Strange Lake Falls Volume 1 (Strange Lake Falls Series)

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Strange Lake Falls Volume 1 (Strange Lake Falls Series) Page 9

by KD Jones

  Wow, paranormals commit suicide? Not Adrian, ever. “Me too. So why am I dreaming of you?”

  “Adrian is in danger.”

  “What? What kind of danger?”

  “The worst kind of danger, someone close has betrayed him, and I am afraid he will overlook the signs. That is why I am telling you. You can watch those around him and protect him from the one who would betray him.”

  “Who is it?” Jackie was furious. Someone that Adrian trusted was going to try to hurt him. Over her dead body!

  Lila’s image started to fade away. “Protect him.” She whispered.

  “Wait! Lila come back and tell me who it is!” But the darkness was folding in around Jackie. This was the vampire sleep that she had started to become used to where there were no dreams.


  “Why did you come here Elena?” Adrian demanded as he held his phone to his ear.

  “I wanted to welcome Mrs. Tegan to our clan. I am high up in the hierarchy, so I took it upon myself to explain to her how things work.”

  “It’s not your place to do that. It’s my clan and I will tell my mate what she needs to know. As far as hierarchy, Jacqueline is Mistress of the clan, you would do well to remember that.”

  “Of course, Sire. I meant no harm. I hope this will not affect our working relationship.”

  “It will not as long as you remember that is all we have, a working relationship.”

  “Yes, Sire. Will you be available to attend tomorrow evening’s meeting?”

  “I’ll be at the office at first sunset.”

  “I will see you then, Sire.”

  Adrian hung up the phone feeling unrest deep within his soul. Elena had caused trouble between him and Jacqueline and that was unacceptable, but he was more concerned with how easily Jacqueline had shut him out, refusing his calls. He didn’t know what to do about it, and he hated feeling helpless. He wanted to prove himself to Jacqueline but didn’t know how to do that when she shuts him out. It also didn’t help matters that people he trusted would jeopardize his relationship.

  “Brock! Christina!” He yelled out knowing his people would hear him easily. They were in front of him in seconds.

  “Yes Sire.” Christina and Brock answered.

  “I want to know why Elena was allowed to see Jacqueline.” He felt like he had no control over his own clan members.

  Christina gulped. “I tried to keep Elena out but that human insisted I let her in.”

  Adrian grabbed her by her neck and lifted her in the air. “That human is my mate. She is Mistress of my clan. Do you have a problem with that?”

  “No Sire.” Christina gargled out.

  “If you cannot protect my mate and my family, you can find another clan. Do I make myself clear?” Christina nodded and he let her go with disgust. “Go check the outside perimeter. Brock will guard the interior from now on.”

  “Yes Sire.”


  At sun down Jackie woke up reaching into the spot next to her only to find it empty. “Adrian?” She sat up and listened but he wasn’t in the bathroom, so she put on a robe and went downstairs. Maybe he was having breakfast. She went room to room looking for him but she only found Christina drinking her evening blood bag.

  “Have you seen Adrian?”

  “Yes.” Christina answered.

  “Well, where is he?”

  “Not here.”

  “Wow, so insightful. Do you know where he went?”


  Jackie threw her hands up in the air and stormed out of the kitchen. She grabbed her cell phone off the charger and dialed Adrian’s number.

  “Jacqueline, you finally returned my calls.”

  “Where did you go? You didn’t even say goodbye.”

  “I had to come into the office for work. Are you okay?”

  “I…there was a dream I wanted to tell you about.”

  “Vampires don’t dream.”

  “They don’t?”


  “Well, maybe this was something other than a dream. I need to tell you …”

  “You can tell me when I come home later.”

  She sighed. “Okay. I’ll see you then.” She didn’t even get to say goodbye before he hung up. She knew he was a busy man but was this typical? Is this the life she had to look forward to?

  Sure the sex was beyond fantastic, and she enjoyed talking to Adrian and just being near him, but was he so focused on his job that she and Samantha would take a back seat to his work? A part of her wanted to run from him because she was scared that she would be hurt. But another part of her would hurt even worse if she didn’t even try. She sighed. She had to at least try or she would always wonder if it could have worked out.


  Adrian wanted to call Jacqueline back immediately, but Elena was there and he needed to make sure that she didn’t take it upon herself to do anything else that was not in her scope to handle. He had never questioned Elena’s friendship or her professionalism at work, but now he had doubts. Whenever she spoke about his mate she always referred to Jacqueline as Mrs. Tegan, and it reminded him constantly that she had her ex-husband’s last name. He hated that.

  Adrian wanted her to trust him, to turn to him when she needed something. In turn, he wanted her to be someone he could turn to. All these centuries alone , he finally found his mate after almost giving up, and it could be at risk if they didn’t learn to talk to one another.

  By the time he finally finished work and went to Jacqueline’s, she was already asleep. Undressing he got into the bed beside her, and pulled her into his arms. That’s where she belonged, in his arms. He inhaled her sweet scent and let sleep take him. At least time was on their side. They would sort things out, talk about their feelings, and work on their trust..

