Descended (The Red Blindfold Book 3)

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Descended (The Red Blindfold Book 3) Page 5

by Rose Devereux

  “Diesel’s calming down,” I said against her ear. “She sees you’re a friend of mine.”

  “Am I?” Jane asked, her voice throaty. “A friend of yours, I mean?” Her body was quaking, a sensitive string stretched way too tight.

  “She seems to think so,” I said. “I’m not sure yet.”

  “I thought I proved that by getting in your truck.”

  “You didn’t get in,” I said. “I threw you in.”

  “I stayed.”


  Diesel lowered herself to the floor six inches from Jane’s bare foot and put her chin on the slate. She exhaled a contented breath that said she liked having her new owner and his guest trapped in a corner, and planned to keep them there for a while.

  “Oh, great,” Jane said. “Now I’ll have to step over her.”

  “You’re not that brave,” I whispered. “You won’t get out of here on your own.”

  Jane arched her back, thrusting her ass into me. “No,” she breathed. “I won’t.”

  It was one sweet whisper too far. I spun her around and crushed my mouth against hers, letting out all of the tension I’d been holding in since the first second I saw her. Tease, temptress, sexy little coquette – whatever name you called her, easy to resist was not one of them.

  One of us was going to have to be smart here, and I hoped it would be her. I’d been hard way too long to shut it down now. But instead she kissed me back with a frantic urgency. Heat ripped through my core as our tongues joined, wet, soft, demanding. Neither of us knew who she was, and it didn’t matter. Everything we needed to know was in that kiss, in the stiffness of her pink nipples pressing against my chest.

  “I’m sorry,” I said against her lips.

  “So am I,” she said, and kissed me again.

  Backing her toward the cabinets, I lifted her onto the counter and yanked her against me. She clutched my lapels in her fists, kissing me like she’d never been kissed before. And as far as we knew, she hadn’t.

  If only she realized how much trouble I could cause for her. How cruel and demanding I really was.

  She was wearing my shirt, so I felt no guilt at all when I ripped it open and pushed it off her shoulders. Another Armani bites the dust. I pulled away from her gorgeous mouth just long enough to feast my eyes on her perfect, firm, upright, my-favorite-size breasts. 34B, I guessed, and given my extensive experience, my guess was probably right.

  “You’re a fucking angel,” I said.

  “Who knows?” she said, tilting her head back for my kiss. “Maybe I am.”

  “You’re an angel,” I said. “No maybe about it.”

  Holy hot.

  I’d thought nothing could equal drenching my head under a campground water fountain two days ago, when I was lost and ready to pass out from thirst. But Drex’s body against mine – now that was primal, life broken down to its simplest elements.

  Not that this was simple. In the last five minutes, everything had gotten a lot more complicated.

  And I didn’t care. Maybe he was my lifeline, the only sane thing that had happened to me since I’d woken up, and I was destroying it. But I needed this. I needed to feel good, and glad to be alive.

  I was so wet I’d practically melted his shorts, and his beautiful shirt was a shredded rag. He was tall enough – at least 6’2”, with long, athletic legs – that his cock was at the perfect height to press between my legs. Which he was doing now, rubbing through his jeans and the thin nylon of the shorts against my clit.

  Clit, cock – with those words bouncing around my head, clearly I wasn’t a virgin. And I liked sex, or at least I did now. Maybe whatever happened to me had triggered that side of my personality, and this was my first time enjoying a man’s touch.

  Ha. Somehow, I didn’t think so.

  “I thought you hated that kiss outside The Dead End,” he said, cupping my breasts in his hands.

  “I did,” I said.

  What a lie. I’d liked it so much I thought I might actually be married to the guy. Did married people kiss that way? Did they rip shirts off and attack each other on kitchen counters?

  “You’re too fucking hot to be here tonight,” he said. “That’s the only warning you’re going to get.”

  “What am I supposed to do with a warning like that?” I asked, as he bent his head to my neck and raked his teeth along my skin.

  “Ignore it.”

