The Dark Ones

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The Dark Ones Page 4

by Rachel Van Dyken



  HE WAS BEAUTIFUL. LONG BROWN HAIR cascaded past his shoulders — part of it was braided. Pieces fell by his perfectly sculpted face.

  He smiled. His green eyes illuminated my whole world.

  I reached for him, but each time my hands lifted, the burning was worse, so I learned to keep them behind me.

  A sword was clasped in his right hand. He slid the blade across his left hand and held it in the air as blood dripped in slow motion onto the ground.

  It was red until it touched the ground, turning into the same green I saw in his eyes. The green liquid seeped into the ground, nourishing it, causing grass and flowers to take root.

  I gasped, reaching again.

  The pain was too much.

  He closed his eyes and cut again.

  No! I tried yelling, but my voice simply didn't exist.

  He continued, letting his blood spill around his feet. Hours went by, or maybe it was minutes. Soon an entire forest grew around us. I sighed in relief as the shield of the trees shaded me from the sun. The heat dissipated.

  Only to return when Ethan looked at me again.

  He turned and, in an instant, was in front of me, his black shirt open midway to his muscled chest.

  We were in our own forest.

  It started to rain.

  I turned my face up, welcoming the cold.

  But the raindrops weren't cold.

  They were hot — searing hot.

  The trees weren't protecting me anymore. I reached for Ethan, but he moved back. My need for shelter outweighed my need for him.

  The scene changed. And suddenly I was standing near a river; he was on the other side.

  I wanted him — I wanted the water more.

  I tried jumping in, but each time I made a movement toward the water instead of him, the pain was unbearable.

  With a silent sob, I fell to my knees.

  When I looked up, Ethan was standing over me; he'd somehow made it past the river.

  "When it's me you cry for — the pain ends."

  I shook my head, fighting his words.

  Because they meant the end of me. I knew it in my soul. If I gave in to the heat, if I gave in to him, if I ignored my basic human needs — I wouldn't be human anymore.

  I would be fully reliant on a strange being who didn't want me to begin with.

  "Stop fighting it!" he roared.

  I shook my head as heat consumed my body.

  We were back in the throne room.

  Cassius stood over me, his cold stare haunting. "And you still choose him? When I could give you relief?"

  "Genesis, NO!" Ethan roared, but I couldn't see him.

  All I could see, all I could feel was relief in Cassius's presence.

  My body shook.

  Cassius grinned, moving closer and closer to me.

  The lesser of two evils.


  I reared back; the heat got worse. I continued stepping backward until I was falling.

  I landed in his arms.

  His body was warm, not too hot, just warm enough to make me feel more comfortable.

  "Genesis," Ethan whispered, his mouth near my ear. "Don't fight it."

  "Don't…" I fought to get the words out. "Want. Me."

  His eyes flashed green, and then his mouth was on mine.

  It was like ice.

  And all I saw was him.

  All I wanted was him.

  All I could think about was him.

  As our heartbeats and breathing synced in perfect cadence with one another. I tugged his head harder toward mine — greedy for his lips, needing so desperately to taste him I thought I'd die.

  With a cry I jolted awake from the dream.

  To find myself not in Mason's arms — but Ethan's.





  I IMMEDIATELY TRIED TO RECOIL, ASHAMED, embarrassed, and horrified that I was in his arms without any clothes on. As if sensing my thoughts, Ethan looked away, jaw clenched. "You were taking them off."

  "I was hot!" I yelled, happy that my voice was back but still shaking from the pain. It was still there — the searing heat — but it was bearable.

  "I had it under control," a voice said from the corner.

  I pulled the blankets and covered myself as Mason stepped out of the shadows, now looking like his normal self.

  "You didn't need to interfere, Ethan."

  "She's. Not. Yours." Ethan hissed.

  "Now you claim me," I mumbled.

  His jaw popped, as if he'd been trying to clench his teeth but had overdone it and nearly dislocated his entire face. "If you would have given in right away, your clothing wouldn't have been an issue!"

  "So it's my fault." My lower lip trembled. "Is that what you're saying?"

  "Damn it, Ethan." Mason made his way to the bed and threw another blanket over my body. I'd completely forgotten I was still naked — and arguing — probably because I was still so hot. "Just leave."

  "She's my mate." Ethan released me but didn't leave his position next to me on the bed.

  Mason hung his head. Dark circles framed his eyes. "Then do what's best for her. Just leave her be."

  "If I leave, the marking won't be complete."

  "She's been through enough this evening. Let her rest before the final stage. I think it's the least you can do… considering."

  Ethan hung his head and whispered, "For my sacrifice… I'm the bad one in this scenario?"

  "You became the bad one in this scenario the minute you heard your mate's screams and didn't come running. Now get out." Mason growled the last part so loud my ears started to ring.

  Ethan cursed and stomped toward the door, leaving me.

  I learned something in that instant.

  He was a jerk.

  No, he was a selfish ass.

  But I missed him.

  And I hated both him and myself because he'd turned away, and I needed him to be close.

  My body yearned for him.

  And the heat returned full force; I threw off the blanket then panicked and grabbed it again.

