The Executioner

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The Executioner Page 7

by Suzanne Steele

  I jump as he thrusts into me, grabbing my shoulders for leverage. He is fast and furious in his taking of me as he commands me to rub my clit and come for him. I oblige, milking him as my pussy locks around him, throbbing.

  A quick kiss on my back and the command to get in the shower is all I get before he cleans off and walks away. Though I don’t know what it is, I know him well enough to know something is on his mind.


  I make my way into my office and retrieve a burner cell to dial Miller. He immediately answers.

  “Well, look what the cat dragged in. Rumor has it you’re holed up with a woman. Has someone finally tamed you?”

  “Yeah, I have to admit that is a true statement of faith, brother. On another note, I have a situation.”

  “Does it have anything to do with that girl that got snatched down on Main St. in that back alley?”

  ”Yes, and you won’t believe this shit. Her fucking psychiatrist abducted her for research.”

  “Damn, and I thought I was kinky.”

  “Me too, but you know kink is how we roll.”

  “Alright Trent, meet me at Diego’s at 10:00, and bring that little girl you’ve got; I’m bringing mine.”

  “Will do, we’ll see you then.”

  I look up to see Kansas standing in the doorway, biting her lip. “I don’t have anything to wear to meet your family.” Tears are welling up in her eyes and I pat my knee, signaling for her to sit on my lap. She nuzzles up next to me and I tease the opening the towel to tweak a nipple.

  “Do you actually believe that I have been stalking you all this time and I haven’t provided clothes for you?”

  “I didn’t think you had clothes of mine here because you have had me stay nude all this time.”

  “Nah, I’m just pervy like that. Come on,” I say, taking her hand and leading her into my master bedroom walk-in closet. “That whole side over there is yours, girl, and the master bath has a huge make-up vanity with all of your products, in your brands, I might add.”

  She turns around and hugs me tightly. “How can I ever thank you,” she squeals, as she kisses my cheek right where my scar is. I eye the towel that has fallen off of her body and onto the floor and raise my brow as I answer, “I can think of a few ways…”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Dr. Winslow

  I stand over my experiment and watch her as she sleeps.

  This is more fun than I anticipated and I have not quite figured why I’m not tiring of her. Fuck it, because right now, I don’t care why… I want to play with my toy.

  I lean down and softly call out to my study specimen, “Here kitty, kitty, here kitty, kitty, kitty. Ah yeah, you are a cunning one aren’t you?”

  She awakens to view me calling out to her. She eyes me as if she is reasoning within herself. I can almost see her thought process, how does he know that I’m cunning?

  She looks at me and glares.

  “That’s not very nice!”

  I squeeze her throat with my hand through the bars of her cage. I can see her consciousness waning.

  I toss her back against the bars hard and say, “No, no, no, I want to play and you have to be conscious because I want details. It’s time for your therapy session.”

  I unlock the cage, her home, and gently pull her out.

  “You’re going to open up to me about Mommy Dearest. You’re going to tell me what it feels like when the one person in the world who is supposed to love you, loathes your very being.

  “You are going to go into vivid detail of how your fucked up childhood ruined your marriage. You are going to be very specific about your reasons for taking birth control behind your husband’s back. I want to hear all about how you were scared to bring a child into the world, scared that you were born without the mother gene, scared you would traumatize a child the same way you were traumatized.

  “You are going to open up to me about all of the things you skimmed over in our many counseling sessions in the past. I want you to reveal all to me. I want to see the real pain and agony you bear and how it has affected you. The sooner you do as I ask you, the sooner I will release you.”

  I see a glimmer of hope in her eyes and I almost want to chuckle. I have no intentions of letting her go anywhere. I’m going to use her as a test subject and then I’m going to kill her. I have to eliminate all of the evidence of my research. After all, it’s for the greater good…


  Later in the evening, he dresses me in a gold, sequin, mini dress and gold, strapped, four inch heels. He laughs as I just about trip over my feet trying to walk.

