Any Given Sunday

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Any Given Sunday Page 16

by Mari Carr

  She’d expected him to race to his own pleasurable end, so she was surprised when he suddenly stopped moving.

  “Sean,” Chad said.

  Lauren blinked rapidly, her vision hazy from the strength of her orgasm. She tried to force herself to focus on the world around her…and it was then she realized Sean had moved behind Chad.

  “Wait for me,” Sean said. Chad glanced over his shoulder and noticed the tube of lubrication in Sean’s hand. He sucked in a deep breath that never made it to his lungs. Nerves, anticipation, excitement all whirled around inside him until he felt lightheaded.

  “Lean forward, Chad,” Sean directed. Chad recognized Sean was using the same commanding tone he’d adopted with Lauren during their Sunday research. He wanted to think he was immune to it, but the sound had his cock growing even harder.

  Lauren trembled beneath him and when he looked down, her face told him she understood how he was feeling. It was her gentle smile and Sean’s dominant stance that had him bending over, even though the action was bringing him that much closer to having Sean’s cock in his ass.

  Jesus. He was seriously doing this. The past week had destroyed every defense he’d ever clung to. Sean and Lauren had dismantled them, brick by brick, until finally he was left here, between them, naked—inside and out. He’d fought for years against a truth that had existed ever since Sean had kissed him in that locker room.

  He wanted this. Wanted it with every fiber of his being.

  Sean’s hand brushed against his ass and he jerked before he could steady himself.

  Then Sean’s hand turned hard when he slapped Chad’s ass.

  Shock caused Chad to jerk, the action thrusting him deeper into Lauren’s pussy. She moaned. Sean repeated the action on his other ass cheek as Chad struggled to figure out what the fuck was going on. He’d never imagined himself in the role of the submissive, but Sean’s rough slaps, his controlling nature, were driving Chad toward an Eden he’d never seen.

  “That’s what you get for denying us this, Chad.” Sean’s voice was gruff, laced with anger, regret. “We’ve lost years.”

  Lauren placed a soft hand against his cheek and Chad bent closer, desperate for the touch of her lips against his.

  He tried to lose himself in her kisses but was hyperaware of every touch, every move, every breath Sean took.

  He lifted his ass slightly higher, careful to keep the head of his cock lodged just inside Lauren’s warmth. Silently, he welcomed Sean’s spanking. It was no less than he deserved. No less than he wanted. When Sean’s hand stilled, stroking his hot, aching skin, Chad shivered. His gaze drifted to the bag of toys sitting on the chair by Lauren’s bed.

  Sean must’ve noticed his gaze. He bent over Chad’s back and whispered in his ear, his words loud enough for both Lauren and Chad to hear. “Oh yeah. We’re going to play with the toys soon. One night I’m going to use the flogger on both of you, tie you together with your cock in her cunt. I’ll beat both of you with it until you’re screaming for my cock in your asses. The one who comes first will lose…will have to watch as I fuck the other one first. You’re both going to learn to control your orgasms for me.”

  “God, yes,” Lauren hissed.

  Chad wanted to second her words, but he was too aroused to speak.

  “Do you want that, Chad?” Sean asked.

  Chad nodded. It was all he had the strength to do. He was barely hanging on by a thread, his cock throbbing, desperate to fuck Lauren, but Sean was holding him immobile with his body.

  “Fuck us,” Lauren begged. Sean grinned, leaning over Chad to place a quick but thorough kiss on her lips. Then he rose, kneeling behind Chad once more.

  “Don’t move,” Sean ordered. Chad glanced over his shoulder and watched his friend remove the top from the lubrication. He was prepared when the cool lube hit his anus and he managed to remain still even as Sean slowly but steadily worked the lube in. He wasn’t anticipating how thick Sean’s finger would feel. Christ, his friend’s cock would tear him in two.

  Over and over Sean worked in the lube, taking his time as he initiated Chad’s ass. The love he felt from Sean’s diligent, thorough care was multiplied by the sexy kisses Lauren planted on his lips, his face, his neck. Between the two of them, the temperature in the room seemed to rival that of the sun and Chad felt a drop of perspiration slide down his cheek.

