The Dark Ones

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The Dark Ones Page 9

by Rachel Van Dyken

He turned off the car and reached for the door when I blurted, "Do you hate me?"

  His hand froze on the car door; in fact, his entire body froze. My heart picked up speed. I knew he could hear it, but there was nothing I could do about the effect he had on me.

  "No…" His voice was low, almost a growl. "I could never hate you."

  "I'm sorry…" Tears stung the back of my eyes. "…for whatever I did. I'm sorry you were forced to protect me when you didn't want to."

  "You're apologizing?" His voice rose. "To me?"

  My throat got tighter. "Yes."

  He looked over his shoulder at me, his green eyes glowing in the darkness of the car. "You're tired."

  "Yeah, but—

  "We can talk tomorrow. I'll show you to your room."

  So that was it.

  My fingers clenched the silk dress tighter. I didn't trust myself to speak. The warmth I'd felt in his presence was long gone, replaced with nothingness.

  He didn't even place his hand on my back as he led me into the dark house.

  I walked mindlessly through the kitchen and up the stairs, not sure if I was even going in the right direction. A slight tap on my back to the left had me turning the corner at the end of the massive hallway.

  Double doors.

  Huge double doors.

  They were at least twelve feet tall; two metal dragons twisted around the large doorknobs.

  Ethan reached around me and opened them.

  A roaring fireplace was the first thing I saw. It was see-through, and on the other side of the wall, I noted what looked like the bathroom. Extravagance dripped from every corner of the room — from the crystal chandelier suspended overhead to the sitting area with leather couches and fur throw pillows.

  A matching fur rug lay in front of the fireplace.

  The king-sized bed could fit at least five people. The down comforter was black and looked so plush that I was afraid I was going to get lost in it if I sunk too deep.

  "Bathroom," Ethan whispered over my shoulder, "is to your right. I'll have Stephanie take you shopping later this week after you've grown accustomed to your new environment."

  I nodded and turned to thank him, but he was already gone; the door shut in finality behind him.

  Tears filled my eyes.

  I wasn't sure why I was acting so emotional… other than being rejected. I'd been built for tougher situations, right? Hadn't I been prepared for the worst when I'd awakened — was it only twenty-four hours ago?

  At least I wasn't dead.

  There was that.

  But I wasn't accepted, and I think a small part of me had hoped that maybe I would fit in this world better than my own.

  I was smart enough to fit in.

  I'd studied hard enough to make it a possibility.

  But everything I'd studied had been a lie — or close enough.

  My own mother hadn't given me the attention I'd craved — too afraid that if by chance my number was called, the separation would destroy me.

  And now… I had the most beautiful man in the world kissing me — because he couldn't help himself.

  Like a chocolate addict.

  I was covered in his addiction; it flowed through my veins, but it wasn't me.

  Slowly, I made my way into the bathroom. Expensive soaps lined one side of the tub. I started the hot water and began peeling my clothes away.

  When the tub was full, I stepped in.

  I'd just closed my eyes when I heard the doors open to the bedroom.

  Ethan walked around the corner of the bathroom — like it was the most normal thing in the world — and held out a glass of wine.

  I was too stunned to do anything but stare at the glass in his hand; it shook slightly. "I figured this would help you relax."

  With a gulp, I reached out, and took the wine glass. Our fingers grazed each other, causing a jolt of awareness to wash over my body. I imagined he felt it too, if the elongating of his fangs was any indication. Quickly, he looked away and walked out of the bathroom.

  Slamming the door behind him.

  An hour later, and I was in bed, too exhausted to sleep. The door to the room opened again.

  I could make the outline of a body.

  Then the person moved into the firelight.


  His eyes started to glow in the darkness as he removed his shirt, followed by his pants, and every other article of clothing on his body.

  Was he? Did he think something was going to happen?

  I tensed beneath the covers.

  "Relax…" His voice was both soothing and commanding. "…and try to sleep, Genesis."

  With him. Naked. Next to me?


