All That Is Fallen

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All That Is Fallen Page 14

by Brendan Carroll

“They will come, but they will not be dining. We will come at sunset.”

  Lucifer turned away from the bed and walked out of the room. Mark Andrew stepped into the hall and Sophia followed him. Lucifer was gone.

  “Dammit!” Mark Andrew spun on her. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “We forgot.” She shrugged. “I hope he likes Hotch-Potch and Bannocks!”


  The entire estate turned out to see the ‘parade’ as the last rays of the sun lit up the underside of a banded formation of pink and purple stratus clouds, which seemed to converge on the point where the sun set and the band of mounted warriors rode up the western meadow. They carried no banners or flags, but rode, seemingly out of nowhere, in a V-shaped configuration of rainbow colors. They needed no heralds to convey the majesty and glory of their assemblage. Michael Ian was on the southern flank while Galen Zachary rode opposite him on the northern flank. Both of the Templars were dressed in white with the familiar red crosses on their mantles and surcoats. It was all Catharine and Apolonio could do to keep Lucio from running down the meadow to meet them, but the Grand Master had ordered everyone to remain quiet and stand their ground as the angelic chieftain made his grand debut. D’Brouchart knew that Lucifer would not want his show disturbed or otherwise usurped by an emotional display from the Golden Eagle even if it had been twenty years since he had seen his son. Lucifer had always been very particular about making his entrances at any given battle or gathering with great dignity and pomp, displaying his power and splendor as the leader of one of the Creator’s most destructive forces ever set against the powers of darkness. Edgard could see that nothing had changed.

  Lucifer rode at apex of the formation in his shining crimson. His gold crown sparkled on his forehead and a golden glow seemed to emanate from his head as he led his people toward the barn where the residents of Ramsay’s estate stood in small, silent knots watching them with mixtures of wonder, fear and excitement written on their faces. Several elves were on the roof of the barn and hanging from the second floor windows, also watching this with great curiosity. Mark nodded to himself as he watched this display, recognizing a vaguely familiar sight from eons past. The V-shape allowed the energies of the warriors to concentrate on the leader, creating the ‘angelic’ glow that filled the spectators with fear and awe. It had worked wonders on the ancient enemies. Mark noted that it still worked fairly well on these modern specimens.

  Edgard, not to be outdone, had ordered that his Knights and apprentices turn out in full Templar regalia to meet the guests. They stood together wearing either black or white uniforms as their marital status demanded. Mark Andrew stood on the Grand Master’s left in his black uniform and Barry of Sussex flanked the white-clad Master. Only Luke Matthew was missing from this assembly and Mark Andrew thought it very sad and very typical that Luke would not be there to greet his returning son. If he would have had more notice, he would have insisted that Luke ride up from London, but his week long absence had precluded the possibility of Luke Matthew being there before the week was out, and he had no idea how long Michael would stay if he could stay at all. Mark’s heart caught in his throat as they drew closer and he could see that Michael now looked exactly like his father and Jozsef Daniel. His long hair hung down his back from under his shining silver helmet and he was smiling a brilliant smile. This was also his son, his grandson. Galen, on the other hand, looked very grim and proud as he rode alongside and slightly behind an angelic warrior dressed in black. The warriors wore the crested helmets similar to the plumed affair that the mighty Djinni favored. Their long, horse-hair plumes were dyed the same color as their respective mantles. Their horses also sported plumed helmets between their ears and trotted proudly, tossing their heads and snorting. Extraordinary animals.

  Lucifer halted directly in front of Edgard d’Brouchart and slid from the saddle first. The rest of his company drew up in a horizontal line behind him, but remained mounted. Their light blue eyes darted back and forth nervously at the assembly waiting for them.

  “Nathanael.” Lucifer took off his helmet and bowed his head slightly to the Grand Master. “It is an honor to meet you again, my brother.”

  “Lucifer.” Edgard returned the nod. “It is our honor to greet you in friendship and brotherhood.”

  “Uriel.” Lucifer smiled slightly at Mark Andrew and then looked about quickly as if searching the small crowd for someone in particular.