  It was all the dog’s fault, and by extension, Drex’s. If Drex hadn’t found her, and she hadn’t backed me into a corner, I wouldn’t be sitting by a cooktop with my legs apart and a virtual stranger’s cock causing every nerve in my beat-up body to explode.

  He grabbed my wrists and forced them behind my back. “What’s that for?” I gasped.

  “You had your warning and now it’s too late. You’re mine.”

  When I tried to pull away, he gripped harder. “I like it when you struggle,” he said. “Not that it’ll get you anywhere.”

  His cock throbbed against me. The whisper-thin fabric of the shorts did nothing to conceal his length and thickness. And the way he held me with all his strength – it gave me every excuse I needed to give in and let him touch me, wherever and however he liked.

  As soon as I let my hands relax in his firm grip, my ring struck the granite counter. When it did, it made a light ringing noise that shattered my heart.

  That damn ring.

  Had a man put it on my finger? If so, where was he? What the hell was I doing right now?

  “Drex, no,” I muttered against his perfect, intoxicating lips. Every kiss was a drug, a healing balm on all the mental and physical wounds of the last few days.

  “Yes,” he said.

  “But we don’t know –”

  He let go of my wrists and took my chin in his fingers. “Look at me,” he said, his green-flecked gaze grabbing mine and not letting go. “What we don’t know won’t hurt us. Do you understand me?”

  “But –”

  “But, everything else is speculation. All we have is right now.”

  “We have tomorrow.”

  “Do we? Are you sure?” Still holding my chin, he began unzipping his jeans with his other hand. “Or do we just have this?”

  He took my hand and brought it to his cock. I was too compelled, too needy to pull my hand away. Slowly, searchingly, I ran my fingers across it, stroked its wide girth and felt the pulsing veins along the shaft. His groans of pleasure made my stomach tighten and dip. If I’d ever heard a man make such an arousing sound, I didn’t know it.

  “Sweet Jane,” he moaned. “Where did you come from? Heaven?”

  I thought of all the scorched desert miles I’d walked and barely survived. “Hell, actually,” I said, pressing my lips to the hollow of his throat.

  He exhaled a ragged breath. “Even better.”

  I’ve never done anything so crazy, I thought, before realizing that I had no way of knowing. This might be something I did every day, with every sexy man I could get my hands on.

  But my instincts said it wasn’t. It felt too much like a first time, with all of the heart-pounding excitement that came with it.

  “I’m going to have you,” he said. “Right here. Right now.”

  I gasped as he pinched my nipples. Everything was hurried except for the perfect, slow pressure of his fingers. That was gentle, meant to give me exquisite pleasure and break me down. To make me forget that I had another life somewhere. And that this might be very wrong.

  But wrong or not, my body craved him. I squeezed him harder and felt his huge cock pulse in response. “No turning back, now, Blue Eyes,” he said.

  For the first time today, I liked that nickname. A lot.

  I heard the soft click of nails on tile as Diesel got up and loped toward her kennel in the living room. Her master was about to ravish me and, apparently, that was reassurance enough for her.

  He took me by the waist, pulled me down off the counter, and whirled me around. With a quick tug
, he yanked the gym shorts to my knees. Then, using the toe of his boot, he pushed the fabric all the way to my ankles. It was raw, rough, and almost unbearably arousing.

  “Step out,” he ordered. “Spread your legs.”

  I stepped out and kicked the shorts aside. Planting my feet apart, I leaned my hands on the counter and silently begged him to fuck me.

  Please make me feel good. Take me away from whoever I am.

  As if he could hear every word, he grabbed my hips. “What an amazing ass you have,” he said. “Do you know how fucking perfect you are?”

  I shook my head. I was glad I was facing away so he couldn’t see me blush.

  “You’re more than perfect. You’re a goddess. I just want to look at you.”

  For a full minute, he held me still. My whole world hinged on the sizzling connection between his hands and my hips. Though we didn’t say anything, tension crackled between us, building and breaking like a silent storm.

  “Are you ready to be fucked?” he asked, sliding his hands to the backs of my thighs.