  By the time Sean had worked his way up to three fingers, Chad was feeling delirious. He’d begun moving inside Lauren’s pussy again. His movements jerky, awkward. Her soft moans told him she didn’t mind his lack of finesse.

  When Sean pulled his fingers out, Chad stilled, realizing the moment of truth had arrived.

  Sean moved behind him and Chad felt his friend’s too-large cock poised at the entrance to his ass. He braced himself for the pleasure he knew would be laced with an undeniable pain. Instead, Sean paused, bending down to kiss Chad’s back.

  “I love you,” his friend said.

  Chad closed his eyes, trembling as the words washed through his soul like a waterfall on a hot summer’s day. “I love you too,” Chad replied, his voice hoarse with need.

  Chad looked down at Lauren, saw the tears of joy in her eyes and smiled. “I love you both,” he said, holding her gaze.

  The head of Sean’s cock breached his anus and Chad couldn’t have spoken again if his life depended on it. Sean’s blowjob had proven he was more than adept at loving a man’s body. His talent in the bedroom clearly wasn’t limited to just women. Sean pushed in firmly, stopping often as Chad’s body adjusted to the new experience. Until finally he was buried to the hilt.

  For one brief moment, all three of them froze. Chad knew his two lovers were as overwhelmed as he was.

  Then they gave way to the most basic need, all of them moving together to achieve the same goal. Sean pounded into his ass in a way Chad thought should be painful, but he couldn’t feel anything but the power, the thrill. Sean’s actions drove his cock deeper into Lauren than he’d ever imagined possible. Lauren came first, her pussy clenching Chad’s cock so deliciously hard he felt his eyes roll back in his head. He knew he was perilously close to giving in to his own climax, but something stopped him, told him he wanted them all to come together.

  Chad lifted Lauren’s legs, placed them over his shoulders, his cock hitting different hot spots. Lauren’s cries told him he’d made a good call.

  Sean’s hands gripped Chad’s hips more firmly and he knew his friend was also hanging on by a thread.

  “Together,” Chad managed to say, only finding enough breath for the single word.

  It was enough. Sean yelled out as he filled Chad’s ass with hot come, Lauren’s body shook with the impact of her orgasm, her pussy milking his own red-hot climax.

  Sean was the first to fall, withdrawing and crawling up to claim Lauren’s left side. As Sean kissed her, Chad took up residence on her right, his arm spanning her waist, his hand resting on Sean’s hip. The three of them cuddled together closely, drinking in each other’s air and the beauty of the moment.

  Lauren stretched and smiled. “Best part about starting at midnight is that we can sleep and when we wake up, it’ll still be Sunday.”

  “About that,” Chad started. “The deal’s still off.”

  Lauren and Sean looked at him.

  “It is?” Sean asked.

  “Yes. I’ve come to the conclusion I wanna have sex with you two on any given Sunday or Monday…” Chad confessed.

  “Or Tuesday,” Lauren added with a laugh.

  “Don’t forget hump day,” Sean teased.

  “Definitely can’t forget hump day.” Chad grinned and let sleep claim him easily. He heard Sean and Lauren whispering, his last thought that, for the first time, he was falling asleep first.


  Lauren walked into Pat’s Irish Pub on Thanksgiving morning with Sean and Chad. The pub was closed for the holiday. Keira told her they’d always held the family celebrations in the pub downstairs rath
er than the smaller upstairs apartment—a tradition begun by Sunday before she died. Looking around at all the adults and small children milling around the place, Lauren understood the need for more space.

  Sky was sitting on the stage, singing Christmas carols with Keira’s daughter Caitlyn. His wife Teagan joined in, along with Keira, each of them cradling a baby on their laps. Killian and Justin were wrestling around with Tristan’s twins—the young boys laughing loudly.

  “There they are,” Pop said, coming over to hug each of them warmly. “I was about to send out reinforcements to track you three down.”