  I was lucky I was still breathing. The man's body was made for sin. Muscle packed around his midsection so tightly it didn't look real. I blinked, thinking it was some sort of trick, because men really shouldn't be that good-looking.

  Then again…

  His eyes continued to glow.

  He wasn't really a man, was he?

  The bed dipped.

  My erratic breathing increased. I closed my eyes and focused on calming down my own heart.

  "I'm going to lose every ounce of control I have if your heart keeps beating that wildly whenever I take off my shirt." Ethan's voice held amusement, but I couldn't see his face, so I wasn't sure if he was smiling.

  His warm hand touched my chest; his palm pressed against my skin. "Sleep, Genesis. Tonight… we sleep."

  His words were like a drug, his hand was warm, and soon my entire body calmed down, sinking further and further into darkness.

  "That's it…" His lips touched my ear. "Sleep."

  My body was still fighting the sleep even though it sounded like a good idea.

  Something warm trickled against my lips.

  "Sleep," he commanded more forcefully this time.

  My body immediately obeyed as I swallowed what I'd later discovered was his blood.

  "So we meet again." Cassius grinned, holding out his hand.

  I frowned. "Is this a dream?"

  "I love dreams." He shoved his hands in his pockets. "So vivid, colorful — tell me, do you like the rainbow?" He pointed to the sky where the band of colors arched over us. We were on a boat on some sort of lake. "I created it just for you."

  "Is this real?"

  "As real as you allow it." His massive shoulders seemed to broaden as he inhaled deeply and motioned around him "Wonderful, isn't it? You share his bed, yet I can share your dreams."

  "That seems incredibly invasive."

  "Don't forget unfair." He winked.

  "You're bad."

  "Am I?" His deep laugh echoed through my body. "Or do you just wish I was bad in order to make yourself feel better about the choice that was forced upon you?"

  "It was the only way."

  He threw his head back and laughed. "Oh, believe me, it wasn't."

  "You?" I bit down on my lip until it hurt. "Forgive me for not wanting to be taken by a Dark One… I've heard stories."

  "Books lie." He shrugged. "Perhaps you would have survived me."

  "Perhaps?" I repeated. "You're kidding, right?"

  His eyes flashed. "Better."

  I looked down. I was in a white bikini. I quickly tried to cover myself up; his laughter made me want to drown him. "May I have more clothing… please?"

  His eyes flashed again, leaving me in a sarong. "Better?"


  "Too bad." He leaned back on his elbows. "Ethan can't give you what I can."

  "I'm not with Ethan because of what he can give me."

  Cassius went still. "So they told you?"

  "About the prophecy?"

  He nodded.


  "Did they tell you all of it?"

  "Yes," I lied.

  "I can smell the lie on your tongue." His eyes blazed white. "Never lie to me or any of my kind. It's infuriating and insulting to think you could get away with it in the
first place."

  Great, that meant he knew I'd been lying at the Gathering.

  "Yes," his voice was smug, his smile matching it.

  "Please… don't," I whispered.


  "Read me like that… I don't like it."

  He studied me for a minute then gave a firm nod. "Fine. I won't pull the strings of your mind in an effort to give you exactly what you want before you even know you want it."

  I clenched my teeth together. "What's the rest of the prophecy?"

  "Why don't you ask your mate?"

  "Because my mate is sleeping."

  "Believe me…" Cassius laughed, the sound of it washed over me like he'd just stripped me naked. "The minute I invaded your dreams, he's been trying to wake you up. Sleep? He won't sleep until he knows you haven't touched me."

  "If I touch you?"

  Cassius's grin turned deadly. "Then I own you. Even in your dreams… you'd be mine regardless of the mating. Though, because you're bonded with Ethan, the desire to touch me lessens considerably, and there is that whole ridiculous issue with stealing you away from him since I can no longer smell you."

  "Yet you can invade my thoughts? My dreams when I'm sleeping?"