  “Where we’re going you need to look hot, girl. You’ll thank me later when you’re surrounded by the most beautiful women in the Louisville, KY area.”

  A feeling of jealousy races through me. He towers over me and takes one finger, placing it under my chin and lifting my face to look him in the eye.

  “You’re jealous; there’s no need to be. I’m fucking obsessed with you, girl. On that note, you need to feed off of me tonight. These are some of the most ruthless, dangerous mother fuckers you will ever meet. You stay with me, you do what I say. You got it?”

  My eyes get big and I shake my head yes. I have no intention of doing anything tonight but staying glued to Trent. I’ve seen how ruthless he can be and if he is saying that these men are dangerous, it can only mean one thing: I’m walking into a den of killers. He kisses me on my forehead to reassure me that I am safe with him and we make our way to the car.

  On the way out, I strain my neck to look up at him and I giggle, “I’m all dressed up and you look like a thug in a hoodie.”

  “Where we’re going you’ll be glad I do. You and I both know your pussy drips for me because I look like a psycho killer.”

  My mouth drops open at his candidness. “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe some of the things you say. You are the brashest man I know.”

  “I better be the only fucking man you know or somebody is getting killed.”

  “Talk about jealous, looks like you may have some jealousy issues too, big guy.”

  “You’re damn straight I do and if you want to be the cause of someone’s death, then you’ll forget just how crazy I am.”

  “I don’t think I’ll be forgetting that anytime soon.”

  “You’re a smart girl.”

  I looked out the window, watching where we were going, and the rest of the ride is banter free. We make our way into the downtown area and pull up to a club that is already jumping. The music vibrates the car windows and I can feel my heart beginning to race due to nervousness.

  Trent pulls the gun from his waistband and pops the glove compartment open to place it in there.

  “Won’t you need that in there?”

  “Can’t pack heat in the club, baby, they make you check it at the coat room.”

  “That’s funny, Trent, leave your coat and your piece at the door.”

  “Yea, I guess if anybody looks at you, I’ll just have to beat them to death instead of shooting them.”

  “Please don’t, baby,” I answered seriously.

  “No, most of these boys in here are blood brothers and the ones who aren’t, stay clear of the ones who are.”

  I strain my neck, looking up at Trent again as he speaks to the guy at the door, and we make our in.

  “You need to check that Glock you carry, Trent,” the guy behind the counter says.

  “Left it in the car, man. I don’t like anybody touching my property." He pulls me in tight as if he is silently telling him that goes for me too.

  “Boss is back there in his usual spot.”

  Trent pulls me through the crowd and people move out of our way. I can’t say that I blame them. Even though the hoodie casts a shadow over his face and you can’t see details, he still looks like trouble. There is an aura of danger that he projects without even trying. Normally, he goes out of his way to avoid anyone but me so I know, whatever it was that set tonight’s eve
nts in motion, it must be pretty important.

  We make our way up to a large circular booth and we’re immediately acknowledged.

  “What’s up, you crazy mother fucker?” I look at the man talking and he looks like a clean cut college kid, but I know better.

  “Miller, my man!” Trent’s hand shoots out to shake his. I see you finally settled down.”

  I view the woman seated with him and she is beautiful. In my mind, she has everything a man covets: she’s blonde, she’s tan, and she has the body of a Pilate’s instructor. I can’t help but wonder what Trent sees in a plain, brown haired, book-worm like me.

  My heart starts beating faster when Miller addresses another man at the table.

  “Diego! Quit looking at my woman, mother fucker.”

  “Hell no, I’m not going to quit looking at her and if you fuck up, I’m going to steal her from you.”

  The table erupts in laughter and Diego speaks to the woman sitting next him, “Selena, take these girls and get the fuck out of here.”

  I panic and look up at Trent for direction.

