Louisiana History Collection - Part 2

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Louisiana History Collection - Part 2 Page 110

by Jennifer Blake

  This was no place for her. In sudden decision, Anya picked up her skirts, preparing to turn around and go home. What stopped her was a sudden move made by the two drunks. They suddenly angled across the street a short distance ahead of her. They were still singing, but seemed much better able to make their arms and legs work. They were nearing Emile.

  Jean’s brother turned his head and saw the pair coming. He stepped back out of their way in a gesture of both good manners and good sense. They bore down on him, swinging their demijohns, caroling and laughing at their own coarse ditty. As they neared him, they released their hold on each other and with expansive good humor reeled over to clamp their arms around Emile.

  The movement was too quick, too hard. The singing broke off too sharply. Anya opened her mouth to cry out a warning. It was too late. One of the swinging demijohns caught Emile a smashing blow on the side of the head. He sagged between the two men, his crushed hat flopping to the dirty street. One of the men jerked his cane from his flaccid fingers. Between them they half dragged, half carried him across the street, out of Anya’s sight.

  She started forward, all thought of her own danger forgotten. If she could see where he was taken, she might bring help. There came a whisper of sound behind her. She caught a whiff of beer and stale sweat; then rough hands caught at her, dragging her into a hold like a steel barrel hoop that confined her arms inside her cloak. Something hard and sharp prodded her side.

  “Keep quiet, dearie, or I’ll slit you open like gutting a fish!”

  It was the sailor and his doxy. The woman held the knife while the man squeezed Anya to his oxlike, hair-matted chest.

  “Release me at once!” Anya’s fury was real if rather breathless from the hard pressure of the sailor’s arms. It was also directed at herself for walking into this trap, a trap that must have been set by a coin handed to a busboy.

  The woman laughed. She jerked her head toward Gallatin and the sailor began to shove her in that direction. Anya set her feet, only to be lifted in such a viselike grip that the air was expelled from her lungs. She felt her stays and her ribs bend, and black dots began to dance before her eyes. The woman spoke, an indistinct sound through the rushing noise in Anya’s ears. The sailor’s grasp shifted downward to her hips and she was heaved up and over his shoulder. Blood poured into her head in a dark tide, so that her eyes and nose ached and she could not see. She caught her breath, only to have it jolted from her again as the sailor began to move. She clung to consciousness with fierce concentration, but could not seem to move as she was carried in the same direction Emile had been taken.

  They entered a building, mounted stairs of rough wood, went down a corridor bare of carpet and with whitewashed walls. The woman knocked on a door and it was opened.

  “Put her there.” The voice was amused, triumphant, shockingly familiar.

  She was deposited none too gently in a hard wooden chair. The sailor stepped back and, at another terse order, he and the woman left the room. The figure of a man stepped toward Anya and reached to jerk free the bow that tied her bonnet. The headpiece with its obscuring black veil was whipped from her head and thrown to one side.

  She was in a bedchamber, if it could be called by so exalted a name. The only furnishings were a plain iron bed, a table with a pitcher and bowl, and the chair in which she was seated. There were no window coverings, no decorations on the walls, no rugs to soften the bare wood of the floor. Such severity was suitable for only two purposes, either a monk’s cell or a whore’s room in the cheapest kind of bordello.

  There were four men in the room. One of them was Emile. He lay on the bed with his eyes closed. His hair was matted with blood and there was a frightening pallor in his face. She thought his eyelids quivered as she looked at him, but if so it must have been a spasm of the nerves for he was not conscious. The foot of the bed sagged under the weight of the man Murray had met in the barroom, while leaning against the wall near the head was another man that Anya recognized with a fatalistic lack of surprise, a man with rust red hair trailing from under a bowler hat, the man known as Red who had shoved her into the gin room at Beau Refuge. Standing in front of her with his hand on his hips and a satisfied smirk on his face was Murray.

  “I had no idea,” he said, “that you would make it so easy for me.”

