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Hush Page 6

by Jo Leigh

  TRACE FLICKED off the TV and got up from the bed. He walked over to the desk, looked at his computer, but there was no way he was going to be able to work. Not when he couldn’t stop thinking about Piper. She was up there now, waiting for him. Was she naked already? Or would she want him to do the honors?

  His gaze shifted to the key card in its innocent white case. It had been there when he’d walked into the room. Shoved under the door like a ransom note.

  There was no way he could justify going up there. So what if he wanted her? That was nothing new. What if Nicholas found out? It wasn’t worth contemplating. To put his career at risk for sex? Not a chance. He had it made. Hell, people would kill for his life. So what if it wasn’t his dream job? He’d stopped dreaming years ago. He’d smartened up. Done what everyone expected him to do. He’d gone to the right college, gotten the right grades in law school and moved into his father’s firm and the rest of his life without so much as a whimper. It would be suicide to agree to Piper’s plan even though he knew he’d never agree with her about Hush.

  He walked to the window and stared out at the Manhattan skyline. The smart thing to do would be to get to bed. He could check out in the morning. He had enough information to write up his report without seeing another thing. He’d gone to see the housekeeping facilities this afternoon, seen the Exhibit A sofa bar, too, and while he didn’t get the whole artistic-vision crap, he did understand what the sofas were meant for.

  Piper was crazy. And so was her little plan. He still couldn’t believe she thought he could be bought. It would serve her right for him to do just as she asked. She wanted sex? He could give her that, in spades. After all, they’d been dancing around this for years. It wouldn’t affect the outcome. She’d still lose if she didn’t change her ways.

  She’d end up working for Daddy in a Devon hotel. Her salary barely enough to keep her in her Prada and Kate Spade. Gone would be the burdens and opportunities that would come with her inheritance. Millions and millions of dollars. With that, she could do anything, be anything. He knew, without a doubt, that her father wanted her to use that money wisely. Only how could he believe that when she’d gone and built a hotel like Hush?

  Piper believed that Nicholas Devon was a bastard. That he thought she was a fool. But Trace knew differently. Devon could be a royal pain in the ass, but he didn’t do it out of spite. He wanted Piper to be more than she was. He wanted her to move from the tabloids to the financial pages. If she could prove herself now, the world would be her oyster. If.

  PIPER STEPPED out of the tub and grabbed one of the warmed towels. She’d stayed too long in the water, and she had the pruned fingers to prove it. She’d hoped he’d find her there, but that hadn’t come to pass. Just like the hope that she could build something of her very own. That she could win just one battle with her father. That she could stop wanting what she couldn’t have. Who she couldn’t have.

  Well, she’d taken her shot. It was over now. Done and done. Her only option now was to stop struggling and give in. Rip the very heart out of Hush and turn it into another Devon hotel. Just like all the other hotels. She’d make money. Lots of it. And she’d wait. Even Nicholas couldn’t live forever. Then she’d start again.

  In the meantime…

  She couldn’t think of one damn thing to bolster her spirits. Not one. She’d gambled. Big time. And she’d come up short. Tomorrow, she’d begin the transformation. All she had to do was figure out how to approach the press. A meeting with her PR team was definitely in order. Hell, she might as well use Trace. He’d already figured out how to dismantle Hush. How to steal her dreams.

  It was late and she was exhausted. She headed for the bedroom, not bothering with the teddy or the robe. She let her towel drop at the side of the bed, and then she slipped between the sheets.

  It was almost midnight. Her heart ached with a sadness she could hardly bear. But she’d have to, wouldn’t she? She’d have to put one foot in front of the other. Smile for the cameras. Take it on the chin.

  Tomorrow she’d be strong. She would. But not tonight. Tonight was for goodbyes. For endings. For surrender.

  She turned off the light and in the dark and the quiet, she let herself cry.

  PIPER CAME AWAKE, her glance catching the clock on the table. It was late, almost two-thirty. Something was wrong. She knew she wasn’t at home, it wasn’t that. There had been a noise…something.

  She turned and saw his shape next to the bed. A dark shadow within a shadow. Even though she couldn’t see the details, she knew it was Trace. She felt him. Reacted to him with a speeding pulse and a tightness in her chest.

  He didn’t say a word. Just reached down, grabbed the edge of her covers and whipped them down, leaving her naked and exposed on the white sheets.

  Then he was on the bed with her. She gasped as he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up, his face so close she could feel his breath. His heat. His fingers gripped her tightly. “This is a bad idea.”

  She nodded. “Very…”

  Then his lips came down on hers. And she was toast.


  IT WAS PIPER. Piper’s lips. Piper’s body. Piper’s bed.

  But it was also good.

  So good, he turned his head so he could feel more of her mouth, so he could tease her lips open, slip inside the wet heat and taste her. Moan as she tasted him back.

  Her hand on his shoulder brought him up short and he had to pull away from the kiss. He reached to his side and turned on the light. It only made things worse. He could hardly believe how aroused he was. His erection was going to bust his slacks if he didn’t do something about it soon.

  “What’s the matter?”

