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Finding Faerie

Page 13

by Laura Lee

  Leo squeezed my hand. “My love, it’s fine. I can handle this.”

  Vance stared Michaela down. “I have no loyalty to the vampire and I don’t like this. No one should have this much power. It upsets the balance.”

  “It is unnatural, yes, but not impossible. This woman has a great deal of power, does she not? Some might even say, too much?”

  I narrowed my eyes at her. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  Michaela smirked. “Do you take me for a fool? I would not allow you within these walls without doing my research. I know exactly who you are, what your lineage is, and what you’re capable of. That is the only reason the elders and I have agreed to this have a vampire anywhere near our abbey! I have no idea how you’ve escaped notice up to this point. The elders all agree that you’re a danger to yourself and others without proper guidance. Besides, there are very few Omnipotent Fae left. You are needed in Faerie.”

  “How could you possibly know that I’m omnipotent when I just figured that out? And what do you mean I’m ‘needed in Faerie’?”

  “I need not reveal my sources to you.” She flicked her wrist. “As for why you’re needed, you will find the answer once you’re there. As far as I’m concerned, we are done here. We will leave for the portal tomorrow after sundown. For now, you should retire to your rooms. Talia will show you to the guest quarters.”

  Talia led us down a flight of wooden stairs into a long corridor. She opened the first door on the right, revealing an eight by eight room with a single wrought iron bed and small night table. “There is another room identical to this, two doors down. You gentlemen can take your pick. The door in the middle leads to the facilities, shall you need them.”

  Leo took one look inside and scrunched his face. I’m sure such humble accommodations were not something he’d seen in a long time. Leo only went for the best money could buy. To his credit though, he didn’t say a word. The thought of either one of these giants squeezing onto a twin bed and sharing a bathroom was laughable. I would be cracking up if I weren’t so on edge.

  “Where’s my room?” I asked.

  “Co-habitation is not permitted,” she spat. “You will stay with us in one of the outbuildings.” Jeez, she was acting like I’d just suggested an orgy.

  I rolled my eyes. “Is there another room down here? No offense, but I’m not comfortable being so far away from the only people I trust.”

  Her face reddened. “How dare you! We dedicate our entire lives to protect your people!”

  I motioned back and forth between the guys. “Again, no offense, but these are my people. I don’t know you, or anyone living on Faerie for that matter, from Adam. I know I am safe with them.”

  Both Vance and Leo smiled at my gusto. Talia huffed. “You are the most insolent, unappreciative Fae I’ve ever met!” She walked down the hall and unlocked the last door. “Here! The exit at the top of the stairs will be warded. Do not think of attempting to breach it or our agreement is off.”

  With that, she stomped away.

  “I don’t like being trapped down here.” I whined.

  “Me neither,” Leo agreed.

  “You guys, we’ll be fine.” Vance said. He eyed Leo before adding, “Put yourselves in their shoes. They warded the door for their own protection, not to keep us prisoner.”

  “I still don’t like it.” Leo paced the hall like a caged lion.

  Vance sighed. “Look, it’s not ideal, but these witches are our only ticket to Faerie. We need to respect their boundaries.”

  I yawned. “I guess we should probably try to get some sleep, huh?”

  “I don’t need to sleep,” Leo snapped. Wow, he was really agitated.

  I brushed my hand against his arm. “Hey, are you okay? I mean, with your abilities being taken away and being stuck down here?”

  Vance grinned. He was definitely enjoying Leo’s discomfort. “What’s wrong, Vampire? Are you scared?”

  “Be careful, Detective,” Leo warned.

  “Or what?” Vance laughed. “You wouldn’t know what to do with me without your powers.”

  Leo clenched his fists. “I still have at least thirty pounds of muscle on you. I haven’t forgotten how to use it.”

  “I’d like to see you try,” Vance taunted.

