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Seth Page 18

by VA Dold

  “Perfect. Lead the way.”

  Seth lifted his chin toward the kitchen. “Just through here.”

  Once they all stood in the center of the space, Seth looked at Richie. “If you will shift I can use you as an example to explain a few things before we demonstrate them.”

  “Sure.” In the blink of an eye, Richie took wolf form.

  Seth stood next to him and placed his hand under Richie’s jaw. “There a several things to keep in mind when fighting in wolf form. Always protect your throat,” he moved his hand to Richie’s stomach, “and belly.” They are the two most vulnerable spots. If another wolf gets you by the throat, it’s pretty much game over. And if they rake your belly with enough leverage to disembowel you, there is little chance I or anyone else can heal you before you expire.”

  Sara looked closely at Richie’s neck and reached out a hand but pulled it back. “Can I touch him? I don’t want to be too forward or offend him.”

  “Go ahead. Richie won’t mind.”

  She stroked his throat and felt around a bit. “These indents that feel like a windpipe is that the killing spot?”

  “Yes. If at all possible latch on there. Keep in mind the wolf you are fighting could very well be on his back at that point and will try to slash your belly with his back feet.”

  “Got it. Get the throat and protect the belly.”

  If the rogue gets you on your back, rake his belly and keep your chin down to protect your neck. If you’re lucky enough to get an opening, such as the opposing wolf gets distracted, bite his snout hard. Brake bones if you can.

  “Also, let’s say, the rogue gets me on my back and is standing over me. You can ram him in the side and knock him off me.”

  She nodded. “Cool. I can do that.”

  “I’ll take wolf form, and we will demonstrate these situations for you.”


  He glanced at Richie. “You be defense, and I’ll be offense. We will show her a few neck and belly situations.”

  Richie nodded.

  Seth shifted to Fang and faced off with Richie. Fang lunged for Richie’s neck as Richie dipped his chin and fainted to the left. Then Fang went at Richie’s neck from the side. Richie dove low and grabbed Fang’s front paw. Fang nudged Richie to indicate he should lie on his back and stood over him. When Fang went for Richie’s throat, Richie tucked his chin and raised his back legs as if to rake Fang’s belly with his claws. Finally, Fang raised his head and looked at Sara. Richie took advantage and grabbed Fang’s throat from below. He released Fang when the wolf focused on him again. When Fang lowered his head for another go at his neck, Richie put his jaws around Fang’s muzzle.

  Seth retook human form. “Do you want to see it again?”

  “No, it’s all pretty straightforward.”

  “Okay for the last part I want you to lay on the floor with Richie standing over you. I’ll ram him from the side and knock him away.”

  “Alright.” She sat down and then stretched out on her back.

  Richie stepped over her with his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth.

  Sara giggled.

  Seth yipped a warning and rammed Richie in the side. Richie’s wolf landed on his side and skidded to a stop a few feet away.

  Sara sat up, her eyes wide. “Did you hurt him?”

  Retaking human form, Seth ruffled Richie’s fur, as the wolf played dead. “He’s perfectly fine. Get up you knucklehead before she thinks I killed you.”

  Richie jumped to his feet and shifted back. “Ta-da!”

  Seth shook his head chuckling. “You’re such a dork.” He turned to Sara. “Ready to practice?”

  Sara’s eyes twinkled, bright with excitement. “Absolutely.”

  Pride welled up inside him. “Okay. Everyone shift.”

  An hour later they all shifted to human form again. He took Sara’s hand and headed for the stairs. “Let’s get something to drink and talk in the living room.”


  Richie lifted a bottle of water to his lips and took a long drink. He lowered it and gave Seth a hard look. The instant she teased Seth and made him laugh he liked her. She brought Seth out of his shell. Richie hadn’t seen him act so normal in decades. “I hope you know what you’re doing because I like Sara and would be very put out if anything happened to her.”