  Lauren laughed. “I had a heck of a time dragging these two out of that basement. They’ve been working on the damn thing nonstop this week. They seem determined to finish it.” Her words were a bit of an exaggeration. Though Sean had taken the week off to complete what he and Chad were now referring to as their man-cave, they’d actually spent the majority of the week in bed with her. Since Sunday, her life had turned into one long, wonderful sex dream from which she never wanted to wake.

  “Finally,” Riley said, coming up behind her pop. “I was about to call and give you a piece of my mind, brother dear. It’s the holidays. Time for you to stop hogging Lauren.” Riley gave both her brother and Chad kisses on the cheek and then she grabbed Lauren’s arm, dragging her aside.

  Lauren wasn’t surprised. She’d turned her cell phone back on after muting it a week ago and discovered nearly thirty calls and texts from her friend. Riley was obviously busting at the seams to find out what the hell was happening.

  “Where the hell have you been?” Riley asked once they settled in one of the corner booths. “You don’t answer your phone anymore.”

  Lauren smiled and shrugged nonchalantly. “I’ve been busy.”

  “You’ve been fucking. You stink of it.”

  Lauren fought the urge to sniff her arm, but refrained when Riley started laughing.

  “So let’s have it. I need all the nitty-gritty details.”

  Looking around the room, Lauren spotted Chad and Sean rummaging around behind the bar, each of them helping themselves to a beer. Sean caught her gaze and winked. Then he pointed to his beer bottle to ask if she wanted one. She nodded and turned toward Riley.

  “It’s a dream come true.”

  Riley grinned. “So the plan worked. You guys are an official threesome?”

  Lauren nodded. “And then some.” They’d already decided that they’d announce their relationship—all aspects of their relationship—to Sean’s family today. They planned to pull his pop aside later and explain their changed circumstances.

  “And then some?” Riley asked.

  “Sean and Chad are…well, they want…um… Riley. Sean and Chad don’t just sleep with me.”

  Riley went through the roof. “What the fuck? I’ll kill them! They’re screwing around on you? Already? With who?”

  Lauren quickly explained lest Riley put her words to action. “With each other.”

  Riley fell silent and for a moment, Lauren struggled to remember if she’d ever seen her friend at a loss for words.


  “They want me, but they want each other too.”

  Riley’s forehead crinkled. “In a sexual way?”

  Lauren giggled, the conversation pushing her to the edge of what little sanity she had left. She loved this family, but she was a nervous wreck about the news they were about to impart. She’d decided Riley would be the best person to practice on. She took a deep breath. “Yes, they’re having sex too.”

  Riley nodded slowly. “Shit. Didn’t see that coming. Oh well, the heart wants what the heart wants.”

  Lauren stared at Riley, dumbfounded.

  Riley noticed her silence and appeared startled. “I mean, as long as you’re okay with it. You are okay with it, right?” Lauren nodded as Riley continued. “You’re not squicked out by it or anything?”

  “No,” Lauren said softly. “Definitely not squicked out.”

  Riley’s eyes narrowed. “You think it’s hot, don’t you? It turns you on.”

  Lauren gave her friend a dirty look, hoping to distract her from the flush she felt heating her cheeks. “I’m not discussing this with you.”

  Riley burst out in a laugh so loud, several of her brothers turned to look at her. “Of course you are. There’s no way in hell you can start a conversation like that and then just drop it. I need details. Lots of dirty, sweaty, hot details.”

  Lauren leaned forward, placing her elbows on the table. “You really want me to tell you how hot it looks when your baby brother puts his cock in—”

  “On second thought,” Riley said, interrupting her, “maybe the sex part of this conversation is finished.”

  Lauren grinned smugly. “Yeah, I sort of thought it was too.”

  “So, it’s obvious you’ve told me about Chad and Sean for a reason. What is it?”

  “We’re telling your pop today. I wanted to give you a heads-up.”

  “Cool,” Riley said.

  “You think he’ll be okay with it? Chad and I are sort of nervous about telling him about our new relationship. I mean, while Lily, K and Justin are a threesome and your family is fine with that, I think Chad’s a bit concerned about how the abundance of alpha Collins men will feel about the idea of him sleeping with Sean. He’s especially worried about your pop’s response.”

  “Have you told Sean your worries?”

