Jingle Wars: A New Adult Enemies to Lovers Romcom (Hollyridge Book 1)

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Jingle Wars: A New Adult Enemies to Lovers Romcom (Hollyridge Book 1) Page 12

by R. Holmes

  I reach down and grab her hand, pulling her to her feet. She's clutching onto me for dear life, but instead of letting her go back on her own, I pull her closer.

  "Wanna test how gentlemanly I'm feeling right now?" I whisper huskily into her ear. My breath teases the sensitive flesh, inciting a shiver from her.

  She pulls back and her eyes go wide. "Finn! We're at a skating rink. With children. Behave!"

  She feigns annoyance, but I can tell she's anything but. She wants this as badly as I do and it seems like all we do is dance around the truth. Except… No matter how much either of us want the other, the real truth is that she’s the traitor I can never have.

  I grab her arm in mine, and pull her along gently, forcing her to move from the spot she's stuck to against the wall. "C'mon, you can't stay in one spot the entire time. Just relax your body and move, you can do it."

  She blows out a long, frustrated breath but glides one foot forward. A newborn baby calf has more poise than her right now and that's putting it lightly. Over the next few minutes she does get the hang of it a little better, but has fallen more times that I can count. I feel bad at this point because it's obvious that it's going to take way more than one session of ice skating for her to get the hang of it.

  I grab both of her hands in mine and help her around the rink. Each time she falls, we laugh and I help her back up, over and over until I think her poor ass has had enough.

  "Okay, I think that's enough ice skating for one night." I chuckle and she sighs, visibly relieved that we're getting off the ice but the competitive side of her not wanting to admit defeat.

  "Sure, sounds good. I think I'm frozen all the way through."

  "I think you might have a few cuts and bruises tomorrow."

  She winces when I bring them up, "Yeah, I think my ass is going to be permanently black and blue with as many times as I've fallen on it. But, hey, at least I tried, right?"


  Great, and now all I can think about is her ass. Perfectly round begging to be reddened by my palms.

  We give our skates back to the attendant and head back, slowly for Freya, to Grams and Gramps. I check my watch and see there's only five minutes left until the tree lighting so we ended our ice skating session in perfect timing.

  "I was wondering how you two fared with skating." Gramps laughs from his seat on the back of my beat up tailgate.

  "Uh, I don't know if I'll be able to move tomorrow, but it was fun. Finn's a great teacher." She grins in my direction.

  "Safe to say that Freya won't be leaving her career as a resort director to be a professional ice skater."

  Her eyes roll, unamused. "Whatever. I didn't do that bad, you're just jealous that you don't have it the way I do."

  Tease me all you want, you’re still terrible at ice skating. Ha! "Yeah yeah, funny girl. Sit, I'll get you a blanket, show's starting."

  She sits down in the foldout chairs we brought from the inn and snuggles up with the blanket I give her.

  Gramps is talking her head off and she's laughing animatedly at his story.

  “I’m tellin’ you, if it wasn’t for that damn donkey we wouldn’t be alive,” Gramps tells her with the most serious face.

  Freya throws her head back and laughs. “Is that so? Saint does seem like he is the star of every story around here.”

  He nods. “Never seen Finn move so fast in his life.” He gives her a teasing grin.

  I know exactly what story he’s telling and he may be…exaggerating just a bit. But, seeing the two of them together causes an unfamiliar sensation, something deep in my stomach to hit me. Watching this beautiful woman listening intently to what my Gramps is saying, hanging onto every word like it's the most important thing in the world makes me only want her more.

  She wasn’t supposed to happen. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Yet, she fits right in our world like she was almost meant to be here. Which is equal parts confusing and scary. Especially because the future of the inn rests in her hands just as much as it does mine. Every day that goes forward, I find myself veering more and more from what winning the competition would mean, and more towards what it will mean if Freya wins, and where do I fit into her perfect world.

  Last night’s tree lighting festival made my heart swell. It was magic watching the twinkling lights, and being there with Finn’s family only added to that, making it a special night. All day I’ve been floating on a cloud of giddiness, thoughts full of Finn’s charming smile. Even my sore, bruised backside from ice skating can’t stop my wide grin.

