Realms Gate: A Realm Divided

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Realms Gate: A Realm Divided Page 10

by Juliet Anderson

  He stalked out the room. What his father was suggesting was crazy. You did not try and bargain with a sorcerer. It had disaster written all over it. He had also given Sasha his word that no harm would come to her. That was one promise he would keep until his last breath, because if anything did happen to Sasha, Erin would most surely make sure it was his last.

  Erin was in the entrance hall putting on her coat when the front door bell rang. Her jaw quite literally dropped to the ground when she opened the door to Heinrekh. She instinctively took a couple of steps back and held up her hands in defence.

  He held his palms against his body. “This is a peaceful visit, Erin. I need to talk to you urgently.”

  She blinked a few times to make sure she was not hallucinating. “You want to talk to me?”


  She did not exactly relish the thought of having Heinrekh in her house but it would be rude to leave him on the door step. And the mosquitos would eat him alive. She stepped aside and let him in.

  “Who was that at the door?” Birdie got half way across the hallway before she stopped dead. “Good God, is that….?”

  “Heinrekh of Vasmaar,” he bowed formally to Birdie. “I need to speak with Erin on an urgent subject.”

  “My mother is ill?” Erin showed him into the study.

  “No, Lodraill is fine.” He glanced up at the portrait above the fireplace and smiled. It was an exceptionally good likeness. “Lokranor have taken Sasha captive.”

  “Would you care to say that again?” She did a double take.

  “King Olav’s troops abducted Sasha whilst my guards were escorting her to a gateway in Vasmaar earlier today.”

  Erin softened seeing the pain written on Heinrekh’s face. There was no doubt as to his feelings for Sasha. And she knew it was not a trap, Sasha had told her she was visiting Heinrekh.

  “Have you heard anything from them?” She tried to keep her voice as level as possible.

  “Olav wants to trade Sasha for Lodraill.”

  “Hmm. I did not think the King to be that stupid.”

  Heinrekh looked at her quizzically.

  “In this Realm we do not negotiate with hostage takers either.”

  He nodded in understanding.

  “And if you do not trade?”

  “They will execute her most likely for being a Vasmaarian spy.”

  Erin snorted loudly. “Over my dead body.” She opened the door. Magnus and Birdie were right outside. “I take it you heard all of that?”

  “Yes,” Magnus looked a little guilty at being caught eavesdropping.

  “Good. At least I don’t have to repeat it. We go to Lokranor right away.” She turned back to Heinrekh. “We will get her back, have no fear of that.”

  “This changes nothing between us, Erin,” Heinrekh’s voice was soft.

  “I know, we’re still mortal enemies. But no-one takes my friend hostage, not even for my mother. There are far more honourable ways to play this game and I will not have innocent people drawn into this millennia long fight.”

  Erin was starting to see the man Sasha was attracted to. There was something about him, a mix of good and bad that was intriguing. Maybe there was hope for him yet.

  “I will meet you back here. Have your vile blackbird watch the Realms Gate, he will tell you when we cross through safely with Sasha.”

  The corners of his mouth twitched. “Destain is the most reliable source I have. And he is a sparrowhawk not a blackbird.” He turned as he was leaving, those icy eyes just a fraction warmer. “Thank you, Erin.”

  Magnus followed Erin up to her room as she went to change. Dinner at Sasha’s was a no go. Instead it would be roasting someone in Lokranor.

  “Before you head off to Lokranor all guns blazing, you must be prepared for the fact that Olav will not give you Sasha. It is unlikely he will back down now.” Magnus thought he should at least prepare her.

  “I know. I am about to declare war on the Second Realm. Not quite the outcome everyone was expecting.” She grabbed her Viking armour from the wardrobe and slipped into the bathroom to change. “I also know you are in a difficult position with Lokranor being your home. So I will understand if you don’t want to come with me,” she shouted through the door.

  She heard a lot of spluttering coming from Magnus. “I am sworn to protect you. What makes you think I would leave you now?”

  “Because if this goes badly, you may not be able to return to Lokranor. To Ingrid.”

  “If it looks like I’m going to be exiled, I will take Ingrid with me. Wilhelm promised me as much.”

  “He did?” Erin popped her head around the door of the bathroom.

  “Yes. He had a feeling I would be conflicted sooner or later. I also believe he will want no part in Olav’s plan.”

  “Let’s hope so.” She turned her back to Magnus. “Lace me up.”

  “Fit to dance at any burlesque club,” Magnus joked as he tied the laces at the back of her armour.

  She slapped the back of his head on the way out.

  Within minutes, they were riding to the Realms Gate, Erin finally getting a chance to wear the cloak Wilhelm had given her. In fact the only thing she was not wearing was the royal emblem. It seemed wrong to have it around her neck when she was about to declare war on the royal household.

