Hearing a car door slam, she knew she wouldn’t be able to make it out the front door. So she opened the window, slipped out and silently closed it behind her.
Scouting the area, she found an old abandoned farm house on the outskirts of town. Charlotte walked inside. It was perfect. Perfect, for immortality.
Tony entering the house woke me up. “Jess,” he called from the living room.
“I’m in the bedroom.” I moaned.
He came in to find me lying in bed. “Are you okay?” he asked sitting on the edge of the bed.
“I don’t feel well. My stomach is queasy, my head hurts and I have the chills.”
“You don’t think it’s the flu again, do you?”
“I’m not sure, but it feels like it.” I grumbled.
“I’ll call the doctor. Be right back,” he said, getting up from the bed.
Tony left the room. A few minutes he was back at the edge of the bed. “The doctor said over-the-counter medicines should help relieve your symptoms.
“I don’t have any in the house.”
“I’ll go to the drugstore and get some. Be back soon. You get some rest, okay.”
In what seemed like no time, he was back with the medicine. He helped me sit up and take some. He felt my forehead then kissed it. I felt so weak. I just laid back against the pillow and closed my eyes. Tony went into the living room. I was in and out of sleep all day so I knew I would be up all night. The medicine had kicked in and I was feeling a little better.
Then Tony came to bed. “I thought you’d be asleep,” he said. “How are you feeling?”
“Better, but I’m afraid to move because of the queasiness.
Tony undressed and slid into bed. Kissed me, and then fell asleep. I listened to him lightly snore until my eyes closed.
I started to dream the same dream about Charlotte. I sat straight up in bed screaming. Tony jerked awake. Grabbing Tony, I hugged him tight. “Did you dream again?” he asked. I nodded my head yes. Tony held me close until I fell back asleep. How in the world did I ever find such a wonderful man? I didn’t deserve him.
In the morning I was feeling much better, so I decided it was time I went to see Mr. King. I drove to the hospital feeling awkward about my decision.
Entering the hospital, I headed straight to Mr. King’s office. I wasn’t eager to put in my two weeks’ notice, but Tony wanted me home with him. Hesitating at his office door, I turned around and left.
Turning onto our street, I looked across the yard to the trees. I saw what appeared to be a woman, hanging from one. I slowed the car down, with my eyes on her. She turned her head towards the car. Her hair was as black as night without a moon, her eyes and lips red as blood. What was she doing there?
I pulled into my driveway, got out of the car and walked straight over to the trees. She wasn’t hanging anymore, so I walked under the trees. Looking up in the branches I saw the woman. “Hey, what are you doing up there?” I asked, looking at her.
Without saying a word, she slowly drifted to the ground. Instincts said to run, but I kept looking at her. Her eyes mesmerized me and I watched her smile. Gliding to me, she smelled the air. “Aah, roses, my favorite.” Within a foot from her, she started circling me.
Tony heard the car door slam and waited for me to come into the house. When I didn’t come in, he came out to find me. “Jess, you out here,” Tony called from the front of the house.
I heard him, but I couldn’t answer. Her eyes held my eyes. She was so beautiful. Her smile soothed me and took every care in the world away. She stopped circling me and held out her hand for me, and I reached out to her.
“Jessica?” Tony called again louder. I heard him call for me again, but I kept smiling at the woman in front of me. Her eyes seemed to put me in a trance. “Come with me,” she whispered, wiggling her fingers toward me.
Taking a step toward her, she turned her back and headed for the trees. Smiling, I followed behind her. Each step she took, she looked over her shoulder to make sure I was following. At the edge of the trees she looked back, and then disappeared. Taking a step toward the trees, a hand touched my shoulder making me jump.
“Jessica!” Tony yelled.
I turned to see Tony. Shaking my head, I almost fell. Tony grabbed me, picked me up, and carried me in the house to the sofa. “What are you doing in the backyard?” he asked.
“A woman was there, so I went to see why. Then you were yelling my name,” I said.
“What woman? There wasn’t a woman, only you.”
“Tony, a woman was in the backyard. I went to ask her why, and then she disappeared.”
Tony kissed my cheek. “Okay, sweetie,” he said, putting my hair behind my ear.
“I know I saw a woman.” I said in a huff.
“Okay, Jess, a woman was in the backyard” he said, trying to sound convinced.
I knew he wasn’t.
“Mother came today,” he said, changing the subject.
“I’m going to visit her,” I said, getting up from the sofa.
“I’ll come with you,” he said, starting to get up.
“I’d rather go by myself,” I said and headed out the door.
Tony came out on the porch and sat down. He watched as I walked over to the house. I knew he didn’t believe me about the woman in the backyard. I walked up onto the porch, the front door was open. Jennifer came around the corner from the kitchen. She smiled when she saw me. Opening the door, I went inside.
“How are you today, Jess?”
“I’m good. How was your flight?”
“I’m a little jetlagged but fine. Would you care for some coffee,” Jennifer asked.
Jennifer brought me a cup and we sat at the table.
“How are things in England?” I asked.
“Nothing has changed. Victor stays busy at the blood bank. I took up crocheting.”
