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Slave Species of god

Page 52

by Michael Tellinger

  In The Lost Book of Enki, Zecharia Sitchin tells the chilling tale of Lord Enki, the master-mind behind the creation of humans. A story of humanity from the beginning to the tragic events surrounding Sodom and Gomorrah which according to Enki was preventable and unnecessary. Enki was Anu's first son, one of the three supreme leaders on Earth after their arrival some 445,000 years ago. He was the true humanitarian among the Nefilim gods “those who to Earth from heaven came” which eventually led him to dictate these pages to his scribe Endubsar, who states: “These were the words of the lord Enki. Written from the mouth of the great lord Enki, not one word missed, not one word added by the master scribe Endubsar, a man of Eridu, son of Udbar.” Although these tablets were referred to in other finds, it took a determined effort to uncover them in the ruins of museums and archaeological sites. These ancient events which were captured by Sumerian scribes have now been translated and presented to humanity in the year 2002 AD by Zecharia Sitchin. Mr. Sitchin has dated the events at Sodom to 2024 BC. It therefore stands to reason that these tablets, as dictated by Enki, must have been written shortly after those events, after 2024 BC. Sitchin is the largest private owner of Sumerian tablets in the world, which allowed him to present these translations to an unaware civilisation in 2005 AD. This body of work which comprises 308 written pages, is now the most complete source of information about the obscure events in our past. It shines a spotlight on the concept of mythology and the popular modern explanations of these myths. It makes it painfully clear that there were things going on in the biblical past that have been purposefully concealed from humanity. It also raises very serious questions about utterances in the Bible and their credibility, when compared to the older Sumerian scriptures. These translations remove much doubt about the existence of the “gods of Heaven and Earth” who controlled the world with an iron fist. It proves our genetic ancestry belongs both on Earth and in deep space, on a planet called Nibiru. It explains the previous speculation of who we are and where we come from, with all the necessary supporting evidence that humans have been searching for. The most disturbing facts that emerge from this find, are that there must have been an extremely sinister but well-executed plot of manipulation against humanity, by Enki's brother Enlil. This supreme commander on Earth was never in favour of the creation of humans and certainly did not want to go out of his way to ensure the survival of humans on Earth. It is turning out to be a distinct possibility that the entire Bible was a masterstroke of pandemic proportion. A continued and carefully controlled saga of propaganda and indoctrination of humanity by Enlil himself. This control must have started after the flood, when Enlil realised that humans had been saved against his wishes, he also realised that the only way he would be able to control humanity was with absolute power, control and fear, using strong-handed, dictatorial tactics. From that moment on, Enlil would be their god, ruling them through intimidation, fear, bloodthirsty violence; but he also rewarded them for loyalty and obedience for complying with his commands. But his nephew Marduk wanted to seize the power on Earth, which was promised to him by his father Enki, right at the beginning, shortly after they arrived on Earth. He would choose his favourite people and help them above others, using them for his devious plans. From about 3200 BC at the rise of the Egyptian empire, Marduk and Enlil became engaged in a long struggle for control of Earth. While Enlil enforced clear principles of ‘divide and conquer’ among humans, Marduk became the ‘god above all’ taking control of Egypt, promising his kings eternal life in the world beyond, if they followed him. Slowly but surely Marduk also absorbed and enforced the principles of ‘divide and conquer’ as he took control of the planet. As fate would have it, the slave species became not only the accidental victims in the ‘war of the gods’, jostling for control of the planet, but the humans became the ignorant ‘foot soldiers’ of the Anunnaki in their struggle for power. These were the early biblical days, which are well corroborated in both Hebrew and Sumerian scriptures. Gods chosen people conquering the others.

  Throughout human history, Enlil did everything in his power to suppress human evolution and emancipation. He did this constantly and relentlessly as we have clearly shown, fearing that humans would grow wiser and stronger if they evolved, which would pose a great threat to his global empire. It is not clear if it was Enlil or Marduk, but their ultimate masterstroke was that they had all these ancient events written and captured by men, loyal and fearful of the great ‘god of vengeance’. These written works were treated as holy by man, and over the years they were compiled into a collection of books which today is called the Bible, besides other holy scriptures. Ask any war or propaganda strategist today and they will tell you one thing. If you repeat a lie enough times, it will become the truth. Especially if you enforce it with the threat of violence. Stalin was a master of propaganda and indoctrination. So much so that even after the fall of the Soviet Union and the exposure of the Kremlin vaults, there are millions of supporters who remain loyal to Stalin, refusing to believe that any of those horror stories about him are true. The people who have been reading and misinterpreting the Bible, constantly ascribing some inexplicable tales to situations that make absolutely no sense, have fallen victim to such tactics. They are so filled with fear that it consumes their minds, rendering them incapable of clear independent thought. Saying that “it is the way of the lord, and god planned it, because he did not want us to know everything”. Well, they are correct. The gods did not want us to know the terrible truth behind the manipulation of humanity, and how we were controlled with fear, violence, retribution and reward. This is the story of the entire Old Testament.