  Seth’s mouth bunched to one side. “I hope you do too because you’re going to help us come up with a plan of attack that will keep everyone alive. Don’t forget, as my mate, if I die she will follow and vice versa. I’ve never planned a hunt with a partner of any kind, much less my mate. And this rogue is acting very unusual. Somehow he has maintained a modicum of intelligence.” He stared off into space as if thinking. “We must be very, very careful with this one.”

  Richie glanced at Sara. She was chewing the end of her finger, as deep in thought as Seth was. He narrowed his eyes at his best friend and growled, “What do you mean by intelligence?”

  Seth’s mouth opened, but he said nothing and closed it firmly. Visible tension made his body ramrod straight as his lips thinned to a hard line. His hands flexed and fisted. Richie hadn’t seen his friend this furious in ages. Seth was scary – no scratch that –terrifying when he was enraged.

  “The beast slaughtered two neighborhood pets and left them as a warning for Sara.” Seth’s eyes flashed to Richie’s and pinned him in place. “The first one he left alive, barely. Then he set a trap for her, and it worked. She should have been killed then and there, but for some reason, the beast held himself back. He seems to waffle between wanting to kill her and trying to stop himself. Rogue’s aren’t capable of that level of coherent thought or control.”

  “Geezus. No kidding. What the heck is going on?”

  “We don’t know. Seth ground out between clenched teeth. This is too far outside my wheelhouse of experience. We have no idea what that rogue will do when attacked. I’m going with you on this hunt and Sara should stay home.”

  “No,” Sara and Seth said at the same time.

  Richie threw his hands in the air, sloshing water on the floor. “Why not?”

  Seth growled, his eyes sparkling amber and gold. “Because Luperca says so.”

  “Well screw her. Your first priority is Sara’s safety.”

  “Yes, she is. And I wish I could.” He glanced at Sara, love tamping down the anger in his eyes. “The problem is, my mate also has demands, and she insists on participating.”

  Richie scowled at Sara. He would put her over his knee if it weren’t for a certain mated male who would rip his arms off and mail them to Piper. He shivered. He loved his mate more than anything, but she was very scary when riled.

  “Fine, but if she comes along, we need a way to keep tabs on her that won’t break your concentration. What about a tracking device? If she wore one, you would know exactly where she was at all times. You could get one of those collars.”

  Seth looked at Sara and barked out a laugh. “I’d like to see you try to put a collar on her. I’ll even record the entire thing. I bet it would get a million views online.”

  Sara shot Seth and Richie a dirty look.

  Seth raised his hands. “I’m not saying I’m going to let him do it. But it would be hilarious to watch you kick his ass.”

  Sara pointed a finger at Richie. “I do not need a tracking device. I may not have experience at hunting a rogue, but I grew up hunting. And, I’m good at what I do. I’ve been a homicide detective for several years and a police officer before that. I can handle anything that mangy beast dishes out.”

  Richie dutifully looked ashamed. He had a healthy respect for an angry mated female. He relaxed a bit when Sara turned her focus back on Seth.

  She placed a hand on Seth’s arm. “I know you’re used to working solo, but if we do this together, I promise I’ll be an asset, not a hindrance.”

  Seth smiled and pulled her to his side. “I’m sure you will. But b
efore we take this show on the road, there are a few things you need to know and practice. A rogue can leap thirty, sometimes forty feet. Never assume you are far enough away.”

  She nodded. “All right. I can do that.”

  “When we go for a run tonight, it would be best if you practiced jumping as far as you can. That way you’ll have an idea of what your capabilities are and how far and high a shifter can leap.”

  Richie grinned when Sara’s eyes lit up. Seth knew exactly which button’s to push to keep his mate happy. Good, man.

  “We’re going for a run?” She rubbed her hands together. “That will be fun.”

  Seth chuckled, “Yes. I want you to spend some time in wolf form and practice everything you’ve learned. You need to be one with your wolf and work as a team.”

  When Seth shifted his attention to him and scowled, Richie’s brows rose. “What? What did I do now?”

  “You assumed you would come along on this hunt.”

