The Shaman Charms the Shifter

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The Shaman Charms the Shifter Page 7

by Larissa Emerald

  “Don’t leave me like that,” he told her.

  She laughed. The first he’d heard from her. The sound warmed his heart and caused his throat to tighten.

  “You said we were soul mates, right? You’re not going to get rid of me that easy.”

  The food tables formed a horseshoe at the end of the row of cars, successfully trapping the spectators. “Mmm, funnel cakes. Want to share one?”


  He ordered and paid for the funnel cake and then found a large, shady oak away from the crowd where he parked his ass with his back pressed against the tree trunk. Sasha rested on his lap as he fed her pieces of grapes and funnel cake. No one seemed concerned about a man and his bird.

  Then his cell phone rang.

  Chapter Eleven

  “It was Pandora. She’s been looking for us. She wants to meet,” Kianso said.

  “Did she say why?”

  “No. But she’ll meet us here. She already went by the condo. And she’s on her way.”

  Sasha latched on to his finger with her talons and squeezed. “I hope nothing has changed. You know…that Halloween isn’t the day, or something.” A tightness spread throughout her chest as uncertainty leaked through the cracks in her optimism. No. There was no use getting upset yet.

  Still she held firmly in place. His strong presence gave her hope.

  He leaned in, brushing his lips over the feathery crown of her head. “It will be fine. Don’t worry.”

  She gave him a hesitant chirp as she bobbed her head. He was right.

  In a few weeks, this curse would be no more. And then she could get to know him without being forced into a relationship due to a spell. She’d like that, a lot.

  Kianso offered her another grape. He’d been a sweetheart about feeding her. She shook her head. “No thank you.”

  He plopped it onto his tongue and in a blink the orb vanished into his mouth. Oooh, she wished she were in human form so she could throw her arms around his neck and kiss the nectar from his delectable lips.

  Her beak dropped open watching him. He stroked a knuckle along her throat. “What time is it?” she asked.

  “Two thirty.”

  She dipped her head down. “Only two and a half hours to go.”

  He lifted her higher, so they were at eye level. “It will pass quickly, you’ll see.”

  “Not quick enough,” she replied. “Can we spend the evening at home tonight?”

  “Sure. Do you have anything special in mind?” he asked with a wink.

  “Naughty things. Very naughty things.”

  A laugh of approval rumbled in his chest, sending warmth all through her body. She may be in an avian form, but her reactions were one hundred percent human female.

  Not to mention her jaguar shifter longed to purr and stretch beneath his capable hands.

  Pandora approached at a near run, with her legs striking against the long skirt that she wore, causing the fabric to hitch up with every step she took. Charisma trailed a few steps behind her. As the two halted, Pandora unfolded a book from beneath her arm.

  Sasha swallowed. The lump in her throat grew from a tiny seed to a heavy rock.

  “Something’s wrong. What’s the matter?” she asked Pandora in a rush.

  “Don’t be alarmed, my dear. We’re committed to helping you with whatever you need,” Charisma began.

  “You’re scaring me,” Sasha said.

  “Just spit it out,” Kianso urged.

  Pandora opened the book, but Sasha thought it was more to stall than that she actually needed the tome.

  “Marigold discovered an addendum to the spell. Apparently, in addition to being with your true love under Samhain’s full moon, the person who decreed the curse must also be present and repeal the spell.”

  Sasha inhaled sharply. “Oh no. How will I convince her to come here? Lilly will never agree to that.”

  “You can’t be certain, dear,” Charisma said.

  “I don’t see how she would help me. She’s the reason I’m in this mess,” Sasha whispered, her voice trembling.

  Pandora gently closed the book. “We have some time. I’m sure you’ll think of something.”

  * * *

  They were at the condo well before five o’clock. Sasha paced on the glass coffee table, the tips of her talons making clicking sounds as she traveled back and forth. As the switching hour arrived, she froze in anticipation.

