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Enough Page 3

by Jade Chandler

  A waitress about my age headed straight for us. Her cut-offs and half shirt left little to the imagination, which probably netted her awesome tips. I’d always wished I had the nerve to flaunt my assets with clothes like that. Not that I wore baggy sweats, but I didn’t own a single thing that fit my body like her shorts hugged her hips. And all three guys noticed her effort with visible approval in their expressions.

  “Hey, Rachel.” Rock gave her the nod. “Looking fine tonight.” He smiled big and wide but managed not to make it a leer. He had skills.

  “Hey, I’m Lila, the new office manager at the shop.”

  She chomped gum and grinned down at me, a real grin I think, instead of the false claw-your-eyes-out kind. “Nice to meet ya, and that place needs someone keeping these boys in line.” She pulled down the neck of her shirt and showed off her considerable cleavage, which was decorated with an assortment of tattoos. “All the guys have inked one, some more than one.” She winked at Zayn.

  “Good work. I like the tropical flower—beautiful. All my work is on my back, working my way up and out.” My back was almost full, then I’d start on my shoulders and work down my arms, or start on my chest, but I didn’t have as large a canvas there as Rachel did.

  “Let me see!” She handed Rock her tray. “Stand up.”

  I followed her commands, used to showing off my work. It was a common request since I worked in a shop. I stood and leaned forward while she lifted my shirt.

  “Damn, you weren’t kidding when you said you were working your way up. You have a full back of art, but the yin and yang, that’s beautiful. I think it’s almost as good as Dare’s work.”

  With those words, all three guys scraped back their chairs, congregating behind me to see my ink.

  “Which is newest?” Rachel traced on my back.

  I assumed she followed the different designs. “The compass on my right shoulder blade.” Tony had done it two weeks before I’d left him He hadn’t known he was giving me the tombstone to remind me about his cheating ass.

  “Like the browns in it.” Rachel pulled my shirt up higher and I held the front of my green T in place so I wouldn’t be giving a show in front as well as back.

  “Damn, you have solid work, almost ready to cover those shoulders.” Rock whistled.

  “Yeah. Nothing makes me happier than new art. I have almost endless ideas, it’s just the cash to make it happen.” I tugged my shirt back in place and sat down.

  “Lucky for you our employee discount is wicked low.” Rock and the others laughed.

  I opened my mouth to ask more but Rachel interrupted.

  “You all want burgers or you going all exotic and changing things up?”

  Dare sat down but kept looking at me with this strange expression—not the sex god vibe, even more intense. I wish I knew what the look meant, but there was zero chance I’d ask him.

  “So I’m starved. Rachel, the burger and fries sound super.” I needed to change the topic.

  “Sure thing, sweetie. And to drink, what’s your poison?”

  Now I had to say it.

  This might be more awkward than the tat show. “Just a sweet tea, I’m likely to fall face-first in my burger with anything stronger. These guys are slave drivers.” I winked at her.

  With a laugh, she moved around the table, but I didn’t hear the other orders because my heart beat too loud in my own ears. Mouth dry, I glanced around but none of the guys stared at me like I had a third eye or some other strange deformity. Good, the first time was always the hardest for me.

  I never drank liquor, or any kind of alcohol to be precise, at least not since I was eighteen. Booze and I were a bad combination, and I’d seen firsthand what it could do if I embraced its tempting numbness. My no-drinking policy had been a sticky point for some in my past, but not even Tony, who tried for months to get me to drink, had succeeded. It was one area he couldn’t control and I’m sure that’s why he’d tried so hard.

  The guys took turns telling stories of stupid clients, and Rock turned to Dare.

  “Bro, you have the worst story, tell it.”

  Dare hesitated and then smiled wide. “Saved by the food.”

  As if on cue, Rachel brought food out and slapped down my burger and fries first. The heavenly scent of greasy beef and thick wavy fries made my stomach sound off again. She handed out burgers all around, and as soon as the last plate was down, I bit into my burger.