  He crossed his arms and scowled right back. “That’s because I will. In your own words, the rogue has maintained a modicum of intelligence. There’s no way I’m taking any chances with either of your lives.”

  “But you will take a chance with Piper’s life? If you die so will she.”

  Richie made a face at his best friend. “Bringing my mate into this is playing dirty. There are three of us against one rogue. That isn’t going to happen.”

  Seth made an exasperated sound. “Since I can’t force you to stay out of this, I expect you to call Piper and tell her what you’re planning. The last thing I want is to return home to her in a rage. She’s likely to take a few bites out of me.”

  Richie chuckled. “Yeah, she would.”

  Seth listened to the wind rustling leaves outside his window. Richie was asleep in the guest room, and Sara had nodded off a few minutes ago. Tomorrow would bring an end to things, either with the death of Paul or himself, because if Sara died in the battle, he would follow. The three of them had returned from their run, pleased with Sara’s abilities. Even Richie agreed that Sara was ready and able to join the hunt.

  He didn’t like it, but there it was. Tomorrow he was taking his mate and Richie into a life-threatening situation, and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. It was bad enough that Sara was involved, but Richie refused to go home and informed him that he would track Seth to the fight if need be. He wanted to hit something. He didn’t want another person he loved in danger. He tucked Sara closer, needing the contact and sighed, at least he had tonight.

  It was nearly dawn when Seth covered Sara’s mouth and whispered in her ear, “Sara, wake up.”

  Her lashes fluttered. Then she jerked awake, struggling against his hold.

  Shh. I smell Paul and heard something outside.

  She glanced toward the window and nodded that she understood.

  Get dressed, but try not to make any noise.

  Only the whisper of the sheets broke the silence as he released her and rose from the bed. He was pleased when Sara moved just as silently. He pulled on his leathers and grabbed a T-shirt, leaving Sara to dress while he woke Richie.

  Sara was dressed all in black with her hair pulled back in a ponytail when he returned. Taking her hand, he drew her from the bedroom, making his way cautiously down the dark hallway. He gave her a pointed look, then flattened himself against the wall, knowing she would mimic his movements.

  Halfway down the hall, Richie emerged from the guest room and joined them. They crept toward the kitchen and access to the back door. He raised a fist, singling them to stop and ever so slowly lifted the kitchen window shade without raising it and peered outside.

  The dark silhouette of a man moved along the fence line headed around the side of the house in the direction of the street. “Richie, go out the front door. We’ll go out the back and trap him between us,” Seth hissed barely above a whisper.

  Richie nodded.

  Seth pulled Sara to the back door and turned the doorknob silently. He cracked it open a fraction of an inch, then inhaled slowly. It was Paul all right, and he also smelled house cat. The bastard was preparing another warning for Sara. But he didn’t smell blood and death. That meant they might be able to stop the bastard before he killed another pet.

  He released her hand. Stay behind me.

  She nodded her head, flexed her fingers, and narrowed her eyes on the door. His warrior woman was ready to do battle.

  He lifted his hand where she could see it and counted off to three, jerked the door opened and rushed outside.

  Seth heard a grunt, followed by angry cursing. Richie’s cursing. He sped around the house and skidded to a stop, sword drawn and ready to do battle. Sara skidded to a stop next to him.

  Richie sat on the ground brushing leaves and dirt from his pants, barking colorful words in brow lifting combinations. Seth scanned the yard. Except for an orange tabby swishing its tail the yard was deserted. The feline sauntered over to Richie and butted his head into Richie’s back expecting a pet.

  If he weren’t so frustrated over losing the rogue, he would laugh.

  She laid a hand on his arm. “Where did he go?”

  Seth sighed. “The rogue escaped. Don’t worry, mon amour. I’ll find him.” He glanced at the horizon. The sky was beginning to lighten, and soon the sun would be up. He put his sword away on his back. Glancing at his friend he cocked a brow. “Sitting down on the job, Majors?”

  “Sure. We’ll go with that,” Richie said chuckling as the cat head-butted his hand for more petting.

  Seth reached into his boots and pulled his knives. Then he laid one onto each forearm.

