Studying Boys

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Studying Boys Page 9

by Stephanie Rowe

  No one came up and bothered us. No one pointed at me like I stood out as being the only fourteen-year-old in the place.

  "How are you feeling?" Theo asked.


  "Want to dance?"

  I looked at the floor. It was a slow song. "No."

  "Why not?" He moved to stand in front of me again, but he didn't take my hands or anything. "I won't try anything."

  "I just don't want to."

  "You ever slow danced with a guy before?"

  I lifted my chin. "None of your business."

  He shrugged, but there was that challenge thing blazing in his eyes again. "One dance."



  I almost laughed. "What kind of a line is that? You use that on all your dates?" Not that we were on a date, or anything.

  "The Homework Club." He didn't acknowledge the date remark.

  I narrowed my eyes. He had my attention now. "What about it?"

  "You can't run it the way you want to."

  I lifted my chin. "Yes, I can."

  "I brought you here so you can see what else is out there. So you can see why your approach is too hardcore. My friends know how much fun a coed environment can really be. You need to play on that, instead of denying it."

  "Since when did you become a philosopher?"

  "Since you threatened to get me kicked off the lacrosse team. No way am I going to let that happen. And if the only way I'm going to get to play lacrosse is to get this club of yours to work, then that's what I'm going to do."

  "Oh." That's all tonight was about. His desire to keep playing lacrosse. Which was fine. The only reason I was here was for The Homework Club.

  So why did I feel so disappointed? I didn't even like him, remember?

  "So ..." He took my left hand. "In order for you to understand what changes need to be made, you have to see how the other side lives."

  I eyed him. "Sounds like another line to me."

  "I wouldn't waste a line on you."

  "What does that mean?" That I wasn't worth it? That he had so little interest in me that he wouldn't want to risk me to succumbing to his charms?

  He grinned. "Because you'd probably kick me in the nuts if I tried a cheap line on you."

  I burst out laughing at his response, and suddenly my tension went away. This was the Theo I knew. He would never hurt me. I might be a pain in his side, but I was his little sister's best friend, and that made me safe. "Probably," I teased. "You're a womanizing jerk."

  "See? I knew you'd give me grief." He grabbed my other hand and started walking backward, pulling me with him. "One dance. For research's sake."

  One dance. For The Homework Club. I took a deep breath. "Fine."

  A nice smile lit up his face, and he dropped one hand and turned to lead me out on the dance floor.

  Where his arms would soon be around me.

  Chapter Eight

  By the time we got to the dance floor and all the older people around me were seriously getting it on, I had changed my mind. "Theo."

  "Yeah?" He turned toward me, put his arms around my waist, pulled me near him and started swaying to the music.

  I waited for him to make his move, to try to kiss me, to grab my butt, but he didn't. He just swayed to the music and spun me around a little bit. Huh. Was that it? He wasn't going to try to make out with me? I glanced around, but no one seemed to care about us. No one was looking at my attire and wrinkling their nose.

  "What is it, Frances?"

  "Nothing." I started to relax enough to put my arms around his neck and let him lead me around the floor. His body was brushing against mine, but not in a scary way. More like an intimate connection and comfort with each other. A couple times, I caught a whiff of his aftershave, and it smelled amazing.

  This was okay, dancing with Theo. I kind of liked it, actually. In an impersonal way, of course. Not that I was particularly liking the fact it was Theo, just the dancing. Just having a guy's arms around me.

  "Relax," he whispered against my ear, his breath warm on my cheek and sending goosebumps down my neck.

  "Sure." I sort of looked around again, and I saw that for the couples who weren't actually making out, the girls all had their faces sort of mashed into the guy's chest. Why not? Theo had a chest too, didn't he? Might as well use it.

  So, I moved a tiny bit closer and turned my face to the side and rested my cheek against his T-shirt. I could feel his heart beating, and I was quite aware that he tightened his grip on my waist and pulled me a little nearer.

  And you know what? I didn't mind. It felt pretty amazing, to be honest.