  “Brother.” Mark Andrew did not return the smile. He knew that the angel was searching for Sophia among the ladies and he did not like it at all.

  Lucifer stepped back and swept his mantle about magnanimously, drawing himself up to his full height.

  “Is there some one of these small ones to care for the horses?” He asked and Edgard waved to the two young stable hands who took care of the Templar horses. The two young men stood mesmerized as the angel presented his glittering reins to them.

  “I would present my brothers.” Lucifer nodded again and the angels began to dismount one by one as he called their names. They each bowed briefly with grave dignity and then handed over their horses to the grooms. Michael and Galen were last to dismount.

  “Of course, you know your own kith and kin.” Lucifer spoke to all of them in general. “Michael, the Well-Named, much beloved by us and Galen, also proven in battle as a credit to his kind and worthy of respect and honor.”

  Again, Apolonio had to take hold of his grandfather’s arm to keep him in formation.

  Lucifer’s gaze fell on Lucio and he frowned slightly before moving very quickly down the ranks. He stopped directly in front of Dambretti and looked at him from first his right eye and then his left.

  “You are the Golden Eagle.” Lucifer told him after a moment. “The father of the little one. Yes. And…” He leaned close to him and seemed to smell of him before taking hold of his dark curls. “Yes! The father of the other… the Nephilim, Vanni? Yes! But tell me…” he changed to his left eye “how came you and your golden son to bear the same mark on your face? Are these things also traits of birth?”

  “They were caused by weapons, Your Grace.” Lucio told him darkly. He did not appreciate being kept from greeting his son. “My son is, as you say, a credit to his kind.”

  “Ahhh. You are angry. Good!” Lucifer smiled at him. “You may kiss your son, if you wish.”

  Lucio glanced at the Grand Master and d’Brouchart nodded his approval. Lucio walked toward Galen slowly. He stopped in front of Galen who finally broke into a broad smile, crinkling the scar on his own cheek.

  “Son.” Lucio returned the smile and then they fell on each other, hugging and kissing each other repeatedly.

  This concession seemed to break the tension and the rest of the angels moved forward to inspect the Knights and apprentices as if they were sizing them up at a slave auction or even, perhaps, for the main course at a barbecue. The Knights did not know what to make of this, until Azael and Ariel began to move up and down the line of people, hugging and kissing them and calling them by their given names as if they had known them all their lives. The others followed suit and everyone, including the grooms and the groundskeepers received kisses on both cheeks and tight hugs. The only ones left out of the greeting ritual were the females. The angels nodded to each of the women, called them by name, but did not touch them. They had gained much information from the minds of the men during the ‘examination’. It was a very strange ceremony, but it was soon over and the angels again lined up behind their chieftain.

  “We will dine now.” Lucifer announced and started off toward the house. The others followed him single file down the walkway. Michael lagged behind and walked beside Mark Andrew.

  “How is my father?” Michael asked him after they had exchanged a warm greeting.

  “He is well, but very busy. He will be ready to kill me when he learns of your return. I’m sorry that I couldn’t have him here to greet you.” Mark Andrew apologized. “I only learned that
you were coming today.”

  “Tell him that…” Michael stopped as a high pitched noise split the air briefly. “Oh, I have to go. I’ll talk to you later!”

  Michael hurried up the walk with Galen close behind him. The noise had apparently been a summons. The two Templars fell in behind the black clad angel and did not look back.

  Lucio caught up with Mark on the walk.

  “What is this, Brother?” He asked under his breath. “Are they still hostages? Am I going to be allowed to speak with my own son or not? Santa Maria! Did you hear him? I’ve never seen such arrogance. You may kiss your son. How dare…”

  “Oh, yes, you have seen such arrogance.” Mark Andrew interrupted him. “When was the last time you looked in the mirror?”

  “I have never been that bad!” Lucio protested. “And did you see how they treated the women? They acted as if they were… dirty or something.”

  “They will not touch the women. It is not what you think, Brother. Just let it be.” Mark Andrew told him in a low voice. “They are not used to the company of men, much less women.”

