Slave Species of god

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Slave Species of god Page 76

by Michael Tellinger

  Gold Booty

  When Pizarro, a Spanish conquistador, entered the royal palace in Cuzco in the 16th century, he found a chamber filled with 100,000 gold ingots weighing about five pounds each. This was after extorting 200,000 ounces of gold from the Inca people by taking their king hostage and demanding a ransom paid in gold. This kind of activity continued for around 200 years displaying the insatiable greed for gold by barbaric Europeans, and shining a light on the incomprehensible collection of gold by an ancient civilisation.

  Aztec Prayer

  This Aztec prayer highlights the similarity in which they saw the god of Heaven who gave them knowledge, to the Sumerian descriptions and even later Judeo-Christian religions. This is a translation from the Aztec Nahuatl language.

  “You inhabit the heavens,

  You uphold the mountains…

  You are everywhere, everlasting.

  You are beseeched, you are entreated.

  Your glory is eminent.”

  The American Wrath of god

  Even the American people experienced the wrath of god. It is written in Inca history that under the rule of Capac, there were a group of foreign men who disembarked and settled along the coast. They had unusual tools and were said to be “despoiling the land”. They eventually settled in the mountains with their metal tools and implements. They provoked the wrath of the “Great God” who quickly destroyed them with a “heavenly fire”. What were they doing to deserve such brutal punishment? Were these a group of miners who decided to mine some gold for themselves, not wanting to share it with Enlil?

  Five Ages of the Incas

  The Incas of the 16th century believed that there were Five Ages of the Sun, each one lasting 2 900 years and that they were in the fifth age. This calculation could trace back the origins of the Incas for about 14 500. The first age was that of Viracocha and the gods who were white and bearded. The 2nd Age was that of the giants many of whom were not benevolent, often resulting in conflict between gods and giants. The 3rd Age was the period of primitive man and uncultured humans. The 4th Age was the age of heroes and demigods among Humankind, half-man, half-god. The 5th Age was when human kings emerged, instated by the gods, of whom the Incas were last in line. For the Mayas the great cycles last 1,872,000 days, which is 5128.7 years. Is it possible that the Incas used a similar calendar with similar dating? In which case the five ages would go back to around 23,000 BC. Such a suggestion would not be in conflict with what we are told in the Sumerian tablets because Ka-in was well known to have established a civilised people in the Andes by then.


  In 1909 British biologist William Bateson gave the study of inheritance a name. He called it ‘genetics’. James Watson says “Understanding genetics is not just understanding why we look like our parents. It is also about coming to grips with Humankind's oldest enemies: the flaws in genes that cause genetic disease.” If we are the pinnacle of intelligent evolution on Earth, why should our genes have so many defects? Why have these defects not ironed themselves out in the process of evolution over millions of years? Or is it simply because our genes have been purposefully manipulated, leaving behind an incomplete sequence which causes inexplicable genetic mutations and disease, because it is only a piece of the whole?


  We would assume that as the most intelligent or evolved species, humans would have the most number of genes from among the animals and plants. This is not the case however. The current estimate is that humans who have an estimated 100 trillion cells making up our bodies, will end up with about 25,000 genes once they have all been identified. It is amazing to find out that a creature composed of only 959 cells, the Nematode worm, has around 20,000 genes. Does that make any sense? The mustard plant actually has even more genes than humans at around 27,000, while the Fruit fly has 14,000, Baker's yeast 6,000 and even gut bacteria E. Coli have about one fifth of the number of genes in humans, at about 4,000. It is proposed by James Watson that our human abilities have evolved to make our genes multifunctional. “Humans, it would appear, are simply able to do more with their genetic hardware.” Does that make any sense to you? How could a gene code for more than one specific effect? Would this mean that if we eliminate the gene that causes cancer, we accidentally eliminate the same gene which codes for cell division? I would suggest that there is probably much more to our introns and junk genes than we currently understand. Their effects and activity will yet be understood.

  Was John the Baptist killed by Jesus?

  According to Barbara Thiering, The Dead Sea Scrolls tell us that between March and September of 31 AD, while The Baptist was under arrest, a sinister plot emerged against him. Jesus, who was also called ‘The Wicked Priest’ because he illegally claimed the high priesthood, is accused of plotting against the Baptist, the ‘Teacher of Righteousness’. Jesus confronted ‘The Baptist’ on a point well-understood by ancient Sumerians: the fact that priesthood was received by ordination from god and not by birth. Only the god of the time could bestow priesthood on a man. This god was Enlil. Why would Jesus feel so strongly about this issue of ordination? Because he was the instrument of the Anunnaki gods, sent to pacify people and restore their faith in a single powerful god, one above all the other gods of the time. And suddenly John the Baptist, who was one of the other possible prophets of the Anunnaki gods was in the way of their new golden boy Jesus. It is therefore quite plausible that the gods required Jesus to get rid of the Baptist who was causing confusion among the new converts. The Anunnaki gods wasted no time. But even then the people required much persuasion that Jesus was ‘the one’ and Jesus had to be bestowed with special skills and ‘legions of angels’ to help him convert the locals of the time. The weird events and so-called miracles are pretty much ancient history.

