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Seth Page 5

by VA Dold

  “Huh. And the master healer part?”

  “Hunters live alone, and when we battle a rogue there’s rarely a healer on hand to repair the wounds we inevitably receive, so we rely on ourselves. As you can see, we need all of the extra gifts we are given.”

  Sara absently rubbed her chest. For some reason, his words made her heart ache. “That sounds like a terribly lonely existence.”

  He reached across the table and took her hand again. The waves of sorrow coming from her made Fang restless. He howled and paced in his mind. “It is.”

  Unexpectedly, she pinned him again with her gaze, suspicion darkening her eyes. “What exactly is a rogue wolf?”

  Seth rubbed his thumb across the soft skin of her inner wrist in an attempt to calm her rising anger. “When a mate dies, typically the other in the pair will follow them. The soul is knit together during the ritual, and the agonizing experience of having the soul torn in half is more than most can bear. A rogue is a shifter that survives the death of its mate. The experience is so horrific the shifter is driven insane. All that remains is the raging beast bent on killing everything in its path.”

  “That’s why you’re here.” She leaned forward and hissed. “You came to execute Paul. Forget it, buddy. That bastard is mine.”

  “Sara,” he said very softly. “I’m not here to prevent your vengeance. Rather assist you in acquiring it.”

  “How?” she spat like an enraged kitten. “By killing him yourself?”

  A warming sensation told Seth his eyes were glowing. “No. By giving you the tools and gifts, you’ll need to survive while killing him yourself. A rogue is exceptionally strong. The beast’s insanity and viciousness make it extremely unpredictable. You’ll need more than human strength and weapons to defeat him.”

  Nervous awareness sizzled along her nerve endings as her breath hitched. “You intend to claim me.”

  The temptation of his offer was both intriguing and terrifying. She was bound to energy. Without batting an eye, she could pull electrical current from any source, living or artificial and mold it into a tool, or weapon. Electrical wiring was particularly easy, and second only to human electrical impulses. The deep, ever replenished pool of Seth’s power called to her—and she responded to it. He was a warrior, guardian, selfless, and undeniable.

  Sara tried to suppress her ability. Too late. Tendrils of her gift stretched across the table, stroking Seth’s power with a lover’s gentle caress. She felt the rush of his wild strength infuse her, vibrating with its intensity. Shocking hunger ricocheted through her system.

  With innocent touches and the whisper of his lips across her fingers, he’d managed to unleash her tightly bound talent. She wasn’t sure she would be able to rein it back in while he was in her presence.

  “To be brutally honest, yes. You’re my one true mate. If the inherent danger of hunting the rogue weren’t hanging over our heads, I would court you properly in an effort to win your heart and acceptance. Sadly, your determination to take vengeance on the beast doesn’t allow us the time for such pleasures.”

  “I neither want nor need to be claimed by a shifter. I’m well trained and have years of experience as an officer of the law. I’m sure I can handle anything Paul has to dish out.”

  Seth sighed heavily. “I shall agree to disagree. We can revisit our relationship later. For now, we need to talk about what happened to your brother.”

  Sara glanced out the window, seeing none of the beauty as she collected her thoughts. From their table, she had a view of the gorgeous autumn foliage. The reds, yellows, and oranges were brilliant in the early morning sunshine. It was a pity she wasn’t in the frame of mind to enjoy it.

  In her time in the homicide division, she’d dealt with gang hits, murder-suicide, and child abductions that ended badly. The gruesome list went on and on. But the entirety of her experience was nothing compared to Grant’s death.

  She glanced at her cup. Her fingers were wrapped tightly around the ceramic mug, her knuckles white from the force of her grip. She loosened them and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. “I’m responsible for Grant’s death. I should have gotten to him quicker. I could have taken Paul out and saved my brother. I swore to avenge him, and that’s what I’m going to do. As far as I can tell, Paul has killed at least six others besides my brother since he went rogue. In the last week, the coroner has reported a middle-aged woman, two gang members, a businessman, and two eight-year-old girls have all exhibited the same injuries Grant had.”