  I burrowed my face deeper against him and realized that being in a guy's arms was pretty sweet. Or maybe it was because it was Theo. Or not. Preferably not.

  Then I felt him kiss the top of my head, and I went rigid.

  Holy cow. I wasn't going to have to stomp on his foot and poke his eyes out, was I?

  He kissed my head again, and then I felt his lips on my neck, sort of sliding along and nibbling. My stomach immediately started getting all jittery and my heart was racing. Theo was totally trying to get it on with me!

  For an instant, I was totally tempted. Why not? What did I have to lose?

  The Homework Club. My future.

  And any chance of ever having Theo's interest. When had he started to help me? When I yelled at him. When I told him I didn't need him for anything.

  If I started making out with him, he'd have what he wanted and walk away.

  Well, forget it.

  He caught my earlobe between his teeth, and I almost changed my mind when my knees almost melted right out from under me. No wonder Allie kissed a lot of boys. It felt incredible. I wanted him to really kiss me, on the lips, and—

  No. I had plans. Get it together, Frances.

  I pulled back from him, and Theo caught my face in his hands.

  He was going to kiss me. Really kiss me. I could see it in his eyes and his mouth and the way he'd gone all soft in his face. Almost tender. Theo, tender? I never would have thought it. Resist, Frances. "Don't."

  He paused, his mouth only an inch from mine. "What?"

  I put my hands on his wrists. "Don't."

  "Don't kiss you?" He sounded confused.

  "Exactly." I tightened my grip on his and tugged. He let me take his hands off my face, and more than a small surge of regret whooshed through me. "I'm not here to become one of your conquests."

  "My conquests?"

  "Would you stop repeating everything I say?" The music ended and switched to a faster song. "Let's just dance."

  "You aren't a conquest."

  I rolled my eyes and danced away from him. Funny how a few weeks ago, an almost-kiss from Theo would probably have caused me to pass out. Nothing like having him take away my future for the crush to fade.

  And it wasn't just that.

  I wasn't a fool. I knew the only reason he was interested was because he couldn't have me. And once he had me, I'd be history, like all the other girls. I'd known Theo since I was three. I knew him. I'd never bothered to really assess him until now, but I definitely knew him.

  I had too much pride to be kissed and thrown away, even if it was Theo. Who needed boys anyway?

  Well, I did, but only as study partners.

  Theo caught up to me, and grabbed my wrist. I spun toward him, wiggling my hips like Allie had taught us. I put my arms over my head, aware that my sweater was probably creeping up. Showing a little skin, maybe? I might be wearing sneakers, jeans and no makeup, but I was still a girl. Might as well let Theo know what he wasn't going to get.

  He grabbed me and pulled me up against him, moving in time to the quicker beat. "You're impossible."

  I lifted my brows and set my hands on his chest, ready to block him even as we danced. "What does that mean?"

  "I can't figure you out."

  Ah. A woman of mystery. I loved it. "You've known me your whole life. What's there to figure o

  "Have I?" He trailed one finger over my collarbone and sort of down toward my breast.

  I grabbed his hand and diverted it. "Of course you know me."

  "I think maybe I don't. I thought I did, but..."

  I broke his grasp and spun away from him. This was way more fun than dancing with my friends around Allie's living room. Then I promptly crashed into some other guy, who whirled around and started dancing with me.



  I started dancing with him. He looked about twenty, had blond hair cut short. He was wearing jeans and a button-down shirt, a total prep. Nothing like my bad boy Theo in his black clothes and shaggy haircut. This guy was way more my type. Probably did his homework and everything.

  Then Theo grabbed my wrist and turned me back toward him, immediately anchoring his hands around my waist and hauling me against him. "You're here with me," he said firmly.

  "This is true." Why not? I threw my hands around his neck and danced. "You're arrogant."

  "I don't share my woman."

  I laughed then, feeling empowered and delicious. "I am so not your woman."

  "They why are you dancing with me?"

