The Immortal's Pet

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The Immortal's Pet Page 6

by Emily Tilton

  “Oh, no,” she whispered again, because she saw something else on the bottom harness now: she saw why it must be called that. She saw a thing, made of something black—plastic, or rubber maybe—three or four inches long and an inch thick. When she saw that thing, she understood exactly how the harness would go around Molly’s thighs, around her waist, around her shoulders. She understood because the black thing could only go in one place: the place where Molly, it seemed, needed training.

  “Oh, no. Please…”

  “Don’t worry,” Molly said then. “The punishment part is all over now. Now it’s time for my training. It hurts a little, but when Master trains you, you’ll understand. It’s not all bad.” The brightness in her voice—real happiness, Emma could tell—startled Emma.

  “But… but… why?” Emma stammered.

  Daniel answered her, and instantly she wished she hadn’t asked. “It’s time for you to understand, little one, how fully my young ladies are tamed and trained for my pleasure. Molly wears this harness to make sure that when I fuck her little bottom, I enjoy myself as I should.”

  Emma had tried to block out the terrible word before, when he had said that Molly would be ready for fucking, positioned as she was over the ottoman. The shame of what Daniel had just said, and the even more shameful effect of it upon Emma’s body—the way the treacherous warmth down there only grew at the wicked thought—made it impossible to ignore the explicit way this man spoke of his mastery. She tried not to wonder… she tried so hard, but she couldn’t stop herself.

  Is he going to fuck Molly’s little bottom in front of me?

  Daniel continued, and now he seemed to pronounce Emma’s doom. “That’s what I’ll do in just a little while.” He held the awful harness closer, to show Emma how the black thing was attached with clips that could be easily unfastened. “You see, little one, the harness is made so that I can take Molly’s plug out and put my penis there when I choose.”

  “Oh, no.” It seemed to be all Emma could say, now.

  “Just like Molly said, you’ll understand when I train you this way. Young ladies are always trained and bottom-fucked after a paddling, but they also receive training whenever I choose.”

  He moved to the ottoman. “Ready, Molly?” he asked. The gentleness in his voice made the butterflies in Emma’s tummy go crazy.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said very softly.

  Then Daniel put the harness on her, moving her limbs as necessary, speaking to her quietly when he needed her to lift herself for the belt to go around her waist. As she watched, Emma kept feeling she would truly faint. She had her hands in little fists, and she had the pink blanket over her thighs. She resisted temptation desperately.

  Just before he put the oil from the little tube he had gotten out of his desk drawer on the black plug, though, Daniel said, turning back to the cage with a smile on his face, “Go ahead and play with yourself, please, Emma. You can do it under Molly’s blanket if you like; goodness knows she’s masturbated with that blanket enough herself. I want you to start to feel how badly you need taming and training just like you’ll see Molly getting now.”

  Emma felt her face scrunch into a pout of protest. “I can’t. I’m not allowed,” she whispered. Good girls didn’t touch themselves down there.

  Daniel’s voice got a little severe then. “Little one, from now on you are allowed to masturbate when I give you permission, and more important, you will masturbate when I command it.”

  Emma looked into his eyes, and suddenly she saw something there of which she had only seen hints before: a wisdom so deep it made all the professors in the universe look foolish. Who is he?

  She bit her lip, making her eyes a silent plea to avoid this shameful thing that she wanted so very much, but Daniel looked back at her with those wise, stern eyes, and Emma found that her right hand was underneath the blanket now, though her face felt very hot as she considered what he had said about Molly masturbating with it, and how that must be responsible for the way it smelled.

  Her thighs moved as if on their own, and her blush got worse because she became completely aware of the slickness there, the need. She had never, never, never done this terrible thing, but now she did it even though good girls didn’t touch themselves: she put her fingertips there, she rubbed, and she made a little puppy noise because it felt too good. Good girls didn’t touch themselves because it felt too good. Only a husband should be allowed to do that, because otherwise a girl couldn’t be good anymore, and she would need to be punished.