  Chapter 21

  They fell into an odd pattern over the next week, with neither of them really expressing what they were feeling, and no one talking about anything that was truly important. He would wake before Jacqueline and head to work. She would take care of the house and ranch while making plans for Samantha’s graduation party.

  Samantha had the wolf pack come over as much as possible, and Jackie was happy about that. Her daughter could finally be around people who truly understood who she was now. She didn’t have to pretend like she did when she was around humans.

  Humans. So strange that she used to be one and now she was a vampire. Slowly she learned more about herself, and realized that becoming a vampire didn’t change who she was, it just made her…more. She was still the same Jackie she had always been, a homebody, mother, best friend, and ranch owner, but now, she had to do a lot of her activities at night and she had to feed from blood bags to get the required sustenance she needed to survive. Jackie discovered new things about herself that she had never known before. She realized that she was a survivor. She adapted to sudden changes thrown her way. After having her ex-husband cheat on her numerous times and go through a humiliating court battle, her confidence in herself had diminished. But now, she was finding herself again. She was a strong woman and she was determined to make this life work for her. She just had to adjust to the changes.

  One of the things that mattered most was learning how to handle the horses. At first she thought she would have to give up her dream of boarding and training them, but it was Brock that showed her how to work with the sensitive animals. He also helped Samantha calm her inner beast so that the horses would allow her to pet them. He said that with enough patience and practice, Samantha would be able to ride again. That was a big relief to both of them.

  She wanted to share her new found strength and attitude with Adrian. But Adrian was busy a good deal of the time. There were times Jackie felt she was still alone. Sure Adrian would come home and wake her up with a bout of hot sex, but he never stayed long and their conversations were always tense and short.

  It didn’t help things any when she tried to discuss plans for Samantha’
s graduation. When she told Adrian that Samantha’s father was going to be there, he became close off and even scarcer. She didn’t know how to deal with that. It saddened her because she was head over heals in love with him, but she couldn’t tell him. He wasn’t around long enough for her to tell him anything. Things finally came to a head the day before Samantha’s graduation.

  Jackie pulled out a dress from the closet and tried it on. It was a new dress that Samantha had gotten for her, a pretty blue sundress. She frowned thinking that no one would see her in it because she couldn’t go to Samantha’s graduation. It was being held midday and Jackie would be dead to the world. Falling to her knees she let herself cry over the milestone that she wouldn’t get to experience with her daughter. She heard Adrian walk into the bedroom.

  “What’s wrong?” Adrian asked

  Jackie stayed on the floor crying. She shook her head. If she told him that she was sad that she was missing Samantha’s graduation, he would just think that she blamed him for it. How did their relationship become so touchy?

  “Please tell me what’s wrong?” Adrian’s gut twisted at seeing her pain. He had kept his distance, but now he wished he hadn’t. Kneeling down next to her he cupped her beautiful face.

  She wanted to tell him. She needed him to help her get through tomorrow, but could she trust him with her heart? “Tomorrow …”

  “Yes, Samantha’s graduation. You have been planning all week for the after party here at the house.”

  She nodded but could not stop crying.

  Adrian looked into her beautiful brown eyes for the answers. What could be upsetting about tomorrow? It suddenly clicked like a light bulb. Her daughter was graduating during the day. “You’re upset about not being able to go?”

  She nodded her head and looked away. Adrian pulled her back to face him. “I am so sorry Jacqueline.”

  “It’s not…your fault.”

  “If I had not changed you…”

  “I would be dead and Samantha wouldn’t have her mother.” Jackie leaned forward and took his face in between her hands holding him still. “I never told you how much I appreciated you turning me. Because of you I still have a life. There are things that I have to accept I will not be able to do, but I am here and that’s because of you. You saved my life in more ways than one. Thank you Adrian.”

  “You don’t ever have to thank me. It was a selfish act because I refused to let you go. I would do it again in a heartbeat. You’re everything to me.”

  “Adrian…you’re everything to me too.” Jackie went into his arms and kissed him. It felt like forever since they had talked to each other, really talked. Adrian lifted her up in his arms and carried her to their bed. He laid them both on the bed.

  Looking into her eyes he knew beyond a doubt that this woman was made for him. “I love you Jacqueline.”

  “I love you too Adrian. So much it scares me.”

  “I scare you?” He frowned.

  “No, how strongly I feel about you scares me. I don’t think I could survive it if something happened to you.”

  Her confession softened his face. “I feel the same way. These past few days although we saw each other, I felt like there was a wall between us. I know I helped put it there, but I felt helpless because I couldn’t tear the wall down.”

  “Me too. I hurt so much not being able to talk to you.”

  He kissed her soft lips. “We need to communicate better.”

  She laughed, releasing her tension. “I agree.” He kissed her again making her moan. “But could we talk about us talking more later, I need you now.”

  With that Adrian made love to Jacqueline long and slow taking his time. Afterwards they held each other and talked to each for what seemed like the first time. She told him about her miserable marriage to a man who slept with younger women. He opened up about his wife and child that died so long ago. They talked until neither of them could keep their eyes open. Not all their problems were resolved, but at least they renewed their love and commitment to one another. It was a good start.


