Complete Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy

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Complete Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy Page 18

by K E Osborn

  “I think you got the Loch Ness Monster at the end of that thing, Son,” Mike says.

  I freeze at the mention of the word, son. I look at him, he smiles and I snap myself out of it just in time for the fish to slide out of the water. It’s a decent size and Mike slaps me on the back.

  “Good job, Aiden.”

  We unhook the fish and then throw it back in the water.

  “Thanks Mike, for everything.”

  He smiles and his eyes well up again and mine do, too. I put the rod down and Mike steps closer as his tears flow over and down his cheeks.

  “I love you, Aiden. I know it’s not very manly to say, but it’s true. You’re my son and nothing will change that fact, and I don’t want anything to change between us. I know there’s tension and I don’t blame you, but all I ask is for you to take some time and see that this isn’t all bad. Like I said, I love you, Son, and I always have.”

  He steps closer and throws his arms around me in a tight hug. I feel awkward for a second or two, but then suddenly the awkwardness dissipates and I hug him back. Man to man – Father to Son. He sniffs and pulls back, wiping his cheeks with his forearm. I do the same and then we both start laughing, obviously remembering the fish at the same time. He slaps me on the back and we sit back down for an afternoon of more fishing and some more bonding.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Spending time with Mike at the lake house was a great idea. I’m still a little uptight and stressed about it all, I think that's only natural, but as far as getting to know Mike, well that’s been a successful mission. I could tell Mom was happy that I was putting in the effort to really get to know Mike, even though I thought I knew everything, I really didn’t. I asked about my grandparents and he told me about the tragic fire that took them. He also told me all about how he built a crib for me when I was a baby and that he learned his woodworking skills from his father, who was a carpenter. He even offered to show me some carpentry when we got back home. So we bonded over his love for all things wood and I even made a miniature baseball bat for Brody. I was pretty proud of myself because all I’ve ever known is finance and money. Mike is teaching me how to do things with my hands. I can tell Jeni is happy to see me relaxing and spending time with Mike and Brody, three generations forging a strong bond.

  * * *

  It’s a couple of days before Mom and Mike’s wedding and this place is a mad house. There’s things being delivered pretty much all day, every day. Sarah and Chris are staying with us until the wedding, so everything can be organized from here. They are getting married here and Mike has a surprise location for the reception, which I know Mom will love.

  Chris and I had a long chat and I apologized for hitting him. I shouldn’t have done that and it’s something I’ve felt bad about ever since. He, of course, being the great guy that he is, has forgiven me. He knew I was just stressed and lashing out at the people I care the most about, but that was still no excuse. It was great, he understood and that things are even better between us.

  The house is totally full and even though I have no time to relax, it’s nice having everyone here, together as a family. Adam, Blair, Benjamin, Chris and I are out the back cooking the barbeque for our dinner, when Adam looks at me strangely. He’s been really quiet all night, well, Adam is always quiet, but tonight he’s particularly silent.

  “Hey Adam, what's been going on with you?” I ask, while turning the steaks on the grill.

  He looks at me and exhales. “Okay, here goes. Aiden can I ask you something?”

  I smile and nod. “Sure, what’s up?”

  He takes a long drink of his beer and then looks around to see who’s listening. He takes my arm and leads me around the side where no one can hear. He’s got me a little concerned at this point, and I’m starting to think it has something to do with Brielle. He seems nervous as fuck and I’m not liking it at all. If he tells me he’s cheated on her I’m going to snap his neck!

  “Okay, so Bree and I have been together a long time now, and seeing as Alistair isn’t here anymore, I figure you’re the right person to ask,” Adam says, still looking over his shoulder to make sure no one overhears. I scrunch my eyebrows together and look at him confused.

  “Adam, what do you need to ask me?” I ask, sounding harsher than I needed to.

  He inhales sharply and pulls something out of his pocket. It’s a ring box and I instantly break out into a massive smile.

  “I know you love me dude, but I don’t think you should propose. I’m a married man.”

  He laughs and opens the box to show a stunning ring, encrusted with diamonds and one very large oval diamond on top. It must have cost him a fortune.

