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Nocked Senseless

Page 9

by Sam Cheever

  My horse danced, terrified, beneath me. I did the best I could to hold it still but I could feel the flight response vibrating beneath my legs. “What are you and what do you want?”

  The thing cocked its head and the red eyes sparked with something that looked like humor. A voice filled my mind, causing me to jerk in surprise. Why, Hermes, don’t you recognize me?

  I narrowed my eyes. The voice was vaguely familiar but I couldn’t quite place it. However, the sound of hooves pounding the hard ground in the distance told me I had only a few seconds to deal with the monster hovering before me.

  “Will you leave us alone?”

  The thing’s response was a high-pitched giggle in my mind. It was an oily, repulsive sound.

  “Then die!” I screamed as I kicked my poor mount into action, urging it to run full-on toward the waiting monster.

  The thing gave a terrible shriek and lifted into the air, placing its deadly back claws at shoulder height as I charged it. When I got within ten feet of the monster I pulled my arm back and sent the sword, dagger-like, flying through the air toward its left wing.

  The creature hadn’t been expecting that and I was lucky. The sword embedded itself in the place where the wing met the monster’s body and the wing went limp.

  With a surprised shriek the monster fell to the ground, slamming hard, its injured wing crumpling painfully under it. I kicked my horse’s ribs and we sailed over the downed beast.

  We’d nearly cleared it when the monster swiped its healthy wing upward and carved a deep wound across my chest with the razors on its edge. Bright, icy pain sliced through me. My breath clenched in my lungs and, for a moment, I worried that a lung had been severed.

  Then my horse hit the ground on the other side of the monster and I jolted forward, sliding off the side of the terrified mount. I hit the ground and grunted as the fleeing horse landed on one thigh with a pounding hoof. That pain was a dull agony underneath the vivid pain of my open chest.

  I lay on the ground, vaguely aware that hoofbeats seemed to be pounding all around me, as if an army of riders had come to my rescue. Somebody screamed my name and I frowned. I knew that voice.

  A scuffling, dragging sound preceded the wafting of a horrible stench across my senses. My hand clenched around the object within it. I forced my eyes open and saw the huge, dark outline of the bird creature standing over me, one wing drooping worthlessly at its side.

  I raised my hand as the thing’s good wing started to lift. With my other hand I fed the string of my Cupid’s bow with a deadly arrow and, before the monster could complete the arc of its razor-tipped wing, I sent it sailing toward the monster’s throat.

  The wing completed its arc and agony sliced through me again.

  Hoofbeats pounded past my head, the monster gave a startled, ugh, sound and went down with a thud, rocking the ground beneath me.

  I tried to get up but my limbs were cold and numb, useless. I lay there and prayed to the gods that I’d wounded the creature enough to give Nidras a chance with it. As I slid toward the gray fuzz of unconsciousness, the sound of struggling stopped and voices came to me.

  You won’t defeat me, Nidras. I will kill your very brave and exceedingly stupid young man…come to me willingly.

  That will…happen. You will die… I’m going to finish…Hermes…

  The responding, high-pitched giggle was shrill and slightly hysterical. I finally recognized the voice. It was the wizard, Grimsbar. Stupid girl…he will die. You have no power over me.

  I’ll get…power.

  I doubt…pay the price.

  I’ll pay it.

  The voices drifted away from me. I struggled to remain conscious so I could hear what they were saying. But my life’s blood was seeping into the dirt below my body and I was so cold. So numb.

  My mind screamed helplessly but my body was dying and there was nothing I could do to help Nidras.

  Warmth covered me and I think I finally moved my lips. I pushed her name between them and it fell hopeless and unheard into the void. A distant light exploded within my consciousness and suddenly I was moving toward it. In my mind I flailed helplessly. I didn’t want to die. I wanted to stay and help Nidras break her curse.

  But I was moving inexorably toward that light.

  For a moment Nidras was there with me. Her pale, oval face was filled with the light of love.

  “It’s okay, Hermes. You’re going to a good place.”

  I shook my head, reaching for her sweet face, cupping her small chin in one hand. “I don’t want to leave you.”

