The Immortal's Pet

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The Immortal's Pet Page 12

by Emily Tilton

  “Girls, the thing in which I believe your master is interested is a question that interests me, too. What we’re doing here, which even some of the people who do it call kink or fetish or even perversion—well, I can tell that all four of us understand that it’s something we need on a very deep level, a level so deep that some simply call it this thing we do.”

  Molly looked at Emma and reached out to sense her feelings. She found there, reassuringly, the same mixture of confusion and understanding—no, really, of recognition.

  The professor put his hand down to stroke Emma’s pretty red hair, constrained by the bridle but flowing past it to her shoulders. His hand moved to her back, then her bottom. Molly saw her friend shiver as she sensed how the shiver had passed to Emma’s pussy. As the professor continued, he fondled his new house girl’s bottom in its leather harness.

  “It seems very ancient, doesn’t it? The idea of a dominant man enjoying himself with a submissive woman? The strange thing is that it’s not, and I think that’s something only a person who has truly lived a very, very long time can fully grasp—much more firmly than a scholar like me, who has the ability merely to say that he can’t find any references to these kinks in the written or the material record.”

  Emma made a mewling sound around her bit as he moved his hand down further, in between her legs, and soothed her there. Molly felt Daniel crouch behind her and put the head of his cock against her clit. She made a puppy noise as he rubbed it gently, then moved it teasingly to the place where she opened, where he must enter.

  The professor spoke more slowly and musingly now, but Molly still felt that some of the benefit of the lesson was being lost upon her and Emma because of the distracting effect of the pleasure with which their masters trained them.

  “Certainly men throughout the history of our species—in fact, until around the time Daniel started bridling his young ladies, if I’m not mistaken—dominated women sexually. They punished them, and in a manner of speaking trained them for their cocks’ pleasure. But I believe that Daniel has noticed a strange change, and he wants me to tell him what I think it means. I believe Daniel has seen women become equal in agency to men—a thing which has never happened in his five hundred centuries of life—and he has seen the need of some of us for this thing we do to come into our mortal lives, and apparently his immortal one, at the same time.”

  Daniel gave a little grunt of pleasure as he pushed his cock inside Molly, and she cried out, loving the suddenly very sensual feeling of the bit in her mouth, as her rider tugged gently on the reins to raise her head and arch her back, more than she had ever thought she could.

  “Will you not begin your ride, Professor?” Daniel asked as he began to move at a sort of trot inside Molly, taking her breath away. “You will take your mount home with you, when you go.”

  At this Emma gave her own cry, and Molly felt the joy and love well up in her fellow house girl’s heart.

  “I certainly shall,” said Professor Gage, and Molly watched him, too, take his position behind Emma’s backside, holding her reins, and put his hard cock where it belonged.

  They fucked in silence for a few moments, and then Daniel said, still thrusting in and out of Molly, now at the pace of a canter, “What will become of us, do you think? I worry that my life force will ebb.”

  The professor’s voice sounded a little thicker to Molly’s ears than it had before. “I wouldn’t fear. I imagine you’ve had more pleasure training your young ladies since they began to need the training so much more.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Emma had found great happiness in Daniel’s house, but her happiness in knowing she would leave it with John exceeded anything she had thought she might ever feel. She didn’t understand, really, what he and Daniel were talking about except very vaguely, but she felt sure John would explain it to her soon. As she felt his cock fill her up, while the little plug opened her behind and the bit opened her in front, the shameful, irresistible pleasure of her body came together with the sense of his pleasure as he rode her.

  Her bridle and her harness, binding her and enclosing her, made her new master very happy: she could feel that, too. She thought she could even feel that to have a young filly like Emma under him, readied for training in civilizing straps of leather, fulfilled a fantasy he had barely known he even had. She could definitely feel how very, very good her tight pussy made his cock feel.

  One part of his conversation with Daniel did stick in her head. She thought, strangely, that maybe she remembered it better because she and Molly hadn’t been able to say anything, because like good, serviceable livestock they had bits in their mouths so that their masters could control them. Emma remembered what it was like listening to John in class, in Anthro 1000, and how annoyed she got when other girls asked questions, and Emma had to think about her class participation grade. She had just wanted to listen to Professor John Gage say smart things.