  Silence filled the air around them. She took a ragged breath to ease the ache in her heart. His next utterance caught her off guard.

  “Did you see the attack happen?”

  She sucked in an angry breath, lifted her lashes, and met his eyes. Her annoyance wasn’t directed at Seth. Her fury was due to Grant’s senseless, brutal death. Sara’s temper flared, and she tightened her grip on the cup again.

  Her heart was as heavy as a boulder in her chest. Telling him was tantamount to going to confession and just as uncomfortable. She stared at his strong, masculine face. He was gorgeous and as fierce as they came. But his eyes were gentle as he patiently waited for her to speak. His gaze continually drifted over her face. Watchful. Assessing. And if she wasn’t mistaken, sympathetic.

  He brushed his fingers over hers. “Ma petite colombe. My little dove.” He whispered softly. “I feel your anger and pain.”

  A light went on in his mind. He sensed that Sara’s control and calm were a façade. Beneath the surface, a lightning storm roiled. It billowed around him, raising the hair on his arms and sparking across his skin. Taking her hand in his, he held her gaze. “Mon amour, you can’t create lightning in the coffee house.”

  She scowled and glanced away.

  Slipping from his side of the booth he knelt before her. When she angled toward him, he took her face in his hands and pulled her head down to press his lips to her forehead. There was no demand in his actions, just a gentle press of lips. A reassurance that he was there for her, that he would lend her strength.

  Her hands released the tortured cup of coffee to rest more relaxed on the tabletop.

  Fang howled in pain as her need to be held beat at them.

  Slowly Seth released her and rose from his knees to slide into the booth on her side.

  His thumb brushed over the moist curves of her lips as he searched her face. “I’m here for you, mon amour. Whatever you need, I will provide.”

  A heart-shattering sound escaped her throat, a swallowed wail of loss. As if the weight of her pain was too much, she laid her head on his shoulder. He could feel her need for the solid reality of his strong arms around her. He was determined to be her rock in an existence that had shifted the sands beneath her feet and left her broken and grieving. He couldn’t bring Grant back to her, but he could give her closure and justice. He held her, stroking her hair for several minutes. With a loud sniffle, Sara straightened and pulled back.

  She would be embarrassed by her show of emotion, so he created a distraction. Seth lifted his empty cup. “I need a refill. Would you like one as well?”

  Sara nodded stiffly. “Yes. Thank you.”

  Minutes later, Seth returned. “Carmel latte with whipped cream, just the way you like it.”

  “Thank you.”

  Their fingers brushed when she took the cup. A jolt of sexual energy rushed from his fingertips to hers. Her gaze leapt to his. He heard her breath catch and the hushed sound of a suppressed groan. From her expression and the startled emotion that swept over him, she had somehow sensed his sensual thoughts, and his eyes were glowing again.

  Sara dropped her gaze and growled, “Stop undressing me with your eyes.”

  He slipped into the booth beside her, heat creeping up his neck to his face.

  “Dammit,” she swore under her breath. “How am I supposed to stay mad when you blush like that? All of the men I know are life hardened and haven’t blushed in yea
rs.” She sent him an annoyed look, and grumbled, “I love a man who can blush.”

  He took a sip and sat his cup aside, his eyes never leaving her face. “Sorry, cher. I can’t seem to help myself.”

  She grimaced and shook her head. “Well, try harder.”

  To his surprise she allowed him to wrap his arm around her shoulder and pull her to his side. Quietly he whispered close to her ear, “Do you think, you can tell me what happened?”

  Sara rolled her cup back and forth between her palms. He hoped she would tell the story but wasn’t holding his breath. The wound was still too fresh for her to revisit.

  Finally, she sucked in a shaky breath and raised her eyes to his. “Paul was Grant’s best friend. We had known him and his wife for years. Hell, he played poker with my brother every Friday night. You would think we would have recognized them as shifters. Anyway, I stopped by Grant’s to drop off a few lawn chairs.”

  He stroked her arm when she started to shake.