  A shadow fell over those beautiful eyes. “You must leave me. It’s the only way I can save you. And break this gods-forsaken curse.”

  She started to drift away, pulling her soft warmth away with her. I screamed. “No!” She disappeared with a pop. All I had left was that bright light. I hated that damn light.

  But on some level I knew it was making me whole again. Whole and healthy.

  So I could live alone again. Without my demon princess. Trudging aimlessly through life with a broken heart.

  Not a damn chance! The Fates would be hearing from me.

  As soon as I could get my rubber legs under me again.

  Bring on the light.

  Damn you, give me more light!

  Chapter Eight

  The Fates

  Cool hands touched my brow. Images swam across my mind, vibrant in their effects but decidedly fuzzy on detail. Nidras, leaning over me, the pale oval of her face filled with worry. Behind her, an older, still beautiful copy of her face hovered.

  Pain sliced through my body along with heat and light. My limp limbs twitched but lacked the strength to lift from the soft surface beneath me.

  In the distance, light moved past a window, chased by velvet darkness and then the window filled with soft light again as the sun recaptured the sky. Fevered dreams of horrific flying creatures with cold, red eyes filled my mind, making me shiver uncontrollably.

  The worst of these nightmares included Nidras’ death. Ripped to shreds by those horrible, curved claws. I thrashed and fought against this image, my weakened body flailing helplessly under the horror of my dreams.

  Sweat poured from my body one moment, drenching the fabric beneath me, followed by bone-shattering chills and shaking. Soft hands bathed the sweat from my body with warm, fragrant water and covered me with heated blankets to chase the chill.

  I slept on but didn’t rest. Something tugged at me…called to me…and I had no respite. I needed to climb out of the muzzy unconsciousness that held me tight. I needed to return to the land of the living. I had work to do.

  Finally, against my will, my body slipped into rest. Blessed blackness swamped my mind and my body relaxed into true sleep.

  As soon as I slept, Nidras came to me. Her body was soft and warm, scented with her need.

  “Hello, Hermes.”

  I grinned, happy to see her. “Nidras. Finally. I thought you’d left.”

  She shook her dark head but she didn’t smile back. “I know I should have but I needed to see you one more time.” She slid a cool hand over my chest, tugging gently on each nipple before sliding it across my stomach. My skin quivered pleasantly under her gentle touch.

  “I’m glad you came back.” I reached for her but she pulled away from my touch. I tried to push myself to a sitting position but my body refused to move. I felt weighted down, helpless and immobile. But I didn’t mind being helpless to Nidras’ soothing touch.

  She stroked her hand over my rock-hard cock, sliding it down to cup my taut balls. “I love your cock, Hermes. It’s always so hard, so ready for me.”

  I closed my eyes as she lowered her lips toward my aching shaft. “Taste me, Nidras. Suck me hard and then let me fuck you. I need you so much.”

  I gasped as her soft lips touched the beaded tip of my cock. Her tongue tasted me, sending arrows of fire into the painfully hard shaft beneath her lips. My cock jerked under her touch and I groaned. Nidra
s opened her lips and allowed my aching flesh to slide between them. I arched my hips, burying myself deeply within the heat of her mouth. It felt like heaven, sensual nirvana. My hands found her soft hair, which had grown down her back again, curling against her narrow hips. I wrapped the silken strands around my hands and tugged gently, urging her to greater depths on my cock.

  My balls climbed higher and tighter against my body, boiling with need.

  Nidras tightened her lips on my shaft and let it slide back out of her mouth. I rubbed the satiny curls around my fingers over my belly and waited, blissfully anticipating the return of heat and delicious pressure to my taut skin. Nidras didn’t disappoint. She cupped my tender balls in one hand and slid her soft mouth down my shaft again, taking my entire length into her mouth and throat, until I could feel the softness of her lips against my belly.

  Her throat worked over my cock and I cried out, sure I was going to die from pleasure.

  She increased the tempo of her strokes until my toes curled and I groaned helplessly, feeling the lava-like boil of cum in my balls threatening to erupt.