  Her head was pounding in time with her heart and it was difficult to focus her eyes. She was proud of the evenness of her voice as she spoke, however. “That was not, I assure you, my purpose.”

  “Oh, I don’t doubt it. You are a meddlesome and altogether infuriating female. Fascinating, I will admit, but impossible. Life will be much easier for me without you.”

  Her head was beginning to clear; the sudden leap of fear caused by his words was a powerful goad. She stared at him, then gave a nod. “I see. You think you will be able to manage Celestine.”

  “I know it. She loves me.”

  “Madame Rosa does not.”

  “She will be prostrate over your disappearance for some time, and when she recovers, she will need someone to depend on.”

  “You underestimate her, I think.”

  He shrugged. “If she becomes too troublesome, there can always be a severe case of food poisoning. She does love her food.”

  “And you will control all of Beau Refuge since Celestine, as both my next of kin and also her mother’s, will inherit.”


  “What a loving husband you will make.”

  “Oh, yes, I’ll love her. She is a very lovable girl.”

  Oddly enough, she believed him. In his way, he cared for her half-sister, though his first aim was to use her for his advantage. That did not stop Anya’s blood from congealing at the thought of Celestine in his hands. “You aren’t married to her yet. It seems to me her affections have been, shall we say, less warm these last few days.”

  Murray jerked his thumb over his shoulder at the bed where Emile lay. “Because of him, you mean? I will attend to that.”

  Had she endangered Emile with her words? Surely not. Emile had undoubtedly suspected something or he would never have set himself to spy upon Murray. For that reason alone, Murray could no longer afford to let him live.

  She gave him a clear look. “Well, that’s one way of besting a dueling opponent.”

  He reached out quite casually and slapped her. The blow flung her head to one side and she tasted blood as her teeth cut her lips. She only prevented herself from falling off the chair by catching the side of it with one hand.

  Using that hold for leverage, Anya pushed herself up with rage in her eyes. Doubling her fist as Jean had taught her to do long ago, she struck for the point of Murray’s chin. He turned his head at the last moment, but stumbled backward under the force of the hit. Crashing into the bed, he grabbed at the footrail to save himself.

  The thug called Red gave a crack of laugher. “I tol’ you to watch ‘her!”

  “Why, you bitch,” Murray said, rising slowly to his feet. He came toward her.

  “Later,” the man from the barroom said. The single word was spoken with impatience and cold authority. It sent more terror coursing through Anya’s veins than anything Murray had said.

  Murray stopped in place. “But Mr. Lillie—”

  “The one we want is Duralde.”

  The stiffness went out of Murray’s shoulders. He did not pull his forelock like a serf before his master, but it was in his expression.

  Mr. Lillie. Chris Lillie. Anya had seen him once at a distance. It had been at a political rally. He was the Tammany Hall politician imported by the democrats but now aligned with the Know-Nothing party that was behind the present corrupt government. Graying, well fed, with the thickened features of a former pugilist, he sat with knees apart and a bored look on his face. Just beneath him, half under the bed, lay her black bonnet. Its veiling nearly concealed what looked to be Emile’s cane.

  She stepped behind the chair in which she had been seated, holding to its back for supp
ort. Her voice soft as she faced Murray, she said, “You fraud. Just a struggling law clerk, but one with ambition. What is the price of advancement? Ravel’s head? You were willing to risk a great deal to gain it, weren’t you? Even your own life.”

  “There was little risk.”

  “On the field of honor?”

  “There are ways to better the odds.”

  It was his vanity that made him answer her, that and possibly a desire to strike at her in words if he could not attack her physically. The blows were telling. With the dawn, in a few short hours, he would be meeting Ravel. Somehow, someway, the contest would be weighted in Murray’s favor.

  “Such honor,” she said in scathing tones. “What will happen to your position as a landed gentleman if anybody finds out? You’ll be finished.”

  “They won’t find out.”

  “Ravel has fought duels in Central America in two different military expeditions, been in every kind of dirty battlefield situation, and been held in prison with every kind of thief and trickster. You may find that he knows more of how to better the odds than you do. You may be in more danger than you know.”

