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Sam Page 2

by R. Greening

  I knew she could take care of herself. It didn’t make it any easier. Texas was like a little sister to me. Whoever she needed me to collect must be important. Otherwise, she never would have called me.

  Chapter 5


  She’s been gone for a while, and I was starting to let the fear of her not returning sink in. The phone she gave me started ringing, and I quickly answered it trying not to drop it in my desperation.

  “Lexa listen to me, I’m calling Sam. He’s coming for you trust him and only him.”

  That was it. She didn’t wait for a response just told me to wait for some guy to come and rescue me. The gun felt heavy in my hand as I slid down the wall.

  I wasn’t sure I wanted to be rescued by some guy. Exhaustion was taking its toll on me. I feared falling asleep, he would come for me in my dreams.

  There wouldn’t be any rainbows or pretty gold. It would be him bleeding out as I took his life. The way his eyes turned glassy and dull.

  Shivers almost like someone was walking on my grave skirted up my spine and into my subconscious. There was no running from what I did.

  Did I regret making him suffer? No! I would never regret what I did. But the images were burned into my brain. I was a murderer.

  I lost track of time as my demons surrounded me. My sensitive ears picked up the sound of a motorcycle approaching.

  Quickly standing I turned, scanning the open area for a place to hide. For a dark corner to put myself in. I was going to kill again.

  It was a feeling I had. Pressing the gun against my thigh, I moved fast. Faster than I thought I could and then I heard the door opening.

  Its rusted hinges, making loud noises as it was forced open. Then curses took the place of the doors obnoxious sounds.

  He was in the house. I had no fucking clue who he was or why he was here, and I wasn’t positive it wasn’t the man who was supposed to save me.

  My eyes widen as he entered the open space. The cocky fucker just strolled right in. Raising the gun, I fire at the wall above his head and to the left.

  “Fuck you, crazy ass bitch!”

  I snarled even as my lady parts sat up in attention. He was hot. Really Lexa? You’re seriously thinking about that now?

  I’ve never wanted a man more than I wanted him.

  “Don’t make me shoot you.”

  I tried to keep the desire deep below the surface, but some of it started leaking into my voice.

  “Texas sent me.”

  I wasn’t sure I could trust him, but the tone of his voice even with all the anger told me he was honest.


  “Fuck yeah, who the hell did you think it was?”

  “I don’t know? I just knew I needed to put a few bullets into whoever it was if it wasn’t you.”

  “Well, you almost put a bullet in me.”

  He was amused, and that irritated me.

  “I still can.”

  “Yeah, yeah, sweetheart.”

  It grated that condescending tone. Pointing the gun at his feet, I made sure to miss him by a few feet. Let’s face it, I wasn’t some gunslinger no need to hurt the man.

  “Fuck! Cut that shit out.”

  I smiled sweetly at him.

  “Look, I was sent to collect you.”

  “Do I look like I need collecting? I’m not some object.”

  His eyes turned from anger to humor. He was silently laughing at me.

  “Come on, I don’t have time for this shit. I will leave your ass here.”

  I looked at him. I mean really look at him. It was entirely possible of him leaving me here. He had a great poker face.

  Sighing, I lowered the gun before putting it in the small of my back. The leather jacket Texas lent me gave it coverage as it found security in the waistband of my skinny black jeans.

  Sam was watching my every move. His eyes flicked over me. A half smile on his handsome face. Then I felt it. My panties almost combusted right there on the spot.

  He was too fucking hot for my sanity. Even after what I witnessed I still felt desire. What was wrong with me?

  “You can fill me in later, but right now we need to go.”

  I nodded. He was right, Texas sounded worried. She didn’t even sound scared or upset when we were killing that man.

  Walking past Sam, I made my way outside. The sun was setting, turning the sky into hues of orange and pink. I always loved the sunset, it brought color to the sky.

  My favorite part was the sky turning black and then fill with little glimmering gems. I looked at his bike and swallowed hard.

  I was going to get on that. I would need to wrap myself around that man. Feel his hard body pressed between my thighs.

  Could I do it? Fuck, would I survive it? My sanity was taking a nose dive and fast. While I was debating, he was already climbing on.

  “Get on we need to go.”

  His tone left no space for arguing. Swinging my leg over the back, I scooted close to him. He was hard just like I thought he would be.

  My fingers laced over his rock-solid abdomen. Those panties I feared would combust, just did.

  I felt like I was on fire. When the bike started the fire spread, and then the most embarrassing thing happened, I moaned in pleasure.

  The moment it slipped past my lips I felt him stiffen and I wished I could take it back. I wished the ground would open and swallow me.

  That was the only reaction I got. He showed no signs of feeling it too. I hate you Karma!

  Chapter 6


  The ride was difficult with my dick ready to pound nails into concrete. She was all hot and sweet moaning slightly as we rode hard to the clubhouse.

  How the fuck do I deal with this shit? Texas just dumped her on my lap with no explanation as to why or what shit I was bringing to the club.

  Kevin was going to be pissed that I brought her and whatever shit storm, she was carrying with her to the clubhouse.