  “Shut up! Do you think Bree will like it?” he asks and a drop of sweat runs down his forehead.

  “Dude, she’ll love it,” I say and pat him on the shoulder.

  “Okay, so, what I guess I wanted to ask was, seeing as you are like the head of the family now, I was wondering, if I could have your permission to ask Bree to marry me?” he asks and I have no idea why he’s nervous, he knows I’m going to say yes. We all love him and he treats her extremely well. I’m sure I couldn’t have picked a better match for her myself. I’m totally honored that he asked me though.

  “Adam, of course you can. You didn’t need to ask me. You know as well as I do that you’re already a part of this family. Now you can just make it official, and I know Bree will be over the moon. When are you planning on asking her?”

  “I was thinking at the reception in the barn. It’s such a significant place for Callie and Mike and I thought that I might make it a significant place for us too. What do you think? Not too tacky?” he asks, listening intently and waiting for my advice.

  I wrap my arm around his shoulder and laugh. “Adam she’d love it if you proposed to her in the toilet. Anywhere you do it she’ll love because, I know, she absolutely cherishes you. But the sentiment behind the barn will make it all the more special. Good idea dude, now go put that ring away before someone see’s it.”

  “Thanks Aiden, your approval means everything to me.”

  We walk back to the barbeque, after our little secret men’s business meeting.

  “Hey, did you two go off to make out or something?” Blair jokes and we both roll our eyes.

  “The steaks are ready. Aiden, do you wanna let the women know?”

  “Okay ladies, dinner’s ready,” I announce and Jeni smiles at me and I wink at her.

  “So, I saw you and Adam walk off. Was that what I think it was?” she asks.

  My wife doesn’t miss a trick. “He’s going to propose at the reception,” I whisper to her and she squeals and jumps on the spot, then quickly regains her composure.

  “It’s about freaking time,” she whispers back and kisses me on the cheek. Mom comes up with Brody on her hip and she places him at the table while the girls sleep inside. Ethan is playing with Charlie while Ella makes kissy faces at Brody. I know they’re only young but I can’t help but wonder if sometime in the future, Brody and Ella will end up together. They absolutely love each other and growing up together can definitely enhance the feelings. I know I’m jumping the gun a bit, I mean they are only babies and I’m probably just being stupid, but it would be pretty awesome.

  * * *

  The next two days fly by, so fast, I don’t even realize that it’s the night before the wedding. Jeni is kicking us men out to the guest house, because they don’t want Mike to see Callie before the wedding. What a stupid tradition! It doesn’t matter though, it means a guys' night in the guest house. We kiss our women goodbye and walk to the guesthouse. Mike is quieter than normal. I walk up next to him and pat him on the back.

  “How’s those pre-wedding jitters?” I ask and he looks at me and smiles.

  “Well, they’re definitely there, I can’t deny it, but I’m more excited than anything. I’ve been waiting my entire life to marry your mother. I can’t believe this time tomorrow she will officially be mine. I
need someone to pinch me so I know I’m not dreaming.”

  I smile and nod. “Yeah it’s an amazing feeling isn’t it. I remember the night before I married Jeni I was petrified and excited at the same time. I knew that I wanted to be her husband more than anything and it was the best decision I’ve ever made.”

  “I hope that I can make your mother happy. That’s all I’ve ever wanted Aiden, was for you and your mom to be happy, and well cared for and looked after. I hope I can do that for her now,” Mike says as we reach the guest house.

  “Mike, I was going to wait until after the wedding to tell you, but if you’re worried about money I have a solution that will fix it. I have bought a carpentry business for you, I will help with the finances if you like, but as far as the rest of it goes, you know all about that stuff so the business is yours. It’s my wedding gift to you. I know you want to look after Mom the best you can, so let me help you get what you want. I won’t take no for an answer,” I say and he chuckles and shakes his head in awe.

  “I know you won’t. You definitely get your selflessness from me. I know there’s nothing I can say to change your mind. So instead, I’m just going to thank you. So, thank you Aiden, I really appreciate it. I’ve always wanted my own workshop, and you have given that to me, so let me repay you by teaching you, if you want to learn?”

