Revved (Axle Alley Vipers)

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Revved (Axle Alley Vipers) Page 13

by Sherilee Gray

  “I know the feeling,” she panted. “I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you.”

  She didn’t care how exposed saying those words made her, she wanted him to hear them, to understand that he meant something. She’d known him for such a short time, but she knew she was falling for him. This, what they had, it was too good, amazing.

  He slid out, almost all the way, then slammed back inside her. “That’s right,” he rasped. “You’re mine, Rusty. Only mine. Say it.”

  He didn’t let up, expression fierce, hips pounding into hers, cock going so deep she didn’t know where he ended and she began. She felt her orgasm building hard and fast, and her legs started shaking, muscles tightening. “Oh, shit.”

  “Say it,” he said again, then thrust harder, hitting her right where she needed him, that bundle of nerves deep inside.

  “I’m yours!” She hung on, riding him through the most intense orgasm of her life, that beautiful cock planted deep inside her as she cried out and writhed against him, completely out of control.

  Then with a shout and a long, low groan, Reid came, shaking and cursing against her.

  After a few minutes, when she could catch her breath, she became aware of the way he was kissing her neck, her jaw, the way he’d wrapped himself around her, and she knew she wasn’t just falling for the man. She’d already hit the ground.

  She mentally shook herself before she thought too hard about what that meant, before she freaked out, and grinned at him. “Well that’s one thing ticked off the list. I think it was a success, don’t you?”

  He lifted his head and looked down at her, amusement dancing in his eyes. “List?”

  “You’re my sexual guinea pig. I have a heap of firsts I need to tick off, and you’re it, buddy.”

  She felt his cock twitch inside, start to harden all over again, and she knew he was totally on board with that idea. “Babe, I’ll be your guinea pig anytime, though after that I may not survive it.”

  She squeezed his ass. “But what a way to go, right?”

  His booming laughter filled the room, then he started moving again—and they both shut the hell up.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Waves lapped against Reid’s board, the late afternoon sun starting to dip low in the sky. He could see his place in the distance. At this time of day the beach was nearly deserted. Which was why he’d chosen to build his house here. It was peaceful, quiet.

  Out here, in the ocean, this was where he did a lot of his thinking, sitting on his board, water moving against his legs, waiting for the next wave.

  This evening, though, it wasn’t business on his mind, it was Rusty. She had become a major part of his life in a few short weeks. She’d managed something he thought impossible. Rusty had changed the way he saw himself, had given him hope, the chance for a future he never thought he’d ever have. If he had his way—and he would—that future would include an amazing woman, a woman he had every intention of keeping in his life.

  His mind drifted to the morning in the shower. Rusty on her knees in front of him, that sexy mouth wrapped around his cock. Her first. Since then they’d had several firsts together. She was hungry to try new things, held back nothing.

  He couldn’t believe how damn lucky he was. For some crazy reason, Rusty West had chosen him. Why? He didn’t have a clue. He was just thankful she had, that after everything she’d been through, she’d decided to give herself to him, to take a chance on him.

  At this point, all he wanted was to make her happy, to prove he was worthy of her trust.

  Glancing over his shoulder, he watched a wave build, decent enough to take him in. It rose up behind him, and he leaned forward, paddling with his arms before he sprang to his feet, the sea spray hitting his face as he rode it into shore.

  He was carrying his board, walking out of the water toward his place when he saw her. Standing on the deck, smiling huge. He felt that smile in the center of his chest, the way he always did lately. Rusty had hold of him, and he sure as hell would not allow her to let go. Not now.

  Jogging up the steps, he rested his board against the house and closed the gap between them. “How long have you been here?”

  “Long enough to see you stand on that board on your way in.” She rested her hands on his chest. “You can like actually surf. I thought you just sat on it and paddled around showing off your muscles to all the beach babes.”

  Wrapping his arms around her, stopping her escape, he shook out his wet hair, making her squeal and struggle to get free. “Smart ass.” Then he dragged her up against his body, soaking her clothes, and kissed her, slow and easy.