  “As I walked toward the house, Grant screamed and cried out in pain. I ran as fast as I could to the backyard. The screams that tore from Grant’s mouth when Paul ripped his arms from his body froze me in my tracks. Blood was everywhere. Then Paul went for Grant’s legs. Thank God my brother had passed out and was beyond the pain. As he disemboweled Grant, I shook off the shock and emptied my service weapon into him. The bullets might as well have been mosquito bites for all Paul noticed.

  “I was trying to call on my power when the beast turned his attention to me. He crouched as if he was going to attack. I made a run for it and was able to lock myself inside the car just as he crashed into the door. He latched onto the bumper as I tore out of there and I dragged him for a couple of miles before he let go.”

  She paused for a long moment and wiped away the tears tracking down her face. Finally, she admitted in a quiet voice, “I hear him tearing Grant to pieces every night in my nightmares.”

  Seth’s wolf growled as loudly as the man. “Paul befriended your brother and then committed the ultimate betrayal against him?” It was impossible for Seth to keep the rage from his voice. Loyalty was woven into his very DNA. Due to the nature and demands of his profession, he rarely saw his family. Yet, never once, had he considered betraying his brothers or parents by going rogue, much less attacking them. No matter what he was forced to endure, he would take his own life before turning rogue and harming those he loved.

  “He turned on my brother like a rabid dog,” she said, closing her eyes tightly. “That monster showed no mercy. It mattered little that they had been closer than brothers.”

  Seth stroked her hair, his heart breaking for his mate. “I’m so sorry.”

  Sara dropped her gaze. Tears rolled down her face again, but she continued, and he listened. She needed to release the pain.

  “Grant and I were setting up for a backyard party.” She paused and rubbed her arms. “I was delayed by a call from my sister. If I hadn’t been late, I could have saved him.”

  Self-blame and guilt ate at her like a voracious parasite. He felt it squeezing her heart and robbing her of breath. “I’m not saying you’re wrong, but you said you shot him repeatedly and it didn’t stop him. What do you think you could have done?”

  Her hands clenched in her lap, knuckles turning white. “You don’t understand. I have an ability. If I’d been there, I would have had time to utilize my gift. I could have put that monster down.”

  Seth placed his hand over hers. “I know you have an ability. All shifter mates do. Can you tell me about yours?”

  She glanced around the coffee shop and then whispered, “I can control electricity. I could have disabled him with a bolt of energy, possibly killed him then and there. I was so horrified I couldn’t think or function. If I’d had a few seconds to pull myself together, I could have saved Grant. I failed my brother, and now he’s gone.”

  “I’m sorry you lost your brother, mon amour,” he whispered, his fingers caressing her jaw. “I won’t take your vengeance from you. I’ll help you hunt the rogue, and when the time comes, you’ll be the one to deliver the killing blow.”

  With a sigh, she wiped the tears away. “I haven’t told anyone but my sister about my gift. Thank you for taking it so well.”

  He pulled her closer and held her. “I’m your mate. There isn’t anything you can’t tell me.”

  She eyed him critically for a moment and then nodded. “I think I can trust you. Okay, I’ll work with you on this. Even though I’m not allowed to investigate the murder, I’ve followed the case and mapped the attack locations. So far, Paul has concentrated on Richfield, but he has steadily moved north toward Minneapolis. The last attack was on the border of the two, so the odds are good we’ll find him somewhere between there and Minnehaha Creek.”

  “Good work. But I have to warn you if he realizes he’s being followed you’ll become the hunted. More than that, any scent you carry will become a target as well.”

  She looked stricken by his words. “What do you mean, any scent I carry?”

  He closed his eyes briefly, hating the truth of the situation and its ramifications for Sara. “People you spend time with leave a scent on you. Your sister, co-workers, even friends you see on a regular basis. He’ll track them as well.”

  Her eyes locked with his. “Shit! I have to warn my sister.”

  “She and your brother-in-law will definitely be in danger. He’ll sense their psychic gifts. If at all possible, they should leave town until we deal with the rogue.”

