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Nephilim Page 5

by Daniele Lanzarotta

  “Are you sure?” Kim asked doubtfully.

  “We will work something out,” said Hunter.

  “I have been here since I was eight,” said Kim.

  “We understand if you don’t want to leave.”

  “Oh, no! I do! Just tell me how I can help.”

  Hunter stood up. “We will tell you, but another time. You should go back before someone notices that you are missing.”

  Hunter faced Ethan. “I’m going to make sure Kim gets back unnoticed… Please talk to Kayla about what I asked you to.” Hunter looked at me. “I will see you later, ok?”

  I nodded. Hunter and Kim disappeared.


  Ethan was quiet as if he didn’t know where to start.

  “So, tell me why I should trust you.” I said.

  “Wow! You do go straight to the point.” He paused. “Has Hunter told you anything at all?”

  “Just that you have your reasons for wanting to leave and that I should trust you.”

  “So, he said nothing about why I’m here?”

  I shook my head.

  “Well, it all started a few months ago when I was sent on one of my missions. I was responsible for helping people to transition out of this world when they died. Most times, I was sent early to help make them comfortable until that time came. The last time was one of those times.”

  Ethan sighed.

  “Jennifer had already given up by the time I got to the hospital. She had been battling cancer for years, but even though she had given up, she was always putting on a happy face for her family and friends. She did her best to hide her pain, discomfort, and fear of leaving them, fear of dying… Really, no matter how afraid she was, she was by far the bravest person I had ever seen. She was so kind… there was just something good about her.”

  “So, you did something you were not supposed to do,” I assumed.

  He nodded.

  “Nothing happened the way it should have. One night, she was in a lot of pain and I couldn’t help but to get closer to her. When I brushed my fingers against her face, her eyes opened. I thought it was just coincidence at first, but she was looking right at me, and said - ‘I guess heaven does exist.’ She then smiled, closed her eyes, and reached for my wrist, keeping my hand right by her side. I was in shock that she could see me. I had never encountered any situation like that before…. and it was almost as if she knew I had been there all along.”

  Ethan paused for a few seconds.

  “I remember every single detail as if it was yesterday. She opened her eyes again when one of the machines started beeping. She got scared, because now she realized that she was still alive and that her family still had to endure seeing her like that. The nurse came in and checked her vitals. Jennifer’s eyes never left mine. Once the nurse left, she started to cry.

  I rushed to her side, asking her what was wrong. All she said was – “It is not fair that they send you to me now. Why would they wait until I’m so close to dying?”

  The look in Ethan’s eyes… I could almost feel his pain. I didn’t know what to say. All I could do was wait for Ethan to tell me more. I felt like even the mention of her name would hurt him.

  “We belonged together. There is just no other way to explain it. I put my hand over hers, promising she would be okay… that everything would be okay. Just by looking in her eyes, I knew that she trusted me. That was when I did it. I tried to heal her. I think it worked, otherwise, the others would never have realized what I had done. Within minutes they were there for me, and I was dragged to this Academy for what they called an ‘ethical’ issue. They wouldn’t even tell me anything about her…”

  “They are awful.”

  Ethan let out a laugh. “I guess you could put it that way.”

  “So, you don’t know if she is still alive?”

  He shook his head. “Hunter asked Chase to help find her, but I guess things are not that easy.”

  “So, if there are no guarantees, why would you want to risk escaping here?”

  “Because she is worth it.”

  I nodded. “Okay. I believe you.”

  “…But you still don’t trust me.”

  “Don’t feel bad. I’m sure Hunter told you that I trust no one.”

  I got up and started to leave.

  “Wait,” said Ethan. “There is more… I’ve told Hunter something that I’m sure went a long ways with gaining his trust. I asked him to keep it to himself because I can get into a lot of trouble for this, but I think you should know.”


  “There is a reason why we…I mean… the Fallen, are getting a second chance.” He hesitated.

  I looked at him confused. “I wouldn’t call it ‘giving’ you a second chance, if they are forcing you to stay in here.”

  He gave me a sad smile. “We can’t complain when the alternative is worse. Besides, they have reasons to do things as they do. Kayla, we are pretty much all that is left. All of the protection that humans have.”

  “How is that possible?”

  “This is not even the only Academy, Kayla. There were two new ones opened just over the past year. There are very few of us who have no flaws… and for what we do, there is no room for mistakes.”

  I remembered my conversation with Azazel. “I wouldn’t consider falling in love being a flaw.”

  Ethan said exactly what Azazel had told me. “It becomes one once your emotions start dictating your actions.”

  I took a deep breath.

  “I know it is a lot to take in,” he said.

  “How long have things been like this? I mean, with humans being unprotected?”

  “Oh, they are not unprotected. They are just protected by us, the screw-ups.” He smiled trying to make a joke out of it, but it didn’t work. All I could think about was my family not having someone watching over them.

  “Not all of the Fallen are bad, Kayla.”

  “But there are the ones who are.”