  Bad Spelling

  The excavation of the pyramids of Giza have been embroiled in almost 200 years of conspiracy and deceit, mostly relating to the legitimacy of the discovery of the names of kings, supposed quarry marks and cartouches with royal names inside the pyramids. It was Col. Howard Vyse and his partner JR Hill who made these astonishing discoveries under very suspicious circumstances. It involved the dismissal of trained foremen and very private and explosive excavation of the pyramids' interiors. It is very suspicious that it was Vyse who miraculously found very coarse and unrefined inscriptions of the names of king Khufu and later Menkaure in the two respective pyramids. The inscriptions were not only much larger than the normally encountered Egyptian inscriptions, but they are very rough compared to the usually refined and precise work of Egyptian scribes. The worst part is, that the name Khufu had been miss spelt in the Great Pyramid, and yet it was this discovery which led to the pyramid being called Khufu. In the dubious inscription, the king was called ‘RAUFU’ instead of ‘KHUFU’. Such a simple mistake would never have been made by a royal Egyptian scribe. And yet, the whole world has quite happily accepted these findings and ignorantly forge ahead. It is this kind of continuous disinformation which adds to the extended survival of the lies and dogma which entraps us as the human slave species.

  Mayan Flood

  The great sacred book of the Maya, Popol Vuh, states that at the beginning of time the “Great God” decided to create humanity and so began to experiment with “figures made of wood that looked like men and talked like men.” But they fell out of favour with their maker because “...they did not remember their creator.” Then the “Great God” decided to destroy his creation in a great flood and start again. “The face of the world was darkened and the black rain began to fall by day and by night…The wooden figures were annihilated, destroyed, broken up and killed.” But the ‘Great Father and the Great Mother’ survived because they found favour with god, to become the father of the human race.

  Book of Jubilees

  We have already established that the Sumerian Noah was called Ziusudra and was actually the secret son of the god Enki by a human female. It was written in the tablets that Ziusudra looked very
differently to his biological parents, with his white skin, bright blond hair and blue eyes. In the apocryphal Book of Jubilees we read the same about Noah. “His body was white as snow...” It had a profound effect on Lamech, his supposed paternal father. It supports that Noah/Ziusudra was no ordinary human child and therefore he was the one chosen to be saved from the flood by Enki. When Noah was born, his father Lamech ran to his father Methuselah and said: “I have begotten a strange son, diverse from and unlike Man, and resembling the son of the God of Heaven; and his nature is different and he is not like us…He is not sprung from me but from the Angels.” Lamech believed that his wife was impregnated by one of the angels, which would be a sort of trial run for several more virgin births to come. Both Jesus and his mother Mary were born by some ‘divine’ intervention by angels. We now know exactly what that means, don't we?

  Coming of the Lord

  At Shrinagar, in the Vale of Kashmir there is a temple which is called the ‘Jewish Temple’. It is the biggest temple in Kashmir and is also known as the ‘Temple of the Sun’. We have already suggested that some of these giant stone buildings were used by the Anunnaki gods as landing sites for their “boats of heaven” or various air travel devices they used. It is very curious that this particular temple has been found to have very high levels of radioactivity in the centre area of a large flat rock platform. This phenomenon has baffled explorers for decades, but there is a clear indication in the Bible which explains such a possible event. An event which would be in keeping with the many appearances of god to various humans. In this case it was Ezekiel 43:1 - 4:

  “And behold the glory of God of Israel came from the east; and the sound of his coming was like the sound of many waters; and the earth shone with his glory…And the mobile vessel that I saw was like the vision that I have seen by the river Chebar and I fell upon my face…And the glory of the Lord entered the temple by the way above the door…”

  We can clearly deduce that something very unusual was happening here and it was quite necessary for the frightened Ezekiel to ‘fall upon his face’ for reasons of noise, heat and brightness of such a rocket ship coming to land in front of him. But we get even more clues from god about this event shortly afterwards, when he confirms with Ezekiel that he had seen where he dwells.

  Ezekiel 43:7

  “And He said unto me, Son of Man, thou hast seen the place of my throne, and the place of the soles of my feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel…”

  Such references abound in the Bible and many other older scriptures throughout man's prehistory. We cannot continue to refute such events and ascribe them to some inexplicable miraculous activity inspired by god. We need to be big enough and brave enough to face the truth and dissect the historic facts for what they really were.

  Credo Mutwa

  Credo Mutwa is South Africa's pre-eminent mystic, Sangoma (medicine-man) and visionary. His writings have inspired millions and his knowledge of the prehistory of African people is simply mesmerising. From his book Indaba My Children and in a number of recent interviews as recent as early 2005 we get some sobering substantiation for the ‘slave species’ theory. We have already shown with some examples of African mythology that the people believed in gods who came down to Earth from the sky and created humans. Credo Mutwa shines even a brighter light on it, while at the same time enforcing the southern African ‘cradle of man’ theory. In an interview with Rick Martin during September 1999 he had this to say.