  Sara’s face fell. “They have jobs to worry about. There’s no way they can leave.”

  “Then tell them to steer clear of the part of town he’s concentrating on. He seems to be focused north so if they stay south of him they’ll be safer.”

  “That’s a relief. They live and work south of Richfield. But as far as noticing me, that cats out of the bag seeing as I emptied a clip into him. Plus, ever since the third attack, I’ve sensed someone watching me.”

  He mulled that over in his mind. “It would make sense for him to track you. Although, for some reason, he’s taking his time. Have you ever done anything to make him wary? Maybe shown him your gift somehow?”

  Sara frowned. “Not that I know of, but you said he could sense gifts.”

  “True. He may be trying to determine how to attack you without you utilizing your ability. Even a deranged rogue has survival instincts.” Then a sobering thought entered his mind, and he tensed. “Have you felt watched at home?”

  “No. Only when I visit the sites of the attacks.”

  His shoulders relaxed, and he let out a long breath. “Good. You may be safe for now, but that won’t last. I want you to consider staying with me. If he comes after you at home, I won’t be able to help you if we aren’t together.”

  “Yeah—No. I’ve known you for all of five minutes.”

  “Then at least allow me to escort you to and from work each day. You’ll be most vulnerable entering and leaving your home.” She opened her mouth to protest, but he cut her off. “Please, cher. Humor me.”

  She let out an exasperated sigh. “Fine. But you can’t hang around the department all day.”

  Seth grinned. “I can protect you without being seen. It won’t be a problem.”

  Sara waved his comment away. “I have to get back.”

  Seth stood and offered his hand. She looked at it and raised a brow but took it and led the way to the exit. Once outside, she stole her hand back. He wasn’t her boyfriend after all.

  She tried to ignore the mountain of a man walking beside her. She failed. It was impossible to be oblivious to the six foot three god with a hard body worth drooling over. With each step, their hands brushed until he took hers in his again.

  When they reached her building, he pulled her from the sidewalk and maneuvered her until her back was against the brick wall. His body blocked her from the prying eyes of pedestrians, crowding her more than she liked. He had
her effectively caged in.

  “Forgive my forwardness, but I have to kiss you,” his declaration was low and sensual.

  An answering tremor shivered through her body. Sara stiffened. Her palms flattened on his chest to push him away. She might as well have tried to move Pikes Peak—a very well defined Pikes Peak. Her hands didn’t get the message. In direct defiance of her commands, her fingers curled into his shirt and pulled him closer. What the heck was she doing?

  His lips came closer, and hers parted. “I can’t breathe with you this close.”

  Seth pulled back slightly and tilted his head to look at her. His eyes glowed and lightened to a pale warm gold, the color unusual, and fully inhuman.

  He stared down at her so long she found herself about to rise up and close the gap but caught herself and planted her feet solidly on the ground.

  “I should go inside,” she whispered.

  “Kiss me, before you go.” His breath was a caress on her skin. When he whispered the words, his lips brushed against hers, sending sparks of electricity to her core.

  She felt his dark energy around her. In her. The bleakness in him, buried deep, was suppressed just as the power in her was contained.

  His lips traced her jaw, then returned to hover above her lips. “Just one kiss, Sara.”

  “That’s a bad idea on so many levels.” The lack of conviction in her voice gave her away. More, the hunger in his eyes shimmered like a burning flame. No one had ever looked at her with such desire. Her resolve wavered, and that was never a good thing. Not at all.

  His tongue teased her lips. “Please, mon amour.”

  “Just one kiss and then I’m going back to work.” She pressed her lips to his before she changed her mind.

  His tongue swept in and took charge. He kissed with the confidence born of experience. She didn’t care that she would have regrets later. Right then, his mouth on hers was all that mattered.

  A quiet inner voice told her she should pull away. She needed to keep her hands to herself and motivate her feet to walk her back to her office and away from Mr. Black. The trouble was, her dang arms and feet weren’t listening. Apparently, her lips weren’t either.


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