INTO THE FIRE (Forbidden Love)

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INTO THE FIRE (Forbidden Love) Page 13

by James, Danielle

  And most amazing... Rebel could levitate. He had practiced when he discovered that he could and now could raise himself a good ten feet off the ground.

  And the more saliva introduced to his system, the more he changed. Leigh was afraid that he would turn into something altogether different from the vampire he was when they met, but Rebel assured her that he liked the changes and would roll with whatever Mother Nature had in store for him.

  She felt his hand wrap tighter around her own as they ascended the steps to the court house, breaking her out of her inner thoughts. Right. Being sued.

  Rebel led the way through the heavy doors and metal detector, never releasing Leigh’s hand. He pulled her into the court room with a confident swagger and took their seats down in front. There were many people gathered to watch this day. It was unique to say the least. Totally unprecedented and the crowd was split violently down the middle on whose side they were on.

  Merrick stood next to his attorney wearing a sleek black suit, his red locks tied behind his neck with a simple rubber band. He had a real confident look on his face when he turned to face Leigh. That is, until he saw Rebel beside her. That over confident look was quickly replaced by surprise and then apprehension. Obviously he had not counted on Rebel being present to argue the vampires’ case.

  Rebel removed his sunglasses and his hat while shooting a smirk at Merrick. Then he pulled his lips back to reveal his razor sharp fangs to his rival.

  The testosterone show was cut short when the bailiff asked all to rise for the entrance of the judge.

  “The Honorable Judge Jesse Morgan presiding today,” he said. Leigh felt her heart jump as the judge took Her seat. Her. The judge was female. That was at least one thing going in the right direction.

  “You may be seated,” the judge said as she began reading the case file in front of her. “This is the case of Merrick Keller and the Environmental Protection Agency versus Leigh Harmond and the Angel Knight Estate. Who is counsel for each?”

  The attorney Merrick had hired stepped forward as did Rebel. “We are,” they said.

  “Mr. James, nice to see you,” she said to Merrick’s attorney, “And you are?” to Rebel.

  “My name is Rebel Your Honor,” he replied. “I will be representing the interests of Leigh Harmond and the Knight Estate.”

  “Are you licensed to practice law, Mr. Rebel?” she asked raising a dubious brow.

  “Yes Ma’am,” he answered, throwing her a devastating grin, “Passed the Bar yesterday.”

  “Alright, well let’s get started. I want you both to know that I will have order in my courtroom. I will not tolerate any outbursts of any kind. Is that clear?”

  “Yes Ma’am,” they both answered and went back to their seats.

  “You may begin Mr. James,” the judge said.

  “As you have no doubt read, this case is about prevention of extinction. Merrick Keller and Leigh Harmond are the last two living dragons on Earth; a species we were not even aware existed before now. We plan to show that it is of the utmost importance to take samples and tests on both parties and make an attempt at procreation for the survival of the species.”

  Rebel stood, “And I am going to argue that Leigh Harmond is not an animal, but a person with rights just as anyone else. Leigh is no different than the hundreds of vampires and weres that live out in the open in our society. She goes to work, she pays her taxes. She does not deserve to be forced to submit to any kind of tests or into bearing children that she does not want or need with someone she does not even like. I would also like to bring to the attention of the court that Mr. Keller held Miss Harmond captive for several years against her will.”

  “Is that a fact,” the judge stated narrowing her stare at Merrick.

  “It is true that Leigh stayed with me at my home for some time,” he replied with a confident smile.

  “And what is your side of this story, Miss Harmond?” she asked Leigh.

  Leigh sighed. She could hardly believe that dumbass brought up the past like that, but this was in fact war. “Merrick held me prisoner. I was chained to a wall and treated like an animal because I refused to mate with him. It took years for me to escape, and when I did, I never looked back.”

  “I see,” the judge said, scribbling some notes on her tablet. “And just how is it that you were able to escape?”