  It seemed crazy to admit it, but I’d lied enough for one day. “Yes.”

  He pressed the thick, throbbing tip against me. “I want you to feel it,” he said. “Feel how big and hard it is for you.”

  I squirmed against him, tempting him to enter me fast and hard. He smacked my ass. “Uh uh,” he said. “You’ll wait until I give it to you.”

  To be taken in hand felt like a sweet release. He would tell me what to do. He was in charge, and I didn’t have to be.

  But that didn’t mean waiting would be easy. I wanted him so much, even five seconds felt like the rest of my life. Chances were, I’d never been taken this quickly by an alpha male this drop-dead hot.

  A single inch. That was all he would give me.

  Even that he doled out slowly, stretching me open one blissful millimeter at a time. I was so tight he groaned, reaching between my legs and spreading me with his fingers to make room for his cock.

  “Are you sure you’ve done this before?” he whispered.

  “No,” I said.

  “As tight as you are, baby, neither am I.”

  I shivered against him and arched my back. I had to have him, now.

  “Every time you move, I’m going to slap you and make you wait longer,” he said. “Or didn’t I make that clear?”

  “You made it very clear,” I said.

  “So why are you still moving?”

  “I can’t help it.”

  His hand circled my neck. Fear and excitement became one as he tightened his fingers just enough that I felt the pulse pounding in his thumb.

  “Can’t help it? Or don’t want to help it?”

  I tried to turn my head and look at him but his grip was too strong. “I’m not sure.”

  His palm was cool and rough against my skin. “You like my hand on your throat, don’t you?” he said, a smile in his voice. “You like being owned.”

  Owned. Is that what I was? Owned by a man I’d known four hours?

  He must have felt me swallow. “This makes you nervous,” he said. “Doesn’t it?’

  I nodded slowly.

  “That’s okay. It will make what I’m about to do even better.”

  “What are you about to do?” I asked in a whisper.


  With a hard shove of his hips he went from zero to eight inches, filling me with every throbbing inch of his cock.

  A hot shudder started at my neck and spread in a rush to my feet. I hadn’t thought it would feel like this, as if he were fucking every inch of my body at once. When I cried out in pure bliss, I heard my voice bounce off the walls.

  “You love it,” he whispered against my ear. “You love my big cock inside you.”

  He’s a stranger. Whatever you feel for him right now is an illusion. You don’t know him, even though your body’s moaning something else.

  Maybe it was love at first sight – or first penetration. If such a thing was possible, it was happening to me right now.

  “Say it,” he said. “Tell me it feels good.” As if to remind me how impressively hung he was, he withdrew almost completely and drove into me again with a hard slam.

  “God, that’s incredible,” I breathed. “Good enough to die from.”

  He groaned through clenched teeth. “Damn, woman. You want to make me lose control?”

  “Of course I do.”

  He devoured my neck, sucking and biting as if he planned to leave bruises. My arms prickled from the pressure of his teeth against my spine.

  “Trying to leave your mark on me?” I asked.

  “You’re lucky I don’t brand you,” he said. “Burn my initials right into your skin.”

  His voice was dark and rough. The thought of being branded made me shiver. “You’d do that?” I asked in a broken whisper.

  “When I want something bad enough, I take it.”

  He wasn’t kidding. He wouldn’t even wait to take what he wanted on a bed. A kitchen counter would do, with dirty dishes stacked up and a mad dog on the loose.

  “They don’t make women like you,” he growled. “You’re something special, and I’m going to taste all of you.”

  Pulling out of me, he dropped to his knees and covered my ass with kisses and bites just hard enough to give me chills. I gasped when I felt his tongue rasp between my cheeks, licking me from wet pussy to ass again and again as if he’d never tasted anything so delicious.

  Whatever had happened to me, at least I’d lived long enough to experience this naughty moment of rapture. “I love that,” I whispered.

  “Not nearly as much as I do,” Drex said. “You’re fucking delicious. I could lick you for days.”