  "I'm not going to seduce another immortal's mate." Mason rolled his eyes, "Just… try to stay still."

  "If I close my eyes," I whispered. "Will I keep dreaming… things?"

  Mason nodded slowly. "It's part of the process. The pain will come and go three times in the next twelve hours. You survived the first. Now you have two more."

  "And Ethan?" My body shook with fear.

  "Is an ass." Mason shrugged. "But I'll be here. I've seen worse, believe me. When my…" His voice died, and with it, his eyes closed. "Never mind. Just know, it will pass, and when you open your eyes, I'll be here. With water."

  "And a margarita," I added, thinking that next to Ethan it sounded like the best thing in the world.

  Mason burst out laughing. "I'll see what I can do." His eyes flickered to the clock by the bed. "You have five more minutes."

  "You'll be here?" I asked in a weak voice.

  He studied me, frowning before giving a firm nod. "I swear it."

  "Thank you." I closed my eyes and lay back against the pillows, waiting for the next wave.

  I expected Mason to stay put.

  Instead, he lay down next to me and grabbed my hand. "You won't break me."

  The last thing he whispered, "Sweet dreams," was funny because I knew that the next few hours would be nothing but nightmares and wanting something I knew I could never have.



  THE PAIN WAS UNBEARABLE — BECAUSE IT was a reminder of why I hated my entire existence — why I had a reason to hate.


  Didn't it always come back to him? After all, it had started with him. Or maybe it had just started with Ara.

  Another shudder wracked my body. Bones felt like they were twisting around one another before suddenly re
setting themselves over and over again.

  I felt her pain.

  Because she was a part of me now.

  So her pain was my pain.

  Only for me, it was worse.

  Because it was the second time in my existence I'd experienced it — when it was only supposed to be experienced once. Immortals mated for life. That was, unless someone or something intervened.

  Hands shaking, I took another drink of blood. It did nothing, or maybe it did, and I was just too bitter to allow it to heal me.

  She'd been naked, inconsolable, and I'd left her.

  With Mason, of all creatures. My best friend, the only being other than Alex that I trusted.

  My body convulsed. Falling to my knees in front of the fireplace in my room, I lifted my head to the ceiling and listened for her cries.

  It was going to be a long evening.

  Made longer because I'd refused to give her what she needed to make it better. I'd thought I could do it when I walked out of that room, smug as shit. I had thought I could do it.

  But the pain had been too much.

  The reminder.

  And then the visions I'd shared with her — too personal. She'd seen Ara. She knew the shame that consumed me — or would soon know. There would be no secrets between us, and in order for the mating to continue, I had to make sure that I completely marked her, possessed her, made her mine.

  It was the last thing I'd expected this morning when the number had been called.

  It had been a normal day.

  As normal as my life had been for the past century.

  And then Cassius had breathed her name… Genesis. And my world stopped.

  His eyes had gone completely white, and then the bastard had smirked at me, like he knew the future before the present had even happened.

  It was impossible to describe the need I'd felt when I walked into that throne room. I'd heard her heartbeat on the other side of the door and had given a shaky nod to Alex, who'd seemed more amused than upset at our new circumstances.

  Let Cassius have another one — and fail.

  Or steal her.

  Fifty years ago, I had given up my request for a breeder, as had Mason. The bond hadn't lasted like it was supposed to, and even though the bliss we'd felt at the hands of the humans we bonded with was incomparable, they'd always died.

  Every. Single. Time.

  And we'd been the ones left to bury them.

  I could bite her and hope that she'd be the one human to finally change things.

  The last one had lived past one hundred and fifty — Mason's mate. We'd thought it had worked — had thanked God.

  Until he'd awoken with a corpse.

  I'd already lived through enough death and betrayal, and now it seemed my existence was on repeat.

  "Damn it, Ethan!" Alex stomped into the room. "Could you at least hold her hand?"

  "And what? Squeeze it so hard I break every fragile bone in her pathetic body?" I hissed. "Is that what you want?"

  He hung his head. "She's stronger than that."

  "Is she?" I snorted out a laugh. "That's what we said about the last one."

  "Who lived longer than the rest," Alex pointed out. "Look, all I'm saying is there's something very wrong about having Mason up there consoling the human when she's not even his mate, when… he may have to kill her before it's complete. I can't watch him go through loss again. He's known her for less than a day, and already he's like a kicked puppy."

  "Tell him that…" I stared into the fire. "…and you'll get your throat ripped out — again."

  "Once. He did that once." Alex elbowed me and took a position in front of the fire. "You did what you had to do."

  "Right." My voice sounded hollow, funny, because I felt hollow, like an empty shell. "And now I'm bonded — to someone I don't love. Tell me, how does that work out in all those romance novels Stephanie likes to read?"

  Alex ignored me as another one of Genesis's screams rocked the mansion. She was transitioning, meaning, for a human, she would be going into an absolute frenzy to be with me. I should be pleased.

  I wasn't.

  I wasn't that type of vampire.

  One who feasted on the lust of others.

  It was a trick — like magic. The mating caused her physical body to want me in ways that were indescribable, but she still had full control over her mind. And wasn't that the horrible part?