  "Only because I marked you first…" His eyes went white. A soft wind picked up, causing his black-as-night hair to blow across his face. "You think you've already made your choice — but you haven't, not yet."

  "You or him." I nodded. "In the end, does it really matter?"

  "Of course it does." Cassius said quickly. "Because there was once a human just like you… a human we thought was the one to fix everything and she failed. Care to know why?"

  I didn't know how to answer. I wasn't sure if I could trust anything he said.

  "She pretended… you see, Genesis. The prophecy specifically says a human will be called — she'll be the beginning of the end, she'll have golden hair…"

  I touched my hair self-consciously.

  "…eyes so beautiful an immortal could get lost in them."

  I hung my head; I wasn't beautiful.

  "You are breathtaking, more so than she could have ever hoped to be."

  I looked up. "What happened?"

  "She wanted too much," Cassius said in a sad voice. "And my hand was forced."

  "I don't understand."

  A soft rain started to fall. I held out my hands; the raindrops were blazing hot and turned to blood the minute they touched my fingertips.

  "His blood calls to you." Cassius nodded in understanding. "Better return to him before he takes a bite."

  "But you didn't tell me—"

  I jolted awake to see Ethan hovering over me, his eyes completely black. "Tell me you didn't touch him. Tell me!" he roared.

  I shook my head, my heart slamming against my chest. "I didn't touch him."

  Ethan closed his eyes and swore. "I can't protect you in your dreams."

  I reached for his face, shocked that he let me touch him now that the transition was over. "Then you'll have to trust me."

  "Trust is earned."

  "So let me try to earn it." I fought back angry tears.

  He turned his head in my hand and kissed my palm. "I feel like I've already failed you. And that's the truth."

  His breath was hot against my skin. I was afraid to move my hand, afraid it would shatter the moment. "Then stop failing."

  "Not that simple," he whispered.

  "Make it."

  Black soulless eyes met mine. "Give me time."

  "Do we have that? Time?"

  He shuddered then leaned over me; his muscular body coming into contact with mine had me trembling with need. "I honestly hope so."

  His lips grazed my neck.

  I stopped breathing altogether.

  "You taste like rain."

  "I was on a lake."

  "Dark Ones love water."

  "Why?" I loved the feel of his lips against my neck as he talked.

  "Because they love their own reflections."

  I burst out laughing. It felt good.

  Soon Ethan joined me and pulled my body on top of his. "Sleep, Genesis."

  "No more dreams?"

  "He can only invade once in a night."

  "Oh… good." I yawned and stretched my arms above my head.

  "Do that again, and I won't be held responsible for my own actions," he said in a husky voice.


  "Don't be." He tugged my body against his.

  It should have been uncomfortable, lying against his chest, but it was better than the bed.

  "Now sleep."



  "SO…" ALEX GRINNED OVER HIS CUP of coffee. "How was your evening?"

  "It's too early," I growled. My body was still on fire. Sleep had been hell — or maybe heaven? Vampires still needed sleep, regardless of what silly books and movies said, and I'd gotten absolutely none.

  Every breath she took I took with her, soaking her in, feeling her body move against mine. It was pure torture.

  The human moaned.

  She moaned! In her sleep! And clung to me like I was her lifeline. I hadn't felt that complete in a long time and didn't realize how hungry I was for that sort of affection until she freely gave it. Then again, she had been sleeping while I watched her.

  "You're eyes are glowing," Alex mused.

  "Why are you up? Didn't you take a woman home last night?" I desperately needed a subject change if I was going to make it through the rest of the morning with Genesis, teaching her, rubbing against her, smelling her. I nearly broke the mug in my hand just thinking about it.

  "Kicked her out of bed after I was finished." Alex shrugged and examined his fingernails. "I bore easily."

  "She wasn't entertaining enough?"

  Alex let out a long snort. "It was only too easy. I asked her to strip — she stripped. I asked her to lie down on the bed — she lay down on the bed. Hell, I even asked the woman to purr—"

  "Enough." I held up my hand.

