Realms Gate: A Realm Divided

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Realms Gate: A Realm Divided Page 23

by Juliet Anderson

  “How about some retaliation,” Erin was pissed.

  She focused heavily on the symbol, raising her hands to the side. “Malareg,” she murmured, waving her hands up. A huge bank of snow rose from the ground and travelled back from where it came.

  Lodraill touched her hand. “You have learnt symbology?”

  “Yeah, I’m pretty new at it. Magnus taught me a few days ago when I found the book.”

  “You learnt it just like that?”

  “It has something to do with my blood. My abilities are there, it’s knowing the commands I need to master.” She put the book back in her back pack. “We need to keep moving. How much further Wilhelm?”

  “We are over half way.”

  “Is that all? We’d best pick up the pace.”

  Heinrekh shook the snow out his hair, he was livid. Erin was seriously starting to upset him and friend or not of Sasha’s, he would make her pay dearly for his series of humiliations. First she had blocked him in the cave, causing him more than a headache. And now she had returned the snow shower. Her powers were growing by the hour it seemed.

  He had no idea where she was headed; obviously it was to another gate, but he knew of none. He remounted his horse and indicated for his troops to follow. She was on foot, so it would not take him too long to close the gap. But not too soon, he wanted them to reveal this other gate. Top of his list was his girlfriend, he wanted Sasha back at all costs. After her last abduction by Lokranor troops, she had needed a lot of persuading to set foot in Vasmaar again. This time he would make sure she did not leave.

  He knew the minute Lodraill disappeared through the gate, all his efforts over the past years would have been for nothing. Lokranor was virtually defenceless, but with Lodraill’s return, everything would change. He had no-one to blame but himself, he had taken his eyes off Erin. She had evidently found a tutor, because what she was learning could not have come totally by instinct.

  This gate they were going to had him very excited. It could possibly be the one he was searching for. He should have worked a little harder on Lars to reveal its location. But if it was the entrance that led to Valkarin’s tomb, then Lars was the perfect person to have present. The Vokteren would let them through without even batting an eyelid.

  He sent Destain on ahead to keep an eye on the group, he was not going to let them slip through his net.

  Erin heard a strange sound, a bit like a growl. She rested her hand on Magnus’ arm. “What’s that noise? I hope it was just your stomach.”

  “Oh hell,” he drew his sword. “Wolves.”

  “Ladies and Lars,” Erin shouted, “behind us.”

  “If you let me have a sword, I could help,” Lars complained.

  “I trust your father implicitly,” Erin responded. “But as I only met you a short while ago, I’m not risking our safety on the fact you might share his sense of values.”

  The pack of wolves attacked. Erin didn’t want to use blue energy, but there were too many of them to risk not using it. She sent out three full burst which decimated their numbers, leaving just a few stragglers to pick off.

  “Everyone unhurt?” she gazed around in the darkness.

  “Yes, we’re fine,” Lodraill replied.

  “Next time you want to take a hostage, please feel free to leave me behind. This is really the bargain basement of abductions,” Sasha moaned.

  “Magnus, will you carry her ladyship before she pulls a muscle and screeches some more?” Erin teased.

  “If that Viking Neanderthal so much as touches me, I’ll give him a bruise,” Sasha snapped.

  Magnus leant over and poked her with his finger. Sasha’s response was to whack him hard on the arm.

  “Can we get moving again before something far worse that wolves descends on us?” Erin sighed.

  “I’m happy to wait for that something,” Sasha retorted.

  “I’m sure there is a medicine that can cure you of that,” Erin chuckled.

  Angus was now realising he had been seriously duped. Erin had not shown up in Iceland. Several phone calls later, he had discovered she had been seen boarding a seaplane in Thurso fully armed. She must have been on her way to rescue her mother and had played him as the perfect decoy. He prayed to Odin that she had not succeeded in freeing Lodraill otherwise Heinrekh would be doubly pissed.

  He had now missed the last plane out of the country so would have to wait until morning. It occurred to him that if Erin was in Vasmaar, she must still have the bracelet in her possession. There was perhaps a chance he might be able to steal it back. Sadly her house was rarely empty.


  “I recognise this place,” Sasha looked at the rock formation ahead of them.

  “You do?” Erin asked.

  “Yes. Heinrekh and I rode through here a couple of times. This was his favourite spot to play as a child. A waterfall used to flow over the rocks.”

  “Which would make a perfect hiding place for the gateway. Any idea how we get in? The book just shows the location not the actual entrance.”

  “Lars, are you going to enlighten us?” Magnus asked.

  He shrugged his shoulders. “I’ve not been here before.”

  Erin gave a deep sigh. “Give me a minute.” She focused and murmured the words “Dalmarig.” Lars mind was one hell of a mess. The guy was more damaged than she was, in fact she felt positively sorry for him there was so much pain. But he knew she was searching through his mind so was being deliberately awkward. She needed to distract his attention. She changed targets and aimed for Sasha. “I need your help. Talk to Lars and distract him.”

