"Awful lot. The riders talk. Too many cattle for the range. Too far to market to have any meat left on them when they get there. Why, you going to grow a slaughter house and a cannery, hah."
Taln said, when she'd gone, "Worked too hard, that one."
"Maybe I can fix that. I said, while visions of midnight roundups with slip sticks grew in my head. 'Where do you get this idiocy?' I asked myself. Then I wondered how long canned beef would last in a thermal vacuum two layered can?
'Can you see this happening, Colleen? How many cowboy volunteers would we get?'
'Organize it. If we can't sell the beef we'll use it onboard. I'll ask where most of the cows are when Pierre gets back.'
(Do it.)
Taln said, "I see from that smirk you've butchered all of Pierre's cattle."
"No, just the ones over two years. We'll provide dragon food for the rest, if needed. Welcome to the ranching business Taln."
"If it's all done sitting on the front porch, I can like it."
I said, "I think I'll go have a nap."
He got up too. "That's an opportunity for you to listen to the first four hours of the Phaeton history. I've modulated the delivery sonic to where they ought to penetrate, but still allow you bodily rest. Let's go see if it works."
"You've been sub-vocalizing while we sat, haven't you? I'm going to learn time optimizing from you, aren't I?"
"I'm too old to teach you much else, though I might dredge something up on social practices if I tried hard."
He led the way and soon I was sleeping peacefully, while I learned of a dead and gone people.
I awoke. Something was wrong. Then I realized what. The voice had stopped. I reviewed what I'd learned. The knowledge stream was continuous. Taln's experiment had worked. I hurried out of my quarters to tell him. He was gone, but Lillian and Suzy were back. I asked, "How did it go?"
Suzy said, "I now have places I didn't before. I know so because they hurt."
Lillian laughed, "She didn't do badly, didn't fall off once."
Suzy continued, "I could have used one of your belts M.Verdai. Then I would have floated along. Sure lots of cows, big and small, about. I think too many."
"Won't be for long."
I told them what I'd arranged. Suzy said, "I can sell what you don't want through my Chinese contacts. Chinese don't eat much meat, but some is necessary. I have money. I'll collect from the user later."
I said, "It's done. We'll have to ask what Pierre wants per head and go on from there. The price will be reasonable. (Colleen, do we have an accounts receivable department yet?)
I informed Suzy that we had banking channels through which she could pay.
She said, "Pierre owns the bank in Sante Fe, with other investors, I think. I don't know the details. He's a wealthy man."
"He's going to become wealthier. We're going to blame him for the new technology. Better him than some unknown person."
Lillian observed, "We dragon people might have some advancements, non-military, that we can throw into the mix. We'll discover that when we do the time dilation. When's that?"
"Three days. Suzy, I'm going to leave my ship here. You'll be safe in it under any circumstances. If you're attacked automatic programs will take over. I'll get you a belt too."
They both laughed at that.
"If a ship system won't work for you then it's shut off. All else, if you can figure them out you can use them. Taln is going to be here, or up on the plateau. The other two Captains might be here. You'll not suffer for company. Though I'm not saying any company is better than your own. Understand? I'll just shut my mouth now."
The three of us laughed. Suzy patted me on the shoulder.
My belt sensors beeped, incoming, a Grouper Wagon. Rafe and Pierre back from the border, the recognition signal said. They landed a distance away under Invis. Rafe walked out first, and then Pierre. I went to meet them along with Suzy and Lillian.
Rafe shouted, "Greetings."
Pierre waved.
They didn't seem stressed, so I concluded events had been to their liking. I fell in step beside Rafe and he asked, "What has befallen you today?"
"Oh, we're going into the beef business. Pierre what do you want per head for your full grown cattle, on the range?"
"On the range? I'd be happy to get five dollars per head. But we want to leave some breeding stock. I know the range is over grazed, but Sante Fe takes only so many head."
I said, "Done. You can supervise the culling. No, no, from your dining room. You'll see. Anybody else have any cattle to sell, neighboring ranches?"
"You'd have to go a far ways to find someone, I haven't bought out. But if it's cattle you want, I'll put the word out."
"You do that. We'll sort out the details later. Tell anyone they just have to gather them on their own land."
He looked at me sort of odd, so I said, "You'll see. We're bringing a combined slaughter house and canning factory. Do people like their beef unseasoned, or what?"
Suzy said, "Mexican, hot, Chinese, nothing, Indian, smoked flavor, white, all sorts of ways, I'll make a list."
(Are you getting this Colleen?)
Rafe offered me his arm when we came to the almost dry river bed. "Give, give, that didn't take you all day to sort out. What else have you been doing?"
"Actually I slept through the afternoon, while learning about Phaeton. Taln has shared with us a sleep learning technique. It will catch on like a wild fire."
Pierre asked, "Can I use it, and my people?"
Taln was still sitting on the porch. I said, "Ask him, but I don't see why not, if they are not afraid."
"My people don't fear."
We'd see about that.
Taln rose and greeted us. "Nancy must have a sixth sense. Supper is on the table, just now."
Pierre said, half seriously, "I've often suspicioned exactly that."
