The Vendetti Empire

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The Vendetti Empire Page 15

by Sapphire Knight

  My eyes roll before I can hold the movement back. It’s unlike me, but Violet seems to be rubbing off a bit. “I don’t have time for this nonsense,” I breathe and his eyes meet mine, a plead swirling within their dark depths.

  “It’s not. I swear it; I’m telling you the truth.”

  “We’ve all heard you talk before, all of the bragging you do. Hell, you were just telling Valentino how you were planning on fucking the two of those women out there tonight. I heard you. I’m not fucking stupid.”

  His hand rakes over his gel stiffened style as he sighs. “It’s an act, all of it. Of course, I’d fool around with those models. They’re hot and I can’t let it get around that I turned them down completely. I was going to let them suck my cock then send them home.”

  “You’ve never had sex before,” I mutter, repeating him and he shakes his head.


  “But...why not? You’ve had numerous opportunities in the past. We’ve all been around many times.”

  “I know, but I wanted to wait until I met the woman I was going to marry.”

  “Fuck!” The harsh curse escapes as I mimic his movement and run my hand over my hair in frustration.

  “I didn’t think Romano would find you a wife, at least not like that.”

  “You knew the Bottaro girl was mine.”

  He nods, blowing out a breath.


  “But, you’re Ruthless!” He says the name like it explains everything.

  “Not always, Cristiano. Sometimes I’m simply Matteo Vendetti, heir to the Vendetti Empire.”

  It’s his turn to snort. “You’re never just Matteo. I assumed, being who you are and that you rarely take orders from anyone, even our father—I was expecting the Bottaro Princess to end up with Salvatore or maybe Valentino. I never once thought you’d go through with actually marrying her until it was too late and the tradition was already in motion.”

  “What am I supposed to do?” I mutter aloud and he shrugs. “I take it you don’t want the others to know you’re planning to wait for marriage?”

  He shakes his head.

  “We’re Catholic, Cristiano. Waiting for marriage is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, the church prefers it.”

  “The church isn’t my brothers, though.”

  “You have a point. Regardless, I don’t know what to do about the Vendetti tradition. You know I have to abide by it to take over the head of the family. It’s a rule in our familia and Romano has already left. I won’t have Salvatore coming after the head of the table,” I admit, and his shoulders drop.

  “He could never do what you do.”

  “I know.” I nod, agreeing completely. “I can’t believe it’s been an act these past few days with you.”

  “I might have an idea, if you’re open to it?”

  “At this point, I’d welcome suggestions, even from my seventeen-year-old brother. By the way, happy seventeenth birthday.”

  A genuine smile graces his lips. “Thanks. Now, do you have a blindfold?”

  “A blindfold?”

  “Never mind, since we’re in my room we’ll use a black shirt of mine or something, so it smells like me.”

  I stare at him, puzzled, and watch as he glances toward Violet, making sure she’s still sleeping peacefully. Once reassured, he strides to his closet and I wait a moment until he returns with a black T-shirt. He heads for the side of the bed and waves me over.

  “Tie this over her eyes,” he whispers, and I cock a brow. “You’re going to do all the touching, while I do the talking,” he fills me in.

  I nod, beginning to catch on.

  “Undress first and don’t speak. We have to make her think it’s me, so none of the brothers doubt anything.”

  It’s smart, I’ll give him that.

  Setting the T-shirt on the end of the bed, I remove my cufflinks and tie. I’d already shed my jacket back in the coat room and never put it back on. Moving to my shirt, I tug it free of my trousers, my fingers making quick work of the buttons before neatly folding it and laying it to the side. I slide the dress shoes off, scooting them together until they line up next to each other and then unclasp my pants. The expensive material glides from my hips and then I’m folding them as well, moving to stack everything on top of my shoes. My brother watches me, used to my process even though he’s not nearly as disciplined. The beatings for him weren’t too bad, as he was the youngest and most tolerated by our father.