  Now, with a bridle and a bit forbidding her to ask anything, whether it was mercy or some silly question that would only get in the way of his thoughts, she felt like she could start to think through at least this one thing: Daniel had said, to her surprise, that he worried about the ebbing of his life force. John had replied, I wouldn’t fear. I imagine you’ve had more pleasure training your young ladies since they began to need the training so much more.

  Emma thought it must mean that Daniel, and maybe in a different but still vital way, other dominant men, derived from mastering girls like her a sort of essential energy. Daniel had never made clear to her—nor did Emma think he had made it clear to Molly—exactly what connection stretched from their submission to his hand and cock and his immortality. Nevertheless, when he was disciplining them and fucking them, he seemed to glow both on the outside and—as Emma could feel thanks to the empathic powers he gave her—the inside. Afterward, too, as he held them, he seemed warmer and more present, if also very much more relaxed.

  She wondered suddenly what John would be like after he had come inside her. He certainly glowed the same way Daniel did as he rode in and out of her pussy more and more quickly, making her cry out now with every deep thrust. He pulled firmly on her reins, and she lifted her leather-bound head and arched her back in response. Emma knew she must give her master the pleasurable seat he wanted inside her, his lap against the little bottom where he would surely put his cock before too long in place of the terrible black plug that trained her for his enjoyment there.

  John growled, and the sound made Emma’s pussy clench around his thrusting penis. Only a few feet away, Molly was staring back at her with wide eyes, her mouth distended around her own bit and her face shamefully encased in straps of leather. Daniel rode her masterfully, surveying the scene of these dominant delights with an eye whose satisfaction Emma could read in his heart, mind, and cock.

  The riders came at nearly the same moment, their mounts whimpering around the bits in their mouths. As she and Molly were led, still on all fours, to Daniel’s big bed, and placed head to tail still in their harnesses though with their bridles removed, Emma felt John glowing just as she had thought he would.

  “You girls deserve a reward,” Daniel said. “You may come.”

  Emma still always felt a blush of shame when confronted by Molly’s little pussy, its pink petal lips pouting and seeming to plead for a wicked kiss from Emma’s mouth’s own lips. She sensed in John that he was watching intently, his cock already starting to grow hard again.

  “Kiss the pussy, Emma,” he said softly. “Kiss the pussy for me. Make Molly feel good.”

  Emma did, hesitantly, as Molly did the same for her, and they both made little whining noises as they kissed and licked.

  She felt Daniel looking on, still with satisfaction, and she wondered fleetingly whether John had already put his worries to rest. Then, when she and Molly had both gotten very close to their climaxes, she sensed Daniel have a new idea.

  “Stop, girls,” he said. “I’m going to get your blankets.”

  John, Emma could feel, was taken a little by surprise, his own satisfaction in watching Emma kiss Molly’s pussy interrupted, but his curiosity awoken by the idea of the blankets.

  Daniel kept their blankets, the pink one and the yellow one, in the closet, and in an instant he had fetched them and given each to its owner.

  “You know what to do, girls,” he said. “Reward yourselves now.” Then he spoke to John. “They’re punished for playing with themselves without permission, but that makes it even more fun to watch them, don’t you think?”

  Something about the idea of masturbating in front of John made Emma’s shame rise so high that she almost couldn’t move to obey, and put the blanket that now smelled like her naughtiness even though she washed it nearly every day between her thighs.

  John said, softly and gently, “Show me, Emma. Do you know how to use a blanket to make yourself feel good?”

  She gave a whimper, and nodded. The bit was gone, but she still wanted to be silent in his presence, to let him and Daniel decide what should be said, what should be commanded.

  At the other end of the bed, Molly was making her little puppy sounds as she bucked her hips, holding the pink blanket with her hands and tugging on it to bring its tension against her clit, only an inch or two from Emma’s face. Molly had her eyes closed, and her mouth and cheeks still glistened from the wetness of Emma’s pussy.

  “Can you do it like Molly?” John asked. “It looks like Molly thinks it feels very good.”

  Emma bit her lip. She nodded again.

  Then Daniel said, “I don’t know what power made me, and the two other immortals of I have known. They dwell far away now, though perhaps you will meet them some day. I do know that pleasure keeps me alive, and I know that my pleasure comes from mastering young ladies who need mastery.”

  The word mastery had an effect on Emma even greater than usual. She closed her eyes, bit her lip, and moved the fleecy blanket, which she had been holding against her tummy, further down. A helpless little noise came from her throat as the soft material brushed her clit, and another as she blushingly took the blanket firmly between her thighs, the way she knew how; oh, yes, she knew how to do it, though the last time she had seen Professor Gage she had never before touched herself down there for wicked purposes.