  "Education." I couldn't stop the grin that came over my face at his sullen look. "What? Did you think I wanted to get in line for the make-out-with-Theo-and-then-get-dumped parade?"

  He frowned. "How do you know I'd dump you?"

  I twisted my fingers in the hair at the base of his neck. "When have you ever not dumped a girl?"

  His scowl deepened and he said nothing.

  "See? That's what happens when you hang with an intelligent girl, Theo. She's too smart to get sucked into your scheme."

  He kissed my forehead. "I always knew there was a reason I hated anything to do with studying. What good are girls who are too smart to fall for my lines?"

  Okay, so now my forehead was on fire from his kiss. Maybe I did want to get used and dumped by Theo after all. Or not.

  Then he kissed my nose, and I started to forget to keep moving with the music. "You're a jerk," I said.

  "Not always." Then he kissed my left cheek.

  "And you treat girls badly." Oh, God. It felt so good. I didn't want to stop him this time. I really didn't. I wanted my first kiss. I wanted it to be right then. And I wanted it to be with Theo.

  "Not always." He kissed my right cheek.

  "I'm not one of your women," I whispered. "I'm really not."

  "I know." And then he kissed me on the lips. A real kiss. Lips, tongue and everything. And I kissed him back. Hard. And I couldn't hear the music anymore. I didn't feel any of the other dancers bumping against us. All I could feel were Theo's hands on my back, moving and caressing. And his lips on mine. And his tongue in my mouth.

  And I never wanted to stop. Ever.

  His hands were on my shoulder blades, then my lower back, then one was on the back of my neck, and then on my butt.... My butt!

  I wrenched myself away from him and backed away.

  My legs were shaking, I could barely breathe, and my heart was racing. Racing!

  And Theo didn't look smug at all. Good thing, or I totally would have kneed him in the groin. He was looking a little confused and dazed, exactly how I felt. I drew in a rattled breath and touched my lips.


  That had been amazing.

  Theo held out his arms and I backed away again.

  "Where are you going?"

  "You grabbed my butt."

  He grinned, back to his cocky self. "I know."

  Oh… I liked that confused and dazed expression so much better. I didn't want to see that arrogant one. I sighed. "You had to ruin it, didn't you?"

  He didn't look contrite. "Grabbing your butt ruined it?"

  "No." It just scared the hell out of me. "You ruined it by getting that arrogant look on your face, like you just won by getting me to kiss you." And he had. For a minute, I thought he'd felt all the same emotions that I'd felt from that kiss. But now, he looked cocky and arrogant, like I was another one of his conquests. "But that's okay. I wouldn't want to forget what you're really like."

  I needed some water. To dump on my head. Or his head. One or the other. Didn't really matter which. Just something to get myself to stop thinking about Theo's kiss and his arms around me.

  So I turned and walked away.

  Theo caught up to me in about two seconds. "Where are you going?"

  "To get some water." I didn't look at him. How could I? I was so confused right now about how I was feeling and how I was supposed to feel and about who he was.

  "I'll get it."

  I shot him a glance. "You're still a jerk."


  That was the first time he hadn't at least partially denied the accusation. Not sure what that meant.

  He stopped next to an empty table. "Save this table. I'll be back with drinks."

  I sighed and agreed. For a scumbag, he was being awfully nice.

  But he was still a butt-grabbing, arrogant jerk.

  It took Theo almost twenty minutes to get our drinks and return, giving me plenty of time to forget about his kiss and his touch. I even had the opportunity to do some crowd-watching.

  Theo set my water on the table and sat down next to me, not trying to touch me or anything.

  Which was fine.

  "So," he said.


  "I guess we should talk."

  About the kiss?

  "About The Homework Club," he said.

  "Oh, yeah."

  He took a sip of his soda. "That's why we're here. For The Homework Club."

  "I know."

  "So, did you enjoy the kiss?"

  "What?" I promptly sprayed the water I'd been drinking all over the table. Theo just grinned and handed me a napkin.