  Oh yeah, this burger was orgasmic, so good, better than an orgasm, at least an orgasm from my vibrator. I dug into the food, enjoying each bite. After the first three or four bites, I began to feel human again. I looked up to find the others eating just like me; probably nobody had eaten today.

  The food and company were good. It helped me become part of the group, like friends, and I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been out without someone owning me. It was damn nice to be a free agent who would go home alone and sleep like the dead.

  I popped the last fry in my mouth and finished off my sweet tea. “This has been fun,” I told the guys. “But I’m out. I need to recover for day three.” I said a quick round of goodbyes and moved toward the door.

  “Wait,” Dare called, and caught up to me in a second. “I’ll walk you home.”

  “It’s feet away, really—”

  He gave me his flat stare.

  “Love to have the company,” I muttered.

  He should’ve been named Brick instead of Dare—the man was stubborn.

  The sun had given way to night and stars shone overhead. I loved how I could see stars in Barden, even Texarkana had too much street light to see them in town. “Thanks for dinner.” I had to say something because the silence was heading toward awkward.

  “Yeah, anytime. You’re fun, and you get shit done without lots of drama. That’s a talent.”

  Had he just complimented my skill? I think yes, he had. That was new for me. Realizing I’d stayed silent, I hurried to say, “Thanks. Every day gets easier. Another couple, and I’ll be reigning queen of Marked Man.”

  Stupid. Why did I say that?

  “Red, you’re funny.” He snorted then punched the code to the outer door. His hand brushed mine on the way down to his side.

  Like every time our skin touched, heat shot through me. I’d been so aware of him in the bar, despite my efforts to ignore my attraction. Tension, which was obviously two-sided, ran through me.

  “You need help getting your door?”

  Dare earned extra points for smooth. The words were so mild but he’d moved closer and his expression had softened. All I had to do was kiss those lips or nod my head. He’d be in my bed faster than I could say condom.

  “I got it. Thanks though.” I hurried through the door and up the steps before I changed my mind. My self-control wouldn’t last long, so I needed to be locked on the other side of my door before it burst, leaving me a puddle of yes, please. I refused to look back as I unlocked my door and hurried inside, afraid if I saw him there behind me, my will would break.

  * * *

  It was a long night of tossing and turning amid X-rated dreams of Dare, and when I woke the next morning I was more tired than I’d been since starting. Thankfully, I’d opened alone and had a precious two hours of quiet so far.

  The phone rang. “Marked Man... Oh hey, Fred, yeah we can get you in for more work.” I fumbled for the book I hadn’t retrieved from under the counter yet.

  The door jingled and Dare strode in, making an impatient gesture for me to hang up.

  I ignored him, looking for a date that’d work for Zayn and Fred.

  “Red, I need numbers, now.” Dare spoke into my ear.

  I tamped down the spike of pleasure his rumbled words created inside me. “Busy with a client,” I whispered while holding my hand over the phone. />
  “Gonna be late to the club.” His tone lacked playful flirting.

  “On my desk, in the office.” I spoke low and shooed him toward it.

  Tension stretched every muscle tight. “If I—”

  Oh damn, not good. “Fred, let me call you in five, then we can find time for the back—”

  He grabbed the phone from my hand and flipped the calendar to him before pointing to the office. I hurried to grab the report, almost running back to him. Talk about Jekyll and Hyde. Why was he so pissed off? He’d said no paper, I guess he meant it.

  “Yeah, Zayn will be here Sunday, nine in the morning. He has the whole day, whatever time it takes.” Dare hung up, glaring at me with his foot tapping and his lips pressed in a tight line.

  “Okay, we’re up twenty-two percent from this time last year, this week’s revenue is $6,359 leaving $4,211 profit after expenses. Ledger is updated and ready for pickup, um, whenever.” I bit my lip. “I’m, uh, sorry...”