  “You’re as safe in here as you are at home. Nobody fucks with the band of blood brothers’ women.” Once again, the men chuckle but, this time, the undertone is sinister.

  Trent leans down and whispers, “I’m a phone call away.”

  I nod my head yes and turn myself over to the woman who is now standing by my side with a huge smile on her face. “Come on, you’re part of the family now.”

  The beautiful blonde stands up, smiling as if to confirm the statement as truth. They pull me off towards the bar and I’m surprised that I immediately feel comfortable with these women. I have never been a part of anything and it feels good…


  I look around the table at the men who would die for me and I waste no time getting down to business. A woman’s life hangs in the balance and for some odd reason, I feel like if she gets killed, her blood will be on my hands. After all, it was when I saved Kansas that he went off the deep end and abducted that woman. I guess he was going to kill someone sooner or later and wave of gratitude hits me that it wasn’t my girl.

  “We have a problem. My so called psychiatrist has abducted a woman.”

  “We all knew you were crazy; now you’re certified,” Diego laughs.

  “Yeah, some paranoid mother fucker who’s buying one of the apps I’m doing wants proof I won’t kill him. I guess my beautiful mug isn’t putting him at ease.”

  Miller chimes in like he’s deep in thought, shaking his head as if he can’t imagine a professional of such high standing being crazy. “That’s some weird shit man, like some crazy shit out of a horror novel or something. He needs to be stopped.”

  “That is why I’m here…”


  “That’s a cool name, Kansas. Were you born there?”

  I look at Selena as she lifts her head after she snorts a long line of what I presume is cocaine. She then thinks to ask me if I want some and I fervently shake my head no and point to my drink, stating that it is more than enough.

  “Yeah, Stormy won’t do drugs either ‘cause Miller is training her as a hit woman. He says he wants her to keep her wits about her at all times.”

  I look at the beautiful blonde next to me and she only chuckles, reaffirming that it’s true.

  “No, I wasn’t born in Kansas; my mom just named me the first thing that popped in her head. I really don’t think she gave a fuck what my name was.”

  Stormy chimes in, “Well you’re part of our family now.” Both girls say it at once giggling, “Bound by blood…You’re part of the blood brothers group now,” Stormy says. “I will warn you though there is only one way out.” Once again, both girls speak in unison, “death.” A cold chill runs up my spine. I start to second guess myself and think what have I gotten myself into?

  I change the subject when I see a rack of dresses hanging in the dressing room we’re seated in that looks more like a five star suite. “I love that dress,” I say as I rise, going over to finger it. I’m shocked when Selena makes her way over and takes it off the hanger to give it to me. “You can have it.” She reads the shocked expression on my face and hugs me. “I told you, you’re part of the family.

  Tears well up in my eyes because this is the first time in my life I have ever been part of anything. I know I can’t leave Trent but the thing about it is…I don’t want to.

  The three of us look up when there is a tap at the door and a voice informs us that the men are through with their meeting.

  We make our way out and say our goodbyes. I feel good with the buzz I have going on, but better about being part of something that is bigger than I am.

  Trent grabs my arm, pulling me out the door and seating me in the car. I can’t read him. His face looks like stone and it’s scaring me a little.

  “Did I do something wrong? Am I in trouble?”

  He looks over at me through hooded eyes and raises a sardonic brow. “Should you be?”

  My answer is to look away and stare out the window as I search my mind. Suddenly the space in the car seems too small; Trent seems to take it all up with his intensity. I have never been around anyone who affects me like he does and I don’t know how to deal with him. I find myself becoming more and more nervous and by the time we make it up to his mansion, my heart is racing.

  As soon as he opens the door, I take off running and all I hear is a sadistic laugh ringing in my ears from behind me. I run up to the bedroom and quickly hide in the closet to avoid him. Something is wrong. He’s pissed and I don’t know why. I don’t fucking want to know why either. My ass is still burning from the caning I got and getting another one isn’t on my agenda for this evening.