  He gazed at Piper. Her face was flushed, her eyes wide, but what really got to him were her lips, the memory of her taste. He’d imagined it so many times, and yet he’d never imagined… “This won’t change anything.”

  “Okay,” she said, as her brows came down in confusion.

  “I’m not going to change my mind.”

  “So you’re here because…”

  He sighed. “You deserve a chance.”

  She leaned past him and grabbed the silk comforter. When she sat back she covered herself, and he could have kicked himself for starting this stupid dialogue. “If your mind is made up, then what kind of chance do I have?”

  He opened his mouth, but he really hadn’t thought this through. “Maybe I can be a little more open.”


  Trace stood. He thought about leaving, but dismissed the idea when Piper caught her lower lip between her teeth. God, how he wanted her. But at what price? “I’m not sure.”


  “What this means.”

  “What do you want it to mean?”

  “You’re not an easy person.”

  “You just noticed?”

  He shook his head as he sat back on the bed. His hip touched her leg. Even with the comforter between them, it was an intimacy that erased all cogent thought.



  “Let’s see,” Piper said, a sly grin changing her expression yet again. “You don’t know what this means, and I’m not an easy person.”

  “Uh, right.”

  “And you were going to tell me what you want this to mean.”

  “I don’t know. All I’m sure about is that I don’t want to leave.”

  Her lips parted slightly as if he’d surprised her. Which was something, because he never surprised Piper. On the other hand, she surprised him on a regular basis. “You don’t?” she asked.

  He shook his head.

  “Why not?”

  “You’ve been around reporters too long.”

  “That’s an understatement, but don’t change the subject.” She leaned forward, rested her hand on top of his. “What do you want, Trace?”

  He looked at her slim fingers, her delicate nails. Then his gaze traveled up her bare arm, the curve of her shoulders. The hollow
at the base of her neck pulled him, and he was helpless to do anything but kiss that very spot.

  Her head went back and when she moaned, he felt a soft vibration. He kissed up her throat, amazed at the silky texture, the scent of flowers.

  She touched the sides of his face and when he looked up, she seemed as confused as he was, and as needy. The next kiss was on her lips. And then there was nothing confusing at all.

  Piper felt the covers slip down, baring her breasts, and all she wanted was for Trace to be closer, to touch her. She pulled back. “Clothes,” she said, her voice hardly recognizable.

  He seemed perplexed. “Clothes?”

  “Too many.” She went for his top button as he smiled.

  “Yeah.” He started with his belt and by the time she’d finished with his shirt, his pants were unzipped. He stood and got naked really, really fast, which was good, because she needed him next to her, touching her all over.

  She threw the covers off once more, and he laid down beside her, pulling her into his arms. His leg went over her thighs as they picked up where they’d left off. Only this time there were all these competing sensations from the rest of her. Breasts against hard chest, belly getting to know the shape of his erection, the feel of his back as her hands roamed.

  His mouth was ravenous. Teeth, tongue, lips, all of them couldn’t seem to get enough of her, and it was incredible because he knew exactly how to kiss. Not with that huge open maw that made her feel as if she were drowning, and not stingy at all, but deep and erotic, telling her exquisitely how much he wanted her.

  What shocked her even more was how much she wanted him.

  There’d always been something between them. Way more than the adolescent fantasies she’d had, this was much more complicated. Although it didn’t feel complicated right now. It was all about his tongue, his hand cupping her breast, the way he moaned when he rubbed against her.

  He moved back, and for a moment they just stared at each other, both of them breathing so hard it was as if they’d just run a mile. The way he looked at her made her laugh.

  “You look stunned.”

  “I am.”

  She slipped her hand down his stomach until her fingers skimmed over his erection. “And yet I’m sensing it’s not too unpleasant.”

  It was his turn to laugh, and oh, God, it was a revelation. She realized she’d never seen him like this. Relaxed. Not scheming at all, and there was something about his eyes. Damn. He looked at her with pleasure. With joy.

  She’d seen him hungry for her. Seen him suspicious, disgusted, confused. But never this. He’d never been more attractive, and she wanted him now.

  She curled her hand around his hard length, and took fierce pleasure in his low growl.

  “I’m praying hard you have a condom within reaching distance,” he said, just before he leaned over and captured her earlobe between his teeth.

  She shivered, and to her embarrassment, squealed a little. “In the bathroom.”

  “That’s very far.”

  “I know.”

  “But worth it.”

  “I know that, too.”

  He sighed, sending warm air into her ear, then he kissed her hard. A second later, he was on his feet, making his way quickly into the bathroom.

  She stretched out on the bed, not letting herself think about anything but the moment. Not the hotel, lord knows not her father. Not anything but the fact that after all these years, they were actually going to…

  “Any preference?”

  She turned to the bathroom. Trace, the man who wouldn’t leave the house without his Armani suit, Bruno Magli shoes and silk tie, was standing in the light, holding up a fan of small packets, proclaiming his excitement impressively. She held back her giggle as she shook her head.

  He hurried back, bobbing all the way. He dropped a pile of packets on the bedside table, then climbed into bed.

