Slave Species of god

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Slave Species of god Page 33

by Michael Tellinger

  Abraham must have become a highly dubious person in the lands through which he moved, so much so, that even kings started to suck up to him in anticipation of the gods' possible retaliation against them. But his unshakable loyalty to his gods brought Abraham rich rewards of all sorts and made him a very wealthy man. His nephew Lot was an active participant in all of this and played a crucial role in delivering information to Abraham, which would in turn be conveyed to the gods and ‘angels’ when they came calling and snooping around for information.

  Genesis 13:2-15

  “Now Abram was very rich in livestock, in silver, and in gold. And he journeyed on from the Negeb as far as Bethel to the place where his tent had been at the beginning, between Bethel and Ai, to the place where he had made an altar at the first. And there Abram called upon the name of the LORD. And Lot, who went with Abram, also had flocks and herds and tents, so that the land could not support both of them dwelling together; for their possessions were so great that they could not dwell together… ‘Is not the whole land before you? Separate yourself from me. If you take the left hand, then I will go to the right, or if you take the right hand, then I will go to the left.’ And Lot lifted up his eyes and saw that the Jordan Valley was well watered everywhere like the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt, in the direction of Zoar (This was before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.). So Lot chose for himself all the Jordan Valley, and Lot journeyed east. Thus they separated from each other. Abram settled in the land of Canaan, while Lot settled among the cities of the valley and moved his tent as far as Sodom. Now the men of Sodom were wicked, great sinners against the LORD.”

  This was a cunning plan by the gods, to send Lot right into the heart of Sodom and settle down there, while providing his uncle with information about the growing movement of the resistance by the so-called ‘vile and wicked’ humans. Then the gods once again reminded Abraham what his reward would be if he did not disappoint them.

  “The LORD said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him, ‘Lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are, northward and southward and eastward and westward, for all the land that you see I will give to you and to your offspring forever...’”

  To illustrate how nervous the kings in the surrounding lands must have been of Abraham, here is an extract where one such king tries to secure his future with Abraham, the ‘blue-eyed’ boy of the gods, by doing what politicians have been doing forever, sucking up to the guys with money and power:

  Genesis 13:22-26. ACovenant with Abimelech:

  “And it came to pass at that time that Abimelech and Phichol, the commander of his army, spoke to Abraham, saying, ‘God is with you in all that you do. Now therefore, swear to me by God that you will not deal falsely with me, with my offspring, or with my posterity; but that according to the kindness that I have done to you, you will do to me and to the land in which you have dwelt.’ And Abraham said, ‘I will swear.’”

  Even at this point, while reassuring Abimelech that he would put a good word in for him, he starts to display the subtle signs of a snitch for the gods by reprimanding the king, and in the process demonstrating his superiority:

  “Then Abraham rebuked Abimelech because of a well of water which Abimelech's servants had seized. And Abimelech said, ‘I do not know who has done this thing; you did not tell me, nor had I heard of it until today.’”

  The poor king immediately tries to save his skin and eventually succeeds according to the scripture. Another example of kings sucking up to Abraham in fear, looking for favouritism, is the following exert from Genesis 14:17-20:

  Abram Blessed by Melchizedek:

  “After his return from the defeat of Chedorlaomer and the kings who were with him, the king of Sodom went out to meet him at the Valley of Shaveh (that is, the King's Valley). And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. (He was priest of God Most High.) And he blessed him and said, ‘Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth; and blessed be God Most High, who has delivered your enemies into your hand!’”

  It is painfully clear that everyone was very nervous of the tenuous situation in the land, expecting something major to happen at any minute. There was much activity with gods coming and going all the time, appearing to various people, giving instructions and inflicting harm to potential enemies. And on the ground there must have been much activity among the revolutionaries, which we can tell from the constant references in the Bible to the “evil and vile and sinful” men everywhere. There is a distinct paranoia in the tone with which the accusations keep recurring. The people and the kings of the lands also knew Abraham’s close relationship with the brutal gods, while the manipulation of Abraham continued.