  She felt perfectly against me, and that was something my mind kept straying too. Almost too perfect. I felt her hand’s shift, and my brain zeroed in on the fact they got closer to my cock.

  The poor thing got harder. Painfully I resisted the urge to adjust myself. I wanted to get back to the club, but I also needed a moment to get my dick under control.

  “I need to pee.”

  The words were spoken against my ear, and I fought the shiver that skated down my spine. Fuck! What the fuck was she doing to me?

  She was giving me the opportunity to stop without confessing why I needed to stop. Who the fuck knew what she’s been through.

  But if Texas spared her, it was bad. A gas station loomed ahead. Slowly I pulled up to the pump. Placing the kickstand down I shut off the bike.

  Holding out my hand out so she could climb off the back, I stiffened when her dainty fingers pressed into mine. She reminded me of a pixie.

  Swinging one leg off the bike, I climbed to my feet. She was already moving into the building her ass swaying in those tight as fuck black jeans.

  So much for releasing the pressure from my dick.

  Chapter 7


  I could feel his eyes scanning my body almost like a physical touch. I resisted the urge to turn and look. Smiling, I opened the door to the store.

  The older man behind the counter watched me with a leering stare. Disgust and fear warred within me. I froze two feet inside the door.

  I know it was irrational, but he looked so similar to him. The man who… no, don’t think about that horrible place or him. But it was already too late, I was dragged into the memory as it surfaced.

  I was sitting against the wall as the girl Lisa started talking about her favorite place. It was filled with trees and the best time to be there was when it flowered.

  “Promise me, someday you will go see it. Lexa, you need to see this place.”

  I stared at her as she lost herself in the world of flowering trees.

  “White and p
ink flowers floating around you. The purple flowers and a small pond filled with ducks.”

  Her voice was filled with wistfulness.

  “I want you to find all the beauty after this.”

  Her voice was firm as she told me I needed to find the beauty this world had to offer. I still didn’t know why she thought I would be free.

  “Oh, and the little waterfall is about a mile’s hike from the pond.”

  “Where is it?”

  It sounded peaceful. Something I knew I would never have.

  “Oh, it’s in Carmel, Maine.”

  Her head lifted as far as she could make it and she centered her eyes on mine.

  “Promise me, Lexa, when you are free you will go here.”

  “Of course.”

  “Don’t placate me, Lexa. I was hoping you… if you… would you find me and bring me there?”

  Tears welled in my eyes. She wanted to find that peace, even in the afterlife.

  “I promise if I get free i’ll come back for you.”

  She nodded as she laid back down. Time was slipping away. Soon we would both be gone and more would take our place.

  “I promise you will find your way there.”

  Even if I made the next girl promise and made sure it was repeated until it finally happened.

  Tears filled my eyes as my body shook uncontrollably. Rushing from the store I collided with Sam.


  Looking up at him through wet lashes I blinked.

  “Hey, what happened?”

  He was already released me and headed into the store.

  “No, it... he didn’t... nothing happened.”

  I felt this warmth at the thought he wanted to protect me. But he couldn’t save me from the past. No one could.

  Chapter 8


  I watched as the fence appeared in front of us. It had to be ten feet tall, with barbwire on top. Two men stood on the other side of the large gate.

  Slowly the door opened, and I took a peek at the men waiting. One of them was gorgeous, I mean he had nothing on Sam, but he would give most men a run for their money.

  He looked pissed though. Gulping, I pressed my face into Sam’s back. He stiffened, and I felt instant regret. How could I be so foolish. He didn’t need me hiding like a child.

  When his hand came back and pressed me closer, I relaxed into his touch. Even though we barely knew each other I knew I could trust him. Texas said I could.

  My body felt a pull to him, a need to be closer. Like he was a part of me. A piece I’ve been missing. Complete ridiculousness.

  Chapter 9


  Kevin was shooting daggers at me. I wanted to laugh. Kevin knew better than to try and intimidate me. It wasn’t happening.

  Stopping the bike, I warned him with my eyes. She was mine to protect and protect her I will. I made sure he could see we would talk later.

  He gave me a glare as he stormed into the clubhouse. Lexa stiffened again as it slammed closed.

  “This was a bad idea maybe… maybe I should go.”

  Her voice was hesitant. She wasn’t going anywhere.


  I left no room for argument. Helping her off the bike, I grabbed her arm as we walked into the clubhouse.

  “Stay close to me sweetness.”

  The endearments kept pouring from me. I wasn’t one to say sweet things, but she brought it out of me from somewhere deep in the pit of me.

  Lexa stopped which caused all of my brothers to turn and look. She shifted closer, and I looked at her from the corner of my eye. I watched as she put her head down.

  Anger coursed through me. Why the fuck is she hiding? Why the fuck do I care?

  Chapter 10


  What the fuck? Who the fuck is this chick? Sam wasn’t one to go in for the long haul, and she was showing signs of a shit ton of baggage.

  Turning I looked at Jace. The fucker just witnessed the fact Sam was silently telling me to go fuck myself. My VP was running his own little show.