  She was pleased it took about twenty minutes to ride to the Gate, it gave her time to control her anger. Level-headedness was the key here. The last thing either side needed was her losing her temper; things or people tended to get vaporised when she did.

  The Realms Gate looked beautiful and quiet, the flaming torches already lit as night was descending.

  “Hi, Tom,” she waved to the elderly guard.

  “Miss Erin,” he smiled back. “We’ve not seen you here for a while.”

  “This is just a quick visit hopefully.”

  Magnus rode his horse through first. The Lokranor guards knew him well. She followed close behind.

  They rode straight to the Castle, Erin’s mind was truly focussed. Storming into the Great Hall, the crowds parted. Olav was seated at the far end, Wilhelm nowhere in sight.

  “Erin, we were not expecting you,” Olav nodded.

  “I had some rather unsettling news which brought me straight here. Is it true you are holding Sasha McBride?” she barked at him. He was going to be shown no respect tonight.

  “It is usual to bow before addressing the King,” he glowered at her.

  “You are not my sovereign,” she glared back. “Now are you holding Sasha?”


  “Then you will release her immediately.”

  “I do not take orders from a child who is not of this Realm.”

  “News flash, I turned eighteen and am therefore no longer a child.”

  Wilhelm appeared from a doorway, Erin’s pulse fluttered ever so slightly. He was so cute. “I think this is a conversation that should best be held in private.” He looked at his father. Olav grunted and indicated for them to follow.

  Wilhelm leant in to Magnus. “Go get Ingrid and meet us at the Gate. I’ll watch Erin’s back. I think we might be leaving in rather a hurry.”

  Magnus took a step back from Erin. “I cannot protect one who shows such disrespect for my King, Erin. I believe we part company here.” Run with it kid, I have to look like I’m no longer backing you.

  “You always were a spineless toad, Selvig. Your services are now dispensed with,” she retorted. Good luck. Hopefully I’ll see you soon.

  Erin followed Wilhelm to Olav’s private meeting room. He poured her a drink but she refused it. “The only thing I want from Lokranor is Sasha. Heinrekh has already stated he will not negotiate so there is no point holding her. And if for one minute you think about hurting her, I will decimate Lokranor.”

  “I do not respond to threats,” Olav thundered.

  “But you are willing to sink to the lowly depths of taking a young girl hostage.”

  “Not just an
y girl, Heinrekh’s.”

  “And my closest friend. You are playing a very dangerous game here, and are running the risk of alienating the one person who can defeat Heinrekh.”

  “Do you not want your mother returned?” Olav scowled.

  “Yes. And I am working on that. But I will not drag innocent people into our war.”

  “Sasha is not innocent. She is paying the price for siding with Heinrekh.”

  “She has sided with no-one. She is completely neutral in all of this. Now I will ask you one final time. Release her into my care.”

  “No,” Olav responded bluntly. “Heinrekh needs to see we mean business. To back down now would appear weak.”

  Erin gave a small laugh. “You’re not really understanding this, are you? It is not Heinrekh you should be fearing, but me. Not only will I tear this city apart to find my friend, I will also probably side with Heinrekh after this. If that happens, Wilhelm will not be heir to the throne but any offspring of Heinrekh.”

  “I grow tired of your threats, child,” Olav waved his hand angrily. “Wilhelm, have her removed from the Castle. She is no longer a welcomed guest.”

  “Actually, father, I am in agreement with Erin. I want you to release Sasha. What you are doing is less than honourable.”

  Olav’s temper frayed completely. “I will not have my useless son question my decisions. You are nothing more than a weak boy with no backbone to see this through.”

  “I really don’t care what you think, father. Erin is right. We need to release Sasha.”

  “I will not permit it, now get out my sight both of you.”

  Erin stormed towards the door. “Your son is anything but weak. He is worth ten of you.”

  Wilhelm grabbed her hand and pulled her along the corridor. “I hope you will believe me when I say I had no involvement in this at all. I’ve been trying to get that thick-headed ogre to release Sasha, but he will not see reason.”

  “I knew you could not have done so lowly an act.”

  He gave a small smile. “It is good to see you again.”

  “Are you taking me to Sasha?”

  “Yes. We don’t have much time, though. Once my father realises what I am about to do, we will all be charged with treason.”

  Erin smiled. “I’ve been wanting to practice my new skills for a while.”

  Wilhelm shook his head. “Just be gentle with these people, the majority are only following orders from their sovereign.”

  He stopped her at the end of a passageway. “There are two guards outside her room.”

  “Allow me,” Erin stepped around him, two balls of Loxhadrin appearing in her hands. Both guards were vaporised.

  She charged into the room. Sasha was seated on the sofa, Gudrun next to her. She leapt up and ran to Erin, hugging her friend.

