INTO THE FIRE (Forbidden Love)

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INTO THE FIRE (Forbidden Love) Page 3

by James, Danielle

  A traitorous part of her mind idly wondered if Rebel would be able, or even willing to offer her protection against Merrick. Would he even still want her if he knew what she was?

  It was a moot point because no one could protect her. Not even herself. Merrick’s powers were ancient and no one could best him. At anything. All she could do was run and hide.

  Leigh hated that she had been reduced to nothing more than a sniveling coward. It seemed that way for far too long. And it also seemed that was the kind of man she would attract. A spineless coward who didn’t have the balls to talk to her face to face.

  Not that she would have said more than two words to him anyway.

  On one hand, Leigh was disappointed that stalker boy never approached her. If she were perfectly honest with herself, she couldn’t be certain that if given the opportunity, she wouldn’t throw herself on him. Tackle his stupid ass to the ground and lick that long and lean body from head to toe. And yes, she would include the toes. She would bind his wrists and ankles, spread-eagle, of course, and blindfold him so that he would have no control and no way to see where the torture would come from next.

  And on some level, she knew, he would love it.

  So would she.

  And so it was the other hand where she was glad he had kept a distance. If she stayed away, there was no chance of forming any kind of bond with the moron. Bonds were dangerous. They kept a person tied to one place. A sense of false security. All it takes is one slip. Just use her power once, and all would be over. She would have to run, again. Like she was doing now. She could never risk it with another person. Not even a vampire. Especially not a famous one.

  “This is a fucking outrage! Let me the fuck out of here! I swear when I get out of this bed I’m gonna rip some fucking heads off!”

  Rebel fought against his restraints without any progress. The chains were thick and strong, the mind spell put on them was impenetrable. Damn Angel and his fucking mind powers. Even though Rebel knew that Angel had planted the suggestion in his mind that the chains were unbreakable, the knowledge didn’t help to loosen them any at all.

  “Come on guys,” he yelled into the air. He tested the chains again, even though he knew it would be useless. He also knew that the entire house could hear his ranting, and he knew that everyone was ignoring him. For his own good. Yeah, right.

  Rebel pulled air into his lungs and forced himself to calm down. Yelling and screaming would get him nowhere. But then again, neither would anything else. Angel was an honorable man and he would stick to his decision. Rebel would remain shackled to his own bed until he was reasonable. And it had to be for real. Angel would know immediately if Rebel planned on seeking out Leigh. There would be no pulling the wool over his Leader’s eyes.

  Leigh. What a beautiful name. It belonged to a beautiful creature. Whatever she was. Wherever she was. Rebel knew by the position of the moon that she would be in her apartment by now, probably snuggling up with a good book before going to bed for the rest of the night.

  He wondered if she was wearing the silk robe he had seen on her so many times. Was she drinking hot tea as she liked to do at night? Or was she drinking something with a little more kick?

  Probably something stronger, he decided. She had a rough day. After all, it’s not every day that a woman realizes that her stalker is a famous musician. Even more rare for her to deny him.

  That stung, that denial. Rebel was no where near the ladies’ man that Jacque was, but still, he had never been refused by a female that he wanted before. Rejection was a new feeling for him. He didn’t like it. Not one bit.

  That was ok, though. He had all the time in the world to make her see things his way. That was all he could do at this point. Bide his time and wait for the opportunity to strike.

  Angel walked into the parlor to meet the man who had shown up, unannounced, on the doorstep. Usually guests weren’t seen without prior notice, but Gage insisted that this was one man Angel wanted to see.

  Angel dismissed his men to the other room, knowing they would all stay close by. He was surprised when he first saw the visitor. His auburn hair was cut at blunt angles around his shoulders, his features were stark and noble. His eyes were a pale amethyst. Unusual, but not unheard of. But the thing that was the most disturbing was his scent.

  He smelled of aftershave and spice. But there was no denying the subtle smoke undertones. A scent that was very similar to the one that was in this very house earlier. Leigh’s scent.