  The movies I love don’t lie—Finn inviting me to the lighting festival was a date.

  There might not have been a kiss, but he held my hand and my heartbeat fluttered with excitement whenever his gaze met mine.

  Focusing on the Alpine today has been a serious challenge, one I’ve never faced before. My attention is divided in a way I’ve never allowed it to be, thoughts of Finn overtaking me when I least expect them.

  By the end of the day, I’m ready to hit my favorite spot on the resort.

  The night air is still and crisp as I head down the pathway leading toward the back of the resort property where the hot spring is. It’s become one of my favorite spots to enjoy at night, even as Montana grows colder. I think better when I’m soaking in the natural minerals.

  I’m glad the Alpine robe is plush and thick enough to keep me from freezing my butt off out here. The thought has my mind meandering, wondering if it’s possible for my boobs or ass to literally freeze in this temperature.

  “What are you doing out here?”

  I almost jump a mile high and release an undignified shriek, whirling around to find Finn staring at me with a hint of accusation in his expression.

  “Holy shit. You scared me half to death.” I place my palm over my racing heartbeat. “Usually I’m the only one out here this late.”

  Finn has gray sweatpants on with a burgundy Mayberry Inn hoodie, and he’s carrying a towel. My focus lingers on the sweatpants.

  “Out here? You mean—” With furrowed brows, Finn turns, searching around until he spots the signs mounted on the natural stones lining the path proclaiming the Alpine’s rules and regulations for use of the natural spring. His shoulders tense, then relax. “Oh. Right.”

  “Do you know about the hot spring?”

  “Yeah, I…” He sighs and shakes his head, running his fingers through his hair. “When I was little, I can remember coming out here with my mom. Sorry, I didn’t realize it was on your property. I’ll just—”

  “Wait!” I dart forward and take his hand before he leaves, lacing our fingers together. “Don’t be silly. Come on, soak with me. I’m usually alone, but I’d like the company.”

  The uncertainty smooths from his face and he gives me a crooked smile, back to the Finn who held my hand while teaching me to ice skate. “Yeah, okay.”

  The hot spring is deserted when we reach it. Steam rises above the surface and small lights hidden in the existing landscape create a dim glow. The spring has this magic quality that I love, like it’s a protected secret pocket closed off from the world. Rocks surround the edge of the water and tall pine trees create a barrier around the clearing. Off to one side is a spa center that’s open during the day to guests hidden amongst the nature surrounding the building.

  “It’s a little different than I remember,” Finn says.

  “We made a few changes for guest safety, like the steps and railing, but otherwise we wanted to preserve as much of the natural atmosphere as possible.”

  “Wet bars are natural?” His tone is teasing and he nods to the built in pool bar beneath an awning designed to look like a cave.

  “If it’s good enough for the lagoon in Iceland, it’s good enough for us.” I shoot him a sardonic look over my shoulder while I lead him to the indoor/outdoor changing area provided for guests who don’t walk down ready to sink into the spring.

  He snorts as we remove our shoes. “I bet.”

; A shiver runs down my spine as I slip the robe off and drape it over a polished cedar bench, feeling the misty heat of the spring kissing my skin.

  Finn releases a soft, rumbling sound while he watches me, his gaze a sensual drag over my body, taking in my skimpy white bikini. The warmth of the spring clashes with pockets of cold from the elements, but inside I’m burning up from the desire filling his eyes. My nipples harden, but I don’t know whether it’s from the rush of hot and cold I get standing at the edge of the spring or from his unwavering attention.

  “Your turn,” I murmur, dropping my gaze to his sweatpants, where the front has tented from his hardening cock.

  Damn. My teeth sink into my lower lip. From thirsty bitches everywhere, thank god for sweatpants season.

  Finn waits until I manage to lift my eyes, holding my gaze for a beat. My breathing grows strained as he peels—strips—the hoodie off, revealing his bare chest with a dusting of dark hair and sculpted muscles that bunch and flex with his deliberate movement. His thumbs hook into the waistband of the sweatpants and he tosses me a glance that has my clit throbbing.

