopsy wondered why he couldn’t wake up. He wanted to go home.
The voice said, “She is sad because she had to say goodbye to you today. She will be fine. She will eventually learn why you had to come here even though it does not make sense to her right now.”
“You mean I can’t go home?” Flopsy thought maybe he should be scared, but the voice soothed him.
“Flopsy, you were never meant to live on Earth very long. You were always a special little bunny. Your mom saw that in you when she made you the Facebook page. You always took beautiful pictures, and you have always worn your very special soul on the outside. All people had to do was look at you to see how truly special you are,” the voice explained. “You’re an angel now. You are the Angel of Bunny Adoptions, and your purpose was always to guide families to find their perfect rescue bunny.”
“Are you sure my mom and sister will be okay if I stay here?” Flopsy asked, still sensing his mother’s sadness.
“Yes,” said the voice. “Your mom cannot see it now, but she will understand why you had to go so soon.” Flopsy was worried about his mom, but he knew he could trust the voice. That night, while his mom slept, he whispered in her ear that she should open her home to other bunnies who need her.
Flopsy was filled with peace as he saw his mom and sister adopt two bunnies named Bun Jovi and Puffy P the following week. Bella followed the litter box lessons he had given her, and she showed the others how to use the litter box and how to toss it over five minutes later.
He saw his mom cry less and less. He could still feel her in his heart as she felt him in hers. He would always be her son. She came to understand that, really, it was not her who had chosen him in the animal shelter that day, but he that had chosen her. He started the journey with her, but she would have to finish it alone. And she did. She built the Flopsy Parker Memorial Sanctuary in his memory that same year.
His mom and Bella began to take in misunderstood rabbits from shelters. The first was named Stanley. He had behavioral issues, according to his former family. Flopsy smiled when he saw Stanley with his mom. He knew that she soon would see that he was really an artist.
The second was Snicklefritz, a former magician’s rabbit who was in his elder years. Flopsy’s mom decided Snicklefritz needed a home to retire to. One by one, Flopsy guided each bunny to the sanctuary. His mom began to understand that even though he had left her physically, they would always continue their work together. She truly understood how lucky she had been to have lived with a real angel.
From then on, Flopsy helped families find their way to shelters that rescue and adopt bunnies into loving homes around the world. He watches over the frightened ones who are still waiting. He casually whispers into their ears, “The greatest gifts are sometimes the ones other people discard.”
The $7.50 Bunny That Changed the World Page 2