  Finally, a tiny hum began in her core and circled outward into her shoulders and limbs. Then she jumped into the air and landed on two feet, whole in her human form.

  With her emotions in turmoil, she stretched both arms over her head, entwining them languidly before letting her hands fall and settle behind her head and then shoulders, exposing her heart to him. “I want…” She paused, capturing his gaze with hers. Could he tell what she needed…wanted? Her gaze slanted to the side. “Perhaps we should go to the bedroom.”

  He took three enormous steps forward and drew her up against him, pressing his hardness against her soft mound. She lifted her leg and wound it around his hips to his back. He helped her, lifting her leg higher still while at the same time sliding his palm beneath her bottom. A shimmer of electricity ran through her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and guided him closer until their lips locked in a fierce, hungry kiss.

  “Yes. The bedroom,” he said into her mouth as he lifted her into his strong arms.

  Chapter Twelve

  Sasha opened her eyes an hour and a half later, coming down from the pleasure high to see Kianso, resting on his side with his head propped in his hand, watching her.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said. His fingers smoothed a line down her neck, over her collar bone and shoulder, and skipped along her arm.

  She stretched like the cat shifter she was, satisfied, happy, and bone-limp. “Mmm. You’re talented.”

  He tipped his head down and kissed her. “Shall we go for round two?”

  Abruptly she realized she’d forgotten about time. The one thing she so carefully monitored had totally left her brain. She placed a palm on his chest, pushing him away. “The time?”

  She looked across his magnificent body as he fell back onto the mattress—a golden god, stretched out on the bed beside her—as her gaze darted to the bedside clock. Seven. Her stomach rumbled.

  He rolled to his side of the bed and stood. “Okay. I’ll go rustle us up some dinner while you shower. How does that sound?”

  Sasha rose on the other side, dragging the sheet with her. She faced him, with the expanse of the bed between them, and marveled at how magnificent he looked standing there in all his naked glory. “Delicious.” She smiled wickedly.

  He raised a brow and the muscle in his jaw worked, as if he were fighting for control.

  She gave a throaty laugh and then turned toward the bathroom, forcing herself not to glance back as she heard the swish of his clothes behind her.

  * * *

  A smorgasbord of leftovers greeted him when he opened the refrigerator. He took several boxes out and set them on the counter along with some plates. He would allow her to make her own selections and then reheat their food in the microwave. Not fancy, but it would work.

  Sasha exited the bedroom with her chin-length hair damp and finger combed. She looked fantastic. Their lovemaking had been impromptu and intense. He sensed her need to feel completely alive and connected. And he was glad he was there for her to turn to.

  “I hope you’re hungry. I think we have enough leftovers. The restaurants were very generous in the portions,” he said.

  “I think I’ve worked up an appetite.”

  He gave a low laugh. “Indeed.”

  She walked right into his open arms and kissed him. “Make your selections and I’ll bring it to you.”

  She pointed to the Guillermo’s boxes. “That’ll do.”

  “Good. I’ll have the same.” He kissed her forehead. “How ’bout we eat in the living room?”

nodded. “Okay.”

  He let go of her, even as his fingers itched to pull her back, and watched the enticing sway of her hips as she strolled to the sofa. Her fluid strides made him envision the feline shifter in her. She curled up on the leather couch to wait for him.

  A few minutes later the ding of the microwave told him their dinner was warm and ready. Just like him. But there wouldn’t be time for what he had on his mind. No, she needed her nourishment while she had the chance.

  He made a tray for them, carried it into the living room, and took a seat beside her. She leaned curled up beside him while they ate. The sofa had been the perfect choice. Nothing in between them. Sasha draped one long leg over his.

  When they finished eating, he set the containers aside and placed his arm around her shoulders. She rested her head against him. This is where he wanted her to stay, forever. Right by his side.

  If only this dreadful curse were gone.