  The bastard never stepped out of line. Today was the exception, it just grated my ass that it was when another club’s VP and his old lady stopped in for a visit.

  “Sweetheart, why don’t you go check in on Maya.”

  Jace’s voice carried in the now silent room. Maya was sitting at a table in the corner watching everyone. Her fear had evaporated quickly, and now she was grabbing life by the balls.

  “Having issues with one of your kids?”

  His laughter was irritating.

  “Fuck you, Jace.”

  “I put mine in time out. You should try it sometime.”

  “Poor Ella. She has to put with your irritating ass.”

  His laughter only got louder, the prick. He was one lucky son of a bitch, and he knew it. The man worshiped the ground his old lady walked on.

  Their three kids were little hellions. I envied him, and those little hair pulling moments. Jacob being the oldest at six should have been the leader, but it was Willow at age four who was the leader.

  She kept Jace on his toes, I felt bad for the bastard when the little beauty grows up.

  Feeling eyes on me, I turned to Maya, who was sitting there talking to a very animated Ella. I couldn’t help but smile at the look of happiness on her face.

  I’m not sure what I did to deserve this, to deserve her, but I was a lucky motherfucker.

  Chapter 11


  Sam gently but firmly pushed me into his room with a hard-firm voice and demanded I stay put. Glowering at the now closed door, I wondered what could be so bad about leaving the room.

  Looking at my hands, I told myself I don’t miss my life. The life before that monster. The bar I worked at was clean and fun. The customers were friendly and lively.

  The bed was firm and soft under my ass as I sat heavily on the bed. The memories of a freer, happier time came to me like a head rush after hanging upside down too long.

  “Come on Lexa what do you have to lose?”

  I stared at Liam in disgust. I hated that he didn’t get the hint I wasn’t going to bend over and let him fuck me. I mean I had standards.

  It doesn’t matter that I haven’t met one man to meet those standards. I hated that I had to hurt him over and over. He was my friend.

  But he just didn’t get it. Grabbing my beer off the bar, I glared at him.

  “Stop it, Liam. I already told you it isn’t going to happen and if you don’t stop … we can’t be friends anymore.”

  His eyes got big, and then he nodded. Sighing, I took a big gulp of the Michelob Lite I was holding. The cool glass neck dangled between my fingers as I contemplated a future not here in this town.

  “I want to see the world. I want to go places, Liam.”

  I waited for him to tell me it was foolish and childish like my parents did. But he didn’t make a peep. That was why I loved him.

  He was the one person in my world who didn’t tell me to grow up and get my head out of the clouds.

  I didn’t get far. A half a state away and a job at a bar. So much for traveling and seeing everything, there was to see.

  The walls were closing in on me, I felt trapped in the nice size room. The dark green and navy-blue bed was soft and comfortable, but it felt like a cushioned prison.

  The air stilled in my lungs and then my chest was heaving heavily as panic started to set in. I was broken I like a clock dropped on a hard surface, even if only once.

  I no longer ticked the right way. My stomach started to hurt, and pain laced my chest as it hurts to breathe. I needed out of here.

  The walls looked closer and the world seemed smaller. Rushing to the door, I turned the knob and pulled hard. The cold metal doing little to ground me.

  Chapter 12


  Maya’s company was refreshing. Her story was terrible. Kevin had told Axel who then told Tessa who had then told me. I tried to keep the conversation lig

  I watched in surprise and a little concern as the girl who was with Tom or Sam or silent man as Tessa liked to call him came stumbling down the hallway.

  The men had locked themselves into the chapel. They called it that, but it’s just a room with a large table and a bunch of chairs.

  Nothing super special, but completely off limits to non-members. Standing I made my way over to her. She looked lost and fear pulsed off her in waves.

  She reminded me of a wounded trapped animal.

  “Hey, I’m Ella why don’t you come sit with Maya and me.”

  Her wild eyes turned my way as tears coated her cheeks. She was panicking.

  Maya appeared at my side.

  “Hey sweetie, why don’t you come over here and let's have a little talk.”

  When their eyes met, I could see the understanding pass between them. They both had a scared dark past hurt by things I will never truly understand.


  Her words were whispered and full of self-loathing. I watched as they walked to the table together. I wasn’t sure I should follow.

  Maya looked at me and nodded her head. I was needed. They needed a friend. My feet moved me forward even as my heart screamed you don’t want to hear this.

  Chapter 13


  I looked at the beautiful girl sitting across from me. She was the one that the angry, glaring man smiled at. The man who looked ready to kick Sam’s ass.

  “I’m Maya, and this is Ella.”

  I look at them both.

  “I’m Lexa.”

  And then words failed me. I wasn’t so sure opening up was possible. Seeing my distress, Maya saved me.

  “Why don’t I start and maybe you will feel better about sharing?”

  Again, I wasn’t so sure, but I nodded anyway.

  “I was… sold.”

  Maya’s voice had gone from confident to a whisper. I felt it then, the connection I thought I imagined. Like we both had seen the underbelly, what the underground had to offer.

  I stared at my hands as the words passed my lips.

  “I was taken. I had to watch as he took someone else as he destroyed her….”


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