  “I may,” Murray answered with a sneer, “but it won’t help you.”

  She had made her own blow count. For just an instant there had been a flicker of fear in Murray’s eyes. Perhaps Madame Rosa was right; perhaps he was a coward. Why had she never noticed before now how weak his mouth was, and how hard his eyes?

  Before she could think how to use her suspicion to advantage, she intercepted a quick, thoughtful glance in her direction from Chris Lillie. For a long moment, she could not think what she might have said to catch his interest. Then it came to her. Ravel. Central America.

  Her eyes blazing with relief and pure exultation, she stepped from behind her chair to accuse Murray and Chris Lillie at the same time. “But that’s it, isn’t it? That’s why you want Ravel dead, and have from the beginning. He’s a danger to you. It’s his experience as a soldier and an officer with the Cuban expedition and with William Walker in Nicaragua that frightens you. If he should use it to turn the Vigilance Committee into an army, your stranglehold on the city could be broken. The Know-Nothing party would be thrown out, trampled in the dust by the stampede of voters able at last to get to the polls without hindrance.”

  “Smart, too, ain’t she?” the redheaded man observed.

  Murray started to answer, but Lillie cut him off with a hard, chopping gesture. He stood up and, without a glance toward Anya, walked to the door. Murray hesitated, then followed him.

  “You coming back,” Red called after Murray, adding in a suggestive tone, “later?”

  “No.” Murray’s hazel eyes were like cracked marbles as he stared at Anya. “You know what to do.”

  “Make you any difference what happens before?”

  “Not in the least.” Celestine’s fiancé smiled, a cold movement of the lips.

  The door closed behind them.

  Anya looked at the man still leaning against the wall. “I will pay you well if you will let us go.”

  “Yes, and have just a whale of a time watching me hang afterward.”

  “Touch me and you’ll also hang.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not. I always wanted to have me a lady.”

  “Enough to die for the pleasure?”

  “Well, now,” he said, and there was hot anticipation behind his eyes as he pushed away from the wall, “it’s not me who’s going’ to die.”

  Anya backed away, keeping her eyes upon him. “Nor am I.”

  “Is that so?”

  “You can bet on it.”

  “Against my own self?”

  “That’s your choice.”

  A little more, a little further away from the bed, away from the end of it where her bonnet lay. He was big and he was strong as he stalked her. She had to be sure. She sidled along the footrail, letting her fingers trail along the iron bar at the top.

  “What you running away for? There’s no place to go.”

  Wasn’t there? “You expect me to just give up?”

  “Might as well. Might even find it worked out better.”

  “And pigs might fly.”

  A cruel smile bared his teeth. “I do like a woman with a tongue in her head.”

  “Oh, do you?”

  “I do. Sassy women fight back and that makes it more fun. But try anything smart with me like you did with Nicholls and you’ll be glad to git the whole thing over.”

  “How kind of you to warn me,” she mocked.

  He made some answer, but she did not hear. Grasping the end of the iron rail, she swung like a banner unfurling around the end and dove for the floor. The jarring fall set her head to pounding once more, but she whipped over, rolling, sliding under the high bed, stretching toward her bonnet on the far side—and the cane that lay under its veiling. Emile’s sword cane.

  The man called Red cursed, growling threats as he plunged after her. She heard the crashing thud as he flung himself down on his knees beside the bed. He was reached for her, catching her skirts, bunching them in his hands and tearing them loose at the waist as he pulled.

  Her fingers touched the cane, sent it rolling. She hitched toward it, panting with the effort. She was pulled backward. She looked up and saw the bed ropes on the bed, with the thin mattress bulging between them. Was the bulge moving? There was no time to tell. She was being dragged from under the bed. She grasped at the ropes above her, curling her fingers around them, holding tight. She kicked backward and heard a grunt as her foot connected. There was a slight release of the aching pressure on the skirts at her waist. She hunched forward again.

