Slave Species of god

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Slave Species of god Page 13

by Michael Tellinger

  Scientists have found about 1,000 KBOs so far, but little is known about their composition because they are so distant and faint. However, the detection of crystalline ice, suggests that Quaoar is, or was, being heated by something other than the Sun. Could it be the close proximity of the radiant Nibiru on its occasional fly-by? This was proposed by David Jewitt of the University of Hawaii in Honolulu and Jane Luu of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Lexington, USA. The two researchers discovered the first KBO in 1992, and then made these latest observations. They said that it would have to be an object of substantial size to have such a profound effect on this KBO. Could this be a real clue pointing towards a distant giant Planet X?

  If we look at the detailed descriptions of the celestial battle between gods and the collisions of planets which the Enuma Elish (Epic of Creation) describes so graphically, it sounds almost too fantastical to believe. It all seems so far back and so far away that we struggle to see its relevance to our existence at this point in time. But all we have to do is lift our eyes at the sky to realise how vulnerable we are to a cosmic attack. Maybe not by other planets, but by giant asteroids and even comets. Every so often we hear the news of a large asteroid that passed close by planet Earth, without us even spotting it, until it had gone by, unnoticed. This kind of ignorance could cause our extinction in the blink of an eye and cause a cosmic collision of spectacular proportions, not too dissimilar to the spectacular events described in the Sumerian tablets. There are possibly many thousands of giant asteroids flying around the solar system, many of which come very close to the Earth. These are called Near-Earth Asteroids (NEA). Eros is an elongated NEA, which is 33 x 13 x 13 kilometres in size. Large enough to destroy our planet and all life on it. About 250 NEAs have been found so far, but many, many more exist. The largest known NEA is 1036 Ganymede, with a diameter of 41 kilometres. According to astronomers there are at least 1000 NEAs whose diameter is greater than one kilometre and which could do catastrophic damage to Earth. Even smaller NEAs could cause substantial destruction if they were to collide with Earth.

  This brings us to the dramatic events at Tunguska, Siberia, on the 30th of June 1908. A meteorite measuring some 90 - 200 metres in diameter exploded above the ground just before impact. It completely scorched the snow-covered forest below for some 2,100 square kilometres and destroyed some 80 million trees. If that was a city, you can just imagine the drama. But around 65 million years ago there was a far more devastating collision with planet Earth. A large asteroid about 10 kilometres in diameter crashed into the Earth near the Mexican Yucatan peninsula and as a result caused the extinction of not only the dinosaurs, but all land animals over 30 kilograms, and large sections of plant life. The impact would have penetrated the Earth's crust, scattering dust and debris into the atmosphere, causing huge fires, volcanic activity, tsunamis, and severe storms with high winds and even highly acidic rain. The impact could have resulted in chemical changes in Earth’s atmosphere, increasing concentrations of sulphuric acid, nitric acid, and fluoride compounds. What is more, the heat from the impact’s blast wave, would have incinerated all life in its path. After the impact, dust and debris which were thrust into the atmosphere would have blocked most of the sunlight for months and lowered the global temperature. Organisms that could not adapt to the light and temperature changes would die out. Since plants’ energy is derived from the Sun, they would likely be the first to be affected by such changes in the climate. Many families of phytoplankton and plants died out, and the Earth’s oxygen levels may well have dramatically decreased. This would have affected oxygen on both land and in the oceans, suffocating those organisms that were unable to cope with the lower oxygen levels. The drama continued. Many major changes in the food chain resulted from all of these environmental upheavals and the herbivores starved soon after the plants died. Then the carnivores would have had to eat each other, and eventually also died out. Their large carcasses must have provided smaller animals with food for quite a while.