  “No disrespect, your Honor, but I’d rather not say. I already feel like a zoo animal on display. I would be happy to tell you privately, but not here. Not now, with all the media and cameras. I don’t want the whole world knowing anymore about me than is already out there. I have tried to live anonymously until recently.”

  The judge pursed her lips and nodded her head silently before answering that. “I can understand that. I will not require the details of your escape for these proceedings.” Then she turned back to the men. “You may proceed.”

  They both proceeded to present each argument and rebuff, until the late hours of the afternoon. The closing arguments were fast, until Rebel added, “And lastly, Leigh Harmond does not want to mate with Merrick Keller because she is already mated to someone else.” He turned to Merrick and flashed a feral grin and exposed the tattoo claiming himself as Leigh’s mate.

  “You mated with him??” Merrick shouted, jumping up from his chair and shooting Leigh daggers from his eyes. “Why would you do that?”

  “What I do is not and has never been any of your concern,” Leigh replied. Her outer appearance was calm and cool, but Rebel could feel the heat rising off of her. The distinct scent of sulfur filled the air, although he doubted the humans present could detect it. It was there, just the same, flagging a warning that should not be dismissed.

  “You belong to me!” Merrick bellowed.

  “Better watch yourself,” Leigh warned him. “That judge doesn’t look real happy about your little outburst.”

  “You are mine!” he cried out again.

  “Enough!” the judge shouted. “Take him into custody. Lock him in the cells for all magical creatures.” Then she turned to Leigh, “And you are to submit to testing by the EPA. I want to know if procreation is possible, but I don’t want it done. I will not force you to breed with a man you do not love, but I am curious how you plan to keep your species going without him. I want your mate tested as well.”

  Leigh opened her mouth to argue but the judge silenced her with a wave of her hand. “I will not hear any more arguments. This is my ruling. Good day.” She slammed the gavel down on the bench and left without another word, leaving Leigh and the rest of the court room with their mouths open.


  Merrick was pissed by the time he was released from his cell. How dare these humans lock him away? How dare they try to keep him from his mate? It was every dragon’s right to fight for what was his. And he would. Rebel would never know what hit him. A lone vampire would never survive the wrath of a dragon! Merrick chuckled to himself as he pictured Rebel’s bloody broken body in a heap at his claws. And make no mistake, it would be a fight to the death.

  As he exited the courthouse, Merrick saw Elizabeth waiting for him. Pretty, that one. She had perfectly delectable skin and man that long hair would feel great brushing his thighs… Merrick felt his groin getting tighter as he approached her.

  “Need a ride?” she asked with a timid smile.

  “More than you know,” he replied. He knew he needed to work off some of his anger and aggression, and he knew just how he was going to do it.

  “I can’t believe this!” Leigh shouted to anyone who would listen while pacing the foyer back at the Knight estate. “Who the fuck does that woman think she is? I will NEVER procreate with that bastard! Not the old fashioned way and not by scientific means either. I would rather my species die out than allow another one of HIM on this earth!”

  “Look Leigh,” Jacque said carefully while trying to get ahold of her arm to stop the pacing. “I got pull with the system. I can take the samples and run the tests. The
y won’t know anything you don’t want them to.”

  “And what if they refuse to let you?” she asked.

  “They won’t,” he replied with a sly grin. The rings in his brows sparkled right along with his eyes and Leigh wondered just what he was up to.

  “Jacque has many… skills…” Rebel told her.

  “What? Like mind control? What’s he gonna do? Brainwash the entire legal system?” she snapped in true Leigh form.

  “Something like that,” Jacque snickered. “You just leave it up to me.”

  “I don’t like this,” she said to no one in particular, not that anyone was listening anyway. Jacque and Rebel had already sat down at the computer and had their heads together, whispering to each other. They were already scheming and planning.

  Leigh couldn’t help but let a reluctant smile escape. She decided she liked Rebel’s family more and more every day. There wasn’t anything they wouldn’t do for each other. And she was grateful for that. Because she was Rebel’s mate, they would protect her. A novel feeling, that was. No one had ever protected her before.