  She could not reach the cane. She tried instead for the bonnet, catching the veiling, yanking it in her direction with a sharp tug. The cane came with it. She had her fingers on it. Had it in her hand.

  Red gave a mighty wrench. Her shoulder scraped over the floor and the skin was torn on her fingers that were twisted in the bed ropes as she was pulled half the length of her body from under her cover. The man must have his a foot braced on the side rail. Desperately she put both hands on the cane and turned the head. Nothing happened. Again she tried as she had once seen Emile do in a darkened carriage. Nothing.

  She was being hauled into the open on her side. Hard hands were on her hips, sinking into the flesh. If the cane was not a sword, it could at least be a club with its heavy silver head. As her shoulders cleared the bed, she suddenly bent double. Her head came into the open. She reached with her left hand and grabbed the shirt front of the red-haired man squatting over her, yanking him toward her with all her strength. As he leaned forward, she brought the head of the cane from beneath the bed, ramming it under his chin with the force of her pain and rage behind it.

  She heard the crack of hard silver metal on bone, heard his teeth snap together. His hold loosened and he rocked back on his heels. Instantly she shoved away from him, scrambling to her knees, pulling herself up by holding to the bed. She was only half on her feet when he caught her skirts.

  She struck at him but he fended off the blow and nearly yanked the cane from her hand before she wrenched it free. Grunting, he hauled himself up hand over hand on her skirts, drawing her toward him at the same time. She feinted with the cane but he was ready for her, reaching for it.

  Behind him there was a movement. Emile was awake, raising himself with difficulty to one elbow. He shook his head as if to clear it, focusing on Anya.

  He was weak, too weak to help her. Anya brought the cane down on Red’s hand that was wrapped in her skirts. He did not seem to feel it. She jabbed at him with the ferrule and he laughed, grabbing for it. His fingers closed on the metal end for a long moment, but using both hands, she wrestled it from his one-handed grasp.

  “I’ll git it. I’ll git it, I’ll use it to beat your pretty—”

  Anya ignored the rest of the threat. On the bed behind Red, Emile was reaching out, his fingers spread and trembling. His eyes were clear and in their depths
there was a plea. What was it he wanted? The cane? But what could he do with it in his condition?

  Red caught her wrist, wrenching it. In another second he would have the cane. She would have only one more chance to use it. One more.

  To use it or give it up to its owner. To take her last chance, or let Emile have it. The decision must be made quickly.

  Anya reached for the cane with her left hand. As Red let go of her skirts to grab for that arm, she threw the slender stick, arching, toward the bed. She saw Emile reach for it; then her view was blotted out as she went slowly to her knees, compelled by the grinding pain as her wrists were slowly twisted behind her. Through a red haze, she heard a click.

  Red gave a hoarse, whistling grunt and went stiff. His grip slackened, his arms flopped down, then slowly he keeled to the side to strike the floor with a solid thud. There was a small slit in his neck. It was hardly bleeding at all.

  Anya looked toward the cane in Emile’s hand. From it there protruded a six-inch blade. She met his eyes and he gave her a gallant smile. He said, “Forgive me. On this cane there is a button.”


  WHETHER BECAUSE MURRAY HAD been confident of the ability of the leader of the thugs to deal with a woman and one unconscious man alone, or because it was Red himself who had been so sanguine, there was no guard outside the door, no one in the entire bordello who made the slightest effort to stop them as they left it. The sight of a woman helping along a man somewhat incapacitated was too common to draw attention beyond an ironic lift of a brow because they were going out instead of coming in.

  The difficulty, Anya found, was in finding transportation. There were no cabriolets in this part of the city, and no one wanted to stop for what was apparently a woman of the streets and her drunken customer. Anya could have walked, but Emile was not in so good a case. At last she was able to beg a ride for them on the tail of the cart of a butcher who had been delivering sausages to what passed for restaurants on Gallatin Street. His cart was caked with grease and smelled like something long dead, but he took them to the door of the town-house.


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