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Piper Dreams: Make It Happen (Dream Series Book 2)

Page 11

by Amélie S. Duncan

  I pursed my lips. “Please tell me you didn’t.” Of course she did! “Alright, I’ll mention going out to Brody.”

  I picked up the basket and a blanket and headed over toward the garage. Brody had set up a mini workshop to work on the bike. When I got there, I took a minute to take him in. The heat from the weather and the overhead lights had his hair and shirt damp with sweat. Still, he looked like one of the good months from a sexy workmen’s calendar. There were neat stacks of parts from the bike all around him. He turned my way and gave a wicked smile to my gawk that warmed my insides.

  I gestured towards the parts. “You sure you’re going to be able to put all this back together today?”

  “I am. It looks worse than it really is. It’s what I do. I used to spend most of my days building and repairing bikes.”

  “Your shops are busy and popular.”

  A smile played at the corner of his mouth. “You looking at me online?”

  “Yeah. I looked at the comments too. Some people wished you’d open more shops.”

  “I won’t. It’s hard enough managing the three.”

  “It must be great to have some freedom with your time, but do you miss the day-to-day work?” I asked.

  “Yes and no. I still love the work, but it was a lot, and nonstop for years. I was either building, meeting with clients and businesses or doing promotional shows.”

  I held up the food and blanket. “Would you like to take a walk and have brunch outside with me?”

  The smile he gave caused a flutter through my chest. “I’d go anywhere with you.”

  I grinned and waited as he washed his hands. Once he was done, he stopped to peck my lips before taking the basket from my hand, and we set out from the garage and right off into the forest of trees. There wasn’t a set path, but some pine and mulch on the ground and the sunshine peering through the tops of the trees. We found a space next to a large redwood and I laid out the blanket for us to sit down on our brunch date. The thought made me laugh.

  “What’s so funny?” Brody asked.

  “Our brunch date. Our first date.” I passed him one of the sandwiches and bags of chips.

  He brushed the side of my face with his fingertips. “I should take you out on a proper date. We could tonight? Luna mentioned something when she stopped to see me this morning.”

  I groaned. “She’s out of control.”

  “She’s alright. Nosy, but alright,” he said.

  “She just needs someone to occupy her time besides cybersex Dex.”

  “I spoke to Cole and Zack. She’ll be in good hands at the wedding,” he ate his sandwich.

  I frowned. “I don’t want to pimp her out.” I bit into my sandwich. I liked veggies but missed meat.

  Brody shrugged. “Luna wouldn’t mind.”

  “She deserves something more. Something real,” I drank my water. “Wait. Did you speak with them recently? Have they decided on a location for her wedding?”

  “She chose the backyard.” He was staring off again. So I reached out and took his hand. “Did something happen?”

  “Cole didn’t say. They have a message for you.” He shook his head and passed me his phone. There I found a picture of Seren and Cole. Cole was surprisingly good-looking (for a jerk). Their heads were leaning together. They were smiling and holding up signs. I enlarged it to read the text. “We miss you. Bring Piper home.” My heart warmed.

  “Seren must have forced Cole to hold that,” I said half joking.

  “He’s usually not an ass, but we get that way about each other. I wasn’t so sweet to Seren the first time I met her.”

  I giggled. “That must have been hard.”

  “Yeah, she wore me down with her brand of kindness.”

  “That’s Seren. She’s hard not to love.” I played with the hem of my dress. “Well, I’m no Seren.”

  “Good. I love Piper, and Cole will too,” he assured rubbing my thigh. He left his hand there. I didn’t try to move it though the feeling was making it difficult for me to act naturally.

  “I hope so. I still need to find a gift,” I said and polished off the rest of my sandwich.

  “You coming is present enough. They told everyone else the same,” his lips parted. “Do you still have the video of Seren singing at the bar?”

  “Yes. Oh. What a great idea I could make a video compilation and maybe we’ll all say something on it for her,” I bounced a little, and he chuckled.

  “You can help me too, audio visual nerd,” I added and leaned over and kissed his cheek.