  Lauren rolled her eyes. “Yes. And we get the typical Sean reply.” She deepened her voice and imitated Sean. “My family will be fine with it. It’s your folks you need to worry about.”

  Riley laughed. “He’s right, you know.”

  Lauren sighed. “Yeah, I know he is. I guess I’m hoping we don’t lose the Collins family, because God knows how my family’s gonna react and Chad’s pretty sure he’s going to push his family around the bend with his announcement. It took them years to get used to Lily sleeping with two guys. Chad thinks they’ll flip when they find out he’s having sex with a woman and a man.”

  “You’ll never lose us, Lauren, especially not me. We’re friends. Better yet, now we’re family. Sisters.” Riley looked over and saw Pop walking toward the food table. “Pop’s gonna carve the turkey. Come on. We better grab a seat at the big table.”

  Sean crossed to the large table Keira had created by bumping together every table in the pub. It seated the eighteen adults present—Pop, Sean and his six siblings and their significant others, as well as Bubbles, and the three older grandchildren. There were two highchairs on each end for the younger ones. The table was loud, bustling with enthusiastic conversations and laughter, and Sean soaked it all in. Thanksgiving was one of his favorite holidays. Hell, any time when his whole family managed to get together was his favorite day.

  Tris started passing around the bottle of Crown Royal, everyone taking a tiny nip straight from the bottle. Sean tried to imagine a more wonderful way to spend the holiday.

  Pop clinked a spoon against his wineglass and gradually everyone fell silent. “As most of you know, we have a couple of family traditions we like to carry out every Thanksgiving. Tris lost no time in starting the first one, I see. I’ll have you know I don’t appreciate you passing the bottle the opposite direction from me, son.”

  Tris apologized for the oversight as everyone laughed.

  “Oh ye’re forgiven. The main tradition is the one where we go around the table and each of us says what we’re thankful for. I have to confess, when Sunday introduced this idea, it took a helluva lot less time.”

  Sean reached over and grasped Lauren’s hand, placing a quick kiss on her knuckle as the family laughed again. He released it when Chad passed him the bottle and Sean took a drink before handing it to Lauren. He grinned at the face she made after taking the tiniest sip of whiskey he’d ever seen.

  “You see, when we first started giving thanks,” Pop continued, “it was just the two of us—Sunday and me—sitting together in our tiny apartment on the
east side of the city. Then you lot came along and as you all grew up, Sunday’s words never changed. I’d like to share them with you today.”

  Sean watched as Keira wiped away a tear and he tried to swallow down the lump in his throat. His father never failed to share their mother’s words with them and it was this tradition that meant the most to Sean.

  “Monday’s child, Keira, is fair of face, but it’s your inner beauty that shines through. Tuesday’s child, Teagan, is full of grace, with a voice and a heart sweeter than the angels. Wednesday’s child, Tristan, is full of woe that is combated with an overwhelming hope and optimism. Thursday’s child, Killian, has far to go, though may he never lose sight of home. Friday’s child, Ewan, is loving and giving and smart and kind. Saturday’s child, Riley, works—and plays—hard for a living. My word, girl, did your mother have you pegged from the start or what?”

  Riley shrugged playfully, though Sean knew she loved her father’s words and took them as a compliment.

  “And baby Sean,” Pop said.

  Sean shook his head. Even at twenty-four, his family still considered him the baby. While that fact drove him nuts in high school, it didn’t bother him so much anymore.

  Pop smiled at him. “The child that’s born on the Sabbath day, is bonny and blithe and good and gay, and our fair Sean is all that and more.”

  Chad snickered at the end and wiggled his eyebrows—the double meaning of the last word of the poem not lost on either of them.

  Pop picked up his glass and raised it. The adults all followed suit. “To Sunday,” he said, his voice catching on the word.

  “To Sunday,” they all repeated and Sean fought his tears, though his sisters were crying freely. His mother had been gone for sixteen years, but they all missed her as if she’d only left yesterday.

  “And now,” Pop continued, “I’ll give my thanks before we start around the table. Oh and be ready, Tris, I’m starting in your direction.”


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