  Emma looked down at the lap of the blanket and saw it moving with the rhythmic motion of her fingers that she would never be able to stop now. She looked up at Molly’s bottom, now fastened into a harness of leather, and watched Daniel start to push the black thing in, heard Molly give a little wail of shame and discomfort, rubbed and rubbed and rubbed.

  “Oh, no,” she whispered. “Please, no.”

  The pleasure exploded in her hips, and she knew she was coming for the very first time, as Molly’s bottom squirmed and wriggled in the harness, while Daniel spoke quiet words in her ear. Emma cried out then, still gasping with the ecstasy that turned her face red with embarrassment; she had to keep rubbing because Daniel’s hand had gone lower. He began to teach Molly a very different kind of lesson, and now Molly cried out just as Emma was crying out, coming again as her new friend with the bright red bottom came and came herself.

  Chapter Nine

  Daniel quickly took his own clothes off, after Molly had come for a third time. He hadn’t intended to extend her pleasure so long before he took his, because the situation, with Emma in the cage watching, had aroused him so thoroughly that his need to fuck weighed very heavy—and very hard—upon him. But watching Emma play with herself under the blanket had a charm of its own, and Molly looked utterly adorable in her harness today.

  He couldn’t wait to have both his young ladies in harnesses—he hadn’t even taken a second harness out of the cedar chest where he kept all his training implements in more than a century. The ottoman wasn’t wide enough for two, but the old bench that stood now in the hall had supported two young ladies in harness before, and soon would again, before their master led them, still enclosed in leather and plugged with hard rubber, to his bed to frisk like kittens, head to tail.

  From Emma he sensed, in her first orgasms, the beginnings of acceptance. He regulated her shame carefully, giving it back to her a little at a time, so that she could deal naturally with it even as it increased her need for more discipline and more sex. He felt in her the same paradox he had felt in his girls since civilization began: a longing to be good and a need to be wicked. When Daniel bid them farewell, they knew not just in their minds but in their souls and their loins that goodness and wickedness would always go hand in hand and cock in anus for them.

  He wouldn’t make Emma look at his cock yet: that would come soon, but for the first time, the primal drama of bodies, their private parts hidden by the nature of their joining, would present itself to her eyes. She would not see the penis enter the anus, but she would hear Molly’s cry, and watch her master’s hips pump, his hard buttocks thrust back and forth, as he took his pleasure of the harnessed girl under him.

  Naked, he spoke to her, sensing her desperate conflict over whether to look down at where he held his manhood in his right hand, sensing her need for the forbidden knowledge of what an erect penis looked like. “Now I am naked,” he said simply. “But in my hand I have the thing that will tame and civilize you as it has trained Molly. I am very, very old, little one: that is my secret. I call myself immortal, though I do not know if it is actually the case that I cannot die.”

  Emma’s hand kept moving under the blanket, but it moved in a gentler rhythm now, as if she were trying to soothe herself, make the strange words of the naked man more comprehensible and less alarming. Her eyes had gone very wide. Over the ottoman, Molly still made little cooing sounds. Her hips moved enticingly up and down as she, too, tried to soothe her
needy pussy.

  “Yes, little one, you may keep your hand down there. You will want to masturbate while you watch me gain the vitality that has kept me alive for fifty thousand years. You may even feel me gain it, as I come, because you have begun your training as my house girl, just like Molly. When I fuck a sweet little bottom like this one, I literally snatch my life from the jaws of death.”

  Emma had no words, it seemed, now: not even Oh, no. She lost the fight with her need, and her eyes darted down to Daniel’s cock for just an instant. He saw the furrow in her brow grow deep again at the sight, and she looked away, but he could sense exactly where her next glance would go before her eyes moved, and he smiled inwardly—Emma looked right at Molly’s waiting bottom, just as Daniel reached down to unclip the plug so he could pull it gently out of the anus into which his hard cock would now go.