  In two huge strides he moved into my space, bent his head and captured my lips. Hard. Bruising. The kiss demanded surrender.

  I released the pent-up sexual need, feeding it into my kiss. He stepped back before he wrapped his arms around me, dragging me into him. I tangled my fingers in his long hair.

  I sucked his lower lip, worrying it between my teeth.

  His lips left mine but I held onto his hair.

  “We’re not done here.” He squeezed my hands. “But I gotta jet. Be back in two hours. Then we talk.”

  His scent surrounded me, and ripples of desire ran down my spine. I released his hair when he stepped away, the corn silk—soft strands slipping through my fingers.

  His gaze bore into me for a long moment, and I read an entire love story in mere seconds. The fiery attraction, all-consuming lust and eventual heartbreak—always my love story.

  With a twist of his lips, he turned and left the shop.

  If I was smart, I’d walk away from temptation before I relived my mistakes. And I would be smart—just because I had one weak moment didn’t mean I should go rogue. I was worth more than a three-day dance.

  Zayn strode in minutes after Dare left, interrupting my creation of a mental list of all the reasons I wouldn’t sleep with Dare. The number-one reason—he’d swallow me whole, and my fragile independence would be gone.

  “Hey.” He gave me the nod. “What’s up, gorgeous?”

  “I bet you melt girls’ hearts all over the state, don’t you?”

  The cocky smile added to his dark charm. “When I find the time, hell yeah. It’s what makes life fun—the girl part anyway. I try not to stick around long enough for the heart stuff.”

  I shook my head at his attitude and saw the appointment book. “Oh yeah, Dare signed you up to do Fred’s back tat all day Sunday.” I glanced at the book for the time. “At nine in the morning. You even awake?”

  “That ruins the party plans on Saturday.” Anger simmered in him.

  “I can push it back, change it?” I couldn’t believe Dare had booked it without consulting him.

  “You don’t understand our life, do you?” His chuckle released the anger.

  “Not a clue.” I reminded myself I didn’t want to know.

  Zayn hopped up on the counter. “I’m a prospect, the Brotherhood’s property, until I patch in.”

  “When does that happen? And what’s property?”

  “I am property. Any club member can tell me to do anything, like tat a guy at 9 a.m. the day after a club party. I do it.” He scratched behind his ear.

  “Why?” I didn’t understand the appeal.

  “They’re your brothers, have your back. Have you ever wanted to belong without reservation?” Zayn’s expression turned dark.

  “I get it.” It’s what made me fall for loser after loser.

  Zayn’s client walked in, and they disappeared to the back of the shop. Less than an hour later he was back, which was quick for any work.

  Once the guy left, Zayn turned to me. “Dare called and told me to lock up. He won’t be back today.” He leaned against the counter. “Get out of here, take a break while the getting’s good.”

  I deflated, not realizing a bubble of anticipation had built inside me. Dare not coming back left me frustrated but thankful. A reprieve to rebuild my defenses.

  “I have a question about hours and I hoped he’d give me some advice.”

  “Work until the job’s done.” He shrugged. “You’re overdoing it—you should stop or you’ll burn out.”

  “Not very helpful.”

  Zayn laughed and slapped my back. “Perfectly understandable, you need a tutorial.” He cracked open a pop from the mini-fridge under the counter. “Be here to do your manager shit and during our busiest times. Also, never leave if Dare or Weasel are here alone. The rest of us, it’s fine to go. One of us will always stay.” He nodded like his words made sense.

  I worked when I wanted, and when Dare and Weasel worked, and when it was busy.

  Clear as shit on a shoe.

  “If you feel totally like shit or something, call me. I’ll cover you. Or get one of the guys to do it. Jericho wanted everything in top shape, so I had to clean up everything and get the books in order so you wouldn’t leave the first day.” He rolled his eyes heavenward.

  “I appreciate that.” I stretched, considering all the errands I needed to run.