  “When I deflowered your little Emma here a few weeks ago…” Daniel continued, his words now seeming to make the gentle starting rhythm of Emma’s act of self-pleasure even as her face grew hotter, “gathering her three virginities in a single night as I always do with a new young lady I am helping to discover her needs and how to satisfy them…”

  “Oh, no,” Emma whispered, as she rode her blanket, pulling it tight and feeling how wet she had already made it, how badly it needed washing yet again.

  “…it was the first time in a very long while I had taken two house girls under my protection at once, and it made me think, even as I enjoyed myself so very greatly à trois, about the nature of modern mastery.”

  Emma heard Molly’s little humming whimpers that came through her nose, and though she kept her eyes closed she could feel in Molly’s libido the way her muscles tensed, around her hips and bottom and thighs, just as Emma’s did, seeking the shameful enjoyment they had both been trained to provide for their master’s pleasure in the spectacle.

  “I have some special powers of empathy, and even some old-fashioned sympathetic magic that looks like telekinesis—I made the cage door open that way, for example. My young ladies receive some of this power through their sexual submission to me.”

  Emma felt him reach into her, and into Molly, and give them a sort of internal caress, soothing the tiniest bit of their shame so that their arousal flared up. Emma couldn’t help it, though she thought perhaps Daniel or John might punish her for it; she reached into her handsome professor and soothed away a little of the concern he had, that Emma might not really be enjoying her submission—that a modern young woman might not have the same needs as a girl of fifty thousand years ago.

  John gave a little grunt as he felt her touch, and Emma, in empathy, sensed his wonderful cock, which had been inside her now, had come inside her, give a little leap of excitement. Daniel, for his part, chuckled.

  “Thank you, Emma,” he said very warmly.

  “Wait,” John said. “Did Emma do that? Inside me?”

  “Yes.” As Daniel spoke now, in order not to distract herself, Emma slowed the pace of her masturbation, moving in a much more leisurely rhythm and not pulling on the naughty blanket quite so hard.

  “It will fade, when you bring her home with you, but she will always be more in tune with your feelings than you think.”

  Emma smiled. She hadn’t known that. She did manage to open her eyes, and found John reclining on his elbow as he observed the self-pleasuring of Daniel’s house girls, looking back into them. He, Daniel, and Molly all lay the proper way, their heads at the bed’s head. Emma lay the other way, so that John had a shameful view of Emma’s harnessed and plugged bottom as she moved it on the blanket clutched tightly between her thighs. He smiled, too. “I think I can get used to that,” he said, and gave a little wink that made Emma very conscious of what a naughty thing she was doing there on the bed with her fuzzy yellow blanket, in a leather harness that held her bottom open for training.

  “Emma’s defloration night,” Daniel continued, “happened after she played with herself for the first time, all covered up with Molly’s blanket, while I paddled Molly and then fucked her bottom. She didn’t have her own blanket then.”

  Emma had to close her eyes again, her face burning.

  “What I realized as I put them in harness and as I fucked them and watched them play with themselves and with each other, was that before girls had the ability to choose that the modern world has given them, I didn’t have to depend on there still being sweet young ladies like Molly and Emma who yearn for my mastery.”

  Again that word. Emma couldn’t help speeding up her rhythm again. She heard and felt Molly doing the same.

  “I can keep myself alive, I am fairly sure, by my own acts of self-pleasure,” Daniel said, “but it is not the same as bringing civilization to young ladies like these. Will there be more of them, do you think, Professor, as time goes by?”

  John didn’t answer immediately, and Daniel said, “Come, let’s hold their bottoms as they climax. There is nothing on earth as wonderful to hold as a sweet submissive bottom.”

  So Emma and Molly cried out as they felt their masters’ hands possessing them there, and they both did come at last, humping and humping their soft blankets, now very wet where bare young pussies had rubbed so desperately.

  Then John said, “Yes. Everything I know about civilization suggests that while girls like Molly and Emma will be able to choose more broadly now, as the world moves on, some of them will use that choice to find joy in submission to men like you—and, I hope, like me.”

  Then he kissed Emma’s bottom, and she giggled even as she blushed.

  “What do you think, little one?” he said, calling her that for the first time and making another thrill of joy and arousal travel through her.

  “I think you’re right, Master. So very right.”

  The End

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