  He felt her shame try to pull her eyes away again, but he also felt her lust cry out to keep watching the hard thing emerge from the tiny wrinkled dimple of Molly’s backside, to keep listening to Molly’s submissive little noises. Shame almost won in the balancing of Emma’s mind, but Daniel put his telepathic thumb on the scale ever so gently. Emma made a little noise of her own, and she kept watching, her hand now moving more quickly again down there where both her shame and her lust seemed somehow to dwell, always together as constant, bickering companions.

  Daniel put the plug, still shiny with lube, on a little end table so that Emma could see it and have it in the same field of vision within which she would view her new friend Molly’s butt-fucking. He supposed it might be seen as a little unusual, from an objective point of view, that Emma’s first sight of sexual intercourse would be the enjoyment of a young woman’s anus by an immortal, the young woman secured in a training harness. But, though girls like Emma existed in the world with much greater frequency than the self-righteous repressed shepherds of the human flock would ever admit, Daniel had concluded after long experience that his young ladies deserved and warranted an initial exposure to sexuality that went beyond what those shepherds would call normal.

  Molly had needed to have her anus taken first, and her vagina second, for example, because of her feelings about virginity. Alicia, with whom Daniel had spent seven years before she departed with his help for a life in the European art world, had needed to be bound in one of the harness’ most attractive configurations, her legs spread and her knees nearly to her shoulders, for a full hour before Daniel had allowed her an orgasm, to teach her how much pleasure her body could feel. Choosing a young lady’s first sexual experiences and crafting them to provide her with the kind of erotic life she deserved represented a very large part of Daniel’s own enjoyment in renewing his life force as he disciplined and fucked them.

  Emma needed to watch from a cage, while she played with herself. Then… As he applied the lube to his cock, enjoying the frisson that always traveled up his spine at this little ceremony of preparation, he looked at his new young lady, demurely yet naughtily covered by Molly’s pink blanket, gazing steadily at Molly’s squirming bottom and glistening pink anus and her sweet, wet cunt.

  His mind reached out again, gently, into hers. Yes. She should spend more time in the cage, shouldn’t she? It makes her feel safe.

  No more words now, though. He assumed his proper position, his back now to Emma. He heard her give a little whine as if of frustration at losing the sight of Molly’s backside, still very red from her paddling. He put the head of his cock at the little dimple, his left hand gripping her harness lightly, and pressed gently to let his house girl know she must open to him as he had trained her to do.

  Molly gave her forlorn little wail of shame and discomfort as Daniel’s cock impaled her, and the sound hardened him even more, even as it called from Emma a sort of strangled cry of arousal. He felt her come again, fingers frantically rubbing at her clit, in the curls she would lose tomorrow.

  Because this was a punishment fuck, after all, for Molly’s misuse of her powers—no matter how beneficial the results might be in the end—Daniel thrust relentlessly inward, making his girl cry out again at his mastery, until her pert bottom-cheeks touched his lap, and his cock had the delicious tightness of her narrowest place all around it.

  He held her harness firmly then, where it joined her belt at her wonderfully narrow waist, and began to fuck, riding the little bottom hard from the start. Instantly he felt the life force inside himself begin to wax, and he heard both Molly and Emma gasp as they felt it too. The pleasure flooded his senses, more extreme than anything he had felt in several hundred years—perhaps since the fall of Rome and the end of the true extremity of his decadence in that period, when he had gone so far as to keep consenting young ladies in a dungeon, and to employ stewards to keep them ready for him.

  Something about Emma watching from the cage—Daniel realized now that he had never in fact actually trained two girls in this particular configuration, a neophyte caged and a more experienced young lady in harness—made fucking Molly’s bottom into what he called a grand act, a thing he hadn’t felt in many years. The life force to be gained was immense, and the power it would give to these girls correspondingly great.