  He groaned. “Fine, but I’m sure a videographer would be more help.”

  “You know all their friends and family.”

  “Some. Cole’s parents are gone, so are Seren’s. Seren doesn’t have many friends. Some drifted away when she was sick. Others.…” He cleared his throat, and a pang went through my chest.

  “She has me.”

  He smiled. “Yeah she does. Riley and Fiona will help out too.”

  “Would be good to see them all again.”

  “It’s good seeing you again.”

  “I missed you.”

  His hand clasped the side of my face and pulled me firmly within a breath away from his face. My pulse sped up, and I held my breath. “I missed you too,” he whispered. His lips, lightly brushing against mine. He pressed in a light kiss. A sweet, gentle brush of his lips that made my heart bloom.

  We ate the rest of our lunch in silence and packed everything up to head back to the house. He stopped me at the house and took out his phone.

  “A picture.” I smiled, and he took it, then handed it to me to see what it looked like. My hair was one big squirrel’s nest. “Oh, can I take another one? I’ll delete this one.”

  “No, you won’t,” Brody protested. I was already playfully twisting away when I caught sight of another photo of myself. The one from our first night together. I stopped and stared at him. His head was lowered though his hand shook a little as he took the phone away from me.

  “Here. I’ll fix it, Sprite.” He touched me and the flare of connection burned between us. It didn’t care that we hurt each other when we are together and needed to stay away from each other. It just was.

  “Brody…you kept the picture of our night.”

  “I did. It was the best night of my life.”

  “It was mine too.” My heart took up every inch of my chest as I met the sincerity in his eyes. I swallowed hard. He was just as much in love with me.

  “I don’t want to ever hurt you again.”

  “Then don’t.”

  Taking my chin in his grasp, he sealed his mouth over mine. He slipped his tongue between my parted lips and caressed his tongue against mine, sparking sensations between my thighs. I moaned and pressed myself in closer to him. His cock hard and thick against the front of my body. My body heated up with the glide of his tongue. Oh God. Please don’t stop. My body screamed, throbbed, begged. His hands were down on my ass, lifting and squeezing, teasing me against his cock. We came apart for air and panted. I wanted him. We both wanted each other, but neither one of us was taking that next step. After a while, Brody said, “I should get back to the bike.”

  “I should get back too. Maybe we can start working on the wedding video later?”

  “Yeah, I’d like that,” he said and clasped my hand as he walked me up to the attic.

  I giggled, and he looked at me questioningly. “Walking me home.” He laughed too.

  “Yeah. I guess I am.” He kissed my cheek and waved to Luna, who was on the phone and then he left. I collapsed back in my chair with a smile so big it was hurting the corners of my mouth.

  “I know that look,” Luna said.

  I touched my warm face. “I have no idea what we’re doing.”

  “He’s here. Why not just stay in the moment and see where it takes the two of you,” she advised. I would usually groan at that new age speak, but it was exactly what I wanted to do. I didn’t want to think about anything
else except enjoying our time together.

  I managed to shrink Luna’s inventory papers down enough to see her inbox. I patted myself on my back which was aching stiff from the hours at the computer. I don’t know how Eric did it. I mused and thought about Jorge, who I’d emailed instead of phoned about the updates with school. Thanks to Brody, I would be able to afford to go on with my program. If the bike sold. It had to. Turning everything off, I went downstairs to the bedroom to collect my video camera. I turned it on and looked at the video of the group after the skydive and footage of Brody holding me all the way back to the hotel. I frowned. That was when Cole threw a monkey wrench in everything.

  “You starting to record without me?” I looked up, and my heart skipped a beat. His hair was still damp from a shower.

  “No, I was just looking at the videos from the skydive. That was one of the most amazing days of my life…well, the diving part.”

  “Cole was out of order on the phone call, but in his defense, he hadn’t met you and was worried about how I’d handle things after what happened with Mia.” He sat down on the bed.

  I sat down next to him. “Yeah, but I’m not her. Whatever choices I make, I’d never blame you for them.”