  She hummed into his mouth, and when he lifted his head she smirked. “You’ve got me all wet, Parker. I’m drenched. What are you going to do about it?”

  The sun had dipped lower in the sky, night creeping in. There was no one around, apart from a few surfers in the distance. He ran his hands up and over the bright flowers inked on her upper arms and shoulders. “Drenched, huh?”

  She nodded. “Soaked.”

  He watched goose bumps rise on her skin, and since it was still warm out, knew it wasn’t because she was cold. “Turn around and hold onto the railing.” He heard her breath catch, and he laughed darkly. “Don’t move and don’t let go. I’ll be right back.” Reid rushed inside and jogged upstairs, grabbing a condom from the nightstand. Shoving it in the pocket of his swim shorts, he went back down to join her.

  She’d done as he asked—still standing back to him, hands gripping the railing that bordered the deck. It was solid—no one could see what was going on behind it—and came to just above her waist. She was wearing a denim miniskirt and a fitted black T-shirt that clung to her small waist and perfect tits.

  He moved behind her and pressed in close. “You look hot, Rusty. Sexy.” She sucked in a shaky breath when his lips skimmed her throat. “Did you have fun with your girls today?”

  “Yes,” she murmured.

  He knew she could feel his erection, because she pushed back, pressing that fine ass against his cock. “You buy anything nice?”

  “We went underwear shopping. Alex wanted something sexy for her wedding.”

  He leaned in, pulling her hair away from her neck, nuzzling the soft skin there. “You get anything for me?”


  His pulse thumped a little harder. “You wearing it now?”

  “Yes,” she said again.

  Reaching down, he dragged her skirt higher, until it was up around her hips. “Under this tiny little skirt?”

  He ran his fingers over her cheeks and felt smooth bare skin. “Thong?” She nodded, and he leaned back to get a good look. Bright orange lace appeared above the crease of her ass. The color looked gorgeous against her tanned skin. “I like that, baby. A lot.”

  He pressed his abs and chest into her back, then circled her waist. One hand against her belly, holding her in place, the other dropping down between her thighs so he could tease her lace-covered flesh.


  He groaned. “You weren’t wrong, Foxy. You’re drenched.” She moaned as he rubbed her over her panties, moving her hips, wanting more and not shy about showing him how much. “You want my fingers?”

  She dropped her head against his chest. “God, yes.”

  Pushing the flimsy lace aside, he teased her lips, slicked all that moisture up and back, just brushing past her clit, making her squirm and gasp. “Open your legs wider for me.”

  She stepped out immediately, giving him better access, and he delved deeper, getting his fingers nice and wet before he pushed one inside her. She shuddered and moaned softly, hanging onto the railing tighter. “Ah, shit.”

  “You like that? Want more?”


  “You’re so polite when you’re horny. Always using your manners like a good girl.” He chuckled when she growled. “You’re not a good girl, though, are you, Rusty?” He slid a second finger inside her as he said it, and she cried out whe
n he went deep. “You like it hard and rough, like it when I lose my head. Only you do that to me, only you make it impossible to control myself.”

  “Oh, Jesus. I need…oh, shit.”

  “What do you need?” Her arousal coated his fingers, his hand. She was hungry for it, desperate to be fucked. “Tell me. Say it.”

  “I need your cock, Reid. Please.”

  Taking his fingers away, he pulled the condom from his pocket and shoved down the front of his shorts to roll it over his iron-hard cock. “I’m gonna fuck you right here. You want that?” The surfers were gone now and other than the occasional person going for an evening stroll there was no one around.

  “Yes, God, just do it.”

  Bending his knees, he gripped his erection and slid it between her thighs, over her lace-covered entrance, then shoving the flimsy material aside, positioned himself at her opening and with one swift movement, impaled her. She cried out. So tight, so goddamn wet.