  “True. It is all about cause and consequences. Even the bad ones have their reasons for being the way they are… You can’t expect us to not hold grudges by being punished for things that we have no control over.”

  “I guess.”

  “Look, we need to go. We’ve been in here for way longer than we should have. You will need time to process this, and if you have any questions… just ask me, or Hunter.”

  I nodded.

  We were careful to make sure no one saw us leaving that building. It was really the perfect place to meet. Most rooms in that building were unused. We didn’t even see anyone until we walked toward the main patio that we had to cross to get to the dorms.

  Sadly, it was Ember who saw us.

  “Well, well… Does this mean that Hunter is available now?”

  “I’m not you, Ember. I don’t switch boyfriends every week or so.”

  “Oh, so you do admit that Hunter is your boyfriend? Funny, I remember calling dibs on him.”

  Ugh. I thought to myself. The last thing I wanted was for anyone to know about Hunter and me. Especially when that someone was Ember.

  Ethan interrupted and in a frustrated tone told her to leave me alone.

  Ember looked hurt and actually left.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “No problem. You know that will be the gossip that she will be spreading now, right? That we are together.”

  I shrugged. “I don’t care what she says. It is not like I have to see her for much longer,” I mumbled.

  “Let’s hope not.”

  It wasn’t until I walked by the cafeteria that I realized I missed dinner. I was starving, but with the Academy’s rules, there was no way I would get food at that time.

  Ethan went to his dorm and I went straight to mine.

  I was startled to realize that I really only had one hour before the lights would go out.

  I opened my door and walked into my room to find a bag with food from the cafeteria inside of it. As soon as I locked the door a
nd turned around, Hunter appeared.

  “There is a lot you haven’t told me,” I accused him.

  “Kayla, there are things that were not for me to tell.”

  I sighed. “I wish I could be mad at you for that, but it is actually pretty honorable for you to keep the secrets he has told you.”

  “So, he told you everything?”

  I nodded.

  “At least I think he did. He told me about the Academy…” I whispered, “… about the reason for this so-called second chance… and he told me about the reason for him being here. That is awful.”

  Hunter nodded. “It is.”

  “So, is there anything else you want to tell me?” I asked.

  He hesitated; then shook his head.

  “He said that you asked Chase to look for her; that Chase is having a hard time finding out where she is or what happened to her.”

  Hunter shrugged. “Yeah — I’m sure he will find her. Hey, I know Ethan has told you a lot… Are you okay with him coming with us?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, I think.” I paused and looked into his eyes. “Why is Chase not finding her?”

  Hunter avoided my gaze. “I don’t know, Kayla. You really should eat something though.”

  “What are you hiding from me, Hunter?”

  He just shook his head.

  “You could make things easier sometimes if you didn’t have to know about every single little thing.”

  “You can tell me or you can leave, Hunter. I just have a feeling that whatever you are keeping a secret is bad.”

  Hunter looked at me. “Can you please just eat something first?”

  I sat on my desk across from him and basically forced myself to swallow that sandwich. My stomach was in knots.

  When I finished eating, I just stared at him. All he did was stare back.

  “Well, are you going to tell me or are you going to leave?”

  He sighed. “I have a feeling that either way you will be kicking me out.”

  The lights went off.

  The open window was enough to get some lighting in the room, but not enough…mostly because of the fog. I could at least make out the outline of his face, his body.

  Hunter lowered his voice. “Chase did find Jennifer.”

  “Why would you keep that a secret? Is she with someone else?”

  “No, Kayla. Jennifer died.”

  I just sat there in silence for a while.

  “Why didn’t you tell Ethan?”

  “I was afraid he wouldn’t want to help anymore.”

  “I don’t understand how you could do that to him. He deserves to know!”

  “Kayla, I’m going to tell him, but I need to get you out of here first, and to do that, I need help.”

  “I can’t believe you did that!”

  “Kayla, it was for your protection.”

  “You can’t predict how he is going to react.” I was furious. “I’m going to tell him. He has to know.”

  “Please, Kayla… just wait until you leave first. I will tell him then.”

  “Don’t you mean until WE leave? Or are you lying about that too?”

  “You know what I meant, Kayla.”

  “I’m not sure I do.”

  Hunter sighed and glanced toward the door. “Do you want me to go?”

  “Yes!” I said in a frustrated tone.

  “Are you really going to tell Ethan?” he asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  Hunter got up and even in the dark I could see him moving toward me. I turned around to face the wall and when I looked back, he was gone.


  I had trouble going to sleep. Once I did, I woke up shortly after only to drift back asleep again. This time I had a nightmare. Benjamin stood inside the Academy. Once he saw me, his lips curled into a grin that gave me chills. He started to approach me and I was so afraid that I couldn’t even move at all. I just stood there, frozen. He suddenly stopped and looked to his side. I followed his gaze to see Hunter. Benjamin shook his head and started laughing.

  That was when I woke up, but it was as if I could still hear his laughter.