  Without taking his eyes off me, he pushes down the pants. His stripping is Magic Mike level sexy, pulling a rush of heat to my cheeks as I watch the show. A breath pushes past my lips when he tosses the sweatpants onto the bench and stands before me in faded red board shorts, looking like my lumberjack Adonis, all hard muscles and broad shoulders, making my pussy clench with want.

  Licking my lips, I take a step closer and peek up at him through my lashes. “Ready to get in?”

  His eyes are hooded. “Yeah.”

  We stand there for another moment, the humid clouds of our breath mingling. The intense desire in his gaze grows stronger as we stare at each other.

  “Come on, big guy.” Taking his hand once more, I tug. He follows me to the edge of the spring and we slip into the welcome heat of the water. “Mm, it’s nice.”

  Finn rumbles in satisfaction close behind me, making my stomach dip. “Yeah. Feels good.”

  Struck by the vibe that we’re teetering on the edge of something, I move through the warm water to find the rock I like to sit on to get some much needed air. We’re in the middle of the woods, but he makes me dizzy. He’s not far behind me, wading up to his neck in deeper water where I can’t reach the bottom of the spring. His eyes never leave me. I cast around for something to talk about to take my mind off the arousal pooling in my center.

  “Riley comes out with me sometimes before she goes home for the night.” Riley has become like my surrogate sister. It’s nice having her here while the rest of my family is spread across the world. I play with the water, skimming my fingertips through the steam rising from the surface. It blankets us in a fog, making it seem like we’re even more isolated in our own world. “It’s like the shower effect. I think better out here.”

  Finn hums, swimming a languid lap. I watch the ripple of his shoulders as he cuts through the water. My breathing grows shallow and tingles move through my core.

  “Did you come out here a lot?”

  “Sometimes.” The surface of the water is disturbed by his shrug, sending a small wake traveling across to reach me. “In high school mostly. With West and Riley. Haven’t been out here in a couple of years, though.”

  “Right. If you had come out recently, you wouldn’t be surprised it’s part of the resort now.”

  His mouth curves and he flicks water my way. “Everything with you seems to be a surprise.”

  I retaliate with a small splash of my own, sliding off my rock seat to get him when he moves out of range. We chase each other around in circles for a few minutes, the night air dotted by our laughter echoing off the treetops. Far overhead, the dark sky is clear with twinkling stars. I can see so many more out here than I ever could at home in California.

  A squealed gasp escapes me when Finn catches me, keeping my wrists trapped in his firm grip. Grinning, he releases my hands and moves down to hold me up by my waist so I don’t have to tread water because it’s too deep for my shorter legs to reach the bottom.

  “Got you,” he murmurs, eyes bright and playful in the dim lighting.

  My legs slide against his beneath the water and it makes his lips twitch. The urge to wrap them around his hips is strong. I dip my mouth beneath the surface and peer up through my wet lashes. His hands fit so perfectly in the dip of my waist. I place my hands on his chest, tentatively exploring his pecs and shoulders. A rough sound catches in his throat and his fingers dig into my sides.

  “I’m glad you came out here tonight,” I breathe. We’ve drifted even closer together. Water clings to his dark lashes and droplets move in steady trails down the planes of his jaw. I want to lick them. “I like this.”

  His gaze is piercing. “You just like driving me crazy any chance you get. A splash war? So original, traitor.”

  A laugh rolls out of me. “You started that. Don’t pretend you’re all mature when you’re only, like, a year or two older than me. I think you like anything that leads to fighting with me.”

  His mouth curves. “Maybe I do.”

  Finn’s thumbs move absently, tracing circles on my skin, moving down to my hips. It feels natural to give in, winding my legs around his body. He pushes out a strained breath.

  My clit throbs at the barest brush of my pussy against his abs when he grabs my ass to adjust his grip on me. I smother a faint sound in my throat and sway closer to him, feeling his breath on my lips.

  We can’t ignore this any longer. I don’t want to pretend we’re just friends or neighbors when my whole body aches to have him touch me.

  I scrape my nails lightly across his shoulders, leaning closer.