  “Holy tattoos, batman. Those stilettos make for some seriously sexy ink.”

  He cocked a brow and grinned at her. “Really? I’ll have to wear them more often.”

  “Yeah, Seth. Your tattoos are sooooo sexy,” Richie teased, batting his eyes.

  Seth scowled at his idiot friend still sitting on his ass. “You’re just jealous. Leave the dang cat be and get up. We have a rogue to track.”

  He drew in a few breaths, walking this way then that until he located Paul’s scent and followed it to the street. From the looks of it, Paul had hightailed it down the block.

  Richie stepped up beside him, brushing leaves and grass from his backside. “How do you want to do this?”

  Seth tipped his head toward the house. “There’s firewood in the backyard. Load some in the trunk of my car along with kindling, accelerant, and matches. The body will need to be burned when this is finished.”

  “Okay. How are we going to find him?”

  “I’ll track him on foot. I want you and Sara to follow me with the car. You drive, and she can navigate since she knows the area and can communicate with me.”

  “You got it.”

  Sara took his hand as Richie left to make preparations. “I thought we had him.”

  “So did I.” He glanced down at her, managing a small smile. “I need you to ride in the car with Richie. If Paul goes off-road, which I’m sure he will, I’ll give you landmarks, so you know where I am. If we’re lucky, he won’t disappear in a car again.”

  “Okay. Is there anything you want me to do?”

  “Yeah. Kiss me.”

  Luck was on their side. The rogue hadn’t gone for a car. Two hours later, Seth stood on the edge of a small forest in an unpopulated part of town. Based on the direction Paul had taken, he figured they were in the Anderson Lake park reserve. He waited for Sara and Richie to park the car and join him. Paul wasn’t going anywhere. From the saturation of rogue stench, this was Paul’s home base.

  Seth saw Sara and Richie moving through the trees a few seconds before he heard or scented them, not that they were making much noise. If he hadn’t known it was them, he would have thought a small animal was moving through the woods.

  As they approached the clearing, they slowed. Seth smiled. His woman was one smart cookie. She stopp
ed just short of leaving the tree cover and waited for instructions. Seth held up a fist indicating they should hold.

  Fang rumbled softly, a barely audible sound that was felt more than heard. Intelligent and beautiful. We did well.

  Yes, we did. Now let’s keep her alive and uninjured. Seth ran a finger over the razor-sharp stiletto tattoo on his forearm. He took a long, slow assessment of the meadow, calculating every possible hiding place or ambush threat.

  To his left was swampy meadow dried up by lack of rain and autumn winds. The expanse was nothing more than tall grass and an occasional shrub. Much too open and exposed to launch an effective ambush. To his right was a stand of trees. Cover, but he doubted it offered much in the way of adequate shelter. Paul spent a lot of time here. More than likely lived in the reserve somewhere. He would need a structure, den, or cave. So where was it?

  We must keep our mate safe. Let me loose. I’ll run the mangy beast into the ground and rip his throat out.

  I would love to, but we can’t leave Sara defenseless. Besides, we gave her our word that she could participate.

  It is easier to ask forgiveness than permission, Fang argued.

  Under most circumstances I would agree with you, but not about this.

  Fine. Fang snarled. Partially shift, and I’ll sniff him out for you.

  Seth did as Fang suggested. With the heightened wolf senses, he was ninety-nine percent sure Paul had gone west into the thickest stand of trees in the reserve. He turned and waved Richie and Sara forward.

  Sara moved out of the trees, following the exact path he’d taken. He raised his brows in surprise and pride. She took care to avoid brushing against the tall grass that fell across her path. She might as well have been a ghost floating for the lack of noise she made. Her natural instincts and abilities astounded him.

  Sara stopped beside him and stood quietly. Too quietly. What is it, mon amour?

  Are you all right? Your eyes and expression are pretty terrifying. I’ve never seen you look so scary.

  That’s because you’ve never seen me in hunting mode. Taking down a rogue is serious, deadly business.


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