  This must have surely been one spectacular explosion. To remind us just how spectacular such cosmic explosions can be, all we have to do is cast our minds back to the most observed cosmic event in human history. In 1994, when 21 pieces of the Shoemaker-Levy comet crashed into Jupiter. The whole world came to a standstill to watch this spectacular event while all the telescopes were pointed at Jupiter to bring these dramatic pictures into our living rooms. The largest parts of the comet caused explosions one million times bigger than all the atomic explosions ever exploded on Earth put together. In other words, if that comet had hit Earth, we would not be here today, nor would the planet in all likelihood.

  So you see, it is not so hard to visualise a cosmic collision. We are very fortunate that we have the magic of TV to remind us of the Jovian event. All that the Sumerians had some 6,000 years ago, were some clay tablets and a scribe who captured the events in cuneiform writing, instead of video.

  So, now that we have explored our universe, our solar system, comets, asteroids and cosmic collisions, is there enough content for us to substantiate the probability of an elusive Planet X in the distant parts of the solar system, which pays us a visit every 3,600 years or so? We will explore many more unexplained pieces of the Great Human Puzzle, which lead me to believe that there is such a planet out there. We will also discover that this planet is not only linked to our existence here on Earth, through a strange sequence of events, which included the transfer of the seeds of life between planets in the very beginning, but also through genetic manipulation, long after life had developed and evolved on both Nibiru and Earth. The genetic manipulation that our more evolved cosmic relatives inflicted on us some 200,000 years ago, is carefully laid out for us in ancient tablets. I will urge you to once again consider the total knowledge we have of the cosmos, and how much we seem to learn every day from our scientists who study the skies. Once you have concluded that our knowledge is still in its infancy, the obvious conclusion must be that we simply cannot say. What keeps haunting me, is how carelessly we discard all this information left behind, by dedicated scribes from another time when the world was a completely different place. It seems that if this knowledge does not conform to the way we would like to see our ancient history, we are not so keen to accept it into our body of knowledge. To end this chapter on an inspirational note, here are some statements on the subject of Planet X, by scientists, visionaries and broad thinkers of the past and present.

  “That Mankind’s progression from Palaeolithic (Old Stone Age) to Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age) to Neolithic (New Stone Age) and then the great Sumerian civilization, had occurred in intervals of about 3,600 years is a fact. That Anu visited Earth, approved the grant of civilization (knowledge, science, technology) to Mankind is certain. But as I have tried to explain in my recent seminars (though not yet in a full length book), the visits to Earth and the nearing (at what is called perihelion) of Nibiru do NOT coincide. This is a point of immense significance, which those who have only read my first book somehow ignore.”

  (Zecharia Sitchin)

  “In the fields of archaeology, geology, and astronomy the last few years have brought a vast array of facts to corroborate the claims that there were physical upheavals of a global character in historical times; that these catastrophes were caused by extraterrestrial agents; and that the nature of these agents may be identified. The memory of the cataclysms was erased, not because of lack of written traditions, but because of some characteristic process that later caused entire nations, together with their literate men, to read into these traditions allegories or metaphors where actually cosmic disturbances were clearly described.”

  (Immanuel Velikovsky)

  “Dr. Robert S. Harrington, former head of the US Naval Observatory, calculated several parameters of Planet X and its orbit. Harrington started from the perturbations in the orbits of Neptune and Uranus, knowing that Pluto could not be responsible for them. The observations he used were supplied by the Nautical Almanac Office
of the US Naval Observatory and go back as far as 1833 for Uranus and 1846 for Neptune.”

  (Harrington Paper)

  Albert Einstein remarked that:

  “A great many empirical data indicate that at each point of the Earth’s surface that has been carefully studied, many climatic changes have taken place, apparently quite suddenly. This is explicable if the virtually rigid outer crust of the Earth undergoes, from time to time, extensive displacement...”