  “Hello,” Angel said as he walked further into the room, extending his hand. “I am Angel Knight. What can I do for you, Mr…ah...”

  “Keller,” the man replied, taking Angel’s hand in a firm shake. “I know who you are.”

  “Yes, well, unfortunately, most folks do. So what brings you to my home?”

  “I am looking for someone. Someone I think you know.” The man ran his fingers through his hair. “Her name is Leigh Harmond. I believe she was here today.”

  Yeah so what? But how would he have known that Leigh had been there? Was this man watching her? What did he want with her? Angel sent out mental feelers, only to be met with the same brick wall he encountered with Leigh. To make things even more intriguing, Angel could feel the heat radiating off the man. Just like Leigh.

  “I have met Miss Harmond, yes,” Angel replied. “Unfortunately, I can not give any information about her.” Angel studied the man’s face for any hint of emotion. He showed none.

  “I’m afraid that I must find her,” he said. “It is most urgent that I speak with her.”

  Angel didn’t like this man. Not even a little. “If you don’t mind my asking, what is your relationship with Miss Harmond?”

  “She is my betrothed,” he answered simply. A feral roar sounded through the house and Angel knew it was Rebel. He might be restrained, but he could still hear. And no doubt, didn’t like what he heard.

  “She didn’t mention any fiancé,” Angel said. He had the distinct feeling that Mr. Keller was lying. A fiancé was something most women would mention when trying to get rid of a stalker.

  “Ours is an arranged marriage, as is custom with our people,” Mr. Keller explained. “She is none too happy about it. But still, we must do as we are expected. For the good of all.”

  “And who might your people be?” Angel asked.

  “We are an ancient bloodline far from here. I have searched the world over for my beloved. I am most anxious to find her.” Mr. Keller didn’t answer the question, and that little fact was not lost on Angel. He had heard enough. There wasn’t one redeeming quality about this visitor that he could see. No way was he going to give out information on Leigh. He wouldn’t do it even if Rebel didn’t think she was his mate. But he did, which meant that Angel and the rest of the crew would protect her with their lives. Without hesitation.

  “I’m afraid that I don’t know what to tell you,” Angel said. “Yes, she had been here, but I do not have any more information than that for you. I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more help.”

  “Could you perhaps tell me the nature of her business here?”

  “No.” Not even if it wasn’t against policy.

  “You have been most helpful,” the man said with a sneer. “I will take my leave of you now. Thank you, Angel Knight.”

  Angel watched as the man left the property. There was something that definitely wasn’t right about him. Not only did Angel not know what he was, other than the same thing that Leigh was, but there was the stench of malice surrounding him. He didn’t trust him, didn’t like him, and was worried about his true intentions toward Leigh.

  Angel fished his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed Samuel Corbin’s number. “Hey Samuel,” he said into the receiver. “I need you to send someone over to Leigh Harmond’s place to keep a watch on her for a bit…, I’m going to take a few men and go there myself….Thanks buddy.” Angel snapped his phone shut and turned toward the stairs where Rebel’s frantic shouting was ringing loud and cl

  It was time to let Rebel loose. They had to go warn Leigh.


  “Let me the fuck outta here!” Rebel roared. He had heard the conversation with the visitor downstairs. “Betrothed my ass!” Rebel shouted. No way. No fucking way in hell. Leigh was his woman. Not whoever the hell had been downstairs. He had to get to her. To warn her. Even from upstairs, Rebel had heard the malevolence in the man’s tone. He could hear the possessiveness there. This jerk really thought Leigh was his. Whatever he wanted with Leigh, it wasn’t good. But as far as Rebel was concerned, Leigh did not belong to this creep. She was his woman, not this Merrick’s. And it would be a cold day in Hell before Rebel let any harm come to his woman.

  Rebel jerked against his chains and roared in defiance.

  Be calm, Mon Ami, Angel’s voice said in Rebel’s mind. I’m coming already.

  “Hurry the fuck up!” Rebel bellowed. Angel glided into the room on that note, graceful as ever. He moved on silent feet, liquid in his movements. He was dressed to fight in his leather pants and heavy boots, two long blades adorning each hip.