  “You wouldn’t have to,” he said. “I know better now. It was my fault. I wanted the marriage and family. Hell, I didn’t even really know what that meant. It was a dream.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with wanting to go for your dreams,” I said. “She just wasn’t the right person.”

  He glanced at me. “Yeah.” He took a deep breath. “So you want to go first with the wedding video?” he asked changing the subject.

  I went along. “Okay. Except I don’t know what I should say. Should I dress up?” I got up and started pacing.

  “Easy, superstar.” He laughed. “I know Seren and Cole would appreciate you just being yourself. What you say matters more than what you look like with them.”

  “Dry run first?” I suggested. He nodded and picked up the video camera. We walked into the living room. I settled down on the purple velvet couch.

  “Hello. Seren and Cole. Congratulations on your wedding! Cole, you are one lucky son of a bitch.” I covered my lips. “Wait! Restart. I didn’t mean to say that.”

  “That was good,” Brody said. I frowned hard at him, and he exhaled. “Fine. I’ll start over.”

  I smiled. “Serendipity. We were friends the second we met. You didn’t hesitate to welcome me into your life, and I know my life is better having met you. You are light. And when you spoke about Cole, you shone brighter. My wedding wish is for the two of you to continue to love and grow together. Congratulations. I love you.”

  Brody moved the camera back. “Perfect.”

  I scrunched my face. “I want to do it again.”

  He shook his head. “Nope. It is perfect as it is.”

  “Do you want to give it a try?” I asked. He nodded. We switched places, and I looked at Brody through the camera lens and wouldn’t you know it the camera loved him. He looked so gorgeous. “What’s on your mind, Sprite?” he teased.

  “You,” I admitted. He grinned and my heart flipped over. “Ready?”

  He gave a little nod, and I pressed the recorder for the message.

  “Alright. Alright. Alright,” he said. I stopped the video. “That’s not your catchphrase. Don’t plagiarize.”

  He chuckled. “It’s a joke. I’m not going the super serious route.”

  “Sorry for interrupting.” I put the camera up to my eye and started recording.

  “You already know how happy I am that the two of you are getting married. Cole called me at three in the morning after meeting you, Seren, and told me he met his wife that night and I would love her. I could have blown him off, but he never said that to me about anyone else before and the long list of “else” might make you run to the clinic, Seren. Two words, patient zero.” He laughed.

  “No, you wouldn’t. You’d say that makes your love that more special. What I found, in meeting and getting to know you, was he was right. You’re special. I couldn’t have been happier that he found you. Both of you are my best friends. My confidants. My family. Congratulations. Now go on your honeymoon. Far off, so I can eat a meal in peace.” He paused. His eyes shone. “I love you two.”

  I finished recording and practically leapt into his lap. “That was so perfect, Brody.”

  He chuckled. “Sprite.” He hugged me and ran his hand over my back.

  My heart swelled as I thought on the loving way he spoke of his friends. I wanted him. I wanted to be a part of his family.

  Chapter Eleven


  I MOVED AWAY from my laptop and glanced at the screen of my phone that was chiming. Jorge. I sighed. Time to face the music. “Hey.”

  “So she does answer her phone.” His tone dripped with sarcasm making me instantly annoyed, but I deserved it. I was being a shitty friend. I hadn’t answered his calls since Brody arrived a few days ago. However, in my defense, I had sent him an email detailing all that happened including the repair and sale of the bike, as well as Brody’s loan for school.

  “I’m not avoiding you. I’ve just been busy.”

  He snorted. “Bullshit.”

  My excuse was not only lame but a bald-faced lie. Sure, I was busy with work during the mornings and had managed to get through a lot of Luna’s cataloging the last few days. Brody too had been busy with the bike after he got the parts he needed for the repair delivered. But that didn’t fill all of our time. In the evenings, we brainstormed ideas for video wedding gift, ate in Los Gatos, took walks, or watched movies on the computer since Aunt Luna’s TV was from the eighties and didn’t have cable. Although we did find a few VHS tapes of old films to talk and laugh through together.