  “But they look… they seem… some of them look more like women than men.” Lucio persisted. “They are beautiful!”

  “Aye. That they are. Beautiful and deadly. Do not provoke them, Lucio.” Mark admonished the Italian. “I will try to speak to Lucifer on your behalf.”

  “Brother.” Lucio moved closer to him. “Is he truly Lucifer? The Lucifer? I simply cannot believe it. Is there more than one who goes by that name? I know what you told me about him, but he does not fit what I have always thought of as what a son of God might be. Are you sure he is an angel?”

  “Aye, he would fit into that category. People have always exaggerated the characteristics of the dwellers of the celestial plane, but he has been maligned as so many have been and unjustly so by the Roman Church. He is a great warrior and he serves the same God that we serve. Do not… I repeat, do not mention his reputation to him. He is very unimpressed with the ignorance of mankind. Don’t make things worse.”

  They proceeded to the house where Sophia had worked very hard with the cooks and servants to lay out a most extravagant table in the dining room for this special occasion. Everyone except the household servants, Sophia, the apprentices and Knights dispersed. Lucifer took one look at the china and crystal sparkling on the table amidst the fresh cut flower arrangements and shook his golden head slowly.

  He moved through the small crowd in the foyer and hallway, extracting his warriors from the mix. He sent them down the hall to the kitchen and directed the Knights and apprentices into the dining room.

  “You will dine in there.” He told each of the Templars in turn as he waved them through the door. “You will dine in there.” He repeated this line to each of them individually, but directed Mark Andrew and Sophia toward the kitchen. When only Lucio, Michael and Galen were left in the hallway with him, he kissed both young men on the lips and then sent them into the dining room, before placing one hand on Lucio’s arm. “You may dine with your son, but do not try to corrupt him. He will make his own decisions. He is no longer a boy, but a man. Yahweh has given him a mind and you will allow him to use it.”

  Lucio frowned at him and then walked stiffly into the dining room.

  “Good!” Lucifer smiled at d’Brouchart, the only one remaining in the foyer. “He is angry again. A good sign. A good warrior! Come, come, Nathanael!”

  The chieftain led the way to the kitchen where the cooks were putting the finishing touches on the deserts.

  “Take the food to the others.” Lucifer instructed the frightened cooks. “All of it. Do not return here until you are summoned.”

  The twelve warriors, Sophia, Mark and Edgard were bumped and bustled about as the cooks hastily followed his orders. Within moments all the dishes were carried from the kitchen and the cooks did not return.

  “Now.” Lucifer smiled at them and sat down at the foot of the long table in the kitchen. “We will dine!”

  He held out his hand to Mark Andrew and d’Brouchart and they sat down on either side of him. Sophia remained standing in the center of the kitchen as the rest of the angels perched on the cabinets and the bar like so many colorful birds.

  “I don’t understand.” Sophia blurted after a few awkward moments.

  “I told you that you would serve us.” Lucifer returned her frown. “You may bring wine and bread and if you have some goat’s milk, bring it as well.”

  “Goat’s milk?” Sophia put her hands on her hips. “We don’t have goat’s milk. We don’t even have a goat!”

  “Oh? That is a shame. It is one of my favorites, but no matter. Do you have any honey? Perhaps a bit of honeycomb? Or locusts?” Lucifer asked hopefully.

  Sophia opened her mouth and Mark Andrew was out of his seat in an instant.

  “Sophia.” He smiled at her and motioned with his eyes toward the pantry. “Perhaps we might find some locusts in the wine cellar? I’m sure we had some last week.”

  “Sir Ramsay!” Sophia spoke through gritted teeth, but he pulled her along toward the cellar door.

  “We’ll only be a moment!” Mark called over his shoulder. “Sophia is a stranger in my household, brother. You must forgive her.”

  Sophia protested all the way down the stairs. Mark had to take her shoulders and shake her when they reached the bottom of the stairs.