  “That sounds great, in fact I would like to come and work for you one day a week, so you can teach me everything you know about carpentry. I would love to finally be able to get my hands dirty and work like a real man,” I laugh and Mike grins at me.

  “What about me driving you and Jeni to work?” he asks.

  “Never mind that, I will find someone and you just concentrate on your business and making the workshop run exactly how you want it,” I say and slap him on the back.

  He shakes his head at me and smiles, and in that moment I know I have done the right thing.

  We spend the night playing poker and casually drinking, but not too much, the last thing we want is for the groom and groomsmen to be hung-over or worse still drunk when we arrive at the alter. I know Sarah and Chris are more than organized. I’m very grateful to them for helping us with this wedding. The ceremony is taking place at sunset, on the edge of the cliff overlooking Mornington Vale, right where Jeni and I had our first night together, under the stars all those years ago. I know it’s going to be beautiful. Mike bought old man Harris’ farm, including the barn, which is being decked out as the Reception venue. There’s going to be a dance floor and tables set up around it. There is only a small amount of guests attending, but I’m sure Sarah will make it work. I have every faith in her ability.

  We finish up playing poker and we all head off to our rooms. I sit with Mike after everyone else leaves just to make sure he’s okay. I know nerves can be hard to deal with.

  “Hey, how you holding up?” I ask quietly as we pack up the poker table.

  “Surprisingly, I’m okay. Still really nervous, but I kind of feel calm at the same time. Does that even make sense?”

  “It makes perfect sense,” I say and slap him on the back. I head off to bed, wondering what my wife is doing and how my kids are. I’ve only been away from them for a few hours and I miss them already. I know I’m a sappy shit, but I love my family.

  I wake the next morning and today is the day my father and mother will finally say ‘I do’, and to be honest I couldn’t be happier. We all had an extra long sleep in seeing as the wedding isn’t until this evening. It’s nice to be able to sleep without my son waking me early by jumping on me. We all hang out watching football, eating and watching television and none of us getting ready until the last minute. I check to make sure I have the rings. The last thing I want is for me to lose them, Mom would kill me.

  Mike is actually quite calm. He’s laughing and chatting along with the other guys like it’s any other normal day. It seems like I’m the most nervous one here. I decide to call Jeni, I miss her and I want to check in with Mom, just to make sure everything is okay.

  I dial her number and she picks up first ring. “Hey babe, I was just about to call you, I literally had the phone in my hand ready to dial,” she says, the sound of her voice soothes me instantly.

  “Hey baby, I miss you. I don’t want to have to spend another night away from you again, okay?”

  “Fine by me. How are you doing, you seem nervous?” she says, reading me like a book.

  “I am, I don’t know why? I’m not getting married, so I have no idea why I am,” I say honestly.

  “Babe, this is a big day for your family. Your dad is marrying your mom after years of them being apart. It’s a big deal and as the best man I can understand why you want everything to be perfect,” she acknowledges.

  “You’re right. I think I’ve been checking for the rings every five minutes. How’s Mom?”

  “She’s the happiest I’ve ever seen her Aiden. She’s positively glowing. I didn’t know so much positivity and delight existed until this morning. How’s Mike?”

  “Pretty much the same. Completely calm and as happy as I’ve ever seen him. It’s awesome to watch,” I say and look over at Mike who’s smiling at me.

  “Okay, I’ve been busted I better go. Just quickly, how are the kids? Did the twins sleep through?” I ask and Jeni laughs.

  “Yes, they did for once. I better go, Trish and Mom are calling me to get my hair done.”

  “Okay, baby, love you,” I say.

  “Love you too, see you soon,” she says and hangs up.

  “Man, you are so whipped,” Blair says and I laugh because it’s true.

  “Yeah, maybe, but I don’t care, I love my family so much,” I say and he laughs at me.

  “Okay, Mike should we start getting ready?” I ask and Mike smiles brightly.

  “Absolutely, I can’t wait.”