  I tugged gently on her hair. “Ride me, Nidras. Bury me inside your pussy.”

  She dragged her lips up my cock one last time, stroking her tongue over the tender head of my shaft as it popped free and then climbed astride my thighs.

  I watched her eyes as her body lowered slowly over mine. As the engorged head of my cock slid inside her tight pussy, her beautiful eyes widened with pleasure. She slowly dropped her weight over me, the tight silk of her inner muscles dragging delightfully over my inflamed flesh.

  My toes curled tightly against the soles of my feet. “Oh my gods, Nidras.”

  With my cock buried deep within her body, her head dropped back on a moan of sheer pleasure. Silken strands of her hair bathed my thighs and a jolt of pleasure speared my belly. I wrapped my hands around her hips and encouraged her upward.

  Nidras happily complied. I closed my eyes and rode the waves of delight as her heated flesh milked my painfully hard dick. She rode me relentlessly, increasing the tempo of her strokes until sweat beaded on her upper lip and gave a tender sheen to her breasts.

  I reached up and cupped the heavy globes swaying above me, pulling the rigid peaks between my thumbs and forefingers and tugging gently.

  “More!” she demanded and I pulled her nipples harder, then harder still when she placed her hands over mine and pressed, panting, “Twist them harder, Hermes, gods…please!”

  My balls were so tight I thought they would burst. And still my cock pulled on them, trying to gain more room for the massive amount of blood pouring to the area.

  With a husky cry, Nidras’ body stiffened and her inner muscles clamped hard around me, making me groan in helpless delight.

  Nidras’ orgasm rolled her eyes back in her head and pulled against my flesh. “Hermes!” she screamed before collapsing over me.

  My mouth found her delightful lips, pulling the sweet breath from between them. My tongue tangled with hers. Her mouth was a feast to a starving man. The sweet musk of her breath bathed my face as our tongues danced hungrily.

  My body tightened and my knees locked, pulling my legs rigid as release swept over me. Fiery jolts of sensual shock made my muscles go taut and my cock jerked hard, sending volcanic emissions of cum into her hungry pussy.

  She panted lightly as I softened within her body. Her hair enveloped us in a soft, fragrant curtain, creating a cocoon of sensuality that I never wanted to leave.

  “Hermes.” Her lips touched my cheek and I shuddered.

  I opened my mouth to tell her I loved her. But she was gone, just as suddenly as she’d appeared.

  My sleep no longer felt restful. The bed was cold and empty and I no longer wanted to lie in it. I started the long journey toward wakefulness, fighting my way to awareness. I don’t know how long I slept. But when I awoke, it was to a true nightmare.

  I blinked, dragging my eyes open. My surroundings were only vaguely familiar. It was a well-appointed room, decorated with feminine sensibilities in mind. Large, airy and richly adorned. My eyes found the double French doors on the far side of the room. Filmy, white curtains fluttered gently in a soft, warm breeze. Through the billowing gauze I could see a balcony.

  Standing on that balcony was a small, shapely form with glossy black hair. She wore fine silks, which skimmed her slim body elegantly. “Nidras?”

  The form turned and my fuzzy mind rebelled. If it was Nidras, she’d aged about twenty years. How long had I been asleep?

  The woman on the balcony strode through the doors and toward the bed, a soft smile on her pale, beautiful face. “Feeling better?”

  I swallowed hard, scrubbing a hand over my eyes. My brain finally clicked and I recognized Nidras’ mother. The demon queen.

  A cool hand touched my brow. “Fever’s finally broken. I think you got some rest at least.”

  I tried to sit up and pain jolted through me. My chest and side felt as if someone held a firebrand to them. Gasping, I flopped back.

  “The wounds are healed but you’ll be sore for a bit.”

  “Where’s Nidras?”

  The woman’s gaze slid away. She reached for a glass on the table beside the bed. Holding the water under my nose she said, “Drink this.”

  I complied, feeling each swallow like a needle in my chest. The mere act of drinking used up the small stores of energy I had available. My body melted heavily into the mattress and my eyes slipped closed. “I need to see Nidras.”