  I instantly knew that Hunter was in my room. I could feel him, and he was likely the reason why I woke up so shortly after the nightmare started. I didn’t let him know that I was aware of his presence and he kept to himself.

  Morning came and I didn’t even get out of bed. Within minutes, one of what I called the ‘Academy’s walking monitors’ came knocking on my door. I said I didn’t feel good and she left me alone.

  Early afternoon, time came when I knew that Ethan would be out of class. I knew I had to tell him… he deserved to know.

  I couldn’t find him anywhere, which led me to believe that he was either in his dorm, or in the abandoned classroom we were just at the day before.

  Sure enough, that was where I found him. He was sitting on the floor, head back, eyes closed.

  “I don’t usually have company in here,” he said.

  “Do you want me to leave?” I asked.

  He opened his eyes. “No, you can stay.”

  I sat down on the floor across from him.

  “So, what is going on?” he asked.

  I didn’t even know where to start.

  “Is it about Hunter?”

  I nodded.

  I started babbling, “There are things that only he knows…”

  “I’m not surprised. I know that he is keeping things from me. I thought it was a trust issue at first, which probably still exists, but mostly… I think he does things his way to protect you.”

  “So, you don’t mind him keeping things from you? You are still willing to help regardless?”

  “I have to get out of here, Kayla. I will take whatever help I can get.”

  “I just wish he would be up front about everything.”

  “Kayla, sometimes it is best not knowing. Whatever this is about, he has his reasons. You should trust those reasons.”

  I took a deep breath and just sat there.

  I actually felt like I could trust him. Either that or I felt like I owed him something for keeping the answer to what he was looking for the most.

  “Has Hunter told you what I am?”

  He shook his head. “No, but I can tell you are different. I’ve heard others wonder about you before, but they seem to get easily distracted by other things.“

  I laughed. “Glad I’m not interesting enough to hold their attention.”

  “Most are self-centered. Don’t take it personally.”

  I must have looked nervous because he said, “You don’t have to tell me what you are, Kayla. Hunter would have told me if I needed to know.”

  “You do trust him, don’t you?” I asked.

  “More than my kind, that is for sure.”

  “Ethan… What are you going to do if Chase can’t find Jennifer, or even if she is no longer alive?”

  “Honestly, I doubt he hasn’t found her. If it is true that he hasn’t, it means only one thing… that she didn’t make it.”

  “How do you know?”

  Ethan looked up at me. “That is what Hunter is keeping from me, isn’t it?”

  I nodded and couldn’t stop tears from running down my face.

  “I understand if you don’t want to help us anymore. I wish he had told you.”

  “Kayla, I knew what it meant the minute he said he couldn’t find her. The reason why I wanted to know whether she is alive or not, is so I know where to look for her when I get out of here.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, if she didn’t make it, there are only two options… she is either in the Otherworld, or she is one of the good ones… an Angel. You know, it feels weird to even say that word with so many being fallen. I don’t hear or get to say that term alone often.”

  “Could she be one of the fallen or maybe have reincarnated? That is… if that even happens.”

  “Reincarnation? Not a chance. With the increase in the number of f
allen ones, that doesn’t happen anymore. They keep trying to rebuild the population of good ones. As far as being one of the fallen,” he shook his head, “that would never happen to her. If you had known her, seen the extent she went to hide her pain and fears from her family… she put everyone before her. Those are qualities we don’t see anymore… even among my kind.”

  “So, Otherworld or Angel? That means we can still find her, right?”

  He nodded. “It will be a tough journey, but I will never stop looking for her.”

  “I want to help you,” I said.

  “I thought you would… and that just confirms what I suspected about you. There is barely any hope for my kind, but as a Nephilim, I can see the goodness in you. You never had to give up your free will or love… the good in you is pure, not full of hate for being cast out as a fallen.”


  Ethan promised not to tell anyone about me being a Nephilim, and I didn’t think he would anyway. I ended up spending a lot of time hanging out with him and Kim after that day. He managed to get assigned as Kim’s fallen. It surprised me how lucky we got. Kim’s roommate had a set back. We couldn’t find out the details, but Ethan was the only one without an assignment, so he was assigned to Kim on a temporary basis. In theory, the fallen roomed with their ‘assignment’, but there was an exception made in this case. Either way, we were glad. It just made it easier for us to be seen with Kim without raising any questions.

  Hunter, for the most part, passed the planning messages along through Ethan. I wasn’t ready to talk to him and I made that clear, but I knew that he was there at night, watching over me… making sure I somehow woke up from those nightmares. Yes, I did feel bad, but I needed time to get over him keeping something so important away from Ethan who was doing everything he could to help us.

  Today, everyone in the Academy was supposed to be at the auditorium for a briefing on something. No one was sure what. We had an hour break before this briefing, so Ethan, Kim and I were sitting outside, mostly because there was nothing else to do. That was when I saw Ember and Hunter. She was leaning in close to him. Whenever she said something, he laughed as if it was actually interesting and amusing, and I just stared like a dumb ass.


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