The Third Realm

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The Third Realm Page 4

by Michael Chatfield

  Erik ran out of the city, guards yelling at him as he did so. He made it through the gate in the confusion, reaching the stables outside. More guards had joined the original pack.

  “Slow down! We have questions for you!”

  “Your attendance is required!” another yelled.

  Erik wasn’t about to listen to all of that as a stun spell sailed past his shoulder, hitting what looked like a llama, making it drop to the ground, paralyzed, with its eyes still moving around as if to question its sudden change in elevation and position in life.

  “Sorry, dude!” Erik yelled as he jumped over the llama and into the paddock. The llamas were all yelling, as were their handlers who were walking them.

  “Rugrat, where are you?!” Erik yelled as he moved through the paddock, people yelling after him as the guards started to thread their way through the animal stables. “Rugrat!”

  Erik heard a whistle. Looking over, he saw Rugrat riding what looked to be a mix between a greyhound and a bear.

  “Woo-hoo motherfucker! Time to get out of Dodge!” A spell came sailing down from the wall and smacked into the ground sending up dirt. Arrows followed after it.

  Erik ran and jumped, clearing fifteen feet as he grabbed onto the reins Rugrat threw him.

  Erik saw fireballs and other magical spells coming at them in earnest.

  “Will. You. Fuck. Off!” Rugrat yelled as he pulled out a crossbow, casting Explosive Shot on the bolt and firing it at an incoming fireball.

  “Ohh, hot Betty down balon!” Rugrat sung as he smacked the back of the beast and it took off racing down the road.

  Erik’s followed right after it as the exploding shot hit the large incoming fireball. The explosion tore at their backs as smoke filled the sky.

  “What the hell are you saying?” Erik yelled.

  “Black Betty, but I don’t know the words,” Rugrat said, humming the song, badly.

  The beasts continued onward, cutting through the trees.

  “Ah, shit,” Rugrat said.


  “Well, we’ve got land horse things—they’ve got flying ones!”

  “Well, shit!” Erik looked back but he had a hard time trying to keep his balance on the moving whatever and looking backward.

  A tree was hit with a bolt of lightning, burning it to a crisp. Rugrat had none of Erik’s problems as he turned to his right and fired with a crossbow before turning to his left and firing with another one.

  “Urghk,” Erik cried out as he leaned forward in the saddle.

  “You good?” Rugrat yelled.

  “Just got sacked.” Erik tried to control his breathing as his anger grew and Mana started to circulate.

  “I’ll fire a Mana Bolt—you shoot it and break containment!” Erik yelled.

  “Fucking Fourth of July!”

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” Erik held onto the reins and put his hand over his shoulder, glancing sideways.

  Whump! A concentrated ball of Mana shot out of his fingers, flying into the sky.

  Rugrat stood up in his stirrups, his body moving with the creature he was riding, as he held the reins in one hand and a crossbow in the other.

  Unable to lay down Mana bullets for fear of causing more damage to his Mana system, he could only resort to his crossbows.

  Crossbow bolts and Mana bolts met one another, turning into some explosive redneck sort of skeet shooting.

  The sky turned a shade of blue as the explosions went off.

  It was bad on the ground, but for the creatures in the air, the pressure and turbulence from the explosions—being so close to the tops of the trees, they weren’t able to avoid them at all. Some of the people and creatures fell to the ground while others were burned. The barrage didn’t weaken, only grew stronger as there were fewer people to destroy the Mana bolts before they got close.


  “Young Master, we need to turn back or we won’t be able to deal with these spells.” Luke Jonsain’s butler was rapidly sending out blasts from his mage’s staff, trying to defend their transport that was letting out terrified noises, only barely listening to their commands, fighting them as it wanted to turn away from this path of destruction.

  Luke let out an angered yell and waved his hand.

  The butler glared at the beast tamer. He didn’t need anything else as he turned them away from the two departing on the ground. The Mana bolts fell silent after some time but it was nearly impossible to see them through the thick foliage.

  “We know where they are going and we can place people around the city to make sure that they don’t get there and look for information on their whereabouts,” the butler said, calming the young master as things stabilized.

  The young master’s eyes didn’t turn away from the departing duo.

  “Some old peasant wants to fight me? Find where he comes from. If I can’t find him, then I will find his family!”

  “Yes, Young Master, we will find them,” the butler promised.

  Chapter: Homecoming

  Elan Silaz was in his office when his aide rushed in through the door.

  “Sir, Miss Qin and Yui are back!” he called out to his master.

  Elan, who was about to reprimand his assistant, jumped to his feet, forgetting the papers he had been working on and making for the door. “Take me to her at once!”

  “I’m already here,” Qin said as he exited his office, finding his daughter and son in front of him.

  “Quick—go and get Wren,” he told the aide. He hugged them both and looked at them.

  He had gotten a few messages from them saying that they were safe but it had been months since he had last seen them in person. It was only natural that he would wonder what they were doing.

  It was only after he hugged them that he realized something was different about them.