  "What?" Alex reached for his coffee and took another sip. "Boring. All of them. I need a challenge. Now Genesis—"

  I hissed.

  "Easy." He grinned. "I was only joking."

  "Joke elsewhere."

  Stephanie and Mason walked into the room, both of them wearing knowing smiles. Did everyone know of my hellish night?

  "Ask him how he slept." Alex winked.

  I threw a fork at his face. He moved his head out of the way, and the fork impaled itself into the wall.

  "He's gotten quicker in his old age," Mason mused.

  "It's all the women who throw things at him," Stephanie agreed. "Makes him quick."

  "Oh please." Alex rolled his eyes. "They throw their bodies at me, would probably sell their souls if they could, and—" He coughed. "Hey, Genesis, you look well-rested. Happy. Content. Beautiful—"

  "Alex." I stood, almost slicing my fingers through the table at his amused expression.

  Genesis did look good.

  Too good.


  Flushed cheeks, red lips, gold hair.

  I let out a groan, gaining everyone's attention, hers included. "Er, sorry… coffee got caught in my throat."

  "You weren't drinking coffee," Alex pointed out.

  "So…" Stephanie held out her hands to Genesis. "The jeans fit? I'm so glad. We'll go shopping later this week for more clothes, so you don't have to keep borrowing my stuff."

  She looked perfect.

  In jeans and a T-shirt.

  My mouth watered the longer I stared.

  Mason coughed.

  I continued staring.

  "Hungry?" Mason moved around the kitchen; pots started banging together. Genesis’s eyes locked onto mine.

  I smiled.

  She blushed harder.

  One. Small. Lick.

  I moved closer, only to be intercepted by Mason. "Let her at least eat before you… do anything."

  I shook myse
lf out of my stupor and gave a firm nod. "Food, right. Eggs?"

  Genesis flashed me a smile then turned her attention to Mason. "Eggs would be great, but I can cook."

  "Nope." Mason shook his head fiercely. "A woman's place is not the kitchen."

  "Really?" Genesis looked dumbfounded.

  "Course not," Alex joined in cheerfully. "It's the bedroom."

  I groaned.

  Genesis let out a small laugh and shook her head. At least she could pick up on when they were joking and didn't stomp back up the stairs in frustration at our backward ways.

  Mason cooked while Alex stole every single ounce of Genesis's attention. Stephanie shared a pitiful look with me. Right, something's wrong in the world when a female siren feels sorry for a vampire.

  I cleared my throat.

  Genesis looked up.

  "Would you like to take a tour of the house while Mason finishes up?"


  I held out my hand.

  "Careful." Alex stood and placed his hands on her shoulders. "If he gets you alone, you may not get breakfast…"

  "Hilarious." I rolled my eyes.

  "If he's hungry, I don't mind feeding him." Genesis's smoldering gaze met mine.

  I swayed a bit on my feet as my fangs dug into my lower lip. I could actually feel my blood soar from my chest out to my fingertips as I anticipated her taste. Hell, I was in deep. My hands started to shake.

  "Careful with your promises, human." Alex's lips curved into a smile. "He may just take you up on it."

  Genesis took my hand, ignoring Alex, thank God, and squeezed.

  We made it as far as the hallway.

  I'd like to think I had enough self-control to make it further than that. I was old, controlled — but I'd never had her before.

  And she made all the difference.

  My fingers dug into the skin on her wrist as I tried to think of a sentence — any sentence — that would make sense, that I could say.

  All I had was "Look, a hallway."

  It was Genesis, the meek, brave little human, who stopped, lifted her head and said, "I don't mind."

  Three words.

  I don't mind.

  Three words. They weren't romantic. They held no lust, no desire, nothing — but to me it was trust. It was her trying.

  So I gently pushed her against the wall and took her mouth with all the slowness she deserved.

  Blood soared through her veins.

  I'd only taken small amounts, enough to satisfy, enough to taste, enough to complete the bond.


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