Drawing Blood

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Drawing Blood Page 22

by Mary Lou George

  He said, “We’ll stay. I’m going to ask you for a few more men for back-up. It might get dirty here and I want to provide our people with some kind of protection.”

  “What about Holly and her friends?”

  “Holly is my concern alone.” He said the words flatly. He’d tolerate no argument on that point. In a less harsh voice he continued. “Her friends will have protection. Stephen is a brilliant doctor who appears to be more and more committed to our cause.”

  Stryker knew the conversation had ended. He’d made his decision and Declan would abide by it. He’d just needed to talk it over with his brother…bounce options and possibilities off each other like they’d done for hundreds of years.

  * * * *

  Alone, Holly got ready for bed. She knew she’d get no sleep, but there wasn’t much she could do. Arnie was in good hands. Bracebridge hospital had a stellar reputation and if his condition worsened, they’d airlift him to Toronto where some of the best doctors in the world would tend him.

  Lying on her side, she pulled the cotton sheets up and tucked them under her arm. Holly looked at the pillow next to hers. Grabbing it and pressing its softness to her face, inhaling his scent. The fragrance would make a great men’s cologne. She’d call it Stryker. Of course it would never be mass produced because she’d see to it that she was the only consumer. She sighed, wrapping her arms around the pillow and squeezing tightly. Somehow she knew she would not be sleeping alone. Stryker would come to her soon. Her blood told her so. She was more certain of this than anything else ever.

  Chapter 25

  He was there beside her. One moment she was alone and the next she was in his arms. She glanced at the clock on the table beside her bed. 2:00 am.

  She snuggled closer to him and said, “How’d it go?”

  He sighed heavily. “Lydia’s daughter Candace is dead.” Holly tensed and he squeezed her tighter.

  “The scene mimicked your drawing perfectly. The killer stood at the top of the cliff looking down at his handiwork just like in your sketch. I got there as fast as possible. Caught his scent. It was definitely a bloodstalker. I could smell his pleasure. It was unmistakable.”

  Holly could hear his teeth grind. She lifted her head from his chest and looked into his rage-filled eyes.

  “I’m so sorry. You know I’d rather my drawing were very, very wrong.”

  He tried to smile down at her but only managed a grimace. “I know.”

  “How is Lydia?”

  “Shattered. She’s been sedated, but I’m not sure how much that helps anyone. When she comes to, she’ll still feel the emotional pain. Medication just postpones the inevitable.”

  Holly muttered her agreement and he continued to talk.

  “She’s blaming herself for not explaining to Candace why she wasn’t allowed to use the car. They’d been butting heads recently like all mothers and teenage daughters. When Candace demanded an explanation, Lydia refused to give her one. She expected her to obey without question.”

  “Oooo. Not a good thing to tell a teenager. Poor Lydia. I can’t imagine what she must be feeling. Does she know it was a bloodstalker?”

  “I didn’t talk to her about that, but I’m sure she has her suspicions. When she volunteered to join me in this mission, she knew the dangers, but knowing that doesn’t help.”

  “Do you have any leads?”

  He shrugged and Holly’s head moved as the muscles in his chest contracted and released.

  “There were no skid marks. As soon as the body is released, we’ll have our doctor do an autopsy to see if there were any drugs in her system. She could have been unconscious or dead before the car went off the cliff.”

  Holly said, “Or the brakes had been tampered with.”

  “Yes, and if that’s the case, we can narrow down the killer’s window of opportunity to mess with the car, maybe get a timeline.” His voice sounded tight as it fought its way past his constricted throat. “Declan will send me support. I have to protect my people.”

  Holly ran her hand over his chest and said, “Your brother’s sending more of those spook-like guys following the kids?”

  She didn’t have to look up to know that he smiled. “Yes. More of those spook-like guys.” His tone lightened a little when he said, “One of our experts has interpreted the tarot spread in your drawing.”

  She sat up. “That’s great!”

  He gently settled her against him once again and said, “Tomorrow, Holly. There will be time tomorrow. For tonight I just want you.”

  For the moment, she decided to keep her concern for Arnie to herself. They had enough worries for the night. His mouth swept down and took hers. His tongue traced her lips and he sucked her bottom lip gently. It wasn’t enough for Holly and she nipped his lip in response. Getting the message loud and clear, Stryker raked his teeth over her chin. She arched her neck and offered him her throat. When she felt his lips on her jugular vein, an intensely sweet pleasure sliced through her like a straight razor and she screamed. Not with fear but with passion. He laughed at the sound his lips had inspired and touched his teeth to the same spot. Holly cried out again and grabbed at his hair helplessly.

  The sensations were so sharp she wanted to strike out at him, bite him, scratch him.

  Looking into her eyes, he smiled smugly and said, “Let it go, Holly. You won’t hurt me. Give it to me. I want it all.”