  Picking up the shirt, I await his next instruction. He clumsily removes his clothes, minus his boxers and dress socks and then throws it all into a messy pile. He points to the right side and I nod, quietly stopping to stand at the head of the bed. He copies me on the opposite side, gazing down at mia fiore.

  She must be sleeping deeply enough to satisfy him as he waves me on. Moving the covers back, I slide into the bed, coming to stop right behind Violet. Cristiano gestures to his eyes and I crisply fold the shirt long ways a few times before moving to place it over my wife’s eyes.

  She stirs and Cristiano leans close to her as I tie a knot, effectively keeping the material in place. He murmurs, “It’s my turn, fidanzata.”

  I keep the growl to myself at him calling her ”fiancée” and watch as her delicate hand reaches to her face, her fingers patting over the makeshift blindfold.

  “Relax,” he mutters close enough that his lips graze the top of her ear.

  “Cristiano?” she guesses sleepily, and I place one hand on her bicep, the other shifting her locks away from her neck.

  “Si, bella.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “I have plans for you. You’re my birthday present tonight.” He smirks and nods at me.

  Taking the cue, my lips find the exposed skin of her neck, peppering kisses and nips along the smooth skin until I reach the curve of her shoulder.

  “Where’s Matteo?” My name leaves her on a breath, the sound making my cock hard as steel.

  “He’s here,” Cristiano shares as if she should already know this, “watching.”

  “He’s watching us right now?” she repeats and shudders, goosebumps flying over her flesh as I feel her heartbeat increase. The thumps remind me of a horse’s gallop, the excited hoofbeats thundering across the ground. I can’t refrain from running the tip of my thumbnail along the back of her bicep, over those tiny telling bumps and the move has her drawing in a quick breath.

  “You hear that, Capo?” My brother’s eyes shine with amusement. He’s enjoying this charade it appears. “Little moglie likes it when you watch.” He takes a few steps backward before deepening his voice to reply, “Indeed.”

  I roll my eyes again at his impression of me. It works, though, as Violet releases another breath she’d been keeping, her nipples stiffening under the delicate dress in response. I should’ve had her undress earlier, but she looked far too peaceful when I’d initially carried her up here. I’d have done whatever I could in my power to keep her that way, too. My fingers find the peak, tweaking it left then right.

  Her head falls back, forehead lifted to the ceiling as she groans. The enticing female attempts to muffle the sound to herself, but I’m not having it. In my opinion she could never be too loud when it comes to me touching her and I want to know every response she has no matter how minute the sound may be.

  My brows rise impatiently at Cristiano and thankfully he takes the hint to speak up. “Louder. I want your husband to hear how good I make you feel. How much you love my hands all over this sexy body.”

  My hands move on his cue, they caress the perfect swell of her breast, my free hand shifting to lightly squeeze the nape of her neck. Deep down I know Cristiano would never be as dominant as I am in and out of the bed. Around Violet I seem to crave it with a heightened intensity that I can’t escape. Releasing her breast, my fingers move to tug the thin strap of her dress over her shoulder, desiring to see even more. The delicate material dr
oops to expose half of her creamy breast and my mouth waters at the enticing sight. I want to suckle the peak, show her how much I can make her go crazy from her breast alone.

  Every bit of her draws me in to her. Remaining quiet is going to be the true struggle to pull this rouse off. This female has me growling left and right whenever I’m around her like this. Damn Cristiano and bless him all in the same instant for coming up with this new plan of his.

  “Lean up so we can remove this dress. I want to see your body.”

  Fully awake now, she sits up, replying, “It’s beautiful.”

  My frame shifts, moving with her, sliding the remaining strap from the opposite shoulder. My fingers ache to rip it off, but it’d easily give me away, so I refrain. Violet should have no doubt in her mind after my office run-in that I’m the most demanding lover of the Vendetti brothers. I don’t want to just fuck her, I want to own every centimeter of her, break her so that it makes her never forget my touch no matter how long the wait may be until I have her again.

  “It’s material.” Cristiano argues. “You make it beautiful.”