  “What did you expect, lassie? He is not Celtic!” He asked her. “Ye dunna expect Lucifer t’ be eatin’ beef stew and oatcakes now, do ye? I doubt ’e’s ’ad a meal in three or four millennia! ’e’s probably nevar set down t’ th’ table with th’ loikes o’ us in ’is existence and thot’s a moighty long toime. Ye shud be honored t’ sarve ’im! Tis a great concession on ’is part. And ye moight foind thot ’is notions o’ wot is roight and propar behavior fur lassies moight be just a tad bit auld fashioned.”

  “’e doesna mean th’ same thing ye think ’e does. ’e knows th’ truth! ’e knows thot women air th’ mothers o’ loife. ’e knows thot it was Sophia’s daughter who brought th’ spirit t’ Adam and lifted ’im from th’ dirt. It’s just thot ’is notion o’ wot it is thot ye shud be doing is dif’rent from wot ye think it is. In ’is way o’ thinkin’ women air t’ be protected from th’ warld. I used t’ think th’ same thing! As th’ mothers of oll of God’s creation, women provoide food, both spiritually and physically. Th’ only reason ’e allows ye t’ sarve us is because ’e thinks ye air special and trustwarthy enough t’ be included in this meetin’! Now wait roight ’ere and I’ll be roight back!”

  Sophia stood in the middle of the cellar while Mark rushed into his lab. He came back presently with a crockery bowl full of roasted locusts, a jar of raw honey and goat-skin bag full of milk. Under his arm was a flat, round loaf of brown bread. Sophia frowned at him in surprise and he shrugged slightly.

  “Wait!” She caught his arm and spun him around before he could get away. “I’ll take it on one condition.”

  “What?” Mark leaned toward her as she shifted the items from his hands to hers.

  “Tell me.” She smiled at him. “Is what the brothers at Rushen said true? Did Lucifer really seduce Eve in the garden and was he really Cain’s father?”

  “Yes and yes!” Mark told her. “Why do you think they call him the fallen angel? Some of the legends just have the facts a bit twisted, but yes. Now take these and get upstairs and act your part now. It’s very important.” He told her.

  “I refuse to…” she began and he leaned to kiss her lips quickly.

  “Do it for me now, lassie, if you can’t do it for him and the rest of the world.” He smiled at her. “Trust me.”

  “You’ll owe me one, Mark Ramsay!” She told him, but her frown faded. “A big one!”

  “Whattaver ye say.” He grumbled as she started up the stairs and he began to search for d’Brouchart’s private reserve of what was probably the only Slivovitz in all of Britain.

  Sophia stopped on the top step and loo
ked back at him as he rummaged through the dusty bottles. When he found the last two bottles of the Master’s reserve, he raised up and blew the dust from the label.

  “Dust! From dust ye came, but to dust ye shall never return for thou hast ascended unto the Masters and have passed every test.”

  She grabbed at a dust mote drifting in front of her and then blew it into the air again as he started up the stairs.

  Chapter Eleven of Twenty-Two

  Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love,

  that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.

  “What do you see, my love?” Jozsef leaned over Nicole’s shoulder and brushed his lips against her ear.

  Nicole sat ramrod straight on the carpet, staring into the single flame on the silver candlestick in front of her. Her deep blue eyes were unblinking, her jaw was slack and she looked catatonic.

  “Light.” Her voice was flat, without inflection of any kind.

  “What sort of light?” He asked and knelt on one knee slightly behind her.

  “Golden light coming from his head.” She said.

  “Whose head?” Jozsef prompted her softly and ran his hand down her bare upper arm. The heat formed beads of perspiration on her face and trickled down her throat. Her blonde curls clung to her neck.

  “The angel’s head.” She said. “He is beautiful.”

  “You see angels?” Jozsef frowned. She was supposed to be searching for her brother’s thoughts. He wanted to know what they were up to in Scotland and if it had anything to do with the strange reports from the Sudan. “Where is your brother? Your brother, Luke Andrew?”

  “My brother? I can’t see him. I hear him.” She tilted her head slightly, listening to a voice he could not hear. “I miss him.”

  “Of course you do.” Jozsef told her and kissed her shoulder. He was trying very hard not to show his impatience. They had been sitting here for over an hour while she tried to make a connection. Her aversion to the idea was very strong and he was beginning to understand why.


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