  Sasha glanced over at her friend a little shocked. The message had obviously got through as she saw Sasha move towards him.

  It did not take long for her to have full access to his mind. The guy obviously had a massive crush on Sasha. Actually the thoughts he was having about her were positively outrageous. And she was only talking to him. Then she hit jackpot.

  “I’ve got it,” she grinned. “Let’s go.”

  “You owe me,” Sasha muttered to Erin.

  “Hey, it’s not like he’s a gargoyle. He’d be quite cute if he stopped glaring.”

  “I’m already happy in a relationship, if you remember.”

  “Yikes, the dark lord can’t be far behind.” Erin took hold of Lars and propelled him in front of her. “I’m not about to walk into a Vokteren nest without you in front of me. Your guys are really creepy.”

  An unwelcomed sight was waiting for them close to the entrance. How the hell did Heinrekh know where they were going? A loud squawk answered her question. Damn that bloody bird.

  “Say behind me,” she pushed Lars behind her.

  She and Heinrekh glared at each other for a few moments before he spoke first. “This is a much smaller field than last time we faced each other. But rest assured, you will fall this time.”

  “I beg to disagree. Now I’ve inherited my full powers, you’re no longer fighting a child.” She pulled out her Talmar and swung it around. When I give the order, get the others inside the cave. We might only have a very small window of opportunity.

  I’m not leaving you.

  I’ll be right behind you, but not until I see everyone is inside.

  She noticed Heinrekh’s guards starting to circle them. “Kloxardin,” she waved her hand and brought up a shield, cutting off his guards from her group.

  Heinrekh came at her hard, the guy was clearly pissed at being given the run around. She blocked each of his blows with ease. “It really must irritate you that I managed to spring Lodraill with so little effort.”

  “I didn’t think anyone would be foolish enough to blast a hole in the side of my tower,” he glowered.

  “Guess you’ve never come up against a teenager before. We don’t generally do what’s expected. Nor do we always go for subtle.” She fended off a heavy blow. “I’m surprised you didn’t hear the explosion. Are you losing your hearing? It’s only natural in your advancing ye
ars.” She side stepped a vicious slice from Heinrekh. “Lars is rather cute too. I think Sasha is developing quite a soft spot for him.”

  Heinrekh let out a snarl and swung angrily.

  “Temper, temper,” Erin goaded him.

  “I will enjoy squeezing the life out of you,” he hissed, dropping his sword.

  Erin knew what was coming next. A fine thread of blue energy shot from his hand and wrapped itself around her neck. Instead of panicking, she retaliated by shooting strands from her hand and winding them around his energy. Jasper was right, it killed his hold on her.

  “Your tutor has taught you well. Might I know his name?”

  “Jasper Voktere,” Erin grinned seeing the shocked expression on his face. This was the perfect time for her guys to make a break for freedom. She had manoeuvred Heinrekh far enough from the entrance.

  Now, Magnus. “Kloxardin,” she raised another shield in front of her, so Heinrekh could not stop them.

  True to her word, she was last to enter. Erin tossed up a ball of Loxhadrin to light their way, they were once again in a cave that had many caverns. “Which one, Lars?”

  “Second from the left,” Lars grunted. “No, the other left, as if coming from Isleberg.”

  She saw the cloaked figures ahead of them. “I am Erin McLomard of Muirhead. We have been given safe passage through the Gateways by order of Isafor Voktere. As proof, we have Lars Voktere with us. You will step aside.”

  “We got bigger things to worry about, Erin,” Wilhelm announced. “Heinrekh has disarmed your shield.”

  “Lars, take everyone through the gateway. I’ll take on Heinrekh.” She handed over her backpack to Magnus. “Use my mobile to phone Birdie. She’ll pick you guys up with Jasper.”

  “Did you take stupid pills this morning, girl? I’m your guardian, I don’t’ leave your side.”

  “Can’t you follow an order for once?”


  “I’m staying too,” Wilhelm drew his sword. “Life would be indeterminably boring without you.”

  “And I am not without power,” Lodraill stood next to her daughter.

  “Is this a bloody mutiny?” Erin groaned. “Whilst I appreciate the companionship, I can do this alone.”

  “Shut up and do what you’re told for once, woman,” Magnus grunted.

  “I’m certainly not going anywhere alone with Lars,” Sasha stepped away from him.

  “Can you bring the front of the cave down?” Magnus asked.

  “I can’t risk it with us inside.”

  “Do it, we’ll take the risk,” Wilhelm responded.

  “Get ready to run, just in case,” Erin sighed, raising her hands. She aimed a few balls of Loxhadrin directly at the cave entrance then they all ducked for cover as a loud roar of falling stone drowned out everything. Wilhelm was the first on his feet when the dust cleared.

  “Erin?” he called looking around for her.

  “I’m here,” she got to her feet, dusting off the bits of rubble. “Did it work?”

