Strange Lake Falls Volume 1 (Strange Lake Falls Series)

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Strange Lake Falls Volume 1 (Strange Lake Falls Series) Page 17

by KD Jones

  “Stay here and let the others know what is going on.”

  “I hope everyone will be okay.”

  “Me too.” He was worried.

  “Ric, I hope that things work out for you and your Mary.”

  “Thanks Roxanne.” He grabbed his keys and ran out of the pack house.

  Chapter 16

  Mary called Jackie to talk about what happened, and Jackie told her to talk things out with Ric. Mary wasn’t ready to do that yet, so she sprawled out on her couch and cried herself to sleep.

  Something woke her up. She waited and there it was again. A pounding at the front door mixed in with the doorbell.

  She got herself up and walked over to the door. She looked through the peephole and her heart sank. Opening the door she faced the woman that had been at Ric’s house.


  “Mary right?”

  Mary nodded. “And you are Roxanne.”

  “Can I come in?”

  Mary shrugged and moved out of the way so that Roxanne could come in. Why was she here? Shouldn’t she be doing the nasty with Ric and becoming mates or something?

  Mary showed her into the living room and pointed in the direction of the sofa. “Do you want something to drink?” She couldn’t help it, her mother taught her to always show good manners to guests.

  “Yes, thank you, water would be fine.”

  Hurrying into the kitchen, she came back out with two glasses of water. She handed one to Roxanne and then sat down in the chair across from her. “Why are you here?”

  “I wanted to let you know that you have it wrong about me and Eric.”

  “So you didn’t come here to try to mate with Ric?”

  “Well, I did, and I have wanted him for a long time, but Eric refused me. He has refused all the females that the council has sent. He only wants you, Mary.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I’m not right for him. You are.” Even saying the words hurt her.

  Roxanne shook her head. “He’s in love with you.”

  She wished that was true. “I can’t give him what he needs. I’m only human. I will age and die.”

  “He doesn’t care that you’re human, and you could always try the transition to wolf. I know it’s a risk but …”

  “I can’t have children,” Mary said with anguish.

  There were a few minutes of silence before Roxanne responded. “He loves you. I don’t think that will matter to him.”

  “It matters to me, it matters to the werewolf council, and it matters to the werewolf community. I can’t help extend his family line. The council will take everything away from him, including command of his pack. I can’t let that happen.”

  “The council is foolish. None of the pure blooded werewolves have complied with their demands. We all think they’re too controlling. We can stand together with the others and fight their demands.”

  Mary shook her head. “He shouldn’t be fighting his own people. I won’t be the cause of that.”

  “But he loves you.”

  “And I love him. More than I have ever loved anyone in my entire life. More than…I loved my dead husband, Christopher, but sometimes love isn’t enough. Especially when the entire werewolf race is at stake. You care for Ric; I can tell that he cares for you. You are both werewolves and could mate successfully and have babies. He deserves to be a father.” Mary told her.

  “Shouldn’t that be his decision?”

  “I am making the decision to not get involved.”

  “Ric is not going to accept this easily.”

  “He has no choice. He has to.” Because it was breaking her heart in two trying to do the right thing.

  “He won’t be able to mate anyone. It’s not just his human side that’s in love with you. His wolf wants you as well, and it will refuse any other female.”

  Mary sighed. “They’ll both have to get over whatever it is they feel for me.”

  After Roxanne left Mary went to take a hot shower. She had hoped to feel better afterwards, but she didn’t. Roxanne was a really nice woman. She explained that although she’d always felt an attraction toward Ric over the centuries, it was one sided. He never returned her feelings and only saw her as a good friend.

  Mary hated to admit it, but she actually liked the woman. She obviously cared enough about Ric to come over and try to smooth things out with her, but it didn’t erase the fact that Roxanne was a much better choice.

  She paused as she noted more messages on her phone from Ric. She knew she wouldn’t be able to ignore him forever. She needed to settle things between them.

  Pulling on a blue lacy nightgown she was about to call Ric back when she caught movement out of the corner of her eye. She looked up and saw a wolf, but it wasn’t one she had ever seen before, and it was in her house.

  “Who are you?” Mary demanded reaching behind her trying to find something to use as a weapon.

  The wolf shifted into a tall muscular man with short black hair and the brightest blue eyes she had ever seen. He was attractive except for the scar that ran down the side of his face. She shivered at the look he gave her.

  “You are Mary McGregor?” He asked as he slowly approached.


  “There was a report that you were endangering the werewolf community. Is this true?”

  “What? No. I have friends who are werewolves.”

  The man frowned. “My report says that you are a danger and need to be removed.”

  “Oh God, that can’t be right. Please call Ric…Alpha Ric. He will vouch for me. This is some kind of mistake.”

  He was right in front of her now, towering over her. Mary had to tilt her head back just to see him clearly. “Until this is cleared up, you are coming with me.”

  Hell no! Mary kicked him in the balls as hard as she could. Werewolf or no, he went down like all men do. She raced to the door and flung it open only to slam into another tall male body. She lost her footing and fell backwards on her ass.