  Perhaps the stress of what they’d had to face recently added to the intensity of their passion but his words were all the encouragement she needed. She smiled and looked at him triumphantly just before she bit his shoulder and dug her finger nails into his back hard, but not quite deeply enough to draw blood. She touched her tongue to the blood that pulsed beneath his ravaged skin. His neck arched and this time it was Stryker who cried out. She was wet and ready for him and he knew it. With unerring precision his fingers found the spot that sent her reeling. He took her with a passion that bordered on violence and she loved every minute of it. Their joining was exhilarating but when they found release, Holly wanted more. She wondered if she’d ever get enough.

  He was still inside her when he started all over again, slowly, smoothly. This time he was infinitely tender, drawing out their lovemaking for what could have been hours. Holly lost all sense of time, reality, space. She knew only Stryker and her desire for him. She’d taken ownership of his body as he had of hers and instead of feeling trapped by the phenomenon, she felt freed.

  * * * *

  She could hear him calling her and as she regained consciousness Holly realized it wasn’t a dream. He was saying her name over and over. She opened her eyes to see him leaning over her, a frown of concern on his face.

  “You’re scratching at your hand, Holly. If you don’t stop you’ll draw blood and while that wouldn’t bother me, it might make you uncomfortable. Should I get you a sketchbook and pencil?”

  She looked down at her left hand. The vivid red lines marking her flesh made her frown. Under the fingernails of her right hand she found bits of her own skin. Still it itched. She nodded to Stryker and he had her outfitted with drawing materials in less than a second. The last thing she could remember before the drawing took her over was marveling at his swift movements yet again.

  * * * *

  Stryker thought he’d seen every paranormal ability in action, but just like the first time, the sight of Holly drawing feverishly, completely unaware of his presence, unsettled him.

  Weren’t bloodmates who had consummated their relationship always aware of each other? He wondered if Holly’s ability gave her strength beyond the call of her blood. Did this mean she had the resources within to resist the pull of her bloodmate? Selfishly, he didn’t like the idea, but he acknowledged that her ability to resist him might come in handy for her in the future. These were dangerous times for their people. He’d risked his life more than once in the line of duty. So far, nothing had changed in that regard, but now he had Holly to consider.

  Patiently, h
e waited for her to stop sketching. He didn’t dare look at the drawing that began to take shape. Just like Holly, he’d wait until she finished before examining her creation. Instead, Stryker watched her face with an intensity that should have burned her skin. Psychically, she was in a place where he could not reach her and it filled him with a loneliness he’d never experienced before.

  So this is what bloodmates feel. He knew he’d have to get used to it. His long life had forever changed the day he’d walked into that supermarket. He vowed to do everything in his power to ensure that they were never separated for long. His heart beat because he knew she lived. His life began the moment he’d touched her. It was as simple and as complicated as that. He no longer had a choice. She was his life. He existed simply because she lived.

  He had an obligation to his people and he’d see it through, but in that moment he understood that he’d give up anything if it meant keeping her safe and at his side.

  Holly’s hand stopped moving. She blinked and shook her head in what appeared to be an attempt to clear her vision. He put a glass of water in her hand. She smiled at him and took a deep swallow. With the glass pressed to her mouth she nodded at him.

  The hand that held the glass trembled slightly and as soon as she set it down, Stryker took her into his arms. He pushed the sketchbook and pencil aside, holding her tight in his embrace. Neither one of them said a word. Mentally, they’d been separated for only a short period, but it had shaken him and he needed to re-establish their connection.

  “You were gone.”

  Frowning, she pulled back. “You’ve seen me do it before. Was this different than the other day?”

  “No, but last time we hadn’t mated. I knew you were my bloodmate, but we hadn’t consummated it yet.”

  She looked at him, incredulous. “So it felt different to you this time because we’ve had sex?”

  He laughed. “Kind of. In a way, your spirit wasn’t with me. Even if we are miles away from each other Holly, from now on, our souls are connected. When you went into this trance I couldn’t feel you anymore.”

  “I don’t feel anything when I’m under. What did you feel?”

  He was reluctant to tell her for fear of frightening her. Their relationship had become so intense in such a short period. He’d been prepared for it, but growing up human, Holly had no idea.

  The truth won out.

  “I felt a deep loss. For the first time in my life I knew the bitterness of loneliness.”

  She touched his face. Her fingers ended up on his lips and she pulled his head towards hers. She kissed him sweetly.

  “I’m sorry you felt that.”

  “It was to be expected.” He frowned. “Just a taste of what I’d feel if I lost you.”

  “You’re not going to lose me, Stryker. I can feel the link too. I am where I want to be. I want to learn more about my heritage…my people.” Her eyes filled with tears, “My origins have been kept a secret from me and I’d like to know why. Alison was here yesterday and gave me a lead on my mom’s college friend, Carrie Blue. Do you think we could find her?”

  “I’ll get someone on it right away.” He rested both hands on her shoulders. “So, are you ready to take a look at your drawing?”

  Surprised, Holly looked at him and smiled.

  “I almost forgot about that.”

  He reached a hand out and turned over the sketchbook.

  * * * *

  There was no blood this time. The drawing looked completely innocuous. A middle-aged, dark-haired woman sat on a loveseat looking at them. On the coffee table in front of her, there stood a teapot and three cups. The picture window behind revealed a suburban neighborhood. Stryker’s car was parked on the street in front of the house.