  Now that we are confident of our place at the pinnacle of human evolution and knowledge, comes the time when we have to ask ourselves the life-altering question. Do we believe that the ancient clay tablets are a message from our concerned ancestors, or do we discard it as insignificant mumbo-jumbo written by some wild mad-man to confuse us? The decision is yours to make. I trust that you will weigh up the evidence and realise that the universal community of beings is a distant cry from the barbaric acts of bloodthirsty settlers on Earth. The so-called god with a small ‘g’ never to be confused with God with a big ‘G’. Many people will feel greatly disturbed by this information and will fear ‘god's vengeance against their evil thoughts’. Stop the fear, see the light of the real God, the God of love, the God of mercy, the Prince of Peace. Not a gluttonous deity who wants gold and goats and people offered to him as a gesture of loyalty. While this knowledge may be too horrific to contemplate, I see it as the most liberating experience, which has exposed the real God to me, answering many of the questions that have haunted humanity. Knowledge is power and this knowledge will help me to understand whose name I call when I say my prayers. The God of the universe, the universal spirit, the Supreme Being. Armed with this knowledge, I can look forward to the continued journey of humanity as we evolve towards a complete genome which will open the portals of our mind and allow us to rejoin the universal community of beings.


  The Mystery of Jesus and Other Prophets

  No matter how you look at the figure of Jesus Christ, whether he was the son of God or just an inspired prophet who took the troubles of the world upon his shoulders, he left behind a legacy that has inspired billions of people. The debate about the 'prince of peace' is almost always filled with deep emotion, which more often than not leads to heated exchange by people who speak of him as if they knew him personally. They make bold statements about what Jesus would have done, how he would have reacted and what he would have said, if he was in present company. And since the writings of alternative historians, which tell us different stories about ‘Jesus the Man’, are mostly treated with suspicion, the most that religious scholars could possibly tell us about the man, is what they have read in the New Testament. I must hasten to add that much of what was written in the New Testament is probably quite different from his original teachings. If we take into account all the new evi
dence presented in this and other books about our ancestry; and although reluctantly we accept that we are the descendants of a more advanced race who created us as a slave species, one question remains to be answered: Who was Jesus Christ?

  After doing an extensive search on a Bible website consisting of a multitude of different Bible versions, I got a very surprising result. The very first time that the words ‘Jesus’; ‘Christ’; ‘messiah’ and ‘son of God’ appear in the Bible, is in the book of Matthew. And if my maths serves me right, that is the 40th book of the Bible, which also happens to be the first book of the New Testament. Is it not a little odd that there is no reference by name to the ‘messiah’ who is supposedly the main attraction in the Bible? If Jesus was the main actor; the prophesied saviour; and the ultimate reason for the whole collection of books in the Bible, is it not strange that we only come across his name at such a late stage?

  Most of my life I have held a maverick admiration for Jesus Christ, inspired by the message, but confused by its origins. I must admit that my naïve admiration was repeatedly derailed by preachers of different shades of grey. My personal belief is that popular religion has taken a very simplistic message of love and goodwill among humanity, and hijacked it for their own devious abuse. And as I dug deeper, I unearthed information which forced me to rethink my naïve outlook on the whole debate around Jesus. One by one my suspicions were confirmed, that there must have been an ageless devious plot behind the carefully crafted ministry of Christ. Just like Abraham, Jesus became an unwitting ‘mouthpiece’ for his bloodthirsty Nefilim god, preparing the ground for the continued enslavement of humanity. Doing great deeds among men, rounding up the flock for salvation, showing them the way to reach the gates of god, unconsciously weaving the propaganda of a power-hungry Anunnaki god. The fact that Jesus was a man, we cannot deny. The fact that he lived and travelled preaching his gospel is an historic fact. But who his real parents were, what his bloodline was, who orchestrated his appearance on Earth and who actually plotted all the prophecies about Jesus for thousands of years, have taken on a whole new slant. There is emerging evidence that the prophesied appearance of Christ is much more sinister than we could ever have imagined. The uncanny parallels between the murky origins of humanity, compared to the origins of Christ, point to the real possibility that whoever crafted humanity, followed it up with a second wave of premeditated, calculated propaganda and ultimate control. A control mechanism that was planned and executed with pinpoint precision like a military manoeuvre. As I pointed out, the one truly puzzling feature is the lack of reference to the messiah in the Old Testament. The word ‘messiah’ first appears in John 1:41; and ‘Saviour’ first appears in Deuteronomy 32:15. It leads me to believe that the idea of sending a ‘saviour’ to Earth as ‘the son of god’ was an idea that was only devised much later, towards the end of the Old Testament, by Enlil or Marduk and their ‘angels’, when they realised that the violent, oppressive approach towards humans needed a facelift. They became aware that after thousands of years of evolution, humans had evolved substantially and had grown wiser, not always prepared to submit to the brutality of their Anunnaki gods. It meant that the gods needed to revise their plan and devise a new twist. And so they did. It was crafted like a movie script, and a very good one I may add. So good in fact, that after 2,000 years, billions of loyal faithfuls are still reading the script with absolute devotion, ready to strike down anyone who dares attack their holy dinosaur. We must examine some of the strange behaviour and relationships between Jesus and his god, to highlight these peculiar underlying signs of tension between the two entities. We mentioned earlier that history books are written by the victors, and in the struggle between Enlil, Enki and Marduk, it was also the case. Unfortunately for humanity, the struggle between the sibling Nefilim gods was won by the nasty one, Enlil. The one who did not like humanity. Did he masterfully craft his dominion as ‘god’ of humanity? The victorious Enlil took control of such matters as recording human activities and controlling man's destiny in writing. His mission was simple. Keep humanity uneducated, ignorant and stupid. Take control of their fears, keep them loyal and obedient. Demonstrate your power and superiority over them every so often, to keep them fearful. The vengeful yet loving god, who will reward those who obey quietly and don't ask too many questions. In the early days of the Bible, when Abraham was weaned by Enlil to be his favourite among the leaders, Marduk was given the land of Egypt to control. Marduk was know as Ra, Re and Amun among the Egyptians. To create a large following of his own, Enlil ‘chose’ the Israelites as his “chosen” people and rescued them from slavery, under Marduk's control. This was a huge victory for Enlil with which he earned eternal loyalty among the Hebrews and established himself as the god of Israel. Enlil promised his followers the “land of milk and honey”, but in the process they would have to vanquish a number of other peoples, who undoubtedly were supporters of Marduk, and were not among god's favourites.