  "The kiss? Did you enjoy it?"

  "What kind of a question is that?" I wiped the table and tried to keep from falling off my chair out of shock. Wasn't that against kissing etiquette to ask me if I liked it? I mean, what was I supposed to say? If I said yes, then it would feed his ego even more and I'd lose all chance of getting his help and his respect. If I said no, then that would be a lie, and we both knew it.

  He leaned back in his seat and fixed his gaze on me. "The point of tonight was to make you understand how much fun girls and guys can really have. Assuming you agree that tonight was fun, I'm hoping you understand that you can't ask guys and girls to study together and not have any fun. Would you really be happy just sitting down with me and a book, and having that be it?"

  Um, no. But I wasn't going to admit that to him. "You don't count."

  "Why not?"

  "Because you don't."

  "So, you didn't enjoy the kiss?"

  Why was he pushing the kiss thing? "It was fine."

  "Fine? I gave you the best I had."

  I looked up, and for an instant, I thought I heard a catch in his voice, like he'd dropped all pretense and was actually serious. Theo, worried about his kisses? Like he had to worry. My knees wouldn't stop trembling for a week. Not that Mr. Arrogant needed to hear that. The more I ignored him, the nicer he was to me. "But I will acknowledge that tonight was fun in general."

  "But not the kiss?"

  I almost laughed. He was insecure. Good to know. Some of my hostility toward him faded, and I patted his shoulder. "So, tonight makes me realize two things. One, yes, there can be some serious fun when guys and girls get together. And two, if someone was in the mood to ... ah ..."


  "Yes. Anyway, if someone was in the mood to do that, it would take more than me to stop them." There, that was as close as I'd come to admitting that kissing held a certain amount of appeal.

  "So, you did enjoy the kiss?" he pressed.

  Yes, Theo was definitely obsessed. "So, I'll adjust The Homework Club as long as you promise to help. A compromise."

  He turned to face me, his expression serious. "Why won't you admit you
liked the kiss?"

  I ignored the question. "So, is it a deal?"

  He shook his head. "No deal."

  I eyed him, almost amused by his intense expression. He wasn't looking arrogant right now. He was looking serious and concerned, and my heart softened toward him. Theo might not be the nicest guy to the girls he dated, but underneath, he was a good guy. I knew it, because I'd known him forever. Maybe it was time to remember the Theo I knew, instead of the Theo he showed to everyone else. "Now what?"

  "I'll help you on one condition."

  "What's that?"

  "You go on a real date with me."

  I choked on nothing. If total panic and shock can be called nothing. It took almost a minute to stop coughing. "What?"

  "A date. Not an education thing. A date."

  I narrowed my eyes. "You're just mad because I won't tell you you're a good kisser."

  He shrugged. "Maybe."

  "I'll be grounded after tonight."

  "For about a day, until you bring home a perfect grade on another test."

  True. Good grades counted for an awful lot in my house. "Are you going to grab my butt again?"

  "No." He didn't hesitate. "That didn't go over so well."

  I grinned. At least the boy was learning. "Let's have a study date."

  His face contorted into a grimace. "A study date? That's not what I had in mind."

  "Tonight was your world. It was fun and I'd do it again." And I would. It rocked. Even the kiss. Especially the kiss. "But I still have to study and stuff. So you come to my world this time."

  "A study date?"

  "Yes." I stood up. "You can think on it. I need to get home."

  Theo shook his head in disbelief about the study date the whole way back to the car.

  And when we got to my house, with the front porch lights blazing like searchlights looking out for me, he put the car into park and rested his arm over the back of my seat. "Study date?"

  "Emphasis on study." Was he going to kiss me good night? And if he tried, should I let him? Or not?

  The front door of my house slammed open and my mom came out on the doorstep. So much for the kiss. "Theo, will you do me a favor?"

  He lifted a brow. "What?"

  "Walk me to the door. If my mom knows I was out with you, she won't freak so badly. You're like my brother."


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