  I couldn’t have said it any better myself.

  She draws in a quick breath and I’m not sure if it’s from his compliment or from me pushing her dress down to her hips, baring her naked plump breasts and torso. Grasping her biceps, I push her downward again until she follows along and lies flat on her back. Wasting no time, I move over her, positioning my face at her navel. I want her to feel my hair and shoulders if she wishes to do so, but not my face. We can’t allow her to catch on that it’s not actually Cristiano. Violet’s intelligent, even more so than any of us had given her credit for previously when she’d first shown up.

  My warm breath hits her tummy before my lips finally make contact. Her stomach draws in at the touch, a grin overtaking my lips knowing just how easily I can have her writhing before me. I begin by peppering gentle kisses from her navel down toward her pussy. Right as I reach her bare mound, my tongue darts out, licking upwards back toward her navel.

  “Wha-what are you doing?” she whimpers on a near silent plea.

  Rather than answer, I work the dress over the remaining swell of her hips, my body following downward until I can toss it off to the side. It’s very un-Matteo like of me, but I can’t bring myself to think of anything other than the glistening pussy that I know is anxiously waiting to be fingered and felt up under her drenched panties.

  Cristiano stands off to my side, glances at me and then murmurs on my behalf. “Imagining what that wet pussy of yours would taste like.”

  They’re so close to my own thoughts; I can’t help but wonder if the male is doing the same as he witnesses the scene unfold in front of him. I won’t allow my jealousy to take over; he’s only bearing witness, not actually touching her. She won’t have his cock tonight, or ever. And after tonight, hopefully she’ll only be sliding on my cock daily, not any of my brothers.

  My thighs clench wantonly at Cristiano’s confession and the delicious burn I’m met with reminds me of Santino’s thickness being there earlier. My core’s still recovering from our time together in the coat closet. I’ll never be able to return there without remembering of how his length filled me and how Matteo’s penetrating gaze bore into mine as I gave into the ecstasy. Now it’s Cristiano’s turn and I can’t help but wonder if his size is anything close to Santino or Matteo or even Dante. I don’t know if I’ll make it through tonight if that’s the case, no matter how turned on I am or want to please Matteo by doing this for him and his family.

  Matteo’s here watching me and I’m going to disappoint him, if that’s the case. Will he punish me in his office if I speak up against being fucked again? I’d never have imagined I’d have such a powerful man like my husband Matteo or that I’d be intimate with all the Vendettis in line to fill the shoes of Capo.

  I’ve never been one not to speak up, the consequences be damned. To think, in the beginning all I wanted was a man to know how to touch me, to make me feel. I’ve gotten my wish, plus bitten off way more than I can possibly chew.

  Cristiano pauses in his perusal and a throat clears. The sound comes from none other than my husband. “Mia fiore, what is it? You’re stiff as a board. You need to relax.”

  His rasp does funny things to my stomach, the flip flop telling me that I want him above any others. I’ve never felt so out of control; utterly owned and inexperienced as to when it comes to being next to that man. The things he does to me...

  Drawing in a breath, I confess, “I’m a bit sore.” It takes all of my courage to admit it to him and in front of his younger brother as witness. He told me he’d bend me to his will and that I’ll obey, but I won’t lie to him about any of it or how I feel.

  A finger presses against my clit through my satin panties and his voice deepens if that’s even possible. “Your pussy hurts? It was fucked too hard?”

  Jerking my head, I silently nod even though his finger feels amazing touching me.

  I can’t see him, but a low groan sounds in his throat telling me he definitely saw me. The room’s so quiet I can hear myself breathing. A few beats pass with me shifting to press my legs together again as his finger circles my clit. I may be sore, but I still want to please him.

  He curses, finally muttering for me to turn on my side. I do as he says, moving the scrap of panties off before getting comfy, so he knows I want to continue to be touched. One hand slides under the pillow, the other laying on my hip. I wait.