  Cool fingers slid across my cheek, pushing hair from my face. “Sleep, Hermes. Just sleep.”

  Like a magic incantation, her words plunged me black into the velvet black of unconsciousness. When I woke again the open door was dusky with late afternoon. The room was empty. I was alone.

  I shoved the blankets back and sat up, waiting while the room danced around me and stars burst before my eyes. My wounds ached slightly but they were much better than they’d been earlier in the day. When the room stopped moving I stood up. Walking on wobbly legs, I headed into the bathroom.

  A half-hour later I emerged feeling much better. I’d managed to shower and shave and dressed in some clothing that had been left for me. The cotton shirt and jeans fit me as if they’d been made for me. Just like magic.

  Demon magic.

  I headed out of the room, having no idea where I was going and soon found myself descending a wide, curving stairwell toward the foyer I’d glimpsed briefly when I’d carried Nidras through those broad double doors.

  A soft voice drew me toward the room closest to the bottom of the stairs. The door was open. I stopped just inside, glancing around. The queen stood in front of a huge, roaring fire, holding a large goblet filled with burgundy liquid that sparked in the flames from the fire. “Hello, Hermes.” She turned her beautiful face to the other side of the room. “Will you get Hermes some wine, darling?”

  My eyes shot in the direction she looked, expecting to find Nidras. I blinked in disappointment when I saw only the king. He lounged against the back of a long, golden divan, a matching goblet in one enormous hand.

  “Come in, sit down,” the queen offered.

  I entered the room, moving to stand beside her at the fire. The heat felt incredible against my chilled body. Despite the fact that I was determined to shake it off, I was still suffering the aftereffects of my terrible wounds. “I just need to see Nidras. Then I’ll go.”

  The queen’s beautiful gaze found her husband’s. Their eyes were filled with pain.

  Horror swamped me. “She’s all right!” It was less a question than a demand. I simply would not accept that the wizard had killed her.

  The queen placed a hand on my arm. “She’s fine.”

  I nodded, accepting the wine from the demon king gratefully and taking a large drink from the fine crystal glass.

  “She doesn’t want to see you, Hermes.”

  I swallowed hard. “Bullshit!”

  The demon king lifted a
dark, bushy eyebrow in surprise. “I know you didn’t just call bullshit on me.”

  My whole body tensed with anger. I took a step toward him. “I did. Where is she? I demand that you tell me right now!”

  The other eyebrow went north to join the first one.

  A soft hand fell on my forearm and I shook it off. The deep black of the king’s gaze flashed with anger. “If you do violence to the queen again, Cupid, you will feel the effects of my wrath. I don’t care how feeble you are.”

  Realizing that I would get nowhere with them if I let my anger rule my good sense, I took a deep breath and turned to the queen, bowing slightly. “I apologize, Your Majesty. I deeply appreciate your help and hospitality. But Nidras is in grave danger and I must be with her. To help her.”

  The queen’s beautiful face softened and tears filled her eyes. “You love our daughter very much, Hermes.” Her voice was barely more than a whisper.

  I nodded. My throat had constricted as I realized she was right. I did love Nidras. I wasn’t sure when or how it had happened. Lust had turned to love.

  She patted my arm. “She has asked us to tell you that she cannot see you again. She has gone to meet her fate…” The queen’s voice broke on these words and her husband moved to her side, placing a huge arm around her slim shoulders. “She said…” Her lavender gaze slid upward.

  The king squeezed her shoulders and pinned me with a cold, black gaze. “She said she doesn’t want or need you around anymore, Hermes. You just get in her way.”

  Pain crashed through my chest again but this time it wasn’t from any physical wound. My knees weakened but I locked them, determined to stay upright. “I don’t believe it.”

  The king’s black eyes flashed with anger again. His wife placed a small hand on his chest. “It is true, Hermes. I’m so sorry.” Tears flowed freely down her pale cheeks. I believed her. She really was sorry.

  I turned and stared into the fire for several beats and then made my decision. I downed the rest of the wine, feeling it burst into warmth in my icy chest and then settled the glass on a nearby table and turned to the royal couple.


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