  “Grab the woman and let’s go.” The man she had kneed said from the floor. Mary screamed and struggled, but it didn’t do any good. The other man hit hard. Her last thought was that she wished she had spoken to Ric once more. To let him know that she loved him.

  Chapter 17

  Ric called Mary’s house phone and cell phone, but all he got was her voicemail. “Mary, please call me.”

  “Is she still not talking to you?” Adrian asked standing next to him in the parking lot in front of the police station.

  “She won’t even pick up the phone. I know she’s mad at me; hurt over the misunderstanding, but I can’t shake this feeling I have inside that something is wrong. My wolf is worked up and demanding I go to her immediately.”

  “Go. I’ve got things covered here,” Adrian said.

  Ric didn’t question the offer; he just rushed to his truck and jumped in. He spun out of the parking lot in a hurry, and it only took about seven minutes to get to Mary’s house. As soon as he saw her front door standing wide open, he knew something was wrong.

  He barely parked the truck before he leapt out running. “Mary!”

  He could smell other male werewolves in her house immediately. One seemed familiar, but he couldn’t place it, and he could smell Mary’s fear. He vowed to make them pay for scaring her. He walked over to the sofa and noticed another scent; this one he did recognize. “Roxanne,” he growled.

  “Mom!” Connor called out walking into the house. He stopped when he saw Ric. “What are you doing here? Where’s my mom?”

  “I came to see your mother, but someone taken her. All I can smell is her fear.”

  “Who took her?”

  “That’s what I am about to find out.” Ric grabbed his cell phone and dialed a number.

  Roxanne answered her phone. “Eric?”

  “Where the hell is Mary?” Ric demanded.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I am over at Mary’s. There are signs of a struggle, and s
he’s missing. I also smell your scent here. Where is she?”

  “I swear I only visited with her, and then I left her safe and sound. Let me come over and scent the place.”

  Ric hung up. He wasn’t going to waste any time. He dialed Adrian’s phone number. “I need you and Jackie over at Mary’s now.”

  “I am finishing up with the police but I will call Jackie and come right away.”

  Ric hung up and dialed the pack house. He wasn’t sure if any of the others were back from bowling yet or not, but thankfully Samantha answered the phone.


  “Samantha, bring everyone you can find to Mary’s house right away!”


  “We need to call the police.” Connor went to grab the house phone, but Ric blocked him.

  “No one will find her faster than vampires and werewolves. The human police will only get in the way.”

  “Why should I trust you?” Connor glared at him.

  “Because I am in love with your mother. I would never want any harm to come to her. I promise you, when I find the ones who took her; I will rip out their intestines and feed it to them slowly.”

  Connor stepped away from Ric putting distance between them. The man was scary. How could his sweet mother spend time with someone so aggressive and cold? Not to mention vicious if he meant everything he just said.

  But if the vicious psycho werewolf could find his mother, he would deal with it. He didn’t like how the guy walked around the house like he owned it. How many times had he been in his mom’s house?

  “How does my mom feel about you?”

  Ric looked away. He was about to answer honestly when Roxanne rushed into the room. Both men stopped and watched her as she went room to room sniffing.

  “Sentinels. I recognize their scents from council meetings. Jonas Marshall and Dickson Marx.” Roxanne said to Ric.

  “I know Jonas, he’s a good male. Why would he take an innocent human?” Ric ran a hand through his hair.

  “What’s a sentinel?” Connor asked. He couldn’t take his eyes off the beautiful blond haired woman. She looked like a sun Goddess of old. Clearly a werewolf from the way her eyes glowed and she sniffed everything. It was kind of sexy. He hadn’t really paid a lot of attention to dating recently, as he was more concerned with his academic career.

  Ric answered. “Sentinels are paranormal law enforcers, but they would only come after a human if that human posed a threat to the paranormal society. Mary’s not a threat.”

  “Someone must think she is.” Roxanne told him.

  Jackie and Adrian showed up, and Jackie was panicked, “Where is she?”

  “We don’t know yet, but we are going to find her.” Ric swore.

  Jackie glared at Ric. “When we get her back, I am going to kick your furry ass all over town.”

  “I’ll let you.”

  Chapter 18

  Mary hurt everywhere. She tried to move, but quickly realized that she was tied to a tree with rope. She heard raised voices and turned in that direction. After a moment her eyes focused, it was dark but the moon was shining bright.

  She made out four people in the dark; three men and one woman. They were arguing about something, and there was something about the woman that seemed familiar to her, but she didn’t know what it was.

  Concentrating hard, she was able to make out some of what they were saying. The tallest man with the scar; the one she had kneed earlier, was standing between her and the others.

  “She’s only human. Unless she exposes us, she is not a threat.”

  An older man was arguing right up in the tall man’s face. “I don’t care if she is human. She is in the way. I am in charge here and you will follow my orders Jonas!”

  The other man, the one that had hit her moved towards her. “I’ll take care of her.”

  The tall one, Jonas, blocked him. “No one is touching the female.”

  “How could you protect her? She is nothing but a germ. She will infect our race if she is allowed to mate with one of our own,” the woman said, “We get rid of her, and then Eric will mate me as he was always meant to.”

