Strange Lake Falls Volume 1 (Strange Lake Falls Series)

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Strange Lake Falls Volume 1 (Strange Lake Falls Series) Page 4

by KD Jones

  “But Mom, I needed the job to help…you know…with the bank and stuff.”

  “We’ll discuss that at home.” She turned back to find all three men watching them intently, and she blushed. “I’m sorry for the disruption Mr. Belliveau…”

  “Please, call me Adrian.” Adrian leaned forward capturing her attention with his blue gaze.

  “Adrian.” Was that her voice that was suddenly husky? She felt her cheeks warm.

  “Uh…so are we leaving?” Samantha asked looking between her mother and Adrian.

  “Yes, we need to leave.” Jackie said it without budging an inch.

  “There are things we need to settle first.” Adrian smiled sexily at her.

  Her pussy lips quivered. Seriously. That had never happened before. But his smile seemed to have a direct link to her girly parts. “What things? Samantha is too young to work for you as a security guard.”

  “Maybe I can work at the club here.” Samantha piped up.

  “No!” Everyone at the table growled out, leaving Samantha pouting as she sat back against the booth seat.

  “The things we need to discuss have to do with your daughter being a werewolf, while you are clearly a human.” Adrian told her.

  Jackie felt the blood drain from her face and she felt her heart clench. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Mom, he knows. He’s a vampire so he scented me immediately.”

  “Vampire? For real?” Jackie stared at him in awe. She had read many of Mary’s romance novels, and She’d always been intrigued with the stories on vampires.

  “Yes, for real.” Adrian chuckled.

  Samantha continued. “These two goons are werewolves. They scented me as soon as I walked into the club.” Samantha glared at the brothers who were watching her closely.

  Jackie turned her attention to the brothers. “We don’t want anything to do with your kind. Keep your distance from my daughter.”

  One of the brothers responded, . “My name is Rod Baker. Your daughter is one of our kind as well. We would never hurt her. She’s rare and precious.”

  “Yes, the guy who turned her-against her will-emphasized how precious she would be as he passed her around for the other males in his pack to use.”

  Every male at the table growled in anger. Rod shook his head. “No, that’s not how a pack works. We don’t share our mates. Once a werewolf mates he mates for life and any male that touches her is at risk of being killed outright.”

  “Really?” Samantha asked curiously.

  “Yes really. You can join our pack, and once you’re safe in the pack house we will teach you our pack history, and all that you need to know to survive.”

  Jackie stood up. “No! She will not be joining any pack and she most definitely will not be moving into a house full of male werewolves!” Jackie nodded for Samantha to get up from the booth.

  “Jacqueline, may I speak privately with you?” Adrian stood motioning for the brothers to remain at the booth as he followed Jackie and her daughter back down the stairs.

  “Nothing you can say is going to change my mind. My daughter is only seventeen, still a child!”

  “I agree she should remain with you. I just need a moment alone with you. Perhaps Samantha could stand by the door and wait for just a moment?” Adrian gave her an innocent and sincere look.

  How could she say no when he looked at her that way? She looked at the upper level and saw the two brothers in a heated debate. “Samantha, wait for me by the door, but do not go outside without me.”

  “Okay.” Samantha watched as Mr. Hottie led her mother to a corner on the other side of the room. There was definitely something going on between them, but shit, he was too young for her wasn’t he? She didn’t want anyone to hurt her mother, especially after seeing what her father had done. She would do anything in her power to prevent that from happening. Nobody messed with her mama.

  Chapter 9

  Adrian had her hand and he wasn’t about to let go. Not now. There were so many things to say but words were failing him. He had waited 500 years for her, and he didn’t want to wait a minute longer.

  “Mr. Belliveau, where are we going?”

  “Just out of the view of prying eyes, but close enough you can keep your eye on your daughter. Please call me Adrian.”

  “What did you want to talk about, Adrian?” She glanced over and saw that Samantha was still by the door alone.