  And what if Halloween came and they couldn’t fix things? Then what? He tried to control his breathing so he wouldn’t let on how much the thought tore him up inside.

  “Thank you for today,” she said huskily, and then she changed into a parrot right before his eyes.

  He immediately placed his hand down for her to step upon and then set her on his chest. “You’re welcome.” He was quiet for several moments, thinking of the challenges before them, then said, “I have to go home tomorrow and back to work.”

  She didn’t say anything, but turned her head away, looking out the window.

  “Do you want to come with me, or stay here in Nocturne Falls?” He rushed on trying to sound unconcerned. “Whatever you choose, I can return on the weekends.”

  “I don’t want to be a burden.”

  “You won’t be. I work during the day. You are welcome to hang out wherever you choose.”

  “I don’t know.”

  He wished he could read her better when she was in bird form.

  She tilted her head. “Caroline has been so kind to take me in. She’s used to dealing with all sorts of animals. It’s not the same for you.”

  “Come home with me,” he urged more adamantly. “I have a plan to get Lilly to Nocturne Falls for Halloween. Trust me.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  He stared into the darkness as night fell, sipping his glass of bourbon and numbly tuning into the subtle flavors of orange, vanilla, and spice rolling over his tongue. It took two stiff drinks before he could relax enough to sleep. He remained on the couch. His memory kept returning to their romp in bed. She’d been so warm and responsive in his arms just hours earlier. He desired to have her in his arms right now. But he felt the distance growing between them with her uncertainty. And it made him nervous.

  He stroked the parrot nesting on his chest. He would do everything in his power to help her find a way out of the spell. Then he could love her the way he wanted to, the way she deserved.

  He dozed fitfully throughout the night; in his mind he reviewed his plan, ready to put it into motion as soon as he got to his office. He was staring at the ceiling when the alarm he’d set on his cell phone chimed. Cupping her to his chest with one hand, he rose and punched the off button. She wriggled free and flew into the kitchen where she perched on the back of a stool.

  “I’ve decided to go with you,” she said, extending her wings. “If that’s still okay.”

  “Of course it is. I was hoping you’d agree.” He stood and stretched tired muscles, a jubilant mood washing over him. She was coming with him. Yes.

  * * *

  Tyler was a short hour-and-a-half ride from Nocturne Falls. Kianso had put up the topper on the car this morning because of the damp, misty weather. He drove straight to his office and arrived early, according to what he’d told her—in time to tackle what he’d planned for Lilly Reese before he began his appointments.

  Sasha was skeptical and curious about his intentions. How could he possibly get Lilly to agree to come to Nocturne Falls? Her acceptance was the first step. The second was to get her to revoke the spell—yes, her cooperation would be the easiest solution—but beyond that, was there another way to undo the spell? Sasha sighed, not at all convinced Lilly would help her.

  Her heartbeat thrummed against her ribs. Her eyes grew moist.

  If things didn’t work out, then she would disappear. It wasn’t fair to entangle him in her strange half existence.

  She wanted to believe him. Still, a tiny damaged part of her deep inside wondered if she could truly trust anyone.

  With a deep breath, she regained her composure. She perched on Kianso’s shoulder as he collected information from the internet. She recognized Lilly’s address and phone number when he scrolled down the screen. “That’s her,” she bit out.

  He grabbed the information. Then he typed a very official-looking letter declaring that Lilly was the winner of a five-day and four-night, all-expense-paid trip for two to Nocturne Falls over Halloween, October 28 through November 1.

  “For two? That’s mighty generous.”

  “She will be more likely to use the offer if she can bring a friend. Don’t you think?”

  “Yes. Smart thinking. All she has to do is get there. The drive from Montgomery to Nocturne Falls is nothing, less than four hours.” She thought of her own trip nine months ago. It had taken her two days because of the curse. Since she was only in human form a short time each day, she’d had to split the driving time into two segments. Her car filled with the few things she’d brought was still parked at Caroline’s house.