  Ah. Mary finally recognized the woman. She was the date that Ric had taken to the movies, and it looked like she was bitter that Ric didn’t choose her.

  “Stand down Jonas!” The older man yelled. When Jonas didn’t move, he yelled at the other man. “Take him down!”

  The two men started to fight; leaving the older man and the woman free to stalk towards Mary.

  Oh shit, I’m going to die.

  “You think you are good enough to be the mate of a pure blooded Alpha?” Elise demanded. She had ahaze of fury in her eyes.

  “I’m not with Ric.” She tried to speak calmly.

  “I can still smell him on you! Just like at the movies. It was my date, my night, and my time. He should have been fucking me!”

  “Maybe he just isn’t into you.” Mary tried to shrug her shoulders but the rope wouldn’t let her.

  “Bitch!” Elise slapped Mary so hard she couldn’t see anything but a blur.

  Note to self, don’t antagonize a spurned female werewolf.

  “I didn’t expect you to dirty your hands, my dear.” The older man said to the crazy bitch.

  “Someone has to take out the trash.” Elise punched Mary hard.

  Mary screamed out once, but she couldn’t get anything else out. She must have become delirious, because she thought she heard wolves howling in the distance.

  “You’re going to die now.” Elise did a partial shift with her hands making her claws come out, and she swiped at Mary’s stomach.

  Mary slumped forward; the pain was excruciating. Around her, she heard screams and growls. It sounded like a battle was taking place, but she couldn’t bring herself to look. Not now. She felt her spirit trying to break free of her body. She knew if she could get free, she would be able to fly. She wanted to fly away from here, to where there was no more pain. Just far away from here. She thought she heard her name being called from a distance.

  She turned her head and watched in blurry fascination as Jackie

  raced past the fighting werewolves to get to her. Jackie caught Elise’s hand when Elise tried to hit Mary again, and Mary smiled as Jackie yelled, “You fucking bitch! You are dead!”

  Then Jackie began beating the shit out of the female werewolf. She probably would have ripped the woman’s head off if the other werewolves hadn’t showed up and pulled them apart. Jackie then turned to Mary.



  Ric burst forth from the surrounding trees, transforming back to his human self and glaring at the two sentinels as he prepared to jump them. “How could you attack an innocent woman?”

  Roxanne was there beside him in human form. “Wait! We heard from a distance that Jonas wanted no part of this. He tried to keep them from Mary.”

  Ric growled at Jonas. “You get to live for that. Move out of the way. It is my right to mete out justice.”

  Jonas frowned. “I am a Sentinel. It is my duty to do that.”

  “You can help me.” He told Jonas pointing to the councilman and to the other Sentinel. They began to fight. Ric chased Councilman Reynolds down. He took the older man and punched him mercilessly.

  Chapter 19

  Ric released the half dead councilmen letting his limp body fall to the ground. He heard Mary’s name being called and turned in that direction. The sight of his Mary bleeding to death ripped his heart out.

  “Mary!” He rushed to her and knelt on his knees by her side. She was barely breathing.

  “I can change her,” Jackie said sitting on the other side of Mary. Her hands were shaking, but she looked determined.

  Roxanne placed her hand on Ric’s shoulder. “If she is your true mate, and your wolf recognizes her, she will have a better chance to survive the transition.”

  “It’s too risky.” Ric shook his head.

  Connor knelt at his mother’s head. �
��Change her.”

  Ric looked up in surprise at the younger man. Surely he didn’t mean…

  Noting the resolve in her son’s eyes, he finally nodded. He bent down and bit Mary’s shoulder sucking her sweet blood. Then he bit into his own wrist and made his blood pour down her throat.

  “Come on baby, don’t leave me,” he whispered pressing his forehead against hers.

  It seemed like an eternity as they all waited to find out if the change would take. The bleeding slowly stopped on its own, and her skin where it had been torn was knitting itself back together.

  “Look, Alpha,” Samantha said next to him. Ric looked down as Mary’s eyes fluttered open.

  Mary stared into his grief stricken face. “Am I dead?”

  Ric snorted and half cried. “No! No baby you are alive and…you will be a werewolf.” He looked up into Roxanne’s smiling face. Mary survived the transition. Holy shit!

  “You…look like shit,” Mary said reaching up with her fingers to caress his cheek.

  “You are the most beautiful sight I have ever seen.” He pressed his lips against her palm.

  Mary asked, “Who died?”

  Jackie was there to take her other hand. “You almost did. If it wasn’t for Ric changing you to werewolf, you would have for sure.”

  Mary looked at Ric. “I’m a werewolf?”

  He smiled, “Yes.”

  “Then you can take me as your mate?”

  “Yes my love. You’re my mate, but we’ll make it official.”

  She smiled up at him with all her feelings showing. “I love you Ric.”

  “I love you too beautiful. Now let’s get you home and cleaned up.” He lifted her in his arms easily and began to walk back to his truck. He nodded at Jonas, but he was still upset with the other man. The Sentinel had tried to make up for his actions, by attempting to keep the others from Mary, so eventually he’d have to forgive him

  He frowned as he approached the passenger’s side. Mary was still too weak to sit up on her own. He didn’t want to let her out of his arms either.


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