  “How long ago was Samantha bitten?”

  She looked up into his beautiful eyes. “A month ago. She went on her first real date, and the guy was talking about werewolves, and how he planned on sharing her with his brothers in the pack. She managed to call me to come and get her, but when I got there, the guy was in wolf form and he had bitten her in several places. She was bleeding so much,” she wiped a tear away. “She could have died.”

  “You both could have died. Lone wolves like this one, could have seriously injured you. Where is the male now?” Adrian put a comforting arm around her.

  “He ran off after I shot him in the thigh.”

  “You shot him?” He looked at her in surprise. She was barely five feet five inches, small and delicate, but she had plenty of curves.

  “Yes. My Grandpa taught me how to shoot when I was growing up on the ranch. I’m an excellent shot.”

  “This male hasn’t tried to come back for Samantha?”

  “No. I kept her home for two weeks just to be safe. I think he hightailed it out of here.”

  “Let me walk you back.” Adrian sighed, he could see her worry and he wanted nothing more than to ease it. He stopped as they passed the dance floor, making her stop to look back at him.

  “What is it?” Jackie asked him.

  “Would you dance with me?”


  “Just one dance.” He didn’t wait for her to make an excuse to get out of it, taking her into his arms he began slow dancing her around the floor.

  Jackie blushed as she looked up into his eyes. They were so hypnotic. Well, he is a vampire. “Exactly how old are you?”

  “I was born October 10th, the year 1489. I was made vampire in the year 1514.” Smiled down at her.

  She was relieved. “A 500 year old vampire? At least I am not robbing the cradle.” Had she said that out loud?

  “Hardly. It is I that would be robbing the cradle,” he whispered against her ear. The feel of her in his arms made his heart beat faster. He pulled her tight against him enjoying her curves. She was luscious. He wanted to take her somewhere more private and dance with her without any barriers like clothing in between them.

  “We’re probably making everyone talk.”

  “I don’t care about what others think. Only what you think. Can I take you out on a date tomorrow night?”

  “What? I just met you. I hardly know you.” She blushed.

  “Dates are a good way to get to know each other.” He rubbed his body against hers. He just couldn’t help himself.

  Her body was screaming yes while her mind was screaming no. What to do? “Maybe. I need to think on it.”

  “By all means, let me give you something else to think on as well.” Adrian leaned down and took her lips gently at first, and then he deepened the kiss and dominated her. The taste of his mate exploded inside of him. He wanted nothing more than to carry her to his apartment above the nightclub.

  Holy shit! No guy had ever kissed Jackie like this before. She opened up and allowed his tongue inside to dance with her tongue. This 500-year-old man…no…vampire, sure as hell knew how to kiss a woman. She felt her knees going all wobbly. If he hadn’t been holding her up she might have melted to the floor.

  Reluctantly Adrian pulled away from the kiss. He had to fight his need to dominate her. He didn’t want to scare her off. Plus, her daughter was waiting for her. “I will call you tomorrow.”

  “How? You don’t have my number.”

  “I memorized the number from Samantha’s application.”

  “Oh.” He walked her over to the door where Samantha stood staring at them in complete and utter shock.

  “Drive safely.” Adrian bowed before walking away.

  Jackie stared after him enjoying the sight of the man’s perfect ass. A throat clearing had her turning back to Samantha.

  “Are you done making out with a man half your age?” Samantha asked with an attitude.

  “Actually, he’s over 500 years old. Besides, you don’t have a say in who I date.”

  They stepped out into the night. Samantha had gotten to the club right as the sun was setting. But now it was quite dark. “So you’re dating the vampire now?”

  “He seems nice and again, you do not get to tell me who I can date.”

  They were almost to Jackie’s truck when Samantha froze in her tracks. She raised her head up and took a deep breath and then paled. “Mom,” she whispered, “he’s here.”

  “Who’s here honey?”

  “Carter.” No sooner had she said his name then he was standing before her smiling with a devious snarl.