  “Lean against me. Let me take your weight.” She did as he asked, and he reached around to cup her breasts. Pinched and played with her stiff nipples as he slid in and out of her. Fucking perfect.

  “You feel so good. Shit, nothing feels as good as this.” The lower half of their bodies were hidden behind the railing, and he slid a hand lower, toying with her clit. Her inner muscles tightened, fluttered around his cock. “You close?”

  “Yes. Harder, Reid. God, I’m nearly there.”

  “Bend over.” She rested her arms on the railing, and he gripped her slim hips and thrust deep, pounded hard, fucking her the way they both needed. Two seconds later, she shattered apart, convulsing hard around him, milking him as she cried out his name. Reid followed, bodies slapping together as he emptied his balls almost violently, that’s how good it felt. How good she made him feel. Everything he’d ever wanted, everything he never thought he could have, was right here, trembling in his arms.

  God, he didn’t deserve her, might never. But he would thank whatever higher power led him to her, would cherish her, and would make damn sure she never regretted her decision to give it all to him.

  Leaning over her, he breathed in her familiar, exquisite scent, mingled with the sex they’d just had, and a shiver moved through him. The good kind. Overwhelmed by the woman in his arms. He kissed her sweat-slicked skin, the red rose inked at the base of her neck, and pulled her panties back into place.

  Hands on her waist, he turned her to face him. Her gaze was hazy, her expression one of a woman who had been fucked just right. He leaned in and kissed her soft lips, unable to stop himself. “You turn me inside out, woman.”

  “You have the same effect on me.” She got up on her tiptoes and kissed the underside of his jaw, and shit, that simple action warmed him, had him pulling her in tighter, not wanting to ever let her go.

  She smiled. “Outside sex, huh? I like it. Plus, we ticked off another first for me.”

  He grabbed her hand and tugged her toward the sliding doors. “I think we can tick another first off the list before morning, don’t you?”

  She flushed with pleasure and laughed. “At least.”

  Yeah, she was his, and he was never letting her go.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Rusty tightened her ponytail, pulled down her mask to stop the dust from getting in her nose and mouth, and cranked up the stereo. Choosing a coarse sandpaper, she started smoothing out the now dry body filler on the door panel she’d repaired the day before. It needed to go to the painters in the morning, and she also had a car booked in after lunch. With Alex busy on another car and Piper stuck in the office showing their new part-time office manager the ropes, they were a man down.

  She’d planned to have lunch with Reid, but with how frantic it was here today, she’d just sent him a text to cancel. He’d texted back that he’d bring something to her.

  That had made her stupidly happy. She’d seen him that morning, but already she missed him. She was turning into one of those girls. What self-respecting, independent woman missed their man after only a few hours apart? Humiliating. If Piper ever found out, she’d never hear the end of it.

  But there was nothing she could do about it. She was addicted to the man, and the more she learned, the more time she spent with him, the more frequent she needed a Reid fix. “Jesus.”

  She groaned and forced her thoughts back to her work. She couldn’t spend all morning like some sad, loved-up teenager waiting for her boyfriend to show up. Shaking it off, she directed her thoughts to the job at hand, she tuned everything out around her and started sanding.

  But then the memory of a very different kind of job swam through her mind, a far more pleasant one, one that was accompanied by Reid’s low moans, his long fingers buried in her hair…

  Okay, it wasn’t working, especially not with the delicious way her body ached. She still felt him between her thighs, remembered the way he’d moved inside her that morning, after she’d had him in her mouth. The intense way he’d stared into her eyes. The way his voice grew rough, almost harsh, as he’d whispered his dirty commands.

  But her favorite part—the deep, guttural sound he’d made as he’d come, as if he couldn’t believe it was happening, as if nothing had ever felt as good. No one had ever felt as good. The man had quickly learned what she liked, shown her what she needed, and took immense pleasure in giving it to her.