  For Holly, this kind of drawing was very familiar. Until Irene O’Neill, all of her automatic drawings had been mundane like this one. She sighed, feeling relief that she hadn’t drawn another murder.

  Stryker said, “I guess one of those tea cups is for me.” He pointed to his car.

  Holly nodded. “Yeah, and the other one is probably mine. Is the woman familiar to you? Is she vampire?”

  “I do not recognize her and I can’t tell if she’s vampire just from your drawing.”

  She said, “I’ll bet this is Carrie Blue. We talked about her last night. She was fresh in my mind. We’re going to find her.”

  “Perhaps.” He reached for his cell phone and punched a few numbers. Holly tuned out his voice and inspected her drawing more closely.

  When he ended his phone conversation he said, “Do you see something?”

  “Yes.” She pointed to the drawing. “See here. A U of T yearbook. I’m more sure than ever that this is Carrie Blue.”

  “I’ve got someone searching for her. It shouldn’t take long if she’s not in the witness protection plan or on the lam.”

  She smiled at him. “I have a good feeling about this.”

  “I’m happy to hear that. Are you ready to hear about the tarot reading?”

  Holly surprised even herself by shaking her head.

  “I want Avery to be here when we discuss it. It doesn’t make sense to go over it twice and there’s no way Avery isn’t going to be interested in what the cards have to say.”

  “Don’t forget we don’t know for sure that this reading applies to you,” he cautioned.

  She shook her head. “No, but I think you were right when you said that the drawing came from my subconscious. It makes perfect sense that it’s meant for me. Do you know what it says?”

  “No. The information was sent to me via computer. I had it printed out in triplicate.” He smiled. “I figured Avery would want one too. I haven’t read the report myself yet. I thought it best to be together when we did.”

  “It’s still early. Avery probably won’t stop by for another hour or so.” She fervently wished she could just forget the world for a little longer, but time would not stand still for them. “I’ve got to call her. We found out that Arnie was taken to the hospital yesterday.” Holly told Stryker what she’d learned from Avery.

  Stryker’s face paled with the information and Holly grew concerned by his reaction. “What is it? It’s horrible news, but why are you acting this way? You’ve never met Arnie. What did I say?”

  He shook his head. “I think I know what’s happened to the boy. My God, it’s worse than I feared.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I can feel it in my gut. It fits. This community is too small for it to be a coincidence. Arnie must have been waiting for Candace. She didn’t show up because she was lying dead in Lydia’s mangled car at the foot of a cliff. They never got the chance to meet because a bloodstalker murdered her.”

  “How can you be sure?” One look in Stryker’s eyes and she knew he was right. “But that’s horrible, oh those poor kids. This is so sad.” Holly paused before she spoke again. “But as tragic as this is, it doesn’t explain Arnie’s collapse, his seizure or the coma.”

  “Yes, it does Holly. It explains it all, why Candace felt compelled to ignore her mother’s rules and take her car and why Arnie’s so ill.” Stryker’s eyes burned into Holly’s. “Candace and Arnie were bloodmates. Even though they never met in person, their connection is still unbelievably strong. Now that Candace is gone, Arnie may not survive. He’ll need help.” He grabbed his cell phone. “I’m going to call our doctors and get them over to the hospital. You call Stephen and have him meet them at Arnie’s room. Avery’s going to have to persuade Arnie’s mother to put him under Stephen’s care. There’s still time to save him.”

  Chapter 26

  They’d managed to get Stephen involved in Arnie’s case and they fervently hoped he’d be able to help him but for now that was all they could do. Wait and hope.

  The three of them sat around Holly’s kitchen table, each with a folder in front of them. The room was quiet except for the hum of the dishwasher.

  Holly tapped a finger on the page she’d just
finished reading.

  “I guess the tarot card reading was meant for me,” she said.

  Avery and Stryker nodded silently.

  “Do you know the person who interpreted the cards?”

  Stryker nodded again and said, “Very well. Lisel Dupree has vampire blood and is very gifted. When it comes to divination, she’s the best.”

  “So according to this Lisel you know very well…currently I’m facing a decision in my love life.” She looked at Stryker then down at the page. “I guess that fits.”

  “She’s also right when she mentions your parents,” Avery ventured.

  “You can say that again.” Holly said.

  The report stated that Holly’s love life was or would be influenced by her parents’ relationship. So far that was true.

  “Do you think she is referring to my mother when she writes that I have to accept the faults of others and face my fears and inhibitions?”

  Stryker shrugged. “I think we’ve covered off the inhibitions thing. Don’t you?” He took her hand and smiled wickedly.

  “Ahem.” Avery waved a hand in front of his face. “Third party here. Over-sharing. When I want to know details I’ll get them from Holly behind your back.”

  They laughed, breaking a bit of the tension in the room.

  Holly got back to the matter at hand.

  “I mean, perhaps I’m supposed to accept the fact that my mother was not Helene Seaton but an unknown vampire.”

  “Maybe.” Stryker put a hand on her shoulder and squeezed. “But it just might mean that you are not responsible for the actions of your parents and have to look inside yourself to discover who you really are.”


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