  “I am going to release you, only if I can trust that you will be calm. Do not make any rash decisions.” Angel wrinkled his brow and rubbed his forehead. “Can I trust you?”

  Rebel’s chest was heaving with the effort to draw enough air into his lungs. His whiskey eyes were wild with rage. His hair was sticking to his forehead, wet with sweat. But under Angel’s watchful eyes, he slowly began to calm. He stopped pulling at the chains that bound him and slowed his breathing. When Angel was sufficiently satisfied that Rebel was at least in a solid state of mind, he continued.

  “We must go to Leigh. I don’t know who that man was, only that he isn’t who he claims to be. Whatever he wants with her, it can’t be good. I want you to go with me, if you can control yourself.” There was no way Rebel would ever forgive Angel if they left without taking him too.

  “I will,” Rebel promised. “I give you my word, Sir. I won’t disappoint you.”

  Angel searched Rebel’s face. His brother was telling the truth. He would control himself. Angel sent the mental command and the chains broke. The locks on the shackles popped open and Rebel was free.

  The furious vampire leapt off the bed in a movement too fast for the eye to see, his steel toe shitkickers on before Angel could draw another breath. Rebel wretched the closet door open and donned his shoulder holster, sliding the two matching Glocks into place. He had already pulled on his leathers, so the last piece of clothing to put on was his leather duster. He grabbed his black Stetson off the hat rack and placed it deliberately on his head. He looked like a modern day cowboy. A very dangerous cowboy.

  “Ready?” he asked Angel. “Time’s a wastin’.”

  “Yeah,” Angel said with sardonic smile. “Everyone else should already be waiting.”

  The two jogged downstairs, taking the steps two and three at a time. When they reached the foyer, Rebel smiled at what he saw.

  Antonio was dressed fully clad in his leathers, his Sig strapped to his side. His shoulder length black hair was tied behind his neck, his bright eyes alert and ready. On his back was a nondescript looking pack, filled with explosives, no doubt.

  Gage was sporting his usual black jeans and t-shirt, his dark hair appearing to be black in the low light, even though it was really a very dark brown. He wouldn’t have looked very menacing if not for the razor sharp sword attached to his hip.

  Jacque was standing there as if he were doing nothing more than visiting a local club. His caramel eyes were alight with anticipation, his short, dark hair spiked around his head. His eyebrow rings glinted in the light, as did the matching rings in his ears. The small diamond stud in his nose sparkled like a beacon. He looked like he was ready to party. But Rebel wasn’t fooled. Jacque was a dangerous vampire. His spiked, leather collar served more than the purpose of fashion. Those spikes were lethally sharp, and there were likely several blades tucked into his boots or strapped to his body in any number of places.

  Sebastian was standing aside, conversing quietly with Brea and Jessica. No doubt assuring them that their family would come back in one piece. His long, blue-black hair was tied behind him with a strip of leather, his casual shirt and jeans casting a misleading sense of safety around him. Sebastian was anything but safe. His pale blue eyes were so pale that the color was almost non-existent. When he turned to smile at Rebel, it was a feral grin that was more a baring of his lethal fangs. He kissed his mate and headed for the door. “We ready to roll?”

  A chorus of “Yes,” and “Let’s do this,” was his answer.

  The six men piled into a black Escalade with very dark tinted windows, Sebastian at the wheel. It took longer than they wanted to get out of the gates surrounding the Knight Estate, due to the ridiculous number of fans who had set up camp around the perimeter. Once the gates opened, people surrounded the SUV in hopes of getting a glimpse of the famous Angel Knight, making it damn near impossible to get out.

  “Fucking people!” Rebel snarled. “Get out of the fucking way.” Normally, fans were a good thing. Many people enjoyed their music, and Angel as well as the rest of the band enjoyed the attention. Most of the time. The paparazzi, they could live without.