  “The people of Rwanda, the Hutu people, as well as the Watusi people, state, and they are not the only people in Africa who state this, that their very oldest ancestors were a race of beings whom they called the Imanujela, which means “the Lords who have come”. And some tribes in West Africa, such as a Bambara people, also say the same thing. They say that they came from the sky, many, many generations ago, a race of highly advanced and fearsome creatures which looked like men, and they call them Zishwezi. The word Zishwezi means the ‘dival’ or the ‘glidal- creatures’ that can glide down from the sky or glide through water. Everybody, sir, has heard about the Dogon people in Western Africa… who claim that their tribe or their king were first founded by the supernatural race of creatures that came from the sky.”

  But the real surprise comes when Mr. Mutwa starts to talk about the Zulus of South Africa and the origin of their name.

  “When you ask a South African white anthropologist what the name of Zulu means, he will say it means ‘the sky’, and therefore the Zulu call themselves ‘people of the sky’. That sir, is nonsense. In the Zulu language, our name for the sky, the blue sky,’is ‘sibakabaka’. Our name for inter-planetary space, however, is ‘izulu’ and the ‘weduzulu’, which means ‘inter-planetary space, the dark sky that you see with stars in it every night’, also has to do with travelling sir. The Zulu word for travelling at random, like a nomad or a gypsy, is ‘izula’. Now, you can see that the Zulu people in South Africa were aware of the fact that you can travel through space, not through the sky, like a bird, but you can travel through space, and the Zulus claim that many, many thousands of years ago, arrived out of the skies, a race of people… who married their daughters…and produced a powerful race of Kings and tribal Chiefs…”

  Mutwa further explains that African people believe that “God was a woman, the great Cosmic Mother. And, it is contrasted by the Abapezulu belief that God is a man who dwells in the sky.”

  This would support the Sumerian writings about Enki and Enlil's sister Ninhursag, who was called the ‘Great Mother’ of humans and still survives in many European cultures of ancient times. There is so much more support for the slave species theory by African tradition that it truly boggles the mind. Mutwa continues:

  “According to the ancient books which were written by the people of Sumeria, out of clay, gods came out of the sky and forced human beings to work for them, to mine gold for them. This story is confirmed by African legends throughout Africa, that gods came out of the sky and made us into their slaves, and they made us into slaves in such a way that we would never realise that we are slaves.”

  (Exerts from an interview with Rick Martin 1999)

  The cross as a symbol of healing has survived for thousands of years. We should not be surprised that its origins are also found in the Sumerian texts which point to the Anunnaki who came to earth and taught people healing.

  The Cross & The Planet of the Crossing

  The cross is a mysterious symbol which can be traced right back to the very early days of Humankind. The Sumerians introduced the world to the symbol of the cross in many of their pictorial seals, where it represented the divine symbol of Anu and the planet Nibiru. Affectionately referred to as ‘the planet of the crossing’, because it crosses the orbits of many of the planets in our solar system as it approaches the Sun every 3,600 years. Just like all of the arts, culture, science and technology which was bestowed on humanity by the ancient gods of prehistory, so was the symbol of the cross. From a biography on Credo Mutwa by Roman Thomas we learn that the symbol of the cross was well-known to the African people long before the missionaries arrived on the continent. In fact, the Africans had been familiar with three types of crosses from the “remotest of remote times”. They were used by healers for good purposes or evil ones. There was the ‘T’cross which was known as the ‘Tau’ cross in Western mysticism; there was the ‘Jesus’ cross, obviously not related to Jesus; and then they also knew the ‘unsaid’ cross. Roman Thomas writes the words of Credo Mutwa: “Then there was the unsaid cross, known to white people as the Ankh, which many western thinkers wrongly assume to have been only known to the ancient Egyptians. This ankh was actually known by our people as the knot of eternity, or the knot of eternal life, and it was used even by Khoi San people, for purposes of healing.”

  The Khoi Khoi, Zulu, Xhosa, Swazi and other Nguni speaking people all believed that this cross represented their Sun god. And that is why they recognised the missionaries who first arrived with thei
r crosses as messengers of their Sun god, without needing much explanation. But the most powerful of all the crosses was the ‘perfect cross’ with all arms the same length. This cross was sometime enclosed in a circle and used as a powerful tool for all kinds of healing. But a perversion of this cross which looks like an ‘X’, is deemed to be bad and ominous of unsavoury events. When people have gone crazy, it is said that they have the (X) cross on them.

  Is it coincidental that this form of the cross was also the divine symbol for Anu, the grand commander of the Anunnaki? And that it also represented the ‘planet of the crossing’ which was Nibiru and portended the coming of new medicine, a time of peace and prosperity and harmony among the people of Earth? This would happen every 3,600 years and every time Anu would descend from his ‘planet of the crossing’ while it was in close proximity to Earth in its orbit. It seems that the symbolism of the cross has played a very important role in our evolution as a species, without many of us being faintly aware of it. Just think of the symbol for places of healing in our modern world, called a hospital. Or even the Red Cross. They all go back a long way, and just like most elements of our civilisation, we seem to have inherited them from the Sumerians.


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