  She’d spent every night except Wednesday, when he’d had to work late, in his bed. Working through her list of firsts. Jesus, the man knew how to fuck. And that mouth, not only did he know how to use it, the filthy shit that came out of it—God, she loved it.

  Things were moving fast, but she didn’t have any intention of slowing it down. She couldn’t get enough of him, the taste of his skin, the sound of his voice, the way he touched her, the way he groaned her name when she took him into her mouth. She smiled to herself. The way he called her Foxy, sometimes serious, sometimes with amusement shining in his eyes.

  She was a goner. She’d fallen hard for the man and there was nothing she could do about it, nothing but ride it out and hope like hell she didn’t crash into a barrier at a hundred miles an hour and explode into a fiery wreck. Maybe that was on the overly dramatic side, but she got the feeling losing Reid wouldn’t be easy to come back from.

  And definitely not something she wanted to be thinking about.

  Running her hands over the door panel, she changed to a finer grade sandpaper to finish it off, and continued to work, dust coating her arms and clothes. She was just finishing up when the music suddenly dropped in volume. Turning toward the door, she saw her brother standing there, another suit with him. Deke offered her a grin. “Rusty.”

  Brushing her hands on her shorts, she pulled off her mask and grinned back. “What are you doing away from your desk? I thought you were chained to that thing?”

  He just shook his head at her, then motioned to the dude standing beside him. He was familiar, and just as recognition hit, her brother confirmed it. “You remember Brian Jamison, right?”

  Rusty had to struggle to keep her jaw clamped shut and not let it fall open. She hadn’t talked to this asshole since her prom night. The last thing this douche bag had said to her, well screamed really, was “call off that crazy bitch.” Alex had been chasing him with a chair, swinging wildly, trying to get in a second shot. It was like saying his name out loud the other night to Reid had somehow summoned the piece of shit. He’d slithered out from whatever hole he’d been in and had come to darken her door. Rusty crossed her arms. “Yep, I remember.”

  Deacon gave her a funny look, brows lifting at her icy tone. “Well, he might have some business to bring your way. He has a car that I’m sure you’d love to get your hands on.”

  Brian smiled at her, fucking smiled, like they were old pals. “Hey, Rusty. Good to see you again.” His piggy little eyes moved over her body, hovering at her breasts, before landing on her mouth. He licked his lips. “I’ve thought of you a lot over the years.”

sp; She took her time, looking him up and down as well, making sure he knew she’d found nothing to impress her. “Yeah?”

  He flushed, shoved his hands in his pockets. “Yeah, often.”

  The years had not been kind. His suit didn’t hide the belly he’d gotten sitting at a desk. Obviously working out hadn’t been much of a priority. Fucking weasel. “Can’t say I’ve thought of you at all,” she replied, smiling broadly.

  His grin tightened, like she’d pissed him off. Was this guy for real?

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” He ran a hand through his prematurely thinning hair. “Deacon tells me West’s is the place to bring my car. No one does it better.”

  Crossing her arms, she shook her head. “Sorry, can’t fit you in, Bri.”

  Deke narrowed his eyes at her, but the sound of Alex’s purple Viper tearing into the parking lot out front, back from picking up a part she needed, distracted him. He cleared his throat. “I’ll let you two talk business. I’ll just be out here.” Then he strode out to see his fiancée.

  Brian the worm took a step closer. “It’s been a long time.”

  “Not long enough.” She pointed to the door. “Turn around and get gone, asshole. I can’t believe you had the nerve to come here.”

  “Come on, Rust. It’s been a long time, water under the bridge. I made a mistake.” He threw up his hands. “Sorry, okay?”

  “Sorry? Are you shitting me?” She shook her head. “Get the hell out of here before I sic Alex onto you.”

  He didn’t get the message and moved even closer, right into her personal space. “I’ve regretted what happened that night all these years. I can admit I messed up. But I want the opportunity to apologize properly.”

  This guy was nuts if he thought anything he could say would make up for what he’d done. “And how do you think you’re gonna do that?”


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