  “It looks like you’ve both increased in Strength rapidly,” he said, a bit shocked. Yui was level sixteen already while Qin was reaching for level twenty. It had to be known that she hadn’t even been level ten when she had left.

  He didn’t know of anything in the First Realm that could make someone’s level rise so rapidly.

  He took more time looking at their clothes. Although they were of a simple design, the materials they were made from were the best, the kind that would cost a king’s ransom if they were to go on sale.

  “How were you able to get such gear?” he asked, his trader coming out as he looked them over.

  “We have a lot to talk about and possibly a trade agreement to go over,” Yui said. “Though we’re not allowed to talk on some things,” Yui warned. There was an additional edge to him.

  Seems that he has been training and he has found a cause that he believes in. Even erring on the side of caution instead of telling me everything.

  Instead of being hurt, Silaz smiled.

  “It looks like you two have grown up quickly. Come, your rooms will be prepared. We’ll have a dinner for your return and we can talk about everything then.” He smiled at them both.

  “Thank you, Father. It is good to be home.” Qin smiled.

  “It is good to have you back.” Elan smiled and his eyes wrinkled up. Others who knew him as the head of the Silaz merchant house would be surprised by his clear display of emotion. He was extremely hard to read most of the time.

  “Brother, sister!” Wren said as he approached. He no longer looked like the playboy from before but looked more upright and solemn.

  There was still a roguish side to him, but he had curbed his previous arrogant behavior. It seemed that the lesson of the Moon Healing House was not lost on him, nor was knowing how close he had been to making their same mistakes.

  “Go and get cleaned up. I’ll see you all for dinner.” Elan waved them off.

  “Yes, Father!” they all replied before Yui grabbed Wren and put him in a headlock.

  “Look at you—all cleaned up and proper. Has there finally been a woman to put some brains in that skull of yours!

  “Yui, don’t mess up his clothes too bad,” Qin admonished.

  “Just some brotherly love!” Yui said as Wren dutifully fought back against his elder brother, as was a younger brother’s fate in life.

  Elan’s face turned serious as he looked at Yui. He was controlling his strength but there was a lot more hidden. And Qin—she had left with one open Mana gate; now she had four.

  He buried this knowledge deep. Someone was looking after his children and looking to advance their ability.

  Just who are Erik and Rugrat to know someone who deals with Mana Gathering Cultivation and Body Cultivation?

  He thought back to when he had seen them. Both of them had simple auras, but there was a power hidden in them. He had been so excited by the possibility of Qin being healed and then, seeing her healed, he had not paid much attention to it. Now, seeing such changes in his daughter and son, the memories were brought back, fresh to his mind.

  What kind of deal do they want to make with me?

  He recalled the words that Yui had spoken and the changes in his and Qin’s eyes. They had faced hardships; it wasn’t easy to see as a father, but he knew that if he was to keep them hidden in the compound then they would never amount to anything. They would only survive as long as he was around.

  Domonos, I hope that you are doing well, wherever you might be.


  Lord Aditya’s eye twitched as he looked at the people lounging around his office.

  Jasper had returned once again but he had brought another group with him. They looked to be simple people, Beast Mountain mercenaries. Their gear was well-worn and looked after; their items were placed not to look as ornaments but to be put to work.

  Looking at them and being around them, one was bound to have a sense of danger.

  Still, they were walking around his office, looking at various objects on display and looking out of the windows. One was reading a book, looking like an ethereal beauty save for the scar on her cheek and her battle armor.

  A mote of light, a simple Fire elemental, floated around her, on the lookout for threats to alert its master.

  Jasper sat in a chair, reading through a bunch of files. Another younger-looking man was reading through a pile of them as well.

  Jasper looked at the common applicants while the young man was looking through those who were fighters.

  He took several files and handed them to Jasper.

  Jasper looked at the man askance.

  “They’re the good ones without ties to people, determined, feel like they’ve been isolated, have something that they want in the immediate future and will stay around longer once they find a place to stay,” the younger man said.

  Jasper nodded in thanks and went through his files. After a few more minutes, he combined a selection of files with the ones that the young man had given him back.

  “These ones.” Jasper put the files in front of Aditya.

  “Yes, Mister Jasper.” Aditya didn’t like being at the beck and call of these people, but they had a strength he hadn’t seen before. Even though he only made a percentage off the items that he was selling for them, it was enough to put any monetary issues at rest. It had led to him expanding his trading routes as he wanted to sell the higher level goods away from his trading city because it drew attention from others.

  He had even sold a few of the items through the Blue Lotus, securing him a better position in their eyes.

  Clearly they had a way to gain strength, a way to heal his leg. He had blindly pledged himself to them and he was bitter about it at times. But, overall, as long as he did what they said, they would let him operate freely.

  He had gone through his extensive channels to look at people who were looking for work or a new place to go and were within the requirements that were put forward to him.

  Only twenty-three had been selected. He knew that how they did would be a test on his competence and he wanted to make sure that he did well.

  “Now there is one other issue,” Jasper said.