“What have you made so far?”
“Some dollies for my end tables and now I’m working on an afghan,” she said. “You should try it.”
“I don’t think I can sit still long enough.”
“If you decide you would like to let me know. I can teach you.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” I said.
“What have you and Tony been up too since you’ve been back home?” Jennifer asked.
“I’ve been busy with my work and Tony, well, has been busy being Tony.”
Jennifer smiled.
“Have things been better between you both?” she asked.
“Everything is great. Tony learned how to bowl,” I said.
“Do you bowl?” I asked.
“Goodness no, I wouldn’t know the first thing about it.
“Tony didn’t either. He wanted to give up, but I persuaded him to keep trying.”
Finishing my coffee I got up. I needed to get back home in case that woman showed up again.
“Are you leaving so soon?” she asked, surprised.
“I need to get back home,” I said, going to the door. “I’ll come back and visit.”
“You be sure and do that dear. I’ll see you later.”
Tony was on the porch when I walked up. I walked past him and into the house, straight to the kitchen to start my supper. Grabbing a pan from the cabinet, I turned to go to the pantry and saw Tony standing in the doorway. I looked at him, but continued to the pantry.
“Jess, I—”
“Don’t,” I snapped.
Tony went back to the living room. Getting my supper on the stove, I went down the hall to my bedroom. But out of the corner of my eye, I saw a woman at the spare bedroom window. Stopping in my tracks, I looked at her. She wiggled her fingers for me to go to the window.
“Jess, something is burning in the kitchen,” Tony hollered from the living room.
I turned toward Tony’s voice without moving from the window. Turning back to the window, the woman was gone.
“Jess— are you checking on your food?”
he yelled.
I went out to the hall to find Tony looking into the kitchen.
“What were you doing in the bedroom?” he asked, when he noticed me.
“That woman was at the window and I went to see what she wanted,” I said, going past him and into the kitchen.
“If you say so, Jess,” he said, heading to his recliner.
My supper was ruined. Taking the pan from the stove, I decided it pan was going to need a soak. A chill ran up my back when I heard what sounded like a fingernail raking across a chalkboard. Turning toward the sound at the window, I didn’t see anything. I shrugged it off and went to the living room to watch a little television before going to bed.
Tony glanced over at me. I couldn’t tell if he looked at me because he was worried about me, or if he thought I was losing my mind. He could tell I was in no mood to talk. He turned back to the television, watching his program which, didn’t interest me at all.
I got up and went to the bedroom, sat on the bed, looking at the hall. Maybe, I was imaging a woman in the back yard. I went to the doorway of the spare room, looked at the window and wondered if I was losing my mind. I went to the window, locked it and scanned the trees. Two red eyes were staring straight at me. Quickly backing away from the window, I went back to my bedroom. There was defiantly something out there. I was still upset with Tony not believing me, I knew he would try and talk about it later when he came to bed. Tonight was not the night I wanted to talk. Clearing my mind the best I could, I wondered, who could she be and what did she want? I closed my eyes focusing on the darkness until I fell asleep.
Tony getting in the bed woke me. Scooting over to me, he put his arm around me. I didn’t acknowledge him. He leaned over and started kissing my neck.
“Don’t, please!”
Tony lay back on the pillow with his arms behind his head looking at the ceiling.
Now I was awake with no hope of going back to sleep. Thirsty, I went to the kitchen, but first I looked toward the backyard without seeing anyone. Maybe, I am imaging a woman. Getting my drink, I then went to the sofa until I fell asleep.
In the morning when I woke up, I was in bed. I heard the television playing the theme song to Tony’s favorite program. I pulled the blanket back and sat on the edge of bed. I went into the kitchen and over to the back door, looked toward the trees. Nothing was out of the ordinary.
I heard the front door open and Tony calling for me, “Jess.”
“I’m in the kitchen,” I said, hurrying to the chair.
He came into the kitchen and sat across from me.
“Tony, I—”
“Jess, I’m….” he started to say.
“You need to let me say this. I don’t want to be upset with you. I need you more than ever. I need you to believe that I’m not hallucinating or dreaming.”
I waited for Tony to say something. Instead he got up and sat in the chair beside me.
“Jess, I’m not upset with you! I knew you were upset. So I gave you time to yourself. You didn’t come back to bed. I got up to see where you were.”
“You still don’t believe me, do you?”
“Jess, I didn’t see anyone. I can’t have anything hurting my mate. You have to understand I worry about you. Your eyes that day weren’t right. You looked like you were….hallucinating.”
“Okay.” This was not getting us anywhere. I would prove it one way or another, but how?
My coffee was ready. I got up to get a cup. Sitting back down, I stared out the window. Tony went to the refrigerator for a fresh flask and then went to the living room. This woman was beginning to spook me and I didn’t want to be coming home at night from work greeting her before Tony could get to me and help me if I needed it.
I sat long enough to convince myself to quit my job. I got up, dressed and headed to the hospital.
“I’ll be back in a bit,” I told Tony, heading out the door.
Before he could answer, I closed the door behind me.