  “Hey, all part of my job as prospect to the club of all clubs.” Genuine pride sounded in his voice.

  “Why doesn’t Dare do paper or texts?” The words popped out.

  Zayn’s open smile shuttered immediately. “I don’t know because I don’t ask personal questions. If I did know...”

  Shit. Shit. Shit. Zayn was the closest thing I had to a friend, and I’d pissed him off.

  “Sorry, not trying to pry. I’ll keep it business.” I smoothed my ponytail.

  “We’re good.” Zayn stood. “You’ve been here a bit but haven’t bugged any of us with shit questions.” He wrinkled his nose. “Like, ‘Are you outlaws?’ ‘Have you killed a man?’ ‘Can I ride on the back of your bike?’”

  I laughed and rubbed my chin. “I’ve heard through the web it’s a sacred place—the back of the bike.”

  “Depends on the biker, but asking, it’s like asking to use my toothbrush. Don’t do it. But maybe I volunteer or maybe I don’t.”

  I cringed. Who shared toothbrushes? I’d definitely use my finger first. And had a few times. Sharing a toothbrush was gross.

  Zayn laughed and I frowned at him.

  “Don’t play poker, every emotion is on your pretty face.” He patted my cheek. “Now get out of here.”

  He didn’t need to ask twice. I locked the ledger in the office before I headed upstairs for my laundry. If the fates were in my favor, I hoped to get a lot more than laundry done this afternoon, and as a reward, I wanted to pop into that store across the way with the cool clothes in the window.

  Five hours later, my SUV was stuffed to the brim with clean laundry, groceries and the start of furnishings for my new place. This would be the first time I’d had my own place, not a crash pad, or my guy’s place, and I had big plans. Already, I’d spotted a couch at the thrift store I wanted, and I’d added a real bed to my long-term buy list, but no way could I imagine sleeping on a used mattress, which was too gross. I glanced across the street to see the lights out at the shop I’d wanted to stop by. In fact, most of the shops on Main Street were dark except the bar and the Marked Man.

  After parking directly in front of my place, I gathered my groceries in two hands and headed for the door. The buttons lit up with the code on the outside, I opened the door—and stopped dead, bags rustling together with the sudden stop of forward motion

  Dare blocked the way, stretched out on my stair
s. Lithe and pantherlike, his stance reminded me he was dangerous, at least to me.

  He flashed a lopsided smile. “Told you we weren’t done.”

  “Um yeah, sorry to...”

  He moved to me and lifted the bags from my hands with such smooth grace he must be supernatural. When his fingers brushed my palms, electricity jumped from him to me. Why did he have to be so damn sexy?

  “You jet if you have shit to do, that’s cool. Zayn said he explained. I should’ve told you the first day.”

  He glanced at me over his shoulder. “You coming?”

  I hurried up after him, and with considerable restraint I managed not to cup his well-defined ass.

  I opened the door and let him walk in ahead of me. “I bought more stuff, quite a bit, actually, so have a seat.” In my one chair. Holy hell. What story can I tell him? “I’ll be done in a jiff.” I almost ran out of my apartment and down the steps, desperately trying to come up with a story, any story, for the complete lack of furnishings in my utterly empty apartment.

  Still debating the best way to answer the inevitable question, I popped open my back hatch and tugged the lamp out only to back into Dare. Startled, I turned and almost hit Zayn and Rock, who stood beside my car.

  Dammit, he must have hollered for them on the way down.

  Dare removed the lamp from my limp fingers, passing it to Rock. The guys packed my stuff up the stairs, leaving me nothing to carry.

  I trudged up, wishing I could vanish. I should just leave them in my place and take off for a few hours.

  Get a freaking grip, I lectured myself. It’s your place, your life, and none of their business.

  I pasted on a huge smile, ready to brazen out any questions that came my way, and strode through my open door with a confidence I was totally faking.

  Three sets of eyes pinned me as I walked through my front door, but the other two faded away under Dare’s fierce frown.


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