  Genesis 15:

  “God's Covenant with Abram states: ‘After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: Fear not, Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be very great.’”

  But all this activity was just a build-up for the biggest event of them all, when the gods maliciously planned and executed a full onslaught on Sodom and Gomorrah, the safe haven of the revolutionaries under the influence of Marduk, the rebellious god among the Anunnaki. Their slave Abraham had become a devoted and loyal servant who would do anything for his gods. God told Abraham that “the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah was great and the accusations against them were grievous”. Then god said he had decided to “come down and verify” and if it was so, he would destroy them completely. What basically transpired here is: The gods instructed Abraham to go to the cities and spy on the people. Obviously the Bible describes the action very differently, and Abraham is seen to be sent on a mission from god, to identify any virtuous people who may live in those cities, said to be crawling with evil and vile sinners. And as history books are always written by the victors, we know very little about the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, besides what the propaganda passages of the Bible declare. After all, the events were recorded by the victors who were grossly indoctrinated by the manipulative gods.

  Back with Abraham: Three ‘angels’ appeared to him. He raised his eyes and behold, there were three men with him. Isn't this bloody marvellous! These snoopy ‘angels’ always seem to appear when there is trouble brewing, or just before the shit is about to hit the fan. Abraham obviously recognised them immediately because he bowed his head and pleaded with them. One can clearly see the fearful ‘slave and servant’ mentality in this passage. Two of them were ‘angels’ who must have carried some sort of weapons which they used later to protect themselves, and believe it or not, the third one was 'god' himself in person, telling Abraham what must happen. The Old Testament called the angels ‘malachim’ which literally translates as ‘emissaries who carry divine commands and messages from god’. They made it very clear to Abraham that unless he can produce 50 virtuous men, from the inhabitants of the two cities, the cities will be decimated. This is what really puzzles me and what drives my theory that Abraham was weaned to be a spy for them. Why should they tell Abraham this? Why should he be the one to produce 50 righteous men to save the cities? It could only be because he was asked to snoop around and report back to the gods. They have now come to seek the results of his snooping.

  At first Abraham showed a hint of a humanity and pleaded with the gods not to kill everyone, for there may be ‘some virtuous or obedient’ people there. God seems to agree with this sentiment and promises not to kill everyone as long as Abraham can find “even one” virtuous person in all of those cities. What is happening here is clearly a setup for failure. The gods have a non-negotiable plan to wipe out these rebels in these ‘sinful’ cities and Abraham is their spy. The other curious event is that Abraham's nephew Lot, actually moved into Sodom prior to this and it is probably he who was leaking information about the ‘evil sinful people’ of the city, to his uncle.

  So when the ‘angel warriors’ arrived at the city gate they found Lot waiting for them. This is another little curiosity pointing to premeditation. He took them
to his house where they washed and ate, but the word spread like fire through Sodom that the violent angels were at Lot’s house, coming to attack them. Once again it is evident that the residents of Sodom recognised the two ‘angels’ immediately. Could it be because they had been seen doing this before? Just another one of their regular appearances during which they inflicted pain and death on the people? Or was it because they were dressed differently, which included carrying deadly weapons, way beyond the humans’ understanding? Clearly this was a perfect opportunity for the people of Sodom to lynch the angels and have some level of revenge, even though it would have been on a small scale. Pandemonium broke out as the activists were joined by young and old, demanding that the angels come out. There must have been a lot of heated commotion and adrenalin flowing because this type of situation did not present itself often. This was the perfect trigger for the violent gods to react. It was all the proof they needed to confirm that all the people of Sodom were indeed evil sinners who needed to be destroyed. The angels came out and “smote the people with blindness, so they could not see”. Then they told Lot to gather all his family members and get out of the city as they were about to destroy it. Lot did his best to round them up but he was met with disbelief and ridicule. In the end it was only his wife and two daughters who fled the city with him, under cover of darkness.