  The next day at sunset Jackie woke with a smile on her face, before she saw the note on top of Adrian’s pillow. She picked it up.

  “I hate to leave you so soon, but I wanted to take care of a few things before Samantha’s party. I left a package on the dresser for you. I hope that you like it. I love you my mate, Adrian.”

  Wow, the first love note she had ever gotten. She pressed it to her heart. Her eyes searched and found the package on the dresser he mentioned. Racing over to it, she ripped it open. There was a new wrap-around red dress inside, and another small long thin box. Opening the smaller box, she found a beautiful diamond chain necklace. She held it up to her neck and looked in the mirror. It was gorgeous!

  “Wow, that must have cost a lot,” Samantha said from the doorway.

  “Samantha! Shouldn’t you still be at graduation?”

  “Didn’t Adrian tell you? The principle called to say there was some kind of problem with the auditorium air conditioner and that the graduation would be at seven tonight. I suspect that Adrian had the time changed.” Samantha winked before leaving the bedroom.

  Jackie smiled big. That wonderful wonderful man. He had the time changed just so that she could see her little girl graduate. If she didn’t love him before she was definitely in love with him now. Jackie grabbed her cell phone from the charger and dialed Adrian’s number.

  “Hello beautiful. Did you sleep well?” Adrian answered his phone sounding very pleased with himself.

  “I did. Adrian, I cannot tell you how much this means to me, to be at Samantha’s graduation. It’s just so …”

  “I knew it meant the world to you, and that is what I want to do my Jacqueline. I want to give you the world.”

  “I love you Adrian.”

  “I am very much in love with you. I will meet you at the graduation. Save me a seat.”

  “I will.” They hung up and Jackie felt like she was flying. Nothing could ruin her day today, nothing.

  Chapter 22

  “Where is she?” Mary asked as she sat down on the bleachers next to Jackie.

  Jackie pointed to a spot near the middle of the gym floor. “Third row from the back.”

  “Damn, I knew I should have brought my glasses. Everyone looks the same, small and blurry.” Mary harrumphed.

  “I noticed that you have been going without your glasses a lot lately. Is there a reason for that?”

  “No idea what you are talking about.”

  “Hey Jackie, Mary!” Alpha Ric called out from a couple of rows behind them. He had come with some of the wolf pack to support Samantha graduating.

  “Hey Ric. Good to see you. Thanks for coming.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it. It’s a big deal to graduate from High School.” He glanced over at Mary who was doing a good job of pretending as if he was not there. “You’re looking mighty fine today Mary.”

  “Thanks.” Mary held her chin up and refused to turn to look back at him..

  “You okay?” Jackie wasn’t sure what was going on between Mary and the Alpha but there was major heat whenever the two of them were in the same room. The room cooled quickly when Mary’s biggest problem strolled up to talk to the Alpha, Janey Pond Lane Douglas.

  “Fucking figures.” Mary whispered with distaste watching the other woman.

  “Hello, my name is Janey Pond Lane Douglass, you can call me Janey. I hear you are new to our small town of Strange Lake Falls. Just wanted to extend a welcome and to let you know that if there is anything…and I mean anything…I can do for you, I am very available day or night.” She slipped a card of hers into his hand as they shook hands.

  Both Jackie and Mary rolled their eyes at her obvious flirting. Some of the male werewolves were checking out Janey. Most men did. For someone only five years younger, she looked young and nubile. Janey’s first husband had been a plastic surgeon. She got a lot of work done for free. Janey’s second husband h
ad been an investment banker and lavished his wealth on his young trophy wife. Her third husband had been the Mayor of Strange Lake Falls. He wasn’t as politically ambitious as Janey so their marriage had lasted shorter than her previous two marriages.

  Mary leaned over and whispered to Jackie. “I wouldn’t be opposed to you draining her if you are feeling a little hungry.”

  Jackie laughed. “If I start, I would drain her dry. Besides, she probably tastes like plastic or something.”

  Mary laughed and then groaned as she caught sight of something beside of Jackie. “Our day just seems to get better and better.”

  Jackie turned to see what Mary was talking about and frowned. Her ex Robert was making his way over to her. She hadn’t seen him since the pack warming party. She frowned when he sat in the empty seat next to her without even asking.

  “Robert, I am saving that seat for someone else.”

  He snorted. “You haven’t dated anyone since we divorced. You have no family close by and your best friend is on the other side of you. Who could you possibly be saving a seat for?”

  “That would be me, her fiancé,” Adrian said from the other side of Robert. He glared down at the obnoxious human male. It took all his willpower not to drain the man dry, but Jackie and Samantha might have a problem with that.

  Robert looked up at the younger man and then over at Jackie. “You’re screwing this guy?”

  “Robert, you need to shut up and move to another seat. Don’t try to start anything. This is Samantha’s day.”

  “You don’t tell me what I can or can’t do.” Robert snarled at her.


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