  “This is a terrible idea,” he rasps.

  His actions belie his words, hands massaging my ass and head angled to close the tiny gap left between us.

  “Seems like a great idea to me,” I whisper, tracing the line of his neck. “Please kiss me.”

  For a moment, my heart sits in my throat while my body yearns to close the small distance. I hold onto his shoulders and inch closer to him. He’s already pushed me away once, and told me why he can’t do distractions. It was the same argument I had against letting my attraction to him grow, but that’s flown out the window.

  This isn’t just attraction or lust anymore. There are feelings involved now.

  His attention drops to my parted lips and he squeezes my ass.

  Silently I beg him not to shut me out, running my fingers up the side of his neck to touch his jaw. If I let go of him, I won’t be able to touch the bottom of the spring.

  “Finn, please.” My voice is raw with need.

  “Fuck it,” he bites out before his mouth claims mine in a searing kiss.

  The desperate sound I make is swallowed with the first swipe of his tongue against mine. His fingers bury in the wet strands of my hair, gripping a loose fistful to angle my head to the side. I squeeze my legs tightly around him, rolling my hips, delirious with arousal.

  “Christ,” Finn growls again against my mouth, biting the corner of it before he takes my lips in another hot kiss.

  My fingers sink into his hair as we lose ourselves in kissing beneath the stars. It’s perfect, even more intense than the time we made out behind Moose’s.

  Finn locks his arms around me and before I know it, he has me pinned against a smooth rock wall in the deeper end of the spring without breaking the kiss. He nibbles on my lower lip until it feels swollen. Liquid heat pulses in my core, my body begging for his cock.

  “Please.” I gasp as he grinds his hard dick right against my pussy through our bathing suits.

  Finn tears his mouth from mine to nip and suck at my throat when I tip my head back. “You drive me fucking crazy,” he says against my flushed skin. “Your smart mouth with those pouty lips I want wrapped around my cock all the time.” He grabs my ass. “Everywhere I turn you’re there tempting me. Taunting me with what I can’t have. I’m wild for you.”

p; I moan, rocking against the firm ridge of his cock, my body wracked with a shudder of pleasure.

  With his other hand, he cups my jaw, thumb tracing my tender lips before pushing inside. When I automatically start to suck on it, he releases a tortured groan, gaze zeroed in on his thumb.

  He takes it from me and yanks my bikini top down with a rough tug. My breasts spill free into his hands for him to tease until I’m crying out from the way he pinches my nipples.

  “Fuck, fuck, I’ll come if you keep doing that,” I hiss, clit throbbing. “Please.”

  “Shit. How are you so perfect?” He stares at my tits while he rubs them, then leans in to take each one in his mouth.

  My whole body trembles from pleasure. Finn leans back and I shake my head feverishly.

  “No, please don’t stop!”

  “I have to taste you. Now,” he growls, leaving open-mouthed kisses in the valley between my breasts. He rips his mouth away. “I can’t wait a second longer.”

  With a grunt, Finn hoists me up to perch on top of a flat rock partially out of the water, my legs still mostly submerged. A chill hits my body and I shake. He smooths his hands up my thighs, spreading my legs as he hooks a finger in the panty line of my bikini bottoms. Finn glances up at me through hooded eyes, then tugs the fabric aside and drops his mouth to lick my clit.

  “Ah! Shit!” I cry out, holding onto his head as he drives my pleasure higher. My eyes flutter shut. “Finn, oh my god. Please, I need to come.”

  His unintelligible response is rumbled against my folds. He sucks and licks, tongue flicking my clit before he pushes it into me. The scruff teases my inner thighs and folds, making my legs shake from how good it feels.

  At this point, my nipples could freeze and fall off, and I would be okay with that. If I’m in danger of hypothermia from exposure, what a way to go—with a hot man eating my pussy so good I’m making noises I’ve never made before.

  Without caring about the cold, or if I’m attracting wildlife, or if guests think someone might be dying, I moan, rocking against him for more.

  “That’s it. Fuck, ride my tongue,” Finn commands in a deep, gravelly voice. “Don’t hold back. I want to hear you screaming for me.”


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