After supper everybody but Rafe and I scattered. I said, "I'm going in the time bay in three days. Can we go up to ARK IV tomorrow and spend the night. There are some important items we need to cover."
"Always the mysterious one, sure, why not, the war here won't be lost in a day, or in the week you'll be gone."
"True. I've put Suzy in charge of the canning business. She'll work behind Pierre, but he doesn't need more details right now. When you're back, decide with him which technology we want to introduce first. I almost forgot. Taln thinks it would be useful to have everybody on the planet using a World Phone. I think he should start with world leaders and go down. But I told him to go ahead and left it in his hands."
"Man oh man, I go away for a day, and I come back to a different world. Good for you. That's exactly what Thelma wants."
"Speaking of Thelma, shouldn't she be giving birth soon?"
"To tell you the truth, I've lost track, but soon is correct. I don't think I'll be leaving the theater of operations here, unless there's some emergency naturally, in which case you're the boss."
"I'll carry on. Suzy mentioned Pierre is wealthy. He is going to be wealthier beyond description because as I see it, we should channel all the released new technology through him."
He thought for a moment and said, "I can't see any easier a way to do it. He'll come to the attention of the ANNU KI, if that's not already the case. I think we'll have to organize another MI Battalion just to handle security around Sante Fe. (Molly, Sally, are you getting this?)
(Make it order number whatever and get it going right now.)
I asked, "Are you going retire now, or do you and Pierre have further business?"
"Might as well get this new Tech handled now."
"Fine, I'm going back to my ship. I have a date for a midnight ride. Taln and I
are going to scout the second plateau."
"Slip Sticks? Oh, you young at heart. Don't fall off. See you in bed."
Taln was walking around my ship when I approached. It had been dusk for a while.
He said, "I was about to think you'd forgot."
"Forgot a moonlight ride, with my favorite Captain, never."
We went directly to the stick launching bay. I didn't have a favorite since I'd made all of them up to my standards. I said, "Pick one, turn it on with the big switch on the cross bar."
"I know. I came up here and read the manuals. Also practiced hovering, and back and forth. I'm confident I'll be fine, and I will buckle up, master."
I wanted to boot him, but there's always dignity. And we weren't that friendly yet.
I grabbed one, turned it on, and hopped aboard. It adjusted for my weight while I put on the seat belt. I put the helmet on and switched on the low freq. Radio, "Testing, testing."
"Tested, tested. I am ready."
So I shot out the doorway and climbed above the second plateau. Through infra-red it looked rock strewn. Boulders had rolled almost to the forward cliff edge. They would have to be dealt with, no matter what, before they came down on the first plateau. The helmet visor read out showed Taln beside me. My right hand turned on the range finder and it showed two and a half miles back to a cliff which faded upward in the distance. It would be a difficult climb, up or down. So we'd probably be safe from low tech attackers. I viewed left and right, same thing.
I said, "Let's sweep, you right, me left. See if there's anything of note but boulders.
We swept, nothing of note. It could be cleared in no time with disintegrators.
I asked, "See anything Taln?"
"No. It's a perfect site. About 220 degree visibility, straight on, bent, to 300 I'm sure."
(Colleen, get with Jesere and find out what kind of a complex he wants and get on with it the minute he makes up his mind. I would like the force bubble to include the dwellings below.)
'Taln, we're done here. Do you want to ride for fun?"
"I show full charge. Let's look around. Humor me please."
"Lead on. I'll be on your left wing."
We soared far and wide. When we got back to the barn we were on one third charge, grinning ear to ear. These sticks were better than growing wings. We put the sticks back in their slots. The chargers started to hum. We bowed to each other and went off to our beds. Or maybe he had other plans. He looked quite young, or maybe I was seeing his spirit. But that's what's important, no?
The next morning I turned the dial to make the Wagon's windows transparent. The view was of the rear of the ranch house. Two bath houses had been placed between us and the rear door. People were milling around them. Shortly someone would work up enough nerve to go inside. That someone was Nancy. I made the window opaque again. I didn't want to see her face with happy on one side and unhappy on the other
I poked Rafe in the ribs and said, "They've been delivered."
"What the hell has been delivered? It's the middle of the night. Is an emergency developing?"
"No, it's 0500. The bath houses have been delivered."
"All right. Now can I sleep a while longer?"
"Of course."
He didn't sleep. He tossed and turned. I finally noticed the tool was ready, so, do the job when the tool is ready, had been my motto for many years.
It was about 0900 when we casually walked into the dining room for coffee.
Pierre said, with a straight face, "There are some cold fried potatoes and bits of bacon left. Help yourselves."
We did, bloody delicious.
I let the conversation between Taln, Tritchka Rachel, Suzy and Lillian sink into my consciousness. They were complimenting the bath houses. Damn, did I ask for two for the hired hands, 'Colleen?'
I looked at Rafe, "Are you ready for a noon liftoff?"
"I have a few details to cover with Pierre. I should be done by then."
I waved Lillian to our end of the twenty foot table. When she got to us I asked, "Are you ready to go up to ARK IV about noon?"
She checked the swords behind her shoulders and the cross bow she'd
dismantled, and wore in a pouch at her waist. "I am packed, ready, anytime you say."