  “I’m paying for this,” she insisted.

  “Hey, it’s my idea. I’m offering up Seth’s condo for them to stay at. I’m sure he won’t mind. It’s probably too late to find accommodations elsewhere.”

  “True. Okay. But I’m picking up all other tabs. Let’s include three hundred dollars in food.”

  “That will be an added benefit.” He smiled at her. “If you weren’t a bird right now, I’d squeeze the daylights out of you.”

  “Hold that thought until this evening.” She shot him a sideways glance, not at all sure her eyes conveyed the desire she felt.

  Sasha pulled herself back to the task at hand and clamped her beak shut Would Lilly take the bait? She hoped so.

  “What if she doesn’t respond?”

  “I’d hate to resort to plan B,” he grumbled.

  “What’s that?”

  He shrugged. “I’m not sure. Kidnap her perhaps.”

  “You can’t do that.” Even as she protested, she couldn’t help the unbidden image of Lilly resting in the back seat of the Mustang with her hands and feet wrapped in duct tape. No, she couldn’t do that even to people who had wronged her.

  He glanced at her. “We’ll see about that. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. It’s up to her.”

  She watched him, admiring the determination in his eyes. It was a side of him she hadn’t seen, yet she liked a lot. She was touched that he was willing to go to such lengths to help her.

  The final lines were the cherry on top. The instructions indicated a response must be received by October 20 or the offer would be forfeited. He listed his law firm’s e-mail contact for a quicker response. Brilliant. That way they’d know if she planned on coming to town, or not.

  Of course, there was always the possibility of her saying one thing and not following through…the tiny negative voice in the far corner of her brain chimed in. Pressing her lips together, she squashed it.

  This would work. It had to, or else she’d be stuck in this limbo forever.

  * * *

  It was a grueling wait. For nine days, she helped Kianso check his mail and inbox, anticipating Lilly’s reply. They were down to the deadline without an acceptance.

  With every minute that passed, she grew more nervous.

  They had gotten into a routine, playing house during her normal hours, with her keeping him company during the day at his office. Over the weekends they drove to Nocturne Falls. Today was Fr
iday, so they were on their way.

  He had arranged his schedule so that they drove during the mid-afternoon to Nocturne Falls. That put them in town at dinner hour when she could make the most of her three hours in human form.

  She eyed the phone on the console between the seats where his cell phone rested in silence.

  She sighed, transferring her focus outside the car. The skies were clear, the weather brisk, and the leaves on the trees had already turned orange and red. She tried to appreciate the gorgeous fall day. As they drove into town, with perfect scheduling, she changed into her human self. She stretched in the bucket seat and then lifted his phone to peer at it one more time, wondering if she’d missed the chime of an e-mail. Nothing.

  She chewed on the corner of her last good fingernail. What were they going to do now?

  “Staring at it won’t make the mail happen,” he said with far more lightness in his voice than she felt.

  “I know.” She placed her hand on his shoulder and leaned in, giving him a kiss on his cheek. “You’ve been wonderful. Thanks for helping me keeping my sanity.”

  “Is that all I’ve helped you with?” he teased.

  A flush rushed into her cheeks. “Hmm. I have gotten rid of a lot of pent-up energy lately.” She couldn’t help but grin back at him.

  He winked at her. And like that, her mood improved. The warm swish in her chest that she always got at his sexy smile filled her.

  At Mummy’s Diner, he parked, got out of the Mustang, and walked around to open the door for her. They had become Friday night regulars at the restaurant. He was motioning for her to enter when his phone chimed.

  Sasha straightened, watching him as he looked at the screen. His eyes twinkled.

  “What is it?” Her heart raced.

  He rotated the phone around so she could read the message. I’m thrilled to claim my prize. I will arrive in Nocturne Falls as indicated on October 28.

  She gave a little squeal and threw her arms around his neck. “You did it! Now if she doesn’t back out or something—”


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