  “Sort of,” Magnus responded.

  “What you mean?”

  “The entrance is blocked, but you failed in keeping me out,” Heinrekh’s chilly voice echoed around the cavern.

  “You are worse than a bloody cockroach, “Erin moaned. “Someone somewhere must have written a volume on how to dispose of a sorcerer in three easy steps.”

  To her surprise he laughed. “Not that I am aware of.” He looked over to the right of her. “Are you alright, my love?”

  “Of course, I’m fine. Erin’s my best friend.” Sasha removed some chunks of rubble from her hair. “I’m just going to stand over here in this nice dark cavern whilst you guys wreak havoc on each other.”

  “Why don’t you return to Vasmaar, Heinrekh? You are cut off from your troops and not only have you got us to go through, you have a Vokteren army waiting just behind us. It’s hopeless and you know it.”

  “The Vokteren possess no power, I’ve decimated their numbers in the past without even breaking a sweat. The only person here who can even start to challenge me is you. And I’ve already bested you once.”

  “Really? How’s the shoulder. Was it the right one? I forget. And when we talk about being bested, have I not relieved you of your hostages twice now?”

  Heinrekh threw a bolt of Loxhadrin at her. Quick as a flash the Asgardian shield was in her hand, disintegrating the energy. The next one he threw, she batted back to him. Her aim was a little off.

  “You might not want to stand there, Sasha. My aim is so crap I once managed to hit my archery instructor in the leg at school.”

  “Really?” Sasha started to giggle.

  “Yeah, poor guy had a permanent limp.”

  “I’ve always been terrible with shooting. Almost got our estate manager once. He threatened to quit if I ever went out shooting again.”

  “Men can be so precious about limbs,” Erin laughed.

  Heinrekh stood with his hands on his hips. “Have you two quite finished? It’s damn difficult trying to kill someone when they having a nice little chat with my girlfriend.”

  “So sorry,” Erin responded. “I forgot how fragile the male ego is. You have our full attention.” She turned back to him, shield at the ready.

  Sasha moved just as a bolt was deflected right where she was standing. The wall behind her exploded.

  “You’re right, your aim is shit,” Sasha complained, picking herself back up off the ground. “Bugger, I’ve even sliced my bloody hand open.” She looked at Erin. “Would you give me some light?”

  Erin obliged with an orb of Loxhadrin above her head.

  “Has anyone got a tissue?” Sasha glanced up. Everyone was looking at her. “What? Oh God, there’s not some hideous beast standing right behind me?”

  “No, my dear. But there is something rather interesting behind you,” Heinrekh responded breathlessly.

  Sasha turned. The wall that had just come down revealed a hidden chamber, inside it was an ornate black tomb. “Cool,” she mused. “A hidden casket.” She stepped over the rubble. “Who does it belong to?”

  “It’s Valkarin’s tomb,” Heinrekh beamed. “And you thought this a wasted journey, Erin. I am about to absorb his power, then you will be nothing more than an irritant to me.”

  Sasha ran her hand along the marble. “It feels….” She let out a squeal as blue sparks shot from her hand, she was virtually stuck to the marble. Something hot was burning through her, burning her hand. With a herculean effort, she pulled her hand free. The tomb was glowing blue. She stepped back towards Heinrekh.

  “What the hell was that?” she cried.

  He was gazing at her with his mouth open. They all were.

  “Why are you staring at me? What’s happening?” She knew something was wrong.

  Heinrekh grabbed her hand and looked at her bleeding, scorched palm. “The mark of the Wolf,” he said incredulously.

  “Touching the tomb gave me that?” she examined the imprint on her palm. “But why?”

  “Only Valkarin’s male heir is supposed to be able to awaken him,” Lars said incredulously.

  “So…it must be a mistake?” Sasha replied.

  “Don’t take this the wrong way, Sasha,” Magnus piped up. “But you weren’t born a dude?”

  “No, I’ve not had a sex change,” she snapped. “Nor was I born a hermaphrodite before you ask.”

  “Maybe the prophecy about his heir was incorrect. Someone far back in history could just have assumed it was a male heir.” Erin tried to shed some light on the situation.

  Lodraill stepped forward. “I think I know the answer. She must be with child.”

  “That’s not possible. I take….precautions,” Sasha felt herself turning red. She hated being under such scrutiny.

  “Designed to act against twenty-first century genetics.” Erin felt for her friend.

  “But if I am pregnant, how can the baby awake anyone? He’s just a foetus.” Sasha was really not getting

  “The baby gets his genetic code from your blood; basically you and he share the same bar code. And you’ve just bled over the tomb.”

  Sasha’s hand went to her abdomen. “I…I can’t be.”

  “Looks like you’ll be peeing on a blue stick when we get home. But right now, one evil mother is going to rise out that black box and I really don’t want to be around to witness it,” Erin edged everyone toward the cavern Lars had indicated.


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