  I stepped between them. “Oh jeez, you two, knock it off. Here’s a novel idea: why don’t you stop trying to prove who’s the bigger, badder dude and just go to your rooms?” I didn’t even give them a chance to respond before walking to mine and slamming the door. If they needed to get some aggression out, I was staying out of it.

  I crawled into bed thinking about our ridiculous situation. Was this what it was like bringing your boyfriend home for the holidays? I knew what both men looked like naked, in very intimate detail, yet I was lying here behind closed doors, pretending I didn’t. I was actually glad that these rooms weren’t big enough to support two people. I wanted to be close to Leo, to have a chance to finish our conversation, but I didn’t want to rub our relationship in Vance’s face. If we even had a relationship, I amended. After the feeling I’d gotten earlier, I wasn’t so sure anymore.

  I was lying in the dark staring at the ceiling for hours. My head was filled with questions that I needed answers to. What was Faerie like? What were the people like? Would we be welcomed into their realm or would they treat us with suspicion? What exactly did being omnipotent mean for me? What the hell did Michaela mean when she said I was needed in Faerie? What possible use could I be to them when I couldn’t control my powers? On top of everything else, my biggest worry was Leo. Had he been trying to brush me off earlier? I couldn’t shake the feeling for some reason.

  There was a light knock on my door before it was cracked open. “My dear, may I come in?”

  I sat up and turned on the lamp. “Of course, Leo.”

  He closed the door quietly and sat at the foot of the bed. As he lightly traced his fingers over my leg, he asked, “What’s bothering you?”

  His ability to sense my mood through our blood bond was actually a good thing tonight. I desperately wanted to talk but couldn’t find the nerve to initiate the conversation.

  I grabbed a hair tie from my wrist and pulled my locks into a ponytail. “Lots of things.”

  “Such as?”

  “Well, to start, these witches really freak me out. I can’t believe they were able to remove your abilities. I’ve never heard of such a thing before. Wait a minute…did you actually sense that I was bothered? Does that mean that not all your powers are gone?”

  He looked grim. “No, they’re gone. I simply know you well enough to know that your mind won’t shut off right now. I figured you’d be awake. What else is going through your head?”

  “Well, mainly I’ve been wondering what we’ll encounter in Faerie; how the people will treat us. I’ve also been worried about you. About us.”

  He pinched the bridge of his nose. “What specifically are you worried about with us?”

  I shifted in bed and started wringing my hands. “Well, I don’t really know how to explain it. When we were together earlier, that last time, I got a really weird vibe from you. I felt like you were…saying goodbye.”

  He sighed, not confirming or denying anything.

  “What’s going on, Leo? Have you lost interest because the thrill of the chase is gone?”

  His head snapped up. “What? No. I don’t see myself ever losing interest, especially after everything we’ve shared over these past few weeks.”

  “Well, then what’s the problem? I know I wasn’t imagining it. Something’s wrong, and I think I deserve to know what that is.”

  “It’s not that I’ve lost interest,” he began, “but I’ve been around long enough to know how these things work, my love.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  He sighed. “Vance’s arrival has changed things. Seeing you two together… knowing you share so many ties, changes things.”

  “I don’t
want to be with Vance,” I argued. “Didn’t you feel how much I wanted you while we were making love?”

  “So you’re ready to walk down the hall and tell him that we’re together?” I hesitated, giving him the answer without saying a word. “I rest my case.”

  I shook my head. “No. You’re reading too much into it. It’s because I don’t want to hurt him. I just need a little more time to break it to him.”

  “I sincerely hope that’s all it is.”

  “Why does it sound like you’re bowing out?”

  “I’m not,” he shrugged. “I’m being realistic.” He took my face into his hands. “I love you, Karli. And I can feel the same from you. But I don’t think it’s to the same degree.”

  “You can’t measure feelings.”

  “Sure you can,” he insisted. “Or at least anyone with our psychic abilities can. When we make love, I can feel the depth of your emotion for me. I know it’s there. I’m simply saying yours is not as strong as mine.”