  But still, what if there was a way to procreate with Merrick? What if the judge insisted? How exactly would Jacque make sure no one found out? And Leigh couldn’t help but feel like they were running out of time.

  They had only thirty days to complete the tests and get the results back to the judge. And then what? Leigh hated it that her fate rested in the hands of one human. Thankfully, Merrick didn’t possess the power of persuasion. At least the judge would make her decision based on the information she was given. Given by Jacque…

  Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad after all…

  “Hey Leigh?” Brea got her attention. Her very red hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail and she was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Her young daughter was holding her hand.

  “Yeah?” Leigh answered.

  “Jade wants to ask you a question.” She turned to face her daughter. “Go ahead Jade.”

  The little girl looked up at Leigh with the biggest green eyes she had ever seen. Her father’s eyes. “Do you want to go to the park with us?” Jade asked. “We’re gonna feed the ducks.” She shoved her little hand out to show she was holding a full loaf of bread.

  The first impulse Leigh had was to say no. But the smile on that child’s face was hard to say no to. Her heart squeezed in her chest and for a moment, Leigh forgot that she had even been asked a question. The girl was stunningly beautiful and downright mesmerizing. Leigh had the fleeting thought that her own daughter would be so beautiful. It pained her to think that would never happen. And when the hell had she become such a sap?

  “Don’t bother trying to say no,” Brea said with a chuckle. “What Jade wants, she usually gets.”

  “I don’t know,” Leigh countered, “Isn’t it dangerous for you guys to be seen with me in public?”

  “Don’t be silly,” Brea said. “I may only be a lowly human, but Jade is anything but. And you? You’re a dragon! I think we will be safe.”

  “But Merrick…”

  “Merrick wouldn’t dare,” Brea said narrowing her violet eyes. “It would not only be political suicide for him but it would be plain stupid. And, detrimental to his safety. Come on, you can’t live in this house 24/7.”

  “OK,” Leigh resigned, realizing that resistance would be futile.

  “Yay!!” Jade bounced up and down on her little feet. “I’m gonna go get Aunt Jessie too!” and with that she was off and running.

  “Guess Jessica is going with us as well,” Brea said. Leigh had only met Jessica once. She knew she was Sebastian’s wife. She was a psychic and had known Sebastian in her past life. And she had heard stories about how that courtship went. Poor Sebastian…


  The park was beautiful. It was summer and the lake was shimmering under the sun, reflecting the rays right back at the women. The trees provided a little shade, but did little to quell the sweltering heat. The only one who didn’t seem to notice that they were all slowly melting was Jade. Leigh watched as the little tyke raced back and forth to the water’s edge with her treats for the ducks and geese. She would approach them carefully, hold out her bread, and the animals would take them from her hand. Then, she would squeal with delight and run full on to the table where the adults were sitting for more. Every now and then a goose would follow Jade back to the table. Never once did any of them get aggressive towards her and never once did they shy away from her.

  Leigh thought even though she didn’t know much about kids that it was probably unusual for the animals to be so comfortable with her. But then again, the child was half vampire; who knew what special talents she might have.

  “So,” Jessica said interrupting Leigh’s thoughts, “how do you like being mated? And are we gonna plan a wedding any time soon?”

  Leigh just about choked. A wedding? No. “Uh, no I don’t think so,” she answered.

  “And just why the hell not?” Jessica demanded, setting her water bottle down hard on the picnic table. “I mean, you’re already mated. Isn’t that the next logical step?”

  “Jess,” Brea said, “Give the woman some time to adjust.”

  “Poo. I think we should get started right away. No reason to delay the inevitable.” She waved her hand in the air as she spoke as if to punctuate how silly she thought it was to wait.

  “Inevitable as it may be, she may not be ready for it just yet,” Brea said. “Besides, there is still a lot of shit to clear out before we go making any other plans.”