  “Hello mate.”

  Chapter 10

  “Carter.” Samantha whispered.

  Jackie stood frozen for a moment looking at the man that had hurt her baby. He was in his early twenties, with a stocky build like a football player. She could see why her daughter was attracted to him.

  “Come with me now, Samantha. You belong with me and my pack.” He reached for her, but Jackie jumped in front of him blocking his access.

  “Don’t touch my daughter!”

  Carter glared down at her. “Get out of my way bitch. I’m taking what’s mine!”

  “Mom move away.” Samantha tried to pull Jackie behind her, but she wouldn’t budge.

  “Move!” Carter partially shifted showing his teeth and claws, and he swiped at Jackie in a brutal downward sweep cutting her across her throat and down her chest.

  “Mom!” Samantha screamed.

  Carter stepped over Jackie’s prone figure on the parking lot and grabbed Samantha’s arm. He tried to drag her away, but Samantha used her self-defense lessons and twisted out of his hold. She had a lot more strength as a werewolf so this time when she defended herself, she made more an impact on Carter. She kicked his groin making him howl out in pain. Doors were thrown open to the club and Carter limped off into the shadows.

  Samantha dropped to her knees at her mother’s side and turned her over. She was crying. “Mom, mom can you hear me?”

  Jackie could hear the fear in her daughter’s voice, but it was far away. She tried to call out to her, but she couldn’t find the words. She hurt and wanted to do nothing more than rest.

  “No!” A loud yell and a growl had Samantha look up. In a flash Adrian was there on the other side of Jackie. “No Jacqueline!” He tried to pull her into his arms put Samantha pushed him away.

  “I have to turn her. She’ll be fine once I turn her into a wolf right?” Tears streamed down her face.

  Adrian shook his head sadly. “It’s not a full moon. Alpha’s can turn people at any time, but other werewolves-non-alphas-have to wait until a full moon.”

  “I can’t just stand by doing nothing while she dies. Help me please,” she sobbed.

  “I could turn her into a vampire.”

  “Yes! Anything please.”

  “Samantha, she may not wish to be vampire.”

  “I don’t care! Keep her alive and she can argue with us later.”

  He nodded. He looked behind him at the Baker brothers who had followed him out along with some of the human patrons. He gave the brothers an order. “Get the humans back inside. Ask the bartender and the club bouncers who are vampires to wipe the human patrons’ minds of this incident.”

  “Yes Sir.” The Baker brothers headed off to usher the humans back inside the club.

  Adrian looked over at Samantha. “I must hold her.”

  Samantha released her hold on her mother and watched as Adrian gently pulled Jackie’s motionless body into his arms.

  He looked down at Jacqueline like she was the most precious thing in the world to him. She was. Adrian leaned down and whispered into Jackie’s ear. “I just found you my love, I will not let you go.”

  He bit into the side of her throat and drank her sweet blood. She was everything he knew she would be, and most importantly, she was his for all time. When he’d nearly drained her, he released her neck and bit into his own wrist. Putting it over her mouth he used a mental command for her to drink. Once he was satisfied she’d drank enough to turn her, he gave the command for her to stop feeding and to go into a hibernation state. He looked up at Samantha.

  “It is done. I need to take her somewhere private while her body goes through its changes.”

  “I’ll take her home.”

  “I have to stay with her. She will wake up and not know what to expect. I am her…I am responsible for her.”

  “Fine, you come with us then.” She stood up and watched Adrian like a hawk as he lifted her mother like she weighed nothing.

  “My mom’s truck is over here. We almost made it there before Carter showed up.”

  “Is that who did this to Jacqueline?”

  “Yeah, his name is Carter Johnson..” Samantha opened the truck passenger door so that Adrian could climb inside with Jackie in his arms.

  Jumping into the driver’s side she cranked up the truck, and put it into gear speeding out of the parking lot. She was scared that she was going to lose her Mom. Grabbing her mom’s phone from the dashboard she dialed Mary’s number.