Backing out of the driveway, I glanced towards the backyard. Peering around the tree was that woman. Now, I knew, I wouldn’t hesitate in letting Mr. King know I no longer worked at the hospital.
Getting off the elevator, I met Mr. King as he was coming out of his office.
“Good morning, Jessica.”
“Good morning, Mr. King. If you have a minute, I’d like to visit with you.”
“Sure, come into my office.”
Mr. King and I went into his office. “Is there a problem?” he asked.
“No, no problem. I stopped by to let you know, I’ll no longer be working for the hospital.”
“This is a surprise,” he said, putting his arms on his desk.
“I know it’s all of a sudden, but I have other obligations requiring my attention.”
I couldn’t tell him about the woman in my backyard, so I came up with the best reason I could think of.
“Well Jess, I hate to see you go. You are my best worker, but if you feel you need to quit then I will have to accept it.”
“Thank you, Mr. King.”
“I want you to know though, if you need to come back to work, I will be more than happy to give you your job back.”
“Thank you. I appreciate it. I will keep that in mind.”
I got up and headed back to my car. Looking at the hospital for possibly the last time, I was really going to miss the patients and my co-workers. I started my car and drove home.
Tony wasn’t home when I got back. Starting in my closet, I moved all my scrubs to the closet in the spare bedroom. When I was finished, I cleaned my house from top to bottom.
Tony came back home just as the sun was setting. Glad because I didn’t want to be here alone in case that woman showed up.
“Where did you go earlier?” Tony asked.
“I went to see my boss to tell him I quit,” I said, trying not to chock on my words.
“Really, you’re no longer working,” he said.
“I thought that’s want you wanted.”
“It is, but I didn’t think it would be this soon.”
“I decided this morning I wanted to be here with you.” I didn’t tell Tony the real reason I quit. He’d probably suggest a psychiatrist, so I left the real reason alone.
Tony spent the rest of the evening ecstatic. He went to bed smiling. I, of course, was not that happy, but I had no choice. It was going to happen sooner or later. So I went to bed too.
Tony grabbed me in his arms. One step closer, my mate, one step closer. He pulled me to him softly kissing my neck. The kisses intensified as he ran his fingers along my thigh lifting my leg up and wrapping it around his waist. His hand moved back along my thigh to my buttock. A soft growl started deep within his chest escalating into a roar as he ravaged my neck. Tony whispered, “You won’t need these anymore.”
“What?” I asked.
Hearing a ripping sound, I knew what it was…..my underwear.
Tony sank his teeth into my neck and I gasped, “You don’t have fangs.”
“Uh huh,” he moaned.
He was ravenously kissing me when I grabbed his shoulder, pushing him back and looked into his eyes. They were the most beautiful eyes, full of lust, love and wanting, I panted, “Please slow down.” With that he disappeared under the covers. There was no question in my mind, that tonight he was unstoppable. And I like it.
In the mirror, I looked to see what Tony had done to my neck. On both sides bite marks were very noticeable. Looking closer I thought I saw marks where fangs were located. Moving closer to the mirror, I could see his upper teeth impression. I had to give Tony credit. He knew all the right spots to turn me wild.
It wasn’t long before I drifted off to sleep.
In the trees the woman called my name. I looked but didn’t see her. As I walked over to the tree, she stretched out her hand. Taking her hand, I followed her to an old rundown building. Mesmerized by her eyes and face, I lay on the bed moving my hair away from my neck. The vein waited f
or her. She smiled and extracted her fangs, running her index finger over the vein then licked her lips. I closed my eyes. The woman leaned down and sank her fangs deep into my vein.
Opening my eyes, surprised because I wasn’t screaming, I went to the living room.
Tony was watching his favorite program. He looked up when I sat down on the sofa.”
“Did you rest well?” he asked.
“Hum!” I smiled. “Is your father here?”
“Not yet. He’ll be here sometime today,” he said, getting up from his chair.
Tony went into the kitchen bringing back a flask and sat in his recliner.
The phone rang, so I got up and answered it.
“Hello,” I said, into the receiver.
“Hello Jess, its Kelli.”
“As you know MaryAnn’s birthday is coming up and I was hoping you’d help me with a surprise birthday party.”
“I will be more than happy too. What do you need me to do?” I asked.
“If you’ll provide the house, I’ll take care of everything else,” she said, sounding hopeful.
“I don’t see a problem there. About how many people will be coming?”
I could hear her thinking. “I’d say about fifteen people at the most.”
“Okay, let me know the date you’re planning so I can have my house ready.”
“Okay, I’ll do that. Thanks Jess,” Kelli said, excited.
“You’re welcome.”
“I’ll let you go so I can start getting this party together. I have so much to do. I’ll talk to you later,” she said.
“Bye Kelli,” I said, and then hung up the receiver.
Going back to the sofa I looked to see if I needed to rearrange my furniture for all the guests. I had some folding chairs in the garage, so I had plenty for all the guests to sit in.
“Kelli wants to have a surprise party here for MaryAnn,” I said.
Not taking is eyes off the television he asked, “When?”
“Her birthday is in a couple of weeks and Kelli isn’t sure yet of date for the party.”
Dhampir Secrets Page 23