  We walk upstairs to the bedroom to put on our suits.

  * * *

  Mike is calmer than I have ever seen him as we walk toward the edge of the cliff, where people are now starting to arrive and mingling. The sun is just starting to set and Sarah has done a wonderful job. There’s an archway with gilded roses covering it entirely and white chairs line an aisle with a bright white carpet leading to the archway. There’s flowers everywhere and the place is dimly lit with lanterns placed periodically. It looks beautiful and I know Mom is going to love it when she sees it. We walk over to greet some friends and family who are here for the ceremony. I see Nana and I’m more than a little surprised to see her here. I just assumed she wouldn’t show up.

  “Hey Nana, it’s great to see you. I didn’t think you would come?” I ask as she hugs me.

  “Oh, sweetheart, of course I’d come. Just because Alistair was my son doesn’t mean that I love Callie and Mike any less. I watched them grow up yearning for each other. I knew this day would come and I wanted to be here with them both to celebrate. Plus, I love a good wedding, don’t you?” she asks and I smile. I lead her to the front of the chairs so she can sit on Mom’s side.

  “Aiden, sweetheart, I want you to know that I know. Your mother told me that they finally told you about Mike being your father. Don’t worry, I already knew. I knew, the moment I saw Mike at the hospital when you were born. So, don’t worry about how it will affect me. I’m just glad that you know now and it absolutely does not affect our relationship. I am still your nana, as long as you want me to be, even if we don’t share the same blood. I will always be your nana. I love you Aiden.”

  “Thanks Nana, I love you too, and you absolutely will always be my nana, as long as you want me,” I say and she pats my arm. I lean down and give her a kiss on the cheek and then I walk over to stand next to Mike who’s waiting for Mom to show up.

  The sun is setting and the string quartet starts playing and I’m instantly nervous again. I see Jeni and Brielle walking toward us, followed by Mom and Blair. Brielle walks down the aisle followed by Jeni, who looks ridiculously stunning. I smile as I watch her the whole way. Then Mo
m walks down the aisle and she looks radiantly beautiful in her lace gown. I look across to Mike and his eyes are filled with tears as she walks closer toward him. She reaches the top of the aisle and Mike takes both her hands in his and then leans in kissing her quickly.

  “It’s not that part yet,” the Minister says.

  “Sorry, couldn’t resist,” he says and we all laugh.

  The ceremony goes without a hitch, as the sun sets in its aquamarine and pink hues over the city of Mornington Vale. Blair takes photos throughout the entire ceremony and I’ve never seen Mike and Mom look so happy. Mom keeps wiping tears from her face as Mike says his vows to her and he cries when she says hers to him. I can see Jeni is starting to well up and I can’t help but get a little choked up myself when I hand them the rings.

  The ceremony concludes and we make our way down the aisle to have some more photos taken. I walk over to Jeni and kiss her cheek. She smiles as we get into the cars on our way to the botanical gardens for more photos, the same place where Jeni and I got married.

  “You look… amazing,” I say, using our word and she laughs.

  “Well, you don’t scrub up half bad yourself,” she says as she leans in and kisses me strongly.

  * * *

  We arrive at the barn after having a million and one photos taken by Blair and his apprentice. Mom’s eyes light up when she sees the barn again and she looks at Mike with a beaming smile.

  “Mike, our Reception is in the barn?” she asks.

  “Sure is, and not only that, but I bought old man Harris’ farm. This barn is now all yours, honey.”

  Mom breaks down in tears while we all smile at her and Mike holds her close to him.

  “I can’t believe you bought this place just for me, Mike. I really am so lucky to have you, after all these years,” she says.

  We get out of the car and walk into the barn once we are announced. The guests cheer as we walk in, as a family, rather than in couples. It was a nice touch that Mom wanted to do. The barn has been cleaned out, there’s no hay bales or baby animals, but a pristine white room with a chandelier hanging from the center with silk white material billowing down over the ceiling which gives it a romantic feel. Fairy lights line the walls of the barn and are interwoven with the silk material all over the ceiling. I know Mom will be impressed because I am.


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