  Some of our time was spent eating with Aunt Luna or listening to her share her opinion about everything. These conversations usually led us to retreat to the back bedroom where we did what had become my favorite thing, besides sex, which we hadn’t done, yet. He’d hold me close in his arms, and we’d sometimes talk until we fell asleep. The truth of the matter was, I didn’t answer Jorge’s calls because I didn’t want to explain myself. I just wanted to enjoy being with Brody alone, without Jorge’s commentary in my head to burst our bubble. But I didn’t want to lie or fight anymore, so I apologized.

  “I’m sorry too. I’m happy you’re able to return to school. I can’t believe how much you can get for that bike. Wheeler was smart holding on to it all these years. Well, he held onto it for you.”

  I swallowed hard. “Yeah. He did.”

  “So Brody is with you?” he said it like it was a statement.

  “Yes, he is,” I replied.

  “You took him back?” he asked.

  “We’re friends” Sort of. “Are you back with Nora?” I asked.

  “Yeah. We’re working it out. Actually, Nora is one of the reasons I called. Faith is moving in with Taylor. Don’t even get me started on how messed up that is, but she has a bedroom open—”

  “And is offering the room to me to keep you from sharing your bed next semester,” I teased.

  “I’m sure your sugar daddy wouldn’t want you shacking up in my bed for the semester, either,” he teased back. Or was it a tease? Whatever he meant I didn’t take well.

  “What the hell do you mean by that? It’s a loan. I’m not keeping his money.”

  “I was joking, Piper. You need to chill out. I want you back at college, and that almost makes me like him for trying to help you out.”

  “Alright. Let’s drop it.” I pushed my hair back from my face.

  “Dropped. Now about the room. It’s cheaper than the dorms with their meal plans. Faith’s leaving her bedframe and dresser, so all you’ll need is a mattress. And the best part, besides seeing us all semester, is I’ll throw in a bulk variety pack of ramen and mac and cheese.”

  “Sold. Thank you and please, thank Nora.”

  “I will….so really are you

  I twirled the end of my hair. “Yes. I am.”

  “I don’t want you to get hurt again. Please be smart about this. He’s helping you, but he’s not really available to be a real boyfriend to you,” he cautioned.

  I frowned. “I don’t want to discuss this right now.”

  “I wouldn’t be a friend if I didn’t say something and I meant that as your friend, Piper.”

  “Fine. I’ll tell Luna you said hello.” I hung up and tossed the phone aside. I took a deep breath and moved on my side. I couldn’t decide if I was mad at Jorge for butting in or voicing my fears. I didn’t know what would happen between us once we left the farm. Brody was almost finished and could leave the farm as early as tomorrow. My heart ached at the thought of him leaving. So much so that tears welled up in my eyes and fell down my cheeks. The creak of the worn floor boards had me quickly wiping my face. However, Brody was already there and suddenly on the bed pulling me up against his chest.

  “Piper. What’s wrong?” I whimpered, and he pulled me closer and rubbed my back.

  “Did something happen?” he asked in a gentle tone.

  I sniffled. “You’re leaving.”

  He sighed deeply and touched my back. “I called my manager in LA. They can pick up the bike tomorrow. I wish I could stay, but I should get back to Colorado with the wedding coming soon.”

  “Who’s helping Seren prepare for the wedding?” I asked.

  “Just me and Cole.”

  “She has me too. I can help if she needs it.”

  “You don’t have to,” he said gently.

  “I know I don’t, but she’s still my friend, and we are….friends or we’re getting there now.”

  He pushed his hair back from his face. “She’ll appreciate it. It gets hard sometimes. I wish she’d tell us what’s going on with her. She needs a girlfriend to talk to. She has Riley and Fiona, but she always so careful. She doesn’t want them to lose hope.” His voice faltered. I sat up and pulled him down to his side and held him. After a few moments, he relaxed into me.

  “I wish things were different, and you could come back with me. Do you think you could?” he asked.


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