  He saw himself through Emma’s eyes, watched his hips pumping urgently back and forth as the muscles of his legs and back rippled, felt in her imagination the terrible strength of her identification with Molly and the forbidden desire to have a cock in her own bottom, to cry out in shame and discomfort just as her new friend did. Emma’s arousal, heightened enormously by the feeling of being simultaneously imprisoned and safe in the cage, alongside the embarrassing frustration of not being able to see Daniel’s cock moving dominantly in Molly’s anus the way her lust yearned to do, exploded into another orgasm, and brought on Daniel’s at the same time.

  He shouted as the pleasure and the life force radiated out from his testes, filling his whole body and seizing control of his muscles as his seed spurted in Molly’s most private place. Molly arched her back, lifted her head, and gave her own cry at the power that filled her, while behind them Emma whispered, “What just happened?”

  “Good girls,” Daniel said softly, stroking Molly’s flank. “Both of you. That was very special.”

  A different kind of sound came from behind him then, a metallic click and then a little, slightly rusty creak. He knew immediately what had taken place.

  Emma said, her voice full of wonder, “Did I do that? How…?”

  “Don’t you dare come out, little one,” Daniel said, injecting just a hint of authority into his tone, “unless you want the paddle. You received power when I came, and I can tell that you don’t want to give it up.”

  “But…” Emma’s voice was very small, now.

  Daniel turned to look at his caged young lady, not withdrawing from Molly’s bottom and so making her give a little whimper at his motion.

  Emma had curled herself into a little ball under Molly’s blanket, so like a kitten that it made Daniel’s heart ache a bit. She glanced nervously at the cage door, now halfway open because she had unlocked it and pushed on the metal, then she looked up at him with wide eyes, and he felt her wonder at the way the things she had always been taught to think shameful and wrong suddenly seemed so right and necessary.

  “You can feel my mind now, can’t you?” he said gently.

  Her eyes somehow managed to open even further, and to bulge a bit, as she looked for him and found him there behind his own brown gaze. She nodded, very slowly.

  “Now you’re starting to understand why Molly is with me. She was like you, only a few months ago. Weren’t you, little one?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Molly said quietly. Daniel loved how his little blonde acted when his cock was inside her; respect and wonder seemed to emanate from her soft, pale skin.

  “Close the cage, Emma,” he said. “You’re going to spend a good deal of time in there from now on.”

  “But… but it’s Molly’s cage, isn’t it?”

  “It’s my cage, little one
,” Daniel replied. “Molly will spend time there, too, but she doesn’t need it as much as you do. Once you close it, I’m going to lock it with my mind, so that you won’t be able to open it again. You’ll spend half an hour in there now, while I work and Molly cleans. Then you’ll be let out. You’ll get dressed, and you’ll go home and pack what you need, which isn’t very much since you won’t be wearing clothes very often. You’ll wait until your mother gets back, then tell her about your new arrangements. Then you’ll return, take off your clothes again, and get back in your cage.”

  Emma absorbed all this while chewing on her lower lip, her eyes very troubled—with arousal as well as anxiety, Daniel could feel quite clearly.

  She spoke in a whisper. “What then?”

  Daniel soothed her a little and lessened her shame so that she would be ready to hear the truth, before he replied, with authority, “Then, when I decide the time has come, you’ll be taken from your cage and fucked for the first time.”

  Chapter Ten

  At six o’clock, after an afternoon of Daniel working, then watching a movie in a language Molly didn’t understand, with Molly curled at his feet and Emma in the cage, Molly made steak and potatoes, which Daniel said was his favorite meal since coming to America two hundred years ago.

  Emma ate her dinner in the cage, which Daniel had carried into the dining room, while Daniel and Molly ate at the table.

  Part of Molly’s old repression lingered: Daniel had told her their first night together that it always would, so that she would always be herself—in many ways a good girl despite all the wickedness she found in his arms and by his side for the next few years. To wear her little nightgown at dinner while Emma remained naked; to turn to see Emma in the cage, denied utensils and so eating with her face almost against the plate the morsels of steak Molly had cut for her; to see the blush upon Emma’s cheeks at having to watch her new master and his senior young lady eat like people while she had to eat like a pet… the repressed, even prudish part of Molly quailed at it.


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