  The bed dips behind me as Cristiano slides back to the same spot that he’d woken me up in. His hand glides over the round globe of my butt, the palm size seemingly much bigger than I’d imagined. Matteo has large, capable hands; Cristiano must mimic him in that as well. His finger stops at the bottom, tracing the area where the crease meets the back of my thigh. His breaths increase, the warmth fluttering against my neck as he caresses the line again and my body squirms in anticipation.

  His lips meet my neck, beginning the exploration anew as the tips of two fingers sneak between the juncture of my thighs. They carefully brush my sex, applying enough pressure to feel the moisture pooling. Cristiano’s careful not to rub too roughly, my flesh swelling and opening for him. My body wants the pleasure, and as the tips penetrate me a few inches my core clenches, attempting to draw him in.

  He’s so quiet, unlike his brothers; he gives nothing away at how he’s feeling. The silence has me off balance, if it weren’t for his eager touch and his warm kisses, I’d wonder if I was dreaming this entire night. His muscular thigh moves mine upwards, pinning me down as he sees fit. Christiano guides himself to my core, the rounded head meeting my opening. He moves his cock gently brushing me as he’d done moments prior with his fingers. My breasts heave as I get more and more turned on for him, knowing Matteo is right here with us as well.

  Another caress from the silken tip and an impatient cry breaks free. My pussy clenches so tightly, as if it will grip his cock and pull it inside. I thought I was too sore, but I want him in me far more than for him to stop.

  “You ready for me?” he murmurs, his voice sounding as if it’s in front of me rather than behind, but I know that can’t be the case.

  I’m too focused on my need to care about the details and confess, “Yes, I want it.”

  “What do you want, beautiful?” Cristiano murmurs and I groan with frustration.

  “Your cock, if you’re going to keep teasing me, let Matteo just fuck me already.”

  A growl sounds from behind, teeth sinking into the back of my neck as his cock thrusts deep.

  “Oh!” I call in surprise.

  A hand finds my hair, gripping the locks, he yanks my head back to bite my neck harder and thrusts in again, both hitting me at the same time.

  “Fuck me!” I can’t help but yell loudly. Cristiano may end up being the best out of all at this point. The pain holding me back from minutes before has escaped my body completely, as all I can think of is having him
deeper in me.

  His other hand grabs my thigh, the thickness a natural grip for his powerful drive. The hold is firmer than I’d expect. He keeps me off kilter as to what he’ll do. So much for soft and sweet, the man is going to ride me until I break from too many orgasms. A growl into my neck has chills flaring over my body, the heat spreading like wild fire, “Oh, I’ll fuck you all right.” The raspy reply sounds more like an angry promise from Matteo, rather than his brother Cristiano, further confusing my mind and body.

  The moans leave me in screams ridiculously loud. I wouldn’t be too stunned if his brothers burst in here. The insane sensations of his cock plunging into my core, pounding me into oblivion have me seeing stars. I can barely catch my breath as once he begins, he’s like a machine, taking over and possessing me with his movements. Each drive has his length pressing exactly where I need him to. His hips thrust his dick in and out, again and again; the pressure repeatedly hitting my G-spot has me begging for the release.

  “Oh, shit! Please, Cristiano!”

  His answering groan and throbbing cock have me matching him pulse for pulse. I want to turn over, hold him down and ride him into unconsciousness. I don’t know if these Vendettis could handle the lack of control though, especially my husband.

  “So perfect,” the man behind me whispers. His firm chest brushes my back as his breathing slows to eager, pleased pants. Feeling his excitement surround me, only feeds into my own and my body erupts. I’m lost, tumbling down a deep bottomless hole as ecstasy grips me, turning me inside out. One demanding yank on my hair has me letting go entirely, screaming my release.

  The orgasm washes over me, exhausting what diminutive amount of energy I’d recovered from my brief nap. As he moans through his own pleasure, my body relinquishes into a pile of overused, worn out muscles. The eventful evening along with the attention and utopia offered mixed with too much champagne has me knocked on my ass. It’s as if I’ve just run a marathon and could slumber for a week... yet, this is my life now.


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