  (Albert Einstein)


  Human Nature

  We seem to take so much care to bring our children up in the proper fashion. Depending on what culture you may come from, the variations on the word ‘proper’ can be quite extreme, relative to each other’s dogmas. There are many established cultures throughout the world, each one with its own peculiar customs, rituals and belief systems. In the last 100 years we have gone from two world wars, a possible third one, to several localised conflicts like Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and other skirmishes which have been described as minor uprisings, like the one in Haiti. It is quite amazing that despite the pockets of conflict during the last 50 years of the 20thcentury, we have experienced possibly one of the most peaceful and tolerant chapters of our human history. I make this statement with great reservation, because until we have eliminated all conflict from society we will not be free. This period will however always be remembered for the collapse of the Soviet Union and turning the giant communist China into the fastest growing economy in the world and everyone’s favourite trading partner. But we should be aware that there are other forms of conflict or aggression than pure outright war. We have become experts at highly persuasive techniques of convincing others to follow our lead, while it may not necessarily be to their benefit. Wealth and military power will allow you to call the shots without having to fire a single bullet and sometimes we conveniently overlook such incidents. It is either that our violent genes have mutated into ‘clandestine’ violent genes, or we have attained new genes which have mutated into displaying their violent nature in more subtle ways.

  In his latest book entitled DNA - The Secret of Life one of the founders of the DNA, James Watson, writes: “Understanding genetics is not just understanding why we look like our parents. It is also about coming to grips with some of Humankind’s oldest enemies: the flaws in our genes that cause genetic disease.”

  This statement feeds my argument superbly. Why should our genome be so incomplete and so full of flaws if we have been evolving for millions of years? It just does not add up and it indirectly supports the theory of our DNA being tampered with early in our existence. I refer frequently to the ‘violent gene’ and the ‘greed gene’ because I firmly believe they truly exist in our genetic makeup. The evidence is all around us. If we behave in a certain way, there must be something driving it from within. And our DNA is the master programme which predetermines all our characteristics. Just as we cannot refute the fact that someone has blue eyes, when it is clearly visible, we cannot refute the fact that we display violent behaviour, when it is also clearly visible. And yet there is the other side of our character, the benevolent and peaceful traits, which must have a group of ‘genes’ that control such traits. What drives this striving towards harmony by a growing number of earthlings is a mystery, since we have now established that the ‘violent’ gene is well embedded in our DNA. We have seen a dramatic shift towards tolerance between the global cultures, where only 100 years ago imperialism was still the major quest of the global powers, annihilating weaker cultures in the name of god and king. But while society has been narrowing the gap in some sectors, a growing gap in other sectors has been developing. Religious intolerance is a truly worrying factor to world peace because with religion comes a virtually indestructible force that drives it from within, fanaticism! As long as certain groups of people believe that they occupy a moral and religious high ground over other groups, we are staring a recipe for disaster in the face. All the efforts by the politicians to create a stable global trading environment will mean absolutely nothing as long as we have the threat of religious fanatical violence. Unless we can point out a new religious road of moderation to the hoards of religious faithful in the world, there is a great risk that this whole issue is possibly still coming to a violent head.

  There is another global development which drives the ‘violent’ genes in some of us in much more subtle ways. Economic warfare. The gap between the rich and the poor is the most worrying aspect of globalisation and it is not diminishing, it is growing ever wider. While you have one group or one nation achieving greatness at the expense of another, there will never be a state of harmony on Earth. As I pointed out earlier, our brain is an immensely complex organ, which we may never come to understand completely. The brain seems to play a kind of interface role between the physical and the spiritual aspects of our being. It is the computer which is driven by an extremely well-developed software package called the genome. But the brain computer can only function at the rate at which the software package allows it to and the software requires constant upgrading. This upgrading can only come through the action of DNA. Many scientists have made daring pronouncements about the amount of brain capacity which we humans use, but the truth of the matter is that the brain has a capacity that we cannot begin to estimate. As advanced as it is, our brain can only perform the functions that have been programmed into the genetic software. The more advanced the software, the more amazing things the brain can do. And just like your computer software constantly updates itself from some remote Microsoft reservoir, your genome software constantly strives to update itself from the reservoir of our evolving DNA. There is also however a constant tussle between ‘nature’ versus ‘nurture’. While some of us are being nurtured into becoming business leaders, others who grow up in less privileged societies are ‘naturally’ marginalised to remain the working class which provides the ‘slaves’ who drive the global machine.