  Considering how exquisite it felt, days sounded just about perfect. I curved my lower back and went up on my toes, shamelessly giving him access to all of me. “You have an amazing tongue,” I said.

  “You have an amazing ass,” he said. “And I want to see it on the dining room table right now.”

  With one last lick, he stood and zipped his pants. “Come on,” he said, turning me by the shoulder. “I’m feeling very impatient tonight.”

  I stepped out of the shorts, leaving them in a nylon puddle on the kitchen floor. Feeling his eyes all over me, I walked naked toward into the dining room. He switched on the chandelier, bathing the room in soft, golden light.

  “Do as I said,” he commanded.

  The table was a long, rectangular antique, more than sturdy enough to hold both of us. I brushed back a strand of hair and saw my ring glint out of the corner of my eye. There it was again, almost too easy to ignore.

  It’s not gold. There’s no inscription. I don’t have an engagement ring. And I sure don’t feel married.

  “On the table,” Drex said brusquely.

  “But – it’s set for six people,” I said.

  He gave me a puzzled frown. “And that’s a problem how?”

  With one sweep of his powerful arm, he knocked two place settings onto the floor. Glasses and silverware and charger plates crashed against the hardwood, shattering and clattering with a deafening clang. Deliberately, with a sexy smirk, he went around to the other side of the table and did it again. Then he walked to each head and pushed everything off with an expression of absolute calm.

  The candlesticks hadn’t even finished rolling before he barked another order. “On the table, now. You’ve got no more excuses.”

  I stared at him in fascination. It was possible that all men were this dominant and demanding, but I didn’t think so. Six drunk Bandidos couldn’t have been so iron-handed.

  I heard the strains of slow salsa music from the radio on the terrace as I sat. Way out here and buck naked, I was hardly in a position to negotiate.

  “Okay?” I asked.

  “It’s okay, but it’s not enough,” he said. “Lie down.”

  I did. The wood was smooth and cool against my skin, and hard against the back of my head.

ts knocking, he walked over and stood in front of me. “Heels up.”

  “What are you going to do?” I asked, balancing my feet on the table’s edge.

  “Whatever pleases me,” he said. “And I promise it’ll please you, too.”

  With a slow smile, he started taking off his clothes. I’d felt his chest through his shirt when we were kissing, but I hadn’t seen it. He took his time, watching my face to gauge my reaction as each button showed another glimpse of smooth, hard, carved muscle.

  He slipped the shirt over one shoulder, then the other, and tossed it aside.

  “God,” I breathed.

  This was the male ideal – mine, anyway – and he was coming straight for me, pulling his belt from his jeans like he intended to use it. He slung it over the back of a chair, the silver buckle rattling against the wrought iron.

  “Knees apart,” he said. “I want to see how wet you are before you take my cock again.”

  At some point in my life, I must have had everything between my legs lasered into a neat, narrow triangle and nothing else. Thank God for that, I thought, letting my knees fall open.

  “What a pretty little pussy,” Drex said, unzipping his pants. “And the wettest I’ve ever seen.”

  “It’s your fault,” I said, stretching my arms above my head.

  “I take full responsibility.”

  Kicking off his boots, he let them thump to the floor. He pushed his pants and briefs down and stepped out of them, revealing his full masculine glory. I looked at him, a knot forming in my throat. I’d begun to feel like the most unlucky woman on earth, a nameless wanderer with three days of bad memories and a black cloud over my head.

  But being with a man like this – maybe life was worth living after all. If only for one amazing night.


  I’d promised myself I would be a gentleman.

  I would not, under any circumstances, tear Jane apart behind closed doors, in a kitchen, or on a table surrounded by smashed glass. But apparently my promises were hollow, because I was breaking them left and right.

  I’d fucked thirty women – all right, more than that – who were dolled-up, made-up, primped, and fake-eyelashed to within an inch of their lives. But nothing could equal Jane, with her naked, sun-kissed skin and those eyes, so big and blue makeup would only hide them. She was completely vulnerable, exposed, and open to me. Wide open and oh, so wet.


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