  The following is the most amazing revelation of awesome weaponry and deadly force that the ‘angels’ possessed. The ‘angels’ told Lot, “Escape for thy life, look not behind thee, neither stop thou anywhere in the plain… unto the mountains escape lest thou perish.” Basically meaning, get the hell out of here… get to the mountains and hide in the caves… well out of sight! Then the most remarkable thing happened. Lot pleaded with them to delay the destruction of Sodom long enough for him to reach the town of Zoar, which seemed to be far enough from Sodom. The ‘angels of death’ urged Lot to hurry for they could not unleash their deadly weapons until he arrived there safely. The description which follows in the Bible can only be compared to a nuclear holocaust. And so it must have been. The cities, the people, the vegetation; everything was ‘upheavaled’ by the power of the angels’ awesome weapons. The heat and fire scorched everything in its path. Its radiation and pressure wave affected people some distance away.

  Why was Lot told not to look back and to hide out of sight? An explosion of such magnitude would certainly blind one as quickly as a million welding torches would, while the radiation with the pressure wave and the heat would incinerate life for miles away. This is exactly what happened to the disobedient and inquisitive wife of Lot. The explosions behind them must have been the most spectacular and frightening thing they had ever heard. She must have turned back from sheer inquisitiveness to see the destruction… this was not a wise move. The biblical Hebrew version relays that she was turned into “a pillar of salt”. But as Zecharia Sitchin points out, it was incorrectly translated – the proper translation should be ‘a pillar of vapour’. That is pretty much what one would expect from a nuclear blast.

  The destruction by the violent angels did not stop there. Once again we find evidence that Lot may have been spying on other people in other cities, as he made his way from one to the other, but for some reason he was not allowed to stay. Could this be because the citizens were familiar with Lot and his close links to the gods? Could it be that they simply did not want Lot around? Were they scared of a similar fate to that of Sodom? The angels of death followed Lot from town to town, destroying them one by one in the same fashion as Sodom. I ask you to evaluate the situation again. What on Earth were the people of those cities accused of to deserve such severe punishment from our ‘ever-loving’ god? I will not settle for the schizophrenic story portrayed in the Bible, even if you do threaten me with nuclear weapons! This is not my God behaving in such a distinctly barbaric way. The anger of the innocent people throughout the lands must have boiled over, which only fuelled the revolutionaries, causing thousands more to join the loud protests against the violent gods everywhere. The angels had no need to look for troublemakers, the cities must have risen up in rebellion against them one by one. The gods simply responded with what they knew best – violence, death and destruction of their disobedient slaves.

  What all this activity points to is my underlying theory that much of this violent global activity has everything to do with our human DNA, which we inherited from our godly makers, and the evolution thereof. As this human drama unfolds, I am changing my opinion rapidly about the state of evolution of the Anunnaki. The evidence is mounting rapidly that they were probably not much more evolved than we are today. If you look at some of the human rights hurdles we have crossed in the past few decades on Earth, it certainly seems that we may have already surpassed their level of evolution on human rights issues. I make this statement in the light that we have successfully passed a United Nations law against slavery, while the Anunnaki created an entirely new slave species some 200,000 years ago. What has bothered me about this whole chain of events is their lack of vision and their seeming ignorance of the repercussions. At first, I believed the Anunnaki to have had perfect genomes which allowed them to perform superhuman activities, live forever and perform amazing genetic manipulations. But then I look at how we have advanced in genetic engineering and cloning, and I realise that we have the same capability today, as they had when they arrived on Earth some 450,000 years ago. In many ways, we humans, the miserable ‘slave species’ of the gods, are at a similar level in space travel as the Anunnaki were all those years ago, and before long we WILL be colonising Mars. Ask yourself this question. Will our ‘human rights charter’ allow the pioneers on Mars to clone a new sub-species of humans as a lowly worker, with fewer rights than the astronaut settlers? Or will the Mars settlers be allowed to clone a slave species to do all the dirty work, and to be treated as lesser humans? I don't think so. But while we display high levels of sensitivity towards human rights today, our violent genes are still causing havoc among humanity. On that front we have a long way to evolve or to possibly treat this violent imperfection with genetic manipulation in the future.