  “I know, I know,” Jessica said tossing her blonde mane over her shoulder. “But it never hurts to be prepared. I know a great seamstress that would make a dress that would make a princess swoon. OH!” she put her hand over her heart, “I know! I’m thinking a princess ball gown! White and lace around the bodice, tiny roses along the hem…”

  “And we could have a royalty theme!” Brea added, her excitement growing and forgetting her reasonability. “We could use the ball room for what it was meant for! An old fashioned royal ball! Oh it will be so beautiful! Flowers around the pillars…”

  Leigh whipped her head back and forth between the two women who had just taken off with her life without permission. A few months ago, the old Leigh would have snapped. The new Leigh, the one who was mated with a vampire and was on a little park outing with what was her mate’s family, found it slightly amusing.

  She let the women toss ideas back and forth for a bit longer before she cleared her throat.

  “Oh, I guess we should ask you what you think,” Jessica said. “So, do think white roses or red? And should we have it catered by Rhinos or Le Bon Vie?”

  “Actually,” Leigh said, “None of the above. Dragons don’t do weddings.”

  “WHAT?” both women shouted in unison.

  “Why the hell not?” Jessica asked.

  “We just don’t.” Leigh shook her head. “Never have. The mating has always served as the wedding. It’s a very private and permanent bonding.”

  “But, you aren’t mated to a dragon,” Brea pointed out. “You are mated to our Rebel. Who used to be human. Humans get married.”

  Leigh felt a little hand on her leg. She looked down and saw Jade looking up at her. Don’t worry, one day they will understand. The words were spoken directly into Leigh’s mind. She knew it was Jade, it was her voice. But her lips never moved. Leigh even felt a sense of calm take over her body. So what if they wanted to waste their time planning a wedding that would never happen?

  “Jade,” Brea warned, “what have we talked about?”

  “What?” Jade asked, all innocence.

  “No getting into people’s heads without permission. You know it freaks some people out.”

  “No really,” Leigh interjected, “It’s ok. I just didn’t know she could do that.”

  “Yeah among other things…” Brea shook her head. “She can do a few things. Like telepathy. Speed, and an appetite that rivals her father’s.”

he drinks blood?” Leigh asked.

  “Yeah but only from the bottle. No biting allowed. And she eats food.”

  Leigh had seen the little one eat. She had also seen the lashing Rebel got for eating her cookies.

  Brea’s phone rang and when she was done talking to the person on the other end, she looked at both women. “Time to go home,” she said, “Jacque wants his test subjects immediately.”

  “Ya know, that’s exactly what I feel like lately,” Leigh said with a sigh, “A freaking lab rat. I swear, ever since I met that man my life has been turned upside down. Sometimes I wish I could just grab his ass up and fly us away where no one could find us.”

  Leigh knew she had offended the women almost instantly. They both wore identical expressions of shock. It was Jade, though, who spoke.

  “Why would you want something silly like that?” she said in her little sing-song, no-nonsense voice. “Rebel would miss his family, and we would miss you. Family sticks together, Aunt Leigh.” Leigh knew she didn’t really expect an answer to her question because the child grabbed her stuff and strutted back towards the car.

  “Wow,” Leigh said.

  “Yup,” Jessica agreed. “Nothing like being chastised by five year old, huh?”

  “She can be so mature sometimes,” Brea added, “Makes me proud.”

  Just then, the young lady in question marched right back to the adults. She faced Leigh squarely, pointed her little finger at her, and said, “You are a dragon. You are strong and beautiful and you should be proud. If I was a dragon, I would never hide.” She accented her litany by putting her fists on her hips. The look she gave Leigh was one that said she knew it all and Leigh had better listen.

  Never in her life had things been put in perspective for her, especially not by a child. But she was right. Leigh had spent her whole life hiding it seemed. Why hide now? The whole world knew she existed. There was no secret to keep anymore. She was one of the largest, most powerful creatures to ever walk the earth. She felt herself swelling with pride. Pride for herself, but especially for the little girl who saw it in her.


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