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  “It’s not,” he countered. “And do you want to know why?”


  “Because when Vance showed up—whenever you two occupy the same space for that matter—I can feel your emotion towards him. It’s buried under a mountain of pain right now, but if you look hard enough, it’s there, and it’s stronger than what you feel for me. I had hoped being together would change that, but you’re still as conflicted as you’ve always been. Maybe in time the scales will tip in my favor, but maybe they won’t.”

  “So what are you saying? You don’t even want to try?” I wasn’t going to bother denying my feelings for Vance. I knew they were there, but that didn’t mean I wanted to act on them. Not anymore.

  He shook his head. “Of course I want to try…I’m not giving you up that easily. But for now, I think we need to table whatever is happening between us. I don’t know what’s going to happen on the other side of that portal. You need to focus on yourself, on controlling your powers. That’s all that matters right now. You don’t need me getting in your way.”

  “So, you want to take a…break?” I couldn’t believe we were having this conversation. Yes, I needed to focus on my powers, but why did it have to be one or the other?

  “If you need a word for it, then, yes, I want to take a break.”

  I flinched. I didn’t think he’d actually say it. “Wow…um, I don’t really know how to respond to that.”

  He leaned over to kiss my forehead before standing. “I don’t need a response, my sweet. I assure you that I will be here for you during this entire journey, as your…companion. Whether you realize it or not, that’s what you need right now. Afterwards, if you still want to explore a relationship with me, I will be more than willing.”

  Ladies and gentlemen, I do believe I’d just been dumped.

  I couldn’t sleep for more than a few minutes here and there, so I decided to get out of bed and freshen up. Afterwards, I climbed the stairs and tried opening the door but the magical padlock was still in place. I sat down on the top step to wait it out. Vance and Leo found me a while later just as the door had opened.

  Michaela stood in the doorway. “Mornin’.” She stepped aside, allowing me to cross the threshold. Leo was right behind me but she held up her hand. “You might not want to do that, Mr. Markos. You see, our abbey isn’t protected for…your kind. There are large windows and skylights throughout the main house. I’m afraid you’ll have to stay down here until nightfall.”

  Vance shouldered past him and joined me. “Tough luck, Vampire.”

  Our eyes met. I think Leo was silently asking me to stay but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I needed a chance to breathe, to get away from both men, and I couldn’t do that being holed up with him downstairs. He nodded as if he understood me. “No trouble whatsoever.”

  Vance smiled. “I’m starving. Is there someplace we can get breakfast?”

  Michaela nodded. “Yes, you two can follow me to the dining room. We have an assortment of goods.”

  “Lead the way,” Vance said.

  Despite wanting time to myself, I felt guilty about leaving Leo alone. “I’ll find you guys. Give me a minute, okay?”

  Vance scowled. “Yeah, sure.”

  I descended the stairs to join Leo. “Are you sure you’re okay down here?”

  “I’m fine, my love. Don’t worry about me. Enjoy the grounds, take some time for yourself. I’ll see you after the sun sets.”

  “Would you like some food? I can bring something down.”

  “I appreciate the offer, but no.” He kissed me on the forehead. “Enjoy your day.”

  I bit my lip. “Okay.”

  Despite our earlier encounter, the witches were actually quite hospitable. They offered us delicious food and allowed us to walk the grounds freely. With the exception of meal times, I roamed around on my own. Vance tried to join me at first, but I shut him down pretty quickly. He was a bit thrown off since I wasn’t normally such a loner, but I convinced him that I just needed time to think.

  I spent some time walking through the abbey gardens viewing hundreds of different flowers, all blooming with color. After that, I made my way over to the greenhouse and helped the women pick some fresh herbs for dinner that evening. Later in the day, I wandered over to the west end of the main house and found a miniature cathedral. The exterior was made of gray limestone with gorgeous rose windows on each tower. Celtic crosses topped each pointed arch and angels stood in place of gargoyles. The architecture was Neo-Gothic but it certainly had a feminine spin to it.