  “Jackie girl what’s up?” Mary answered.

  “Mary, it's Samantha. Mom’s in trouble. I am taking her home but I need you to come over.”

  “I’m on my way honey,” Mary said before hanging up.

  “Who was that?” Adrian asked frowning.

  “My mom’s best friend, Mary.”

  “The less people that know about her turn, the better. She may have to disappear in another ten or fifteen years when people start to notice that she’s not aging.”

  “What? Mom leave Strange Lake Falls? She grew up here. There is no way she is going to leave willingly.”

  “It’s something that can be decided upon later.” He wasn’t going to let his mate be jeopardized. He had waited too long for her to let something like her hometown keep her away from him. All that mattered right now was her safety and happiness.

  He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Stay with me my love.”

  Chapter 11

  Jackie felt fantastic, as she woke from a long dreamless sleep. She had never felt more refreshed. She licked her lips and the reaction made her throat clench. She was thirsty, really thirsty. She tried to roll over to the other side of the bed to go to the bathroom for a glass of water, but something hard was blocking her. She opened her eyes and froze.

  The young man from the nightclub, Adrian, was lying next to her, and he was…naked. She sat up quickly, making her head spin a little.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Easy Jacqueline. I helped Samantha bring you home after what happened at the nightclub.”

  “Samantha, where is she? Is she okay?” She threw the sheet off intending to get up, but glanced down and noticed that she too had not a stitch of clothing on her. Reaching for the blanket she pulled it back up to cover herself.

  “I liked the view. It’s a shame to cover up such beauty up.” Adrian’s voice was deep and rumbly.

  Jackie’s body reacted instantly with need. She looked at his bare chest and licked her lips, and his nipples hardened under perusal. She found herself slowly moving towards him, but was startled when her bedroom door burst open and partially off its hinges.

  “Mom!” Samantha ran to her mother and threw her arms around her, crying, “I was so worried that I lost you when you didn’t wake up right away.”

  “I’m fine.” Except for waking up naked in bed with a younger man. Well, he wasn’t that young because of his vamp
ire years. But still… She was suddenly sniffing Samantha’s fragrance, something about it made her throat hurt.

  Adrian acted quickly. He pulled Jackie over to him and away from Samantha. “You need to leave now, Jacqueline needs to feed.”

  Samantha frowned. “I want to stay.”

  Mary appeared in the doorway. “Samantha, you need to listen to Adrian. Come with me and we’ll wait downstairs until she’s done…feeding.”

  Samantha frowned but got up and went to the door. She carefully closed it although it hung off the hinges. “Man, she is going to kill me for messing up another door.”

  “I think she’ll give you a free pass on this one honey,” Mary said wrapping her arm around Samantha’s shoulder.


  Jackie frowned. Why had Adrian made them leave? She turned to give him a piece of her mind, but his scent invaded her senses, and made her teeth hurt. She reached up and touched her mouth and felt two fangs protruding down.

  “I’m…” She looked at Adrian questioningly.

  “Yes baby. You’re a vampire, and it’s time for you to feed.” Adrian knew that feeding would be the first thirst that she would need to satisfy.

  “Feed?” Jackie’s eyes immediately went to the pulse between his shoulder blade and neck. She swore she could hear his heart beating. It was a steady beat that became faster and faster as she stared.

  “Come here.” Adrian used a little of his thrall to make her move. Not every vampire had the same level of power, they differed from vampire to vampire, but every vampire did possess a little bit of a thrall to ease those victims or donors so that they could drink their blood. It also helped that their bite had a combination anesthetic and aphrodisiac effect when pierced into the skin. The image of Jacqueline sinking her fangs into him made him hard for her.

  Jackie was pulled by some invisible force toward Adrian. His scent changed and became muskier, sexier, and she grew hungrier. She went into his waiting arms and she licked the spot on his neck that called to her. She felt him shiver. It pleased her that she could have this kind of effect over him.


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