  Flashes from a variety of cameras lit the night air around the truck as they guys slowly made their way down the long drive and into the main street. Sebastian drove with care, not wanting to hurt anyone, but his irritation was a palatable thing within the confines of the vehicle. They had driven a good two city blocks before Sebastian was clear of the people and able to speed up.

  Then, all bets were off. He sped down the city streets on an unwavering path toward Leigh’s small apartment.

  Angel’s cell phone rang when they had reached a point only a mile south of her place. “What do ya got for me?” he said without a greeting.

  “Shit,” he spat into the phone. “How long?...We’re nearly there. Ok, see you.” He snapped his phone shut and turned to Rebel. “That was Samuel. He says Leigh isn’t at her apartment. She’s not at work. He doesn’t know where she is.”

  “Fuck.” Was Rebel’s answer. He seemed to say that a lot lately. “Where could she have gone?”

  “We were hoping you might know,” Angel replied. “You know her better than any of us.”

  Rebel shrugged his shoulders. He had never seen Leigh visit with any friends or family. For all he knew, she didn’t have any. All he had ever seen her do was work, eat, and sleep. “I got nothing.”

  “Well, we’re going to her place anyway. I want to know if that Keller man has been there. If he has, we’ll be able to smell him. Plus, maybe she left some sort of clue as to where she went.”

  “Sounds good. Maybe the jackass hasn’t been there yet. Maybe he’ll show while we’re there. I’m itching for a fight.”

  “I know, Mon Ami. And I promise, when we find him, if he is in fact a danger to her, then he’s all yours.” Angel ended that statement with a sly grin. It had been too long since he was in a good brawl. All of them were itching to fight.

  “Hell yes,” Antonio chimed in. “Me too,” Gage said. “Count me in,” Jacque answered. Rebel smiled. He really loved his brothers right then.

  Leigh saw the city lights several miles before she actually reached the city limits. Vegas was a town that never slept. It was also one of the few places where she knew she could get a room for a few hours without the use of her credit card or ID. She had been on the road for hours and sleep was becoming a necessity.

  She hated that she had to run. Again. But what other option did she have? Merrick would follow her to the ends of the Earth, if that’s what it took to have her. He was one of those people who just didn’t understand the word no. It really pissed her off sometimes.

  She blamed herself. If she had just kept her cool, all of this would be unnecessary. And she blamed Rebel. If he could have kept his perfect stupid nose out of her business, she wouldn’t be in this predicament. Now, she
had no job, no home, and very limited funds. Stupid jerk.

  She suppressed a frustrated growl as she pulled into the parking lot of a seedy little motel a couple of miles south of the strip. The flashing sign out front indicated that there was a vacancy. There were probably roaches the size of Pomeranians inside. Hell, she didn’t care so long as the sheets were clean. If Leigh didn’t sleep soon, she was going to fall out at the wheel.

  Not that an accident would kill her. But it would probably hurt, and if she were knocked out, she would be taken to the hospital. That would raise too many questions that she wasn’t ready to answer.

  Just because weres and vampires had decided to live out in the open didn’t mean that all supernatural creatures wanted to. Hell, most didn’t. The general public was still vastly unaware of all the different species living amongst them. Fairies, nymphs, trolls, witches, and even herself, preferred to go unnoticed. And then, there were the assorted spirits, demons, and angels that paraded around on a daily basis, pretending to be human. Ha! If only the humans knew! There would be mass rioting and panic in the streets!

  Leigh entered the office and rang the bell on the desk. While she waited, she noticed that the walls were painted a sick lime green color and the paint was peeling. It was a color that would have been popular in the seventies, and looked as though that was when the job had been done. There was a small table with a barrel chair off in the corner and other than the counter that served as the check in desk, there was no other furniture.

  A skinny, balding man with thick glasses and bushy eyebrows appeared behind the counter. “Help you?” he asked with a sneer.

  “I just need a room,” Leigh answered.

  “Costs one hundred dollars for the first two hours, then fifty for each hour past that,” the man said. “Cash only.”

  “That’s highway robbery!” Leigh exclaimed.

  “That’s the terms. Take it or leave it,” the disgusting little man told her.


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