  I really needed to rest my feet so I stepped through the large wooden door and took a seat in one of the pews. The contrast between the interior and exterior was striking. This was unlike anything I’d ever seen inside a church. The walls were pale yellow sandstone engraved with delicately shaped birds and flowers. Marble pillars in shades of green, rose, black, and gray supported the ribbed vaulting that lined the ceiling. On the floor, stained maple pews with burgundy benches took up most of the space and towards the front, an altar stood on a platform beneath the largest window. I wasn’t normally a religious person, but the serenity this place offered made me consider becoming one. It was absolutely breathtaking and definitely my favorite part of the abbey.

  I could see the sun setting through the window as Vance stepped inside. “Hey, I saw you come in here. Do you mind?”

  I patted the seat beside me. “Come on in.”

  “What’s going on with you? Are you nervous?”

  “Yeah, I guess.” Not entirely untrue. “I’ve just had a lot on my mind.” Much more accurate.

  He sat next to me and placed his arm around my shoulders. “Everything will work out. God, I can’t wait to get you there. It’s so beautiful, Karli. And peaceful. I know you’ll love it.”

  I turned towards him and was stunned by the beauty of his smile. I couldn’t help but return it. “You’re really excited about this, aren’t you?”

  His grin grew wider. “I really am. Is that weird?”

  “Not at all. It’s cute.”

  He nudged me with his shoulder. “I was hoping for unbelievably sexy. I’d also accept irresistible.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You’re a piece of work.”

  He laughed. “Ah, but you love me anyway.”

  All traces of humor vanished as soon as the words slipped out. An invisible barrier now hung between us as we stared at each other.

  He cleared his throat. “We should get back to the main house. The sun will be down any minute.”

  I picked imaginary lint off my sweater. “Right.”

  We all gathered in the parlor. Michaela brought along two witches we hadn’t met before: Vivien and Yulia. These ladies were apparently high up on the food chain; she introduced them as High Priestesses in training.

  “So how does this work?” Vance asked.

  Michaela stepped forward. “The three of us will accompany you to the site where we will perf
orm the necessary spell to remove the cloak. We have already sent word to the elders. They are expecting you and should have one of their representatives waiting to greet you on the other side.”

  Leo shifted in his chair. “So we shouldn’t have any trouble passing through?”

  “I didn’t say that,” Michaela said. “You will not be permitted to enter unless you agree to their terms. Once you leave these grounds, the binding spell we have placed over you will expire.” She pulled a small vial out of her pocket. “If you drink this tonic, you will be unable to inflict harm on any Fae. If you tried, the poison would activate immediately. Your immortality does not protect you from this particular brew. The contents within this vial have the power to cause you immeasurable pain or possibly even death.”

  “Whoa,” I interrupted. “No way. I’m not letting him drink that!”

  Leo held his hand out, imploring Michaela to release the vile. “May I?”

  She dropped it in his palm. “So you agree?”

  “This is the only way I will be allowed to accompany her?”

  “Yes. It is non-negotiable,” Yulia said firmly.

  “And no harm will come to me, in any form, provided I do not attempt to harm a Fae?” Leo nodded towards Vance. “Does he count?”

  Michaela smiled. “Yes, any amount of Fae blood counts.”

  Vance laughed. “Oh, this just got interesting.”

  I pointed at him. “You, be quiet!” I faced Leo. “Leo, you don’t have to do this. I want you to come with me, but I don’t want you risking your life to do so. What if you’re provoked?” I pointedly glared at Vance. “What if we’re attacked? You would be defenseless. We have no idea what these people are like.”

  Michaela scoffed. “The Fae are peaceful people. They abhor violence unless they’re defending themselves. As long as you don’t attack them, you have my word they will not either.”

  I looked to Vance for confirmation. “It’s true, Karli.”


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