  “I can smell you—you smell like prey. Predator wants to play,” he taunts me, making his way into the closet. I crouch back into the corner, looking up at the terrifying hooded man above me. The hoodie juts out from his face, casting shadows on the menacing bone structure of a killer.

  He jerks the dress I am holding onto tightly and close to my body as if it will protect me.

  “Do you think that I need another man to buy clothes for my woman? He gives me no time to answer as he continues, “Did you do any coke tonight? Don’t fucking lie to me.”

  “I don’t do street drugs. You know that. And Selena gave the dress to me. I would never take a dress from another man. He was at the table with you all night. How could he have given me anything?”

  I watch in horror as he takes the dress and tears it from top to bottom and repeats my own words back to me.

  “Curious prey, curious prey, let me whisper my intentions into your curious ear.”

  He reaches down, fisting my dress, and pulls me right up into his face. My legs are dangling and tears have begun to stream down my face. “I don’t know what you want.”

  “I think I have made it very clear that I want you. He tilts his head and asks, “Are you thinking of going somewhere, my little pet?”

  I frantically shake my head no and I can’t help but be impressed that he is holding me up mid-air, my legs dangling as if I’m weightless.

  “Do you like what you see?” he growls. A monster, do you like knowing the man who holds you in his power is a monster?”

  My hand trembles as I touch his face and whisper, “My beautiful monster.”

  “I don’t like you taking anything from another man.”

  “Selena gave it to me.”

  I jump as his voice turns to ice and he jerks me closer, “Who the fuck do you think bought it for her? Maybe you want to sleep in the basement tonight?”

  “No! Anything I’ll do anything!”

  His hooded eyes take on a look of amusement. “Anything?”

  “Yes, for you…anything.”

  He walks into the bedroom, still carrying me, and tosses me onto the bed. He grabs a set of handcuffs and the clink I hear as he squeezes them on makes my abdomen clench, partly due to fear and partly due to exci

  He reaches into his boot and pulls out a very large knife with a long ivory handle.

  “Please don’t hurt me. Please, Trent.”

  “You may call me Executioner.”

  His eyes hold a faraway look as the knife slices through my gold glittered dress like butter. He holds the knife in his teeth as he splits the dress open and eyes my now naked chest. I couldn’t wear a bra tonight due to the cut of the dress and, judging by the rapt expression on his face, my Executioner couldn’t be more pleased.

  He closes his eyes and breathes deeply as he takes in my scent. “Mmm, Clive Christian No 1. Only the best for the woman I own. Do I own you, my love?” He places the knife at my throat and eyes me.”

  “I grit my teeth and though he scares the shit out of me, I meet him head on. “Yes, and you don’t need to hold a knife to my throat to have my allegiance.”

  “But it’s so much fun and I want to play. You did say anything…”

  He positions himself between my legs and runs his tongue over my slit as he slips the knife handle into my pussy. I jump out of fear.

  “I wouldn’t do that. Bend your knees, Vixen, I’m hungry and I want to eat. Oh, that sweet pussy of yours,” he moans between licks and begins to step up the pace of sliding the knife in and out.

  The mixture of fear and pleasure send me into a tsunami of bliss as my body gives way to a man who is one step away from being over the fucking edge crazy.

  He rips out of his clothes, wasting no time in his quest to get naked. I marvel at his body that looks more like a gladiator than an ordinary man.

  “Whose fucking property are you?” he hisses in my face as he fists two handfuls of hair on each side of my head, forcing me to look at him.

  “Yours, ah fuck, yours,” It’s all I can do to get the words out because he feels so good stretching my opening beyond its limits and forcing me to take all he has to give.

  “Every fiber of your being is mine. If anybody is going to take care of you, it’s me, Vixen. All those clothes in there, I bought them before you were even here. The beauty products, the shoes, the lingerie, and, most certainly, the scents you wear. I don’t need another man to take care of what belongs to me.”


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