"Thanks Lillian. That was all I wanted to know. Say, what's that on your belt next to the cross bow?"
"That's from Taln, sonic pistol he says, dependable. There were plenty in their armory. We'll have to test it."
"For sure. I'm going to my ship and collect some things, Lillian, Rafe; I'll see you both at noon by the Wagon."
I stopped next to Taln on the way out of the room and said, "You realize my auto-pilot is interactive don't you?"
He said, "I've spoken with it. Not as thorough a programming as I would have done, but I'm sure it will suffice for now."
"Good." I left. What was there to say? He programmed space stations. He thought himself through a trillion years. 'Suck it up and learn from your elders.' I reminded myself.
I laughed at the old Ranger Training Sergeant's favorite saying. He was probably still saying it. "Do it on Company time with Company gear." Must look him up someday.
I patted the guide rail along the gang plank when I exited, 'Rest easy good ship, I'll return soon.'
I dropped my bag by the wagon thinking to look inside the bath houses. Not a chance. A steady stream of customers came and went. I saw repeats and thought, 'later'.
Rafe and Lillian arrived and we boarded. Rafe sat left seat. He cleared the ranch area and set three quarter lift. I had an impression that he wanted to go all out, just my consideration.
Once onboard, Rafe went to attack his in-box. Lillian and I went to the time bays to make sure everything was there. Also to look over the skills list to make sure the people we needed were on hand.
Colleen was sitting inside the door at a clear desk, must have just been delivered, from the lack of unfinished work not piled on it. Or maybe she handled tasks instead of putting them aside. She rose to greet us saying, "Good to have you back FO. And this is Lillian, pleased to meet you." She stuck out her hand. There were no grimaces of pain so I surmised she met Lillian's approval. She continued, "Everything has been handled but the question of a refractory. That came up from discussion with one of the theorists. She said last time you'd not been able to complete tests for lack of one."
I decided, "Get two multiple force field shapers and two dust furnaces. That should take care of the previous obstructions."
"Will do."
"And you can show us, or have someone show us, to where Lillian and I are set up."
"I'll show you myself."
She put a sign on her desk saying, "Hold that pose. I'll be back soon."
We went through the main bay to an airlock, into a lab with kitchen, bed room, and a bath.
Colleen said, "This is intended as a quarantine space, never been used. Scientists were supposed to work with patients in this area, so all kinds of diagnostic equipment are here."
I said, "I'm going to leave you here, Lillian. Look around, if you don't see it and we need it, Colleen will arrange for procurement. The both of you come to supper about 1800 and we'll discuss details. Colleen, take her by my uniform store. Lillian, Rafe and I have a social engagement at 2100, so Colleen will bring you back here. See that anything you need for creature comfort is loaded in. Short of imminent death, we'll be cut off for sixty days. Duties call, see you later."
I left and while walking along the hall called the twins. One of them answered. I said, "Dinner 1800."
I ended up on the FO's, my ship. Damn, two ships, I was coming along fine. I needed privacy, as much as one can get with telepaths around. I sat in the living room and created a privacy cell.
Then I took my Ranger phone out of a pocket, which had been delivered along with a complete reissue of Ranger uniforms and equipment, and dialed HQ.
"Put me through to Armament Research."
"AR, Louis, name your game."
"Louis, this is Marion number two, AKA M.Verdai Dunn-Berger."
"Understood, read the brief, what are you lacking?"
"A weapon which will kill a small ship, that can reverse directions, on any vector, at 30,000 Kilometers per Hour."
"ANNU KI fighters?"
"Yes. Haven't seen any of them here, yet, but that's what it will take."
"Understood, read your report. Dragon Lady Lillian. Maybe she has a sister?"
"You've been in the lab too long." I observed.
"Damn straight, curse of a genius." He laughed. "I don't have it pinpointed yet, been working on it day and night, whole crew, big crew, serious stuff. We here aren't that far removed. Human body, our bodies, won't do it. You’re A-Is could. What's the chance?"
"Slim to none. It's our fight."
Concern was evident in his voice, "You change that, we survive, if not, we don't. We're almost to a piloted counter weapon but you have to get the pilot. That's that."
"Good talking with you Louis. We'll do lunch when I get back."
"I'll be waiting, out."
I turned the phone off. Like he said, "That was that." Damn. Have to tell Lillian we would be the saviors, or there wouldn't be any.
I went to Betty's office off of Med Deck to thank her personally for being there during our recent trying events. Fortunately, she was there. I said, "Words don't describe how crucial you've been during the last days, and overall, but it's all I have. Thank you."
"I'll blush. You're welcome. Sit and tell me your latest problem."
"You sure? Of course you're sure. OK, it's the lack of a pilot to fly a craft doing 359 degree turns at 30,000 KPH."
She hesitated, looked deeply into my eyes, considered, and then said, "I know you and Lillian are going into time drop to solve this question, so, in the spirit of team play I'm going to share. Also I'm going to block you from repeating what I'm saying to anybody but Lillian. Do you accept those limitations?"
Greener Green II: The Balls Brigade Page 16