  Aditya tensed, taking a second to relax. “How might I be able to help you, Mister Jasper?”

  “Mana stones,” Jasper said.

  Aditya had to blink and lean forward a bit, his eyes widening.

  “We are in need of Mana stones. We don’t care how you get them and we are willing to pay the rate of one thousand, one hundred gold each. Failing Mana stones, we are looking to purchase beast cores. Grand and greater if possible, no variants. If you were to find a Mana cornerstone, the reward would be…” Jasper held Aditya’s eyes. “Sizable.”

  “I can have my doves look into it,” Aditya said.

  “Do so. Bring us the price necessary and we will bring you the funds.” Jasper stood. “We will be staying in the city for a few more days. Have those who are interested in our offer gather at this location, early in the morning on the fourth day.” Jasper passed over a piece of map.

  Aditya used it with his map, creating a way point. “Understood. I will make sure it happens.”

  “Have you got any beasts around here that are hard to kill or worth a lot?” one of the women in the group asked. She had been standing at the window, watching for outward threats.

  “Uh, there are the bloodwing gliders that live in packs and are hard to defeat as they silently glide through the night, cutting their targets with poisoned talons before disappearing into the night again. A coven of them has been moving around the area. Their leather can be sold for high prices as well as the poison...if you know the right buyers…” Aditya trailed off.

  “Poison has its uses as well,” Jasper said, putting Aditya at ease. He knew that not all of Aditya’s various business partners were technically legal, or good people.

  “There is also a one-eyed Molbrek beast, a large humanoid beast, similar to an ogre, but malformed through something. It was wounded but it escaped, killed a high-leveled adventure party. I can have information sent over on it.” Aditya tried to keep the hope out of his voice. Both of these were issues to his trading outpost. Fewer people wanted to go hunting or move around at night, so it led to less items being bought and sold, decreasing the amount he made through taxes. And the people also came to him, asking for him to solve the problem.

  “Sounds like something to do.” The woman looked to the younger man who had been going through the files.

  “We need the practice and the gold wouldn’t hurt,” he said. “Have the information sent to us as soon as possible.”

  “Of course!” Aditya said.

  “How are things with the surrounding groups?” Jasper asked.

  “There was a recent cult rising in the Deanka county. It spread to the Eranas kingdom, where it was eventually found. There were a number of people high up in the Deanka county that were won over by the cult, which has effectively taken over forty percent of the county.

  “The surrounding groups are banding together and dividing up the county already. It looks like there will be an expansion and war soon,” Aditya said.

  “You seem unperturbed,” Jasper said.

  Aditya shrugged. “In my position, I have seen my share of local battles and wars. Power changes; new people move around. I adjust with the times. Weapons and armor are good things to stock, but food, water, horses, medical supplies? Those are the kinds of resources that make the most money. It will also be a good chance for you and your people. I can have my doves gather information on people fleeing the fighting, the kind of people who would be receptive to somewhere safe where they and their family could live and grow.”

  “Indeed,” Jasper said.

  “I will be sure to pass on any knowledge of big contracts. They would be for simple goods and items in bulk, but they would pay well.” Aditya licked his lips, not sure whether it might offend them.

  “We would be interested in seeing these contracts as long as we can get more materials,” Jasper said.

  “I have sealed three new contracts with large merchant houses that deal in resource
s,” Aditya said.

  “Good. Our need will only increase in the future,” Jasper said.


  Domonos wiped the blood from his face with the back of his hand, adjusting the blade in his left hand and gripping the armband on his right tighter. The gem set into the armband glowed brighter as Tujo tutted and played with his sword.

  “Just some scrap from the First Realm thinking that you’re important because you’ve been able to claw your way up to the Third Realm? Shouldn’t you know your place by now?” the boy said with a cold look in his eyes.

  He shot across the floor, his sword blinding as he released killing intent with each attack.

  Domonos could just barely dodge the wind as well as the blade. The wind caught the edge of his shirt, cutting it and catching the skin underneath, leaving a bloody slice.

  People sneered at his wounds. The people in the crowd came to see the mutt from the First Realm be beaten.

  He let out a sharp breath as power rushed through his arm and a bolt of ice shot out from the arm bracer’s gems.

  Tujo, who had been standing still like some kind of sadistic conductor, was thrown to the side with the blast.

  Those watching frowned at Domonos’s ability to counterattack.

  Tujo lashed out. His sword left streaks in the air as Domonos could no longer defend.

  He dodged, but he was unable to duck the incoming wind blades. He turned his body, protecting his vitals but sacrificing the rest of his body.

  He was hit again and again, driven backward. His blood colored the ground as he lost consciousness and dropped to the ground.

  Tujo seemed apparently pleased as he moved up.

  Domonos was startled and bloodied as he came to, unable to focus on anything as his body felt limp and weak.

  “If I see your face again, then I’ll take a trip to the First Realm. I heard that there was a sister of yours left down there. Seems she is an invalid. Don’t worry—I would do you the favor of taking her out of this world,” Tujo whispered harshly in his ear before he cut off the bracer and took it.


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