  This brings me back to the issue of how evolved the Anunnaki genome might have been when they created us. It is now very clear that their intentions were to create a less intelligent humanoid; one who is smart enough to take instructions, but at the same time ignorant and subservient enough not to challenge his maker. To achieve this they realised that cloning their own species was not going to do the trick, as it would give the offspring an equal genetic capacity to themselves. The obvious answer to the problem was to cross their own more evolved DNA with that of the Homo erectus, a resident species here on Earth. Although the Anunnaki did possess enough knowledge of genetics to clone a number of possible beings, it's much clearer now, that they probably also had to switch off or disconnect some of the important genes in the proposed slave species, in order to prevent certain advanced characteristics. Sitchin's translations of Sumerian tablets tell us in great detail about how they tried and tried again to get the egg to fertilise in the surrogate females and allow the clone to grow into a healthy baby. They describe the Homo erectus as “Among the animals on the steppe they live, they know not dressing in garments… Shaggy with hair is their whole body… No creature like that has ever in Edin been seen.” Then they tell us exactly what the purpose of the new creature will be: “A primitive worker shall be created… Our commands will he understand… Our tools he will handle… The toil in the excavations he shall perform.” There are a number of lamentations about their despair as they failed on several attempts to create the ‘primitive worker’. “We must try once more… The admixture needs adjusting… In the crystal bowl the oval of an earth female she inseminated… There was conception… This one more in the likeness of the Anunnaki was.” But their attempts failed on many occasions before they created the perfect species. “Again and again Ninmah rearranged the admixtures” and finally, the result was ‘almost’ perfect. The birth of ‘
Adamu’ was met with great excitement by the Anunnaki, but soon they would face many new unexpected problems. The main hurdle they needed to cross then, was to tame the wild animal behaviour of the new slave species, which naturally caused them to rebel against any kind of confinement or oppression. The other hurdle was to instil a sense of loyalty, subservience, obedience and especially fear, into the new slave species. And so we meet the vengeful, bloodthirsty, strict ‘creator-god’ of humanity. He dishes out a code of strict instructions, and he rewards obedience with gifts and leniency, while dispensing harsh pain and suffering to those who disobey his word. While it may sound unbelievable, it was virtually a foolproof plan. The kind of plan any dictator would be proud of. Just look at how fearful we still are of the god of vengeance. I will leave the rest of this story of creation for a later chapter while we return to the concept of slavery and how free we think we really are in the 21st century.

  As always, just when you think you know it all, a new door opens to reveal just how little you really know. When I started researching the global history of slavery, I uncovered spine-chilling tales of hardship and misery of such proportion, and stories so unbelievable, that it could make one lose complete faith in humanity. But then I reminded myself of the very simple idea that I am trying to share with you in this book. So let me remind you once again, before I share some of the horrors of modern day slavery with you… we were created as a slave species… we are still a slave species… displaying all the behavioural characteristics of a slave species. There is simply no getting away from the overwhelming evidence surrounding us and filling the pages of our pre-history. It is interesting to compare the ‘slave rules’ in the code of law by King Hammurabi from Babylon, some 4,100 years ago, to the plight of sweatshop workers in Chinese factories today. To get the real effect of these modern sweatshops, let me remind you that many of the world’s largest consumer brands are now manufactured in China under despicable, inhumane conditions. These are the new slave markets of the modern civilised world. Even though these factories have received loads of publicity exposing them for violating human rights in ways that we cannot even imagine, all the flag-waving, banner-bearing and chanting liberals in the West keep buying the products that come from these eastern slave markets. What they cannot see, does not affect them, so the gluttonous consumers of the West will continue to consume in ever-growing numbers, propagating the growth of the invisible slave trade of the East. The USA and Europe are clearly the main culprits by virtue of the sheer numbers in the so-called First World countries, while the Asian market just carries on consuming the brands which enslave their relatives. So now that I got that off my chest, let's take a look at a Chinese sweatshop worker's lament, together with a few more nasty revelations about our humanity:


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