  “This is the second time I’ve had to rescue your butt,” Erin sighed dramatically. “You owe me.”

  “How did you know I was here?”

  “I had a very unexpected visitor this evening.”

  “He didn’t?”

  “He did. Now, we don’t have time to chat.” Erin looked over at Gudrun. “I do apologise, but we cannot stay. Apparently I’m committing treason.”

  Gudrun gave a beautiful enigmatic smile. “Olav has to be your sovereign to commit treason. I suspect Wilhelm is though,” she looked admirably at him. “Go with her, my son. I support your choice and will try and bring your father around.”

  Wilhelm dropped a kiss on his mother’s cheek before heading back out the door. “This way,” he murmured, “I do believe the palace guard is on its way.”

  The trio hurried along the passageway and down a flight of stairs. Erin hoped Wilhelm knew where he was going as she was completely lost. He suddenly indicated for them to stop, pushing them into an alcove as another batch of guards came perilously close.

  The next time they were not so lucky, they were spotted. Erin stepped in front and picked off four of them with Loxhadrin. The remaining two were going to be dispatched the old fashioned way. She drew her Talmar and killed one, Wilhelm got the other. Behind another two guards appeared. She was ruthless with her Talmar, they did not have time for an extended fight.

  “Let’s go,” she hissed after the last one met their maker. “How are we going to get to the Gate? My horse is out front.”

  “So is mine. I thought I might need it so asked for it to be brought around.”

  “You’re not bad at this whole treasonous activity, are you?” she smiled. “Actually, I have a plan. I can cloak us heading towards the horses. As long as we are touching, we will invisible. The only sticky moment will be mounting up.”

  “We’ll tackle that when we get to it.”

  Erin waved her hand murmuring ‘majorin’ and touched the other two, they were all shrouded by the blue energy. They walked gingerly towards the horses, making no sound whatsoever.

  “What’s the plan?” Wilhelm whispered.

  “You’re to mount up and pull Sasha up behind. Once you’re ready to go, I’ll release you and you’ll be visible. You then ride like hell to the Gate.”

  “And what about you?” Wilhelm sounded none too happy.

  “I’ll be close behind. I just need to create a small diversion to keep the guards busy whilst we make our escape. First, I need to check if Magnus is safe.”

  Do you have Ingrid, Magnus?

  Yes, she’s not that happy about being abducted herself.

  Tell her she won’t be alone. Her cousin has broken just about every law in this damned Realm.

  As if that’s going to appease her. She’s a woman.

  Take her shopping with your credit card. She’ll love you forever more. Are you near the Gate?

  Yes. Are you going to be long?

  No, just watch the night sky light up. Fireworks are so pretty. She disconnected the link to Magnus’s laughter.

  “We’re set to go.” Erin looked at Sasha. “Will you be alright?”

  “Yes, just get me out this god forsaken place. The next time you call Heinrekh evil, you might want to remember Lokranor too.”

  “Hey, I always said both sides were equally to blame.”

  “Can we have this argument later, ladies? We’re supposed to be running on silent,” Wilhelm butted in.

  There was a hive of activity outside the front of the Castle, Erin just hoped she could distract everyone’s attention long enough for Wilhelm to get safely away with Sasha. They managed to reach the horses without any trouble. With Wilhelm and Sasha both on his horse, she stepped away.

  “Get moving,” she hissed. She threw several balls of Loxhadrin to clear a path for Wilhelm. Once he was out of sight, she turned on the guards advancing towards her. She drew her Talmar and cut down anyone who came close. She could see Olav standing at the entrance way to the Great Hall, he was looking a tad cross.

  “I want them all captured before they reach the Gate,” he howled. “Especially my treacherous son.” He stalked down the steps towards Erin, drawing his sword.

  Erin could not help the smile that crossed her face, kicking Olav’s butt in front of his men would be suitable pay back of abducting Sasha.

  Magnus, I want you to get Wilhelm and Sasha through the Gate as soon as they arrive.

  What’s keeping you?

  I cannot turn down the opportunity to hand Olav his ass.

  Crap, I want to see that.

  Sorry, I need you to get the others to safety. I should not be long.

  Call me if you need me.

  Will do.

  “Dolmarad,” Erin murmured and her sword filled with blue energy, making it even more lethal. Olav swung his sword with force; as soon as it connected with her Talmar, a strong volt of blue energy hit him. He flew back several feet.

  “I would have expected the King to fight a little better than this,” Erin yawned, looking positively bored. “Such a shame that your best warrior has just passed through the Gate. But if you have anyone else who you would like to cha
llenge me in your place, please nominate them. I wouldn’t mind some half decent practice.”

  He gave a loud snarl and came at her a few times more, the energy severely draining him each time. Much as she would have liked to inflict severe pain on him, she knew Wilhelm and Magnus would come looking for her if she did not leave soon.


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