  Enlil also held rank over Enki, which meant he could basically do what he wanted with Enki's human creation. The disagreement between Enki and Enlil, which had started way back in the Garden of Eden, played a cardinal part in all of the scriptures of the Bible, including the prophesies which were made. We explore this in greater detail in other chapters, exposing how Enki was labelled the ‘serpent and devil’ and man was forbidden to consort with him. The plan was so superbly imposed on humanity, that it will forever hold the top spot in the annals of human manipulation and propaganda. It may take centuries more of religious bloodshed for humans to come to terms with reality. Enki was the ‘good guy’. But history is written by the victors and the real story was masterfully covered up by history books of which the Bible is the main culprit, because it was controlled by the victorious Enlil, who proclaimed himself god. But as time marches on and we discover new truths about our ancient prehistory and our possible origins, we learn that Enki was the architect of Adam and he loved his creation. He tried on many occasions to elevate humanity, to teach them, to inform them, but Enlil would not allow the slave species to become a threat to him and their settlement here on Earth. This is the strong underlying message seeping out between the pages of the Bible today. After the longest period of human enslavement, the real truth is starting to shine through. The incredible revelations in the recently released Lost Book of Enki by Zecharia Sitchin provide us with much supportive evidence for the everlasting plot, and it presents some answers to the chasms in our very one-sided history books.

  When I first started to read this incredible book, I felt as if I had stumbled upon the holy grail itself. Words cannot describe the feelings of conflict playing with your mind when you start to absorb the content of those ancient clay tablets and compare them to what we have been told for so many years. The inspiring thing is that the tablets that have been unearthed, translated and which you can now read, are the result of decades of work by people like Sitchin and many others. It is truly a surreal experience to read 4,000 and 5,000-year-old scriptures in clay. The beauty about these is that you cannot erase words with whitener; you cannot go back and change the odd word; it's very hard to fake it. These tablets reveal things about our human origins and support all the theories that I have postulated in this book about our human ancestry. By bringing these facts to life in an uncomplicated fashion, it also supports the horrible theory that we have been manipulated into submission from the very first day of our existence. Ask yourself this question. How many people who study and preach the Bible have ever seen the original biblical documents, as they were written in ancient times? The percentage will be minuscule. Here we have a discovery from the days of Abraham, perfectly preserved in clay, delivering a serious message to humanity, while turning on its head everything we have ever been taught. Suddenly the ‘lord’ is the devil, and the devil is our maker. Are we going to believe it… Or discard it? Since we have dealt with much of the finger-wagging of the Old Testament, let us look at a few very important technicalities surrounding the s
criptures of the New Testament.

  The recorded events surrounding the birth of Jesus are highly suspicious. The extremely questionable historic entries have never been able to concur on the time, place and town in which Jesus was born. Even the date of his birth differs from publication to publication. It has been penned from 1BC to 7BC and the presentations by historians and theologians seem to constantly clash. The fascinating thing about this subject is that when you speak about Jesus, son of Joseph and Mary, you deal in historic realms, which have a host of vigilant custodians. But the moment you say ‘Jesus the Son of God’ you enter the world of religious dogma, which has a host of rather militant custodians of its own. But it seems that Jesus was not the only victim in this covert human mismanagement. Equally convincing evidence shows that the Prophet Muhammad and even the Buddha were also misused by the devious Enlil to enslave humanity through religious fear. I kid you not. This is too much to handle for the strongest of character, so I suggest you put aside every ounce of everything you ever believed in, and prepare to digest some liberating facts.


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