  I could own her body.

  I had to earn her heart.

  "You're the only being alive who's pissed about having meaningless sex," Alex said in a low voice.

  "Siren," I hissed, "you base your life on meaningless sex."

  "And my blood pressure's way lower," he joked.

  "Not laughing."

  "It was kind of funny," he mumbled. "Look, just… hold her again. Maybe it will help things along. You'll sure as hell feel better. I'll sleep better. Mason won't have to kill her because she doesn't make it through, and Cassius won't end up finding her. We win."

  "But do we?" I spoke the question we'd been asking ourselves for years upon years. "How long do we repeat the process? How long does the madness continue?"

  Alex was silent.

  Another scream.

  I winced and braced myself against the mantel, nearly prying it from its place on the wall.

  Alex shook his head. "If it's this bad for you — imagine how bad it is for her. She's human, Ethan. She could die. Or is that what you want? To take it all back? Would you… let her die? Just because you're afraid of what happens if she lives?"

  "Take it back!" I roared; my hand crumpled the wood and tossed it into the fire.

  "Fear isn't welcome here," he mocked.

  I punched him in the jaw.

  He went flying across the room, slamming into the wall, before chuckling and regaining his balance. "That all you got?"

  "Don't tempt me to end you."

  "Like you could," he spat. "Now do your job, Ethan. Go to her."

  A piercing scream had me catching my breath, holding my hand to my chest.

  Alex looked heavenward and swore.

  "Fine," I barked. "I'll hold her — again. But you know what you ask, if that much physical contact is made? I'll be lost to her."

  Alex's smile fell from his face. "You've been lost to her from the minute Cassius uttered her name. Don't for one second think otherwise. Now go to her, before you give her to Cassius like before."

  "Leave," I barked. "And never speak of that again."

  Alex held up his hands and stomped out of the room.

  While my heart decided to ram against my ribs so hard I had to fight to catch a breath again.

  Slowly, I made my way up to her room. The screams were getting louder and louder, but the closer my body was the less the pain.

  Finally, when I entered the room, it was to see Mason pacing a hole through the damn floor and pulling at his overly long hair.

  "Leave us," I whispered in a hoarse voice.

  Mason paused, tilted his head, and smirked, "Careful, humans do break."

  "I can be gentle."

  He barked out a laugh. "You drove your fist into a granite countertop when we ran out of wine last week."

  I rolled my eyes and pointed to the door.



  COOL WATER TOUCHED MY LIPS. GREEDILY, I reached out, my hands coming into contact with the glass and something else warm. I drank as much as I could and then slowly opened my eyes.


  My heart clenched in my chest. Was he back to make fun of me? Watch me suffer only to leave again? I recoiled, the pain started to subside enough that I didn't want to actually kill myself.

  Apparently, I'd asked Mason to do just that a few times.

  "Sorry…" Ethan mumbled, setting the glass down on the table. "If I stay, it will be… easier."

  It didn't feel easier.

  It felt hot.

  Not exactly painful, but hot to the point that my body ke
pt telling me if I only scooted a little bit closer to him, I'd be okay. If only he'd tilt his head a fraction of an inch and kiss me — the pain would dissipate completely. I was at war with my own body, and I hated him for causing it — for bonding with me without even asking if it was okay first.

  Not that I'd had a lot of options once my number had been called.

  And once Cassius had marked me.

  I'd dreamt of him again.

  Of his cool lips. I'd reached out, but the minute my hands had come into contact with his body, I'd been jolted awake by Mason.

  His words had been clear. "Never, under any circumstances touch Cassius." Even in my dreams.


  A shudder wracked my body. Ethan let out a curse then wrapped his arm around me. His skin was hot to the touch, but it still comforted me. I ducked my head under his arm and let out a heavy sigh as another wave of pain shot from my toes all the way up to my head, causing a splitting headache.

  I turned into his body — not really in control of my own actions — just knowing that he would make it better.

  He shifted next to me, pulling me closer.

  "So…" His voice was hoarse. "Tell me about… school."

  "What?" I gasped, my voice sounded like I'd spent the night screaming at a concert. "School?"

  "Yeah, your studies… about immortals. Tell me about it."

  "Immortals suck." I sighed. "If I disrespect you enough, will you kill me?"

  His lips twitched as if he was fighting a smile. "Not now, no. It would be like killing myself."

  "And that's supposed to deter me from wanting certain death?"

  This time he did smile. "What did you learn about mating?"

  "There was no mating chapter." My hand pressed against his chest. What was I doing? My fingers ducked into the V of his white shirt, pressing against his warm skin. I wanted to taste him. Why?

  "Hmm…" His free hand moved to cover mine and slowly peel it from his body. "That's unfortunate."

  "Yeah." I jerked my hand away from his and placed it against his skin again. It felt too good, and I was so sick and tired of feeling pain.

  He hissed out a breath and closed his eyes, leaning his head back against the headboard. "You have one more transition before the bond is complete. Your body will crave mine… but it doesn't have to mean anything."

  "Huh?" I was too distracted by the curve of his full mouth to hear all the words coming out of it. His lips were so full and inviting. I leaned forward.


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