  We cannot escape our past, which is pretty much built on exploration, invasions, occupation, domination, crusades and warfare, during which the stronger culture would simply attack the weaker one as part of its unquestionable right to expand its area of influence. But just because we know the past and are starting to understand the complex effects of conflict, does not mean we know how to deal with this genetic defect, as James Watson so correctly points out. Our genetic defects do not only effect our physical health, but our mental state. It is this mental state of ours which is controlled by our ‘faulty’ DNA which drives us into conflict situations. For us to be able to deal effectively with our insatiable need for conflict, we must know exactly where we come from and why we are the way we are, so that there may be no speculation, as this kind of uncertainty becomes an underlying justification for our behaviour. Unfortunately, all the effort expended on our human psychological shortcomings has been based on speculative assumptions of our human origins. The complexity of human nature, therefore, goes back to our creation. African-American sociologists claim that it will take their society another several hundred years to overcome the underlying effects of slavery. And this was just a temporary oppression of one group by another without any surgical or genetic manipulation. Just imagine the damage that was handed to humanity at its creation by severely pruning its genetic capacity. The volatile path of human history has left us with scars that we need to heal in an attempt to begin to understand our human nature.

  On a personal level, I have always been an eternal optimist, a messenger of positive energy, finding the good in everyone and constantly creating. Creating what, you may ask? Creating anything. It seems that when humans are busy doing something creative, their minds tap into the non-violent portion of the genome. An example can be as basic as working in the garden, planting some flowers. The levels of therapy derived from gardening are well documented. It goes on to other simple examples like building a tree house or fixing an old chair. It can get as mundane as writing a shopping list. The creative process seems to ov
erride the activity of the violent gene. There are incredible stories from war situations where the opposing armies would stop to play a game of soccer, before returning to killing each other. This pop-philosophy causes a dilemma however. What about the people who create weapons of war? What happens to the relationship between creative genes and violent genes in their system? Is it that they are so absorbed by the creative process of actually creating something new that they are completely removed from the effects of their creation? Or, can it be that the violent gene has become so cunning inside of us, that it supports and drives the creative gene to feed its own survival needs? Some of these philosophies have been explored in great detail under the guise of the ‘selfish gene’. But these are all answers we will find with time. As for now, at least we are raising the questions, being allowed to explore by our evolved and enlightened society, to examine new boundaries which would have had us burnt at the stake a few hundred years ago.

  It is such a great pity that Communism was corrupted by a group of power hungry individuals who used the communal benefits to feed their own greed. The behaviour of the fallen Communist leaders flew right in the face of their gospel. I believe that under more evolved human conditions, maybe some time in the future, this doctrine of sharing could be more useful to the human race. Because in its theoretical make up, it is a kind of utopian answer to many global problems. I will most probably be shouted down by millions of capitalists but I still believe that the original idea of sharing has a lot to do with our hidden genetic structure. The people of southern Africa have a communal philosophy they call ‘ubuntu’, which is based on the principles of sharing and caring for the whole village or community. This concept predates the communistic ideals by many thousands of years and could actually be its early origins. It seems to have worked very successfully for thousands of years, until the tribes were invaded by the colonialists and forced to break up their ancient traditions in favour of democracy and capitalism. Was this a smart or a stupid move? You be the judge, but it seems to me that the survival of the global commune may become dependent on some of the simple philosophies of the oldest cultures on Earth. Capitalism is a recipe for disaster, but the wealthy and powerful corporations who dominate the world will never admit this for as long as they are in the driving seat. They will continue to exploit and enslave large amounts of people for as long as they are on top. Then they will eventually be toppled by another group that will do exactly the same. We have to ask ourselves: where is this all leading to?


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