  “Great expectations?” she asked.

  “Hopeless optimism.”

  “Why Trace, this is a whole new side to you. I had no idea you had a sense of humor.”

  “Careful there, Piper.”

  “Oh?” she said, taking hold of his penis again. “And what are you going to do about it?”

  His eyes went quite wide. “Nothing. Not a thing. Have I mentioned how much I like your hair?”


  “Well, I like it short,” he said, moving a little closer. His hand went south, between her legs, where he teased the tiny bit of hair she had left from her Brazilian wax.

  “Cute,” she said.

  “May I ask you something?”

  She nodded.

  “Why is it we’re chatting when we could be doing so many other things with our mouths?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “Well,” he whispered, moving closer and closer. “Let’s see what we can do about that.”

  She closed her eyes when his lips touched hers. His fingers rubbed along the crease of her lips, the smooth skin incredibly sensitive. She returned the favor by stroking him, loving the feel of his thick heat.

  As his tongue did all kinds of delicious things, he slipped inside her, just stroking, up and down, teasing her with his patience. She ran her thumb over the head of his cock, spreading the slick around and down.

  He evidently liked that, if his hip buck was any indication. She smiled around his tongue.

  He liked that, too.

  She gasped as two fingers plunged inside her, pumping fast. She arched her back, her body thrusting against him.

  Just as it was getting really interesting, Trace pulled out and away. His hands went to her shoulders and he pushed her down so she was lying flat on the incredibly silky sheets. Towering above her, he made a show of ripping open the condom with his teeth, then rolling it on. Then he threw his leg over her hips, straddling her. One more kiss, a quick one, and he shimmied down, tasting, licking, nipping as he went lower. He spent some quality time with each of her breasts, paying special attention to her very sensitive nipples.

  She got to know the texture of his hair as she encouraged him. Loudly.

  He kept right on moving down. She hadn’t known the pleasure of the light scraping of teeth across the skin of her tummy, the lick of a tongue in her belly button.

  He spread her legs, nestled between them.

  Piper’s hands were still in his hair, and when he licked her, she yanked a little hard. “Sorry,” she said, even though she wasn’t. She wanted him to keep on doing what he was doing, only harder.

  He was a very quick study.

  Trace zeroed in, paying attention to the way she moved, how she responded. She liked it direct, pointed tongue, no messing around. Well, he could do that.

  He loved to do that.

  Her legs went around the back of his head as her hands kept him steady. She writhed beneath him, cried out, pulled his hair. And then she stiffened. Her voice got higher and more desperate, and he knew the minute she climaxed.

  Before she even relaxed her muscles, he was up on his knees, his hands under her thighs, lifting, and then he thrust inside her.

  He’d died and gone to heaven. She was tight and hot, and he didn’t close his eyes. He just watched her, this amazing creature, as her head thrashed on the pillow, her mouth open in a scream that was low and throaty and everything he’d wanted from her.

  He’d dreamed this. Her breasts, so beautiful, moved as he pumped into her, the rest of her pale, trembling, shimmering in the light.

  She reached her hands up above her, grabbing on to the scrolled headboard, steadying herself, pushing against his every thrust.

  His whole body felt on fire, all of it centered in the heat of this woman. This incredible creature who’d tormented him for so long. Their teasing had always had an undercurrent; lightly veiled innuendoes, unsubtle looks.

  And now he was with her, in her, and he didn’t give a damn about anything but this. He could feel it starting, the tightening, the pressure building, unbearably good

  He couldn’t help it, his eyes closed as his head went back, and then he was coming. White sparks behind his lids, a roar of triumph from his solar plexus, and every muscle, every sinew tight to breaking as he emptied and emptied, feeling her contract around him in the sweetest vise.

  Piper gasped for breath, the air burning in her lungs, her whole body trembling. It was as if her orgasm had gone on forever, that every time he moved, he stroked her, kept her right there.

  She watched his chest rise and fall, saw the sweat on his chest, on his arms. He was so gorgeous it made her hurt.

  All the years she’d thought about him, about this, and it was never this fine.

  Dangerous fine.

  Because she wanted more.

  TRACE WATCHED her sleep. He should be doing the same thing. It was late, or rather, early, and he had no business still being in her room, in her bed.

  But he couldn’t leave.

  They’d both collapsed. He’d managed to clean himself up, but barely. When he’d laid down, she’d curled herself around him, her arms, her legs. Her head tucked in the crook of his neck.

  Of everything that had happened, this was perhaps the biggest surprise. Her breath on his skin, the way she’d smiled at him before her eyes had shuttered closed.

  He wasn’t sure how he felt about it.

  Not the sex. This. The sex had been incredibly right, and better than anything he’d ever imagined. But being intimate?

  He laughed at himself, not missing the irony.

  He was sleeping with Piper Devon. A dream and a nightmare, all wrapped up in one gorgeous package. So what now?

  Did he take her up on her proposition? Did he partner with her, help her convince her father that Hush was a good idea? He